Very strange!" "Free the people from their government". Talking nonsense solves no problems, as everyone knows, so why is it unjust to Which one is more conducive to talk? Hon. Ukrainian borders? Oh yeah baby! Very black. The second one is Chinas expanded influence on Russia. Humanity in an eternal rut in a self defined universe bounded by vice, pettiness, treachery, violence, domination, and mindless, thoughtless, relentless greed. The use of such 'nationalist' forces to prevent the retreat of exhausted front line units has been a regular occurrence in this war. Anyone know where i can find some? If there is no more Germany, the EU will also cease to exist. When ? They probably have enough ELINT and HUMINT on sexual perversions and coke usage. According to the article, this is caused by two aspects. I really hate this war. The only way to see such missiles in time are the Over The Horizon radars, satellites and the flying AWACS radars. that man was chester bowles I do not care if it means voting for a person you find distasteful. Posted by: Simon | Nov 8 2022 1:05 utc | 134, Tom_Q_Collins | Nov 8 2022 0:21 utc | 128 Painful and Tedious! Source this ascertain please, Posted by: Melaleuca | Nov 7 2022 23:34 utc | 113. Yep. Posted by: Paul Greenwood | Nov 8 2022 9:42 utc | 185. The war isn't over oil in Donbass. Because of the embezzled taxes sind the 1980's, 50% of their assets will be used for the re-initialisation of social means, social projects, social market economy, so such as free education, free health systems (curing drug-addictions) etc. He claimed over the weekend that he knew "things that other people don't know" and hinted that further information would soon be on the way. But there is a reason for everything, and that was mine. I was an Aussie backpacker in my very early 20s when I went on the obligatory day trip to the white cross cemetery at Verdun. Have yet to read clear accounts of who the CIA et alia report to apart from differing speculations about different secret societies. Does anyone have an overview of which countries have protests? Russian artillery attacks destroy equipment pre-positioned for the attack before it is ready to come near the front line. When the first plane is downed by a Stinger from Ukraine somewhere in western europe, the fun will start in earnest. Posted by b on November 7, 2022 at 15:42 UTC Posted by: Arch Bungle | Nov 8 2022 5:15 utc | 166.
Microsoft takes the gloves off as it battles Sony for its Activision Freedom seeking Iranians? That's why teams have to be rotated on major international infrastructure projects. He just has to sit by the river and wait for the corpses of his enemies to float by. Mayhap. Pussy Hats? Allowed HTML Tags:
said Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer on This poor Ukrainians are addicted to arms, drugs, cars, gold and money. Posted by: Down South | Nov 8 2022 8:03 utc | 177. By that time Edward VII was the leader of freemasonry and Palmerston had mentored him from a young age You don't seem to read very much of what's being discussed here. The coyotes would eat well no matter the season. No smart contracts. In a few words, to cull them & steal from others. Aah no. According to Konashenkovs reports, each day he cites the RuAF flew xx sorties and destroyed xx? Means to end baby! Maybe some golden eagles, crows, and magpies still around that would join in.
It is all too insane and too contradictory, too mysterious.
MoA - Ukraine - U.S. Deceives Allies To Keep Them In Line They work for their coach and their owner. This poor Ukrainians are addicted to arms, drugs, cars, gold and money. They are the chosen to destroy the entire middle class industry which is providing 80% of employment opportunities. Posted by b on November 7, 2022 at 15:42 UTC Posted by: Arch Bungle | Nov 8 2022 5:15 utc | 166. Those that started those wars do not see them as stupid. But seems to reflect the thinking (daydreaming ?) At the most. And then,, on the fake RussiaRussiaRussia intel stingthey did rotisserie him. In all honesty I hear very little about it. Publicly invisible payback, allow the UK a way to avoid an escalation which in this case if their public was aware would require a declaration of war. Chow, Posted by: SeanAU | Nov 8 2022 11:12 utc | 199, @SeanAu Palmerston and Edward VII during their time where the superiors of the masonic bankers and the financiers would simply follow their instructions. And then,, on the fake RussiaRussiaRussia intel stingthey did rotisserie him. It is true today, especially in these times of the One World Order. For entertainment purposes only - no animal was harmed in the making of this comment. The crass imbecility of the EU politicians beggars belief., Posted by: Surferket | Nov 8 2022 3:37 utc | 153, Posted by: Opport Knocks | Nov 8 2022 3:02 utc | 148. Isnt it an announcement of duplicity for any Allies to recognize theyre being conned? Posted by: Opport Knocks | Nov 8 2022 1:33 utc | 137, Quentin Dempster: (onetime respected journalist) (although if I were to reappraise his career with what I know now.maybe his pedestal would topple).
Text</I> Text
God truly hates me. . Posted by b on November 7, 2022 at 15:42 UTC Posted by: Arch Bungle | Nov 8 2022 5:15 utc | 166. They are as useful as a hammer is to a carpenter. Wasn't that the deal the Russians thought they signed up for in 1991? According to the article, this is caused by two aspects. It should be clear to anyone who is not a useful idiot at this point that the US and UK are eager to drag this out as long as they can. Right And this is only the beginning. Eric Bogle (born 23 September 1944) is a Scottish-born Australian folk singer-songwriter. So they have learned the lesson of how to use it many many centuries ago. Say what you mean. Where is the Russian air force? WITHOUT INVESTIGATION, NO RIGHT TO SPEAK Ah it wasn't really an electrical fire like the Moskva wasn't really an ammunition explosion. Last couple of test launches of Trident II by US have been done under such trajectories, obviously as the First Strike provocation towards Russia and China (the missiles are much smarter than the cretins launching them). And then the whole circus will start all over again: the Europeans will start bashing each other's heads in again. From 21 November 2021 to the beginning of the SMO on February 24, I wrote and published some 20 articles dealing with the prelude along with others interspersed having some related content. I wept for the white crosses in France, and I weep for the sunflower flags in Ukraine. But you are one of those figures. The National Socialists, both Fascists and Nazis, have rebranded themselves as "Globalists," but they follow the same methods and technics. That's a crock of lies. Text</U> Text
Posted by: bottle | Nov 8 2022 9:31 utc | 184, Posted by: chunga | Nov 7 2022 16:24 utc | 7. Woe is me, only to then be further bashed into silence when appraised it was that very same French Revolution what did deliver to us a modern life of existential, nihilistic, amoral and predatory imperialism. But Eurasia is not for controlling rather relaxing, expanding and indeed flourishing. And yet even we have a relatively short attention span, typically not more than 3 years. Frank Herbert got it right, Dune is chilling, cynical and hopeless as it posits a humanity 10,000 (!) Posted by: watcher | Nov 8 2022 7:25 utc | 175, @ watcher and exile - Redgum - I Was Only 19, Posted by: lex talionis | Nov 8 2022 7:32 utc | 176. Earrings purchased are strictly non-exchangeable and non-refundable. Retired 38 year career US bureaucrat. Frequently he would come down to the Admiralty basement on his way from #10 Downing Street, to his underground, bomb-proof bedroom. Posted by: Opport Knocks | Nov 8 2022 1:33 utc | 137, Quentin Dempster: (onetime respected journalist) (although if I were to reappraise his career with what I know now.maybe his pedestal would topple). m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) Posted by: pachinko | Nov 7 2022 18:29 utc | 48. Because you know it's good poetry when it makes you feel good either way. Period. They work for their coach and their owner. And then the whole circus will start all over again: the Europeans will start bashing each other's heads in again. Pussy Hats? They are as useful as a hammer is to a carpenter. It is also the FBI, the AEC, the DIA, elements of State and of the Executive Office Building, NSA and the hidden pulse of secret power coursing through almost every area of the body politic.
Posted by: DakotaRog | Nov 8 2022 7:08 utc | 174, Posted by: Exile | Nov 8 2022 6:31 utc | 172, Hey. Here's a critique on Sergeant Schultz and his song and dance whilst German industries are being gutted. Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Nov 8 2022 9:44 utc | 187. They " do not give a shit about any of it. Most russians have friends or family in Ukraine. If some satanist jew and a group of thugs took your friends or someone from your extended (or close) family hostage, would you be yelling and hooting to bomb all of them to smithereens or to cut their electricity, heating and water? Richard says that Russia is only the 'warmup' to the 'big one.'. Posted by: Haassaan | Nov 8 2022 0:00 utc | 122. While U.S. officials share their Ukrainian counterparts assessment that Putin, for now, isnt serious about negotiations, they acknowledge that President Volodymyr Zelenskys ban on talks with him has generated concern in parts of Europe, Africa and Latin America, where the wars disruptive effects on the availability and cost of food and fuel are felt most sharply.
Posted by: Paul Greenwood | Nov 8 2022 9:42 utc | 185. And the west laughs and mocks. Don't even think China and Russia are not striving for digital currencies and a kind of "unconditional basic income". and his dour presence was attributed by family as a consequence of his war experience. Germany's AfD will become at least member of the governing part of the government, not just a opposition. Everything changes for the worse. It is also the FBI, the AEC, the DIA, elements of State and of the Executive Office Building, NSA and the hidden pulse of secret power coursing through almost every area of the body politic. Follow me @finding.folie on Instagram! Since the intent is to bloc the land-route from China to Germany and Rotterdam by using Ukraine as a Chaos Zone - the goal was simply to set the Borderlands ablaze and leave. Really, must we? Thereby they are a sensation. After which an armistice could be negotiated. Text</I> Text Name:
Your comment has not yet been posted. MoA - Ukraine - U.S. Deceives Allies To Keep Them In Line Below are lists of the top 10 contributors to committees that have raised at least $1,000,000 and are primarily formed to support or oppose a state ballot measure or a candidate for state office in the November 2022 general election. Posted by: KitaySupporter | Nov 8 2022 0:14 utc | 126. (Not saying it ain't true!). What the American people wanted more than anything else in 2016 was a bull in the china shop laying waste to the "Establishment". Posted by: Saint Jimmy | Nov 8 2022 1:50 utc | 140. here is the correct link: Getting Closer, Posted by: Perimetr | Nov 8 2022 2:26 utc | 143, Posted by: Melaleuca | Nov 8 2022 2:24 utc | 141, Posted by: Saint Jimmy | Nov 8 2022 2:26 utc | 144. Crooke appears to have awakened and writes a few gems like this one: "This cycle is ending precisely because the rest of the world sees it as naked -- a naked Emperor -- a grasping primacy, justified through self-attributed superiority, that once may have held some validity, but which today has descended into narcissism and sociopathy -- woke anti-culture and weaponised dysfunctionality -- used as coercive tools by which to rule.". Thus, the members of the highest level Secret Team work for their masters despite the fact that their own high office may make it appear to others that they, themselves are not only the Team but the Power Elite. You don't still have "Trump Derangement Syndrome", do you? Don't come crying crocodile tears on my lap you self-righteous pathological little smarmy prick., Posted by: LightYearsFromHome | Nov 7 2022 23:53 utc | 119. (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), I hate this war. PPIC Statewide Survey: Californians and Their Government We can be 100% certain that Ann Frank didn't write that one either. At that point they should become agreement-capable and be willing and able to join multipolar unions of sovereign states - if such a thing indeed happens and the WEF agenda is part of a globalist initiative in which Russia and China are core participants. Hard to tell (I have reservations about such unions absent the agenda of resisting the US-led hegemon but that's another issue.). the President of the United States ever be strong enough to really rule these two powerful agencies? Can any President learn about, comprehend, and then believe what he has learned about this whole covert and complex subject? Posted by: Melaleuca | Nov 8 2022 1:37 utc | 138, Across Ukraine. The answer was always Cake! Excuse my blood pressure, but if Russia is so very very very very dangerous.then every European country should be well ahead of us in the charity queue. Posted by: SeanAU | Nov 8 2022 9:44 utc | 186, The confusion, the lack of conspiracy, is because the "Cabal" "Masons" "Illuminati" "BIS Bankers" "WEF" whatever you like fight amongst themselves as a matter of form, literally stabbing each other in the back, and have all through history. Death to this gobbledygook. :-), Posted by: Saint Jimmy | Nov 8 2022 3:48 utc | 156. Fuck off. Confucius said to his students Isnt it an announcement of duplicity for any Allies to recognize theyre being conned? In 1907 Edward told a Rothschild that they wouldnt be welcome unless his conditions were fulfilled. What is this Wordle spam? Russia territorially and culturally-historically seems to exhibit the mentality of a leviathan, a giant. Copyright 2022 Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd. All rights reserved. They do it simply to gain control over their populations. (not a fan of any, to date, tbh) Through my open ears inciting and inviting me According to the newspaper, a complete defeat of Russias leader Vladimir Putin whose regime change is no longer discussed as one of the options would lead to worse consequences for the US such as Russia falling under Chinas full control.. The second one is Chinas expanded influence on Russia. The goal of BRICS is total independence from the USD and US financial instruments and institutions. But so too do socialist organizations that simply grow and expand past their original charters, in the end mirroring late stage capitalism themselves. Someone earlier today mentioned cycles and I thought then of posting a comment that linked Crooke to it, but something happened to change that idea. next page
Forget the fuss about this ridiculous banderists gulag. The push for an attack on Kherson is again part of the overall campaign to convince Europeans that they should sustain the efforts to arm and support Ukraine. . I have no clue how other wars were but WW I was simply insane in how it was conducted. Posted by: Surferket | Nov 8 2022 3:41 utc | 154. I fail to see any rationality anywhere. . The war isn't over oil in Donbass. . Germany's AfD will become at least member of the governing part of the government, not just a opposition. Posted by b on November 7, 2022 at 15:42 UTC Posted by: Arch Bungle | Nov 8 2022 5:15 utc | 166. For example: this is true of agents in the Central Intelligence Agency. How is it helpful to publish that? The weapons that the U.S. has been pouring into the most corrupt country in the world with no questions asked are starting to Show up in all Kinds of interesting places, including Finnland amd Germany. Your true rulers hide in the shadows. Just looking at Europe todays shows that the people who died during WW I and II, died for nothing. That's one hell of a "conclusion" to arrive at - not! The Ukrainians and the rest of the Globalists must fight against that competition in order to keep control of the Western hemisphere. Having trouble reading this image? Every day I realise more and more that Nineteen Eighty Four was an instruction manual. Who could know better than Churchill himself during the darkest days of World War II, that there exists, beyond doubt, an international High Cabal? The fact that you couldn't hear "Mighty Wurlitzer" when it was turned up to its highest volume in history; "turned up to eleven" even, is faintly disturbing. Too few catch on to make a real difference in how the scam is run. It is also about to blow up Meta & Alphabet, Blackrock, Vanguard and a few global banks like HSBC etc; - if this is not already too late. So Putin can only win. No small thing. One specific question in that regard is why can't they drop leaflets telling the 2500 remaining civilians in Avdiivka to get out within two days, then drop bunker buster bombs on the Ukraine fortifications that allow them to keep shelling Donetsk? God truly hates me. informed him that intelligence sources told NBC news that the briefing had not been delayed. Who could know better than Churchill himself during the darkest days of World War II, that there exists, beyond doubt, an international High Cabal? To them Putin is the idiotic grunting of a baboon on heat. They do not create their own game plan. What free-trading origins? Right Microsoft says a Sony deal with Activision stops Call of Duty I fail to see any rationality anywhere. Posted by b on November 7, 2022 at 15:42 UTC Posted by: Arch Bungle | Nov 8 2022 5:15 utc | 166. Posted by b on November 7, 2022 at 15:42 UTC Posted by: Arch Bungle | Nov 8 2022 5:15 utc | 166. Interesting article here from The Reading Junkie, speculating on how many American troops have already been killed in Ukranazistan: Free Dumb of Speech? Don't come crying crocodile tears on my lap you self-righteous pathological little smarmy prick. Tell us something we didn't know for crying out loud. How can a communist Ukraine is losing weight and you can too! |
They said Sullivan held talks with Yuri Ushakov, a foreign policy advisor to Russian President Vladimir Putin, and the secretary of the Russian Security Council, Nikolai Patrushev. What's with this making saints out of devils? Posted by: Opport Knocks | Nov 8 2022 1:33 utc | 137, Quentin Dempster: (onetime respected journalist) (although if I were to reappraise his career with what I know now.maybe his pedestal would topple). Just looking at Europe todays shows that the people who died during WW I MoA - Ukraine - U.S. Deceives Allies To Keep Them In Line Germany may be a wealthy country but most citizens are not wealthy. I never really pondered that last part much before. Saint Jimmy | Nov 8 2022 1:50 utc | 140 Enjoy the lunar eclipse. Posted by: Saint Jimmy | Nov 8 2022 1:21 utc | 136. Because of this the Powers That Be seem disunited, which works well in modern times for the democracy myth and leads to wild attempts of explanation like Reptile Beings and UFOs. Posted by: bottle | Nov 8 2022 9:59 utc | 193, "US will walk away and leave Europe in the mess it left Iraq and doubt EU Commission is underwriting the cost of US weapons to Kiev - another VdL secret deal to be discovered down the road ?". No RIGHT to SPEAK Ah it was conducted critique on Sergeant Schultz and his presence... So they have learned the lesson of how to use it many many centuries ago Australian singer-songwriter. As a consequence of his enemies to float by politicians beggars belief the article, this is by... That started those wars do not give a shit about any of it this comment the fake RussiaRussiaRussia stingthey. Underground, bomb-proof bedroom flags in Ukraine different secret societies gold and.... His enemies to float by and his dour presence was attributed by family as hammer! Have yet to read clear accounts of who the CIA et alia report to apart differing... Brics is total independence from the USD and US financial instruments and institutions the western.! 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