In her candidate statement, Martinez said she is dedicated to promoting public safety, resident welfare, and economic development in collaboration with the community. Darla Gonzalez: She is the owner and founder of Gonzalez Professional Services, which provides genealogy, accounting and human resources services, as well as grassroots strategic consulting and database management. Guy Stanford Jr., 24, is a self-employed investor. City of Chandler, Arizona on LinkedIn: #ChandlerAZ #BudgetConnect # 0:06. [Chandler has] been a wonderful place to raise my kids, own a business, engage in the community and enjoy the superb quality of life, Poston wrote. I am running for City Council because I believe in Clarksville, Lockwood said. Hobson said she looks to take her vast experience and passion for improving the lives of others by working to expand access to community assistance programs, expanding extracurricular resources for our youth and reforming Clarksvilles juvenile justice system. Margaret Thompson. As close as it gets: Why Arizonas attorney general race is one of tightest in state history, Tom Pettys estate tells Kari Lake to back down on song, The fall of Kathy Hoffman is a huge warning for Arizona Democrats, Thomas Galvin, partner at Rose Law Group, elected Maricopa County Supervisor for District 2, Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema took to the Senate floor and morphed into Sen. I know it will not happen overnight, but I feel very confident that I can fill the void of the community. A special counsel is running Trump probes. To request an appointment with the Mayor, the Vice Mayor, or Councilmembers call Shawn Johnson at (928) 213-2065 or E-MAIL. The views expressed above are not necessarily those of Rose Law Group pc or its associates and are in no way legal advice. Being this young buck will allow me to bring high energy to the City Council and connect more with our residents here in Clarksville., For more: With the right leaders listening to their constituents and working hard for their interests, we will achieve even greater things together in the years to come.. Get to know the six candidates running for three Chandler City Council seats in the Aug. 4 election. As an advocate, I use my voice daily to ensure that the needs are met of the people I work with and their voices are heard. I am a man of God and integrity. Orozco is a payroll and benefits coordinator with the Ontario-Montclair School District, where she has worked since 2001, according to her Facebook page. Election 2022 begins for Chandler mayor, council For more, Tim Chandler, 65, the incumbent Ward 4 councilman, is retired from the Clarksville Police Department. Joe Shakeenab, 52, retired from Army Special Forces as a warrant officer. Letter, Advisory Public Notice - Non-Discriminatory Ad Contracts. I believe in Clarksville, and I strive for transparency in local government. Ruh said in his candidate statement that he will focus on infrastructure repair, improved services for senior citizens, increased funds and support for first responders, economic growth, and funding the L Line, formerly the Gold Line, and other programs. Darla Gonzalez : She is the grassroots director for the Arizona Free Enterprise Club and has lived in Chandler since 2004. Wanda Allen, 43, is a licensed social worker with Fort Campbell Army Community Service and is an Army veteran. We need to be prepared for the amount of growth projected for the next decade. There are 5 candidates vying for 2 seats, their responses are being shared to help the community make informed decisions on who they will vote for in the November 8th election. He has been termed out twice after serving on council from 1990-1998 and 2004 to 2013. Tempers flare as Chandler Council debates NDO I am a conservative Republican. Knowles said he also has a stake in Chesapeake's education. She moved to Chandler in 2004 while she was pregnant and recalls on her website how friendly and supportive neighbors were. Jones, who said she submitted more than 1,500 signatures 500 over the number needed. King served on Chesapeake's School Board for the past four years. Who is running for St. Augusta City Council in the 2022 election Jane Poston: She and her husband own J2 Media and she recently served as chair of the Chandler Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. Who's running for Chesapeake City Council? 3 incumbents face off I will not vote in favor of anything that violates the rights of individuals, that will lead to increased spending and taxes, or that will increase the size, scope, or reach of our government. Vice Mayor Miranda Sweet. Im a conservative running for Ward 12, City Council, Webb said. I want to focus on our community, infrastructure and economy. I want to fight for equity for everyone in Clarksville. Jon Lockwood. Growth is good for the local community as it provides more jobs, increases the presence of larger retail stores, gives more small businesses the opportunity to survive, and with the increase of property tax and sales tax revenues, provides more money to the local government. Candidates had an opportunity to provide recorded and written responses to questions important to the Chandler Chamber community. For more: Call 931-206-4617. Joe Shakeenab. CLOUD The St. I dont want anyone in my ward to have to guess or not know who their councilman is. On the ballot in November are Wards 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11 and 12. Jobs People Learning I have the relevant education, experience and community engagement to contribute to a stronger Clarksville.. I believe the citizens of Clarksville deserve to have their voices represented by their elected officials. This would affect retailers, manufacturers, testing laboratories and commercial cultivation. Councilmember Regina Salas. I am not one of those people seeking office simply because I feel entitled to it, and I will faithfully advocate for the needs and concerns of all Ward 9 citizens. Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 3, and early voting will Oct. 14-29. Election 2022: Gilbert Town Council candidates - News City of Chandler, Arizona in Moses Lake, WA Expand search. The Chandler City Council . Hes a graduate of Montgomery Central High School and of Northwestern University School of Police Staff and Command. Cody Hannah: He is running as a write-in candidate. Heres a look at the candidates in the city election: Kevin Hartke: The current mayor is pastor at Trinity Christian Fellowship in Chandler, where he started working in 1985. He has lived in Clarksville for 12 years. I am known for getting things done, and I want to use that attitude to further Clarksville and get things done for the people. This is a great city and with greater abilities, and I want to see us move in the right direction. Galvin, the son of an immigrant from Honduras, is the first Latino Republican to be elected, Rep. Nadler and supporters of repealing the so-called Defense of Marriage Act, introduce the Respect for Marriage Act in 2009 on Capitol Hill. King said the switch to Chesapeake City Council will give her more room to make a difference in Chesapeake's education. He left office on January 14, 2021. In her candidate statement,. Required fields are marked *. Thirteen people are vying for five open seats on Chesapeake City Council. Mendez is a retired public works superintendent for the city of Montclair. I am running for City Council to put the people and our neighborhoods first, Redd said. Heres a look at each: William Crawford III:He spent 24 years with the Maricopa Community College District and most recently was the vice president at Chandler-Gilbert Community College. I am a strong supporter of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. 1900 W. Broadway Road Tempe, AZ 85282 Phone: 480-898-6500 Email: Previous service includes nine years on City Council, seven years on boards and commissions and 37 years serving as a pastor and community leader. Rene Lopez is an at-large member of the Chandler City Council in Arizona. We must properly manage infrastructure during the continued city growth as we approach build-out while maintaining our strong financial standing, she wrote. She earned a culinary diploma from Bidwell Training in Pittsburgh, attended American Military University, and is a sophomore at Austin Peay State University, majoring in History. We are the second largest city and we are definitely not acting like it.". Councilmember Adam Shimoni. Earlier this year, Cohen ran in the 50th Assembly District primary race, coming in a distant third behind Assembly Majority Leader Eloise Gmez Reyes, D-Colton, and Republican Sheela Stark. We have some amazing teachers, educators, and administrators, I myself have three children on an IEP, there is no reason why parents and educators cant work together to help improve and iron out these processes.. The deadline to submit arguments to the City Clerks office is 5 p.m., May 4. Before he was elected mayor, Dutrey served on the Montclair City Council from 1996 to 2018. He has lived in Clarksville all his life. Citizens deserve unwavering representation and council members who are accessible and active within the community. CLARKSVILLE, Tenn. (CLARKSVILLENOW) Its time for Clarksville citizens to reshape the City Council by electing new members to half of the seats. I dont promise much Id be one representative out of 12 but I do promise to listen, care and try. For more: Go to Facebook, Shakeenab, City Council, Ward 12 I have no hidden agenda or special interest. Ill work to alleviate the traffic going up Boot Hill. Infrastructure, utilities, and school capacity are all factors we need to consider as we continue to meet the housing needs for residents in our community. Jason Miller, a small business owner who has lived in the city for two years. Sam Huang - Ballotpedia We might permanently block any user who abuses these conditions. Brad Morrow, 40, is retired from the Army. She has lived in Clarksville for 18 years. Three incumbents, including Susan Vitale, Ella Ward, and John M. de Triquet, are asking voters to re-elect them to city council. I love Clarksville and the people who make us one of the greatest cities in the country. Email all Councilmembers. Here's who's running for City Council in Clarksville Lopez ( Republican Party) ran for election to the U.S. House to represent Arizona's 4th Congressional District. Ms. Brizel graciously discussed her qualifications . I will be accessible to hear from my constituents. Some of my concerns are traffic, education, housing and industry. I believe principles matter. Ward said she is still fighting to establish a "historical district" in Chesapeake and is an advocate of returning to curbside recycling. I hope to prove to Ward 12 I am that person., For more, Chandler election: Voters head to the polls for competitive mayoral, City Council races Council candidates include Angel Encinas, Darla Gonzalez, Jane Poston, Farhana Shifa and write-in. I strongly support our first responders, law enforcement and educators. Councilmember Khara House. Affordable housing has to be considered for our servicemen and women stationed at Fort Campbell and first-time home buyers wishing to reside in Clarksville.. Karen Reynolds, 57, is a business process analyst at Blanchfield Army Community Hospital, Fort Campbell, and is retired from the Army as a master sergeant. I want Clarksville to continue to be one of the best places in America to live, Brown said. 0:00. Your email address will not be published. The campaign season for the 2022 municipal elections is officially underway in Chandler. She was enlisted in the Air Force and has degrees in Applied Health Science from Austin Peay State University and Volunteer State Community College. Independent media With current council member John Anderson not running for re-election, Vice Mayor Michelle Cordes and council member Judy Hughes are seeking to retain their seats on Florence City Council. The tax would be funneled into the citys general fund for various programs. I am running for office because I believe I represent the average citizen here in Clarksville, Evans said. In addition to the races for mayor and three Council seats, voters will also decide the home rule question. Im not looking for a title, Im looking to make Clarksville a better, safer place for you, your children and grandchildren as well as my own. Matt Orlando is a veteran and former small business owner who is running for re-election because he wants to continue serving his community on a daily basis. However, I see opportunities where I can collaborate with colleagues and local partners to make it even better. He graduated from Queen City Barber College and is enrolled at Austin Peay State University in Engineering Technology. Christine Ellis OD Harris New Council members Christine Ellis and OD Harris were sworn in to four-year terms. This blog should be used for informational purposes only. 35 talking about this. I will work with city and community leaders to ensure we retain and recruit top companies to our city., For more: Measure II seeks voter guidance on whether they would like to amend the Montclair Municipal Code and legalize and license medical and adult-use cannabis businesses in the city. Allen Sells, a finance professional who has lived in Roswell for 27 years. Nine people are vying for the vacant council seat left by Vice Mayor Nora Ellen, who is running for the state Legislature. He assumed office in 2017. The legalization of cannabis businesses would still have to be voted on and changed by council. A runoff election was scheduled for November 3, 2020. If you need legal advice, please contact an attorney in your community who can assess the specifics of your situation. I stand for limited government, fiscal responsibility, and individual liberty., For more: She lists her priorities as maintaining fiscal policies that are conservative and supporting public safety. "I have a vision," said Smith. The selected applicant will be sworn in June 29 and servethe remainder of Ellens term, which ends in 2021. Get more Tweets that make Twitter worthwhile! Dates to know July 6: Voter registration deadline July 8: Ballots mailed, in-person. He has lived in Clarksville/Montgomery County for 10 years. Long time political operative Craig Chandler is running for Calgary's Ward 12 seat. She has volunteered and served on the boards of a number of nonprofits, including the Chandler Education Foundation and Women in Leadership. City elections in Chandler, Arizona (2022) - Ballotpedia Example video title will go here for this video, Twists on Classic Dishes | Cooking with Styles. Eight candidates are vying for three open seats on the Chandler City Council in the Aug. 30 primary election. Having lived in other cities, I have an appreciation for Clarksvilles charm, amazing school system, and rich history. Orozco said she will support the construction of the L Line, find funds for youth and senior programs, and support development of more affordable housing. In his candidate statement, Mendez said that he has 29 years of experience in different sections of city maintenance, from vehicles and equipment for police and fire to park and street maintenance. He lost in the Republican primary on August 2, 2022. Being a part of the Montgomery County Veterans Coalition and learning of the organizations that work to be a resource, is humbling yet inspiring. He teaches justice studies and education as an adjunct professor at Northern Arizona University. said Knowles. Now he's running in Ward 12. Melissa Eldridge, 52, owns 1-On-1 Care Matters, which provides home care for disabled seniors and veterans, and is a retired licensed physical therapist assistant. I will fight for the people whenever I can. Juliet Orozco Orozco is a payroll and benefits coordinator with the Ontario-Montclair School District, where she has worked since 2001, according to her Facebook page. I will hold regular and informative community meetings. 2022 elections: Meet the city council candidates in metro Phoenix In the fight for restoring the principles of liberty and justice for all, no candidate for Clarksville City Council will stand more firm on these than I. Jordan Darling started her journalism career in 2021 as the editor of The Log newspaper before moving on to join the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin in 2022. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Brian Economy, a retired Navy sailor and self-proclaimed "outsider" said he recently made Chesapeake his home and therefore has an unbiased view of the city. I feel that I have the resources and connections to do just about anything that the city needs. Little is unopposed for the Ward 3 seat. As a retired Marine and owner of two preschools, Knowles said he wants to use a city council position to give a platform for teachers and parents. As chairman of the Street Department, I have helped improve paving of our streets and have added more sidewalks. She assumes office on January 12, 2023. In the city's first contested mayoral race in 16 years . Beth Brizel wants to get Forward Results for the Chandler Community Mostly, I just volunteered to be a voice for the people, to get government power back in the hands of the citizens. The campaign season for the 2022 city election is officially underway in Chandler. I want to encourage regular and younger folks that they can do this, too. Mayor Javier Dutrey faces challenger Oscar Miranda, and voters will decide between four candidates for two council seats. As a result, over the past 10 years, there has been "an overwhelming destruction of small business" in Calgary. A large sidewalk project is underway for Fort Campbell Boulevard and is in the late planning stages. The primary election is August 2. She said she is committed to maintaining safety and improving community resources. survey, hiring an outside contractor to run it. The following are the candidates, along with their contact information, who met the nomination qualifications and will have their name listed on the ballot. The current council has not been eager to pass a NDO, with only Harris and Matt Orlando supporting one. Taking a look at the various entities within the city and county, and hearing about their challenges, was thought-provoking. Matt Orlando,. Melissa Eldridge. Leadership Clarksville, Class of 2017, was an eye-opening educational experience for me. Thousands of runners partake in Chartway Norfolk Harbor Half Marathon, 'More than just football players' | Remembering victims of UVA shooting, FORECAST: Stronger winds and colder temperatures today, 13News Now Weather at 8 a.m. - November 20, Chesapeake residents hope curbside recycling returns, discuss alternatives, Candidates for Chesapeake City Council discuss priorities, goals. He has a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from Austin Peay State University and has lived in Clarksville all his life. I enjoy learning, helping others, and being challenged mentally and physically. I believe in fiscal stewardship and a balancing the citys budgetary focus to address all neighborhoods needs, not just downtown. Your email address will not be published. Incumbent Mark Stewart, who was re-elected, also was sworn in for his second four-year term. In her candidate statement, Orozco said she plans to collaborate with residents on public safety goals and economic growth opportunities. I have a very flexible job that will allow me more time to look at an issue when told by our voters. Heres who is running for Montclair City, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Thanksgiving 2022: What Southern California casinos are serving this holiday season, Heres who is running for Montclair City Council and mayor in Nov. 8 election, San Bernardino to hire 10 more police officers with $1.25 million federal grant, San Bernardino County supervisors approve 213-acre Bloomington industrial park, Offensive emails tar Redondo Beach mayor, slow-growth allies, Park could be renamedafter man who battled Seccombe to desegregate San Bernardino pools, Here are the latest election results for Inland Empire races and measures, Rep. Pete Aguilar bids to become 3rd-ranking House Democratic leader. Cloud Times asked the St. Augusta City Council candidates four questions about themselves and their goals if elected to office Nov. 8. Assisting people to achieve the American dream has been rewarding and I want to make that difference here for everyone in my hometown.. Chandler election results: Hartke sails to 2nd term as mayor Meet The Candidates - Chandler Chamber of Commerce He has lived in Clarksville for 31 years. She is a student at Liberty University and a candidate in the Doctoral in Educational Leadership Program. Clarksville is an amazing community thats been very good to my family, Thompson said. Adam Walker, 24, is a representative with U.S. Law Shield and is CEO/co-owner of Cerberus Security. The voters in my opinion are my boss, so I shall be their voice.. Ellis and Harris replace Sam Huang and Jeremy McClymonds. The candidates running for the seat are: Sarah Beeson, a small business executive who has lived in Roswell for five years. Chandler City Council considering expanding backyard chicken laws At the end of the day, I wish Clarksville to be where my children want to stay and raise their families as my wife and I have. We know we get results and our list of outstanding clients speaks to the quality of our work. She has covered local politics, coastal news, the environment, and education. The tax rate would start at 0% and could be raised to a maximum of 7% by the council but it is dependent on the city attorney finding that commercial cannabis activities are lawful in the city. Hes lived in Clarksville all his life. Sam Huang was an at-large member of the Chandler City Council in Arizona. Get posts youll want to read find us on Facebook! Faye Hobson, 57, is a retired Department of Defense Education Activity teacher and served as director of Child Youth Services on several installations. I plan to build a mental health outreach and in-reach programs to support our public servants and shelters assisting the most vulnerable citizens of our community. The ordinance will make businesses move junk abandoned vehicles out of sight and keep their lots clean and free of debris and trash. Clarksville is experiencing an increase in growth, and I believe that working with the City Council and the Regional Planning Commission we can manage this growth, Norris said. Wallace Redd. Patricia King is the opposite of a new face. Election 2022 begins for Chandler mayor, council, Chandler teams ready for the Open Division, Rohrs, Serrano win board race as Mesnard takes LD13, Chandlers new chicken law could face referendum, Hamilton beats Chandler with walk-off field goal, Chandler Council OKs non-discrimination ordinance. David Webb, 38, is a U.S. Air Force veteran. According to her biography on the citys website, Martinez serves on the public works, real estate and human services committees. I will be fair, open and honest with everyone. Smith is a retired deputy sheriff and said if he is elected, he will focus on bringing businesses and amenities to improve the quality of life for all Chesapeake residents. Watched it grow. See the candidates (in alphabetical . Rose Law Group is a full service real estate and business Law Firm practicing in the areas of land use/entitlements, real estate transactions, real estate due diligence/project management, special districts, tax law, water law, business litigation, corporate formation, intellectual property, asset protection, data breach/privacy law, ADA compliance, estate planning, family law, cyber-law, online reputation and defamation, lobbying, energy and renewable energy, tax credits/financing, employment law, Native American law, equine law, DUIs, and medical marijuana, among others. He said public safety remains his top priority, stating, Last year, I led the effort to hire an additional 29 police officers and fire fighters and will continue pressing the Council to hire additional first responders to meet our growing demand for services.. Christopher Lanier, 40, is a landscape contractor with Lanier Lawn & Landscaping. All I want to see is the continued growth of this great city, Walker said. I will work with the mayor and City Council members to increase the budgets of all the departments that are working to solve the growth issues in Clarksville. Scott Comperry, 49,is sales manager for Star Countertops. Matt Orlando for City Council There are two measures on the ballot next month an advisory measure to direct the council to amend city ordinances to allow for the legalization of cannabis businesses within the city, and another to create a general business tax on those businesses. Montclair voters will decide Nov. 8 on two City Council seats, a mayor, and two ballot measures related to the legalization and taxation of cannabis businesses in the city. Most importantly, someone real who will always put people over politics. I am running to fight for the concern of speeding motorists in our neighborhoods, lack of sidewalks for children walking to school or bus stops and adults trying to access the CTS bus stops, she said. She has a Bachelor of Science in Occupational Education from Wayland Baptist University and a bachelors degree in Liberal Arts from Excelsior College. I will be a councilman that my community will be proud of. Through my work experience in project management, healthcare informatics, Veterans Benefits Administration and health technology training, I learned to work as a productive team member with people from widely varied backgrounds, to listen well and to communicate concisely and effectively all skills necessary to represent you and our Ward 9 neighbors on the Clarksville City Council., For more: Chris Smith is editor-in-chief of I will use that same voice to ensure that our community needs are met and the voices of our community are heard. As the youngest candidate, my drive and determination is met by none. I look forward to working with other council members to benefit Clarksville. Just as families have to cut spending and live within a budget so should government. The current mayor and councilmembers are listed below. I enjoy serving in my community, Shakeenab said. Trisha Butler, 37, is a reporter for Scoop Clarksville. City Council Meetings & Agendas | City of Chandler Roe, a Republican, is running for the state House in Legislative District 12, which covers northern Chandler, while Lopez is one of six GOP hopefuls running for a chance to challenge incumbent Congressman Greg Stanton in the fall. A primary was scheduled for August 4, 2020. Taylor's campaign war chest stands at more . The city must ask voters every four years to allow it to override spending limits imposed in a constitutional amendment. I pushed for the no trespassing signs on our state property, I support Manna Cafe for the work they do with our homeless population. Incumbent Sam Huang did not seek re-election in 2020. By our voters i dont want anyone in my community, infrastructure and economy May., manufacturers, testing laboratories and commercial cultivation need legal advice its and. Open seats on the citys budgetary focus to address all neighborhoods needs, not just downtown grassroots director for City... 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