(2)An issuer who registers the transfer of a debt obligation on an unauthorized endorsement is liable for improper registration. (b)if two bodies corporate are affiliates of the same body corporate at the same time, they are deemed to be affiliates of each other. (2)A good faith purchaser who receives a new, reissued or re-registered debt obligation and who registers a transfer guarantees only that the purchaser has no knowledge of any unauthorized signature in a necessary endorsement. (c)two or more offices of the corporation may be held by the same person. (c)any further information respecting the financial position of the corporation and the results of its operations required by the articles, the by-laws or any unanimous member agreement. (b)it bears a statement that it is in registered form. Sixty years of separate but equal. WebWicked FleshNow in Paperback! (3)The members of a corporation that has only one class or group of members have the right to vote at any meeting of the members. 254(1)An application made or an action brought or intervened in under this Part shall not be stayed or dismissed by reason only that it is shown that an alleged breach of a right or duty owed to the corporation or its subsidiary has been or might be approved by the members of that body corporate, but evidence of approval by the members may be taken into account by the court in making an order under section 224, 252 or 253. This episode was placed eighth of the season in the original broadcast, and on the DVD. (3)The Director is not required to keep or produce any document or class of documents other than a certificate and any attached articles or statement received under section 276 and other prescribed documents or prescribed class of documents after the end of the prescribed period for the keeping or production of the document or class of documents. (a)failed for the prescribed period to comply with the requirements of this Act with respect to the holding of annual meetings of members; (b)contravened subsection 17(2) or section 22, 23, 174 or 175; or. (7)On the application of a corporation or an individual or entity referred to in subsection (1), a court may approve an indemnity under this section and make any further order that it thinks fit. Garibaldi is surprised when an old friend comes to Babylon 5 to fight in the, A man comes to Babylon 5 asking the alien ambassadors for information that can help him with his quest to find the Holy Grail, while a Downbelow gangster gives security problems by. A deadly plague threatens the Markab race with extinction, leaving Franklin in a race against time to find the cure before even more species are infected. When President Clark dissolves Earth's Senate and declares martial law throughout the Earth Alliance, the command crew must find a way to stop Nightwatch from taking over Babylon 5. 139An act of a director or an officer is valid despite an irregularity in their election or appointment or a defect in their qualification. (4)The name of a body corporate may be in an English form, a French form, an English form and a French form, or a combined English and French form, so long as the combined form meets any prescribed criteria. Famous entertainers Rebo and Zooty (. (a)the person who is specified by the debt obligation or by a special endorsement to be entitled to the debt obligation; (b)if the person described in paragraph (a) is described as a fiduciary but is no longer serving as one, either that person or their successor; (c)if the debt obligation or endorsement mentioned in paragraph (a) specifies more than one person as fiduciaries and one or more of those persons is no longer a fiduciary, the remaining fiduciary or fiduciaries, whether or not a successor has been appointed or qualified; (d)if the person described in paragraph (a) is an individual and is without capacity to act by reason of death, minority or incapability, the persons fiduciary; (e)if the debt obligation or endorsement mentioned in paragraph (a) specifies more than one person with a right of survivorship and by reason of death not all of the persons can sign, the survivor or survivors; (f)a person who has the legal power to sign; or. President Clark tries to seize control of Babylon 5 by force, forcing Sheridan and the command crew to declare Babylon Five an independent state, breaking away from Earth Alliance, and taking arms against Clark's government. (ii)from collecting or receiving any debt or other property of the corporation and from paying out or transferring any property of the corporation, except as permitted by the court; (i)the duty of any present or former director, officer or member to the corporation, or. Nancy Drew: Canceled after season 4, which premieres in 2023. (a)at the meeting at which a proposed contract or transaction is first considered; (b)if the director was not, at the time of the meeting referred to in paragraph (a), interested in the proposed contract or transaction, at the first meeting after the director becomes so interested; (c)if the director becomes interested after a contract or transaction is made, at the first meeting after the director becomes so interested; or. (3)A certificate referred to in subsection (2) issued by the Director may be dated as of the day the Director receives the articles, statement or court order under which the certificate is issued or as of any later day specified by the court or person who signed the articles or statement. In 2019, he directed Hobbs & Shaw, a spin-off of the Fast & Furious franchise. (3)On receiving the requisition referred to in subsection (1), the directors shall call a meeting of members to transact the business stated in the requisition, unless. Fixed an issue that caused After Effects to crash when the migrate preferences dialog was up. Sign Up Franklin continues his walkabout through Down Below. (c)any other matter relating to the affairs of the corporation. Motion is years ahead of After Effects. Sixty years of separate but equal. In the absence of competition, the more products like AE stagnate and longer time there is between upgrades. 60All other defences of an issuer, including non-delivery and conditional delivery of a debt obligation, are ineffective against a good faith purchaser. (9)On the application of a member submitting a proposal who is aggrieved by the refusal, a court may restrain the holding of the meeting at which the proposal is sought to be presented and make any further order that it thinks fit. (3)If so requested by the member who submits a proposal, the corporation shall include in the notice of meeting a statement in support of the proposal by the member and the name and address of the member. (5)A meeting called under this section shall be called as nearly as possible in the manner in which meetings are to be called under the by-laws and this Part. Lyta Alexander returns to Babylon 5. So, for instance, much of Western civilizationlaw, philosophy, aesthetics could be called the undying legacy of ancient Greece. To say that After effects is a product thats over, is as stupid as saying that Photoshop is over.. In 2022, he also directed Brad Pitt in the action-thriller Bullet Train. 1. (c)declaring that they have made the examination or investigation that they believe necessary to enable them to make their statutory declaration, certificate, opinion or report. 86(1)A person who guarantees the signature of an endorser of a debt obligation warrants that, at the time of signing, the signer was an appropriate person to endorse and the signature was genuine. (3)If a minimum and maximum number of directors is provided for in the articles, the members may, from time to time by ordinary resolution, fix the number of directors of the corporation and the number of directors to be elected at annual meetings of the members or delegate those powers to the directors. 173On the application of a corporation, the Director may exempt the corporation, on any terms that the Director thinks fit, from any requirement in this Part if the Director reasonably believes that the detriment that may be caused to the corporation by the requirement outweighs its benefit to the members or, in the case of a soliciting corporation, the public. (2)Any person described in subsection (1) and debt obligation holders, on payment of any reasonable fee and on sending to a corporation or its agent or mandatary the statutory declaration referred to in subsection (5), may on application require the corporation or its agent or mandatary to furnish within the prescribed period a list of members setting out the prescribed information and updated in accordance with the regulations. (metteur), officermeans an individual appointed as an officer under section 142, the chairperson of the board of directors, the president, a vice-president, the secretary, the treasurer, the comptroller, the general counsel, the general manager or a managing director of a corporation, or any other individual who performs functions for a corporation similar to those normally performed by an individual occupying any of those offices. (2)If requested to do so by the incorporators or a corporation, the Director shall assign to the corporation as its name a designating number followed by the word Canada and a prescribed term. (10)Notice of a meeting of members at which special business is to be transacted shall, (a)state the nature of that business in sufficient detail to permit a member to form a reasoned judgment on the business; and. 199(1)The members of a class or group of members are, unless the articles otherwise provide in the case of an amendment referred to in paragraphs (a) and (e), entitled to vote separately as a class or group on a proposal to make an amendment referred to in subsection 197(1) to. (A)a member, director, officer or employee of the corporation at the time of the request, (B)a spouse of a person referred to in clause (A) or an individual who is cohabiting with that person in a conjugal relationship, having so cohabited for a period of at least one year, or. (4)If a corporation acquires a name as a result of a person undertaking to dissolve or to change names, and the undertaking is not honoured, the Director may direct the corporation to change its name in accordance with section 197, unless the undertaking is honoured within the period specified in subsection (5). Adobe is losing my faith and sooner or later, I only will use Photoshop from Adobe. (2)Two or more wholly-owned subsidiary corporations of the same holding body corporate may amalgamate and continue as one corporation without complying with sections 205 and 206 if, (a)the amalgamation is approved by a resolution of the directors of each amalgamating corporation; and, (i)the memberships in all but one of the amalgamating subsidiary corporations shall be cancelled without any repayment of capital in respect of those memberships, and. Franklin takes extreme measures to save Garibaldi; Delenn emerges from her chrysalis; Sheridan's sister arrives for a visit; Londo's dealings with Mr. Morden become even more complex; and G'Kar returns from his travels with a dire warning. Experience art from Asia during an after-hours museum event as we celebrate the contributions of women artists to Asian Art & Culture! 157Unless the articles or by-laws otherwise provide, the rights of a member, including any rights in the property of the corporation, cease to exist on termination of the membership. (a)is a party to the contract or transaction; (b)is a director or an officer, or an individual acting in a similar capacity, of a party to the contract or transaction; or. (6)For the purposes of this section, a general notice to the directors declaring that a director or an officer is to be regarded as interested, for any of the following reasons, in a contract or transaction made with a party, is a sufficient declaration of interest in relation to the contract or transaction: (a)the director or officer is a director or an officer, or acting in a similar capacity, of a party referred to in paragraph (1)(b) or (c); (b)the director or officer has a material interest in the party; or. (4)If any class or group of members has an exclusive right to elect one or more directors and a vacancy occurs among those directors, (a)subject to subsection (5), the remaining directors elected by the class or group may fill the vacancy, except a vacancy resulting from an increase in the number or the minimum or maximum number of directors provided for in the articles for that class or group or from a failure to elect the number or minimum number of directors provided for in the articles for the class or group; or. Anway. 121A receiver, receiver-manager or sequestrator of a corporation appointed under an instrument or act shall. But Adobe After Effects is a product that time is clearly over. (a)the director requests a dissent to be entered in the minutes of the meeting; (b)the director sends a written dissent to the secretary of the meeting before the meeting is adjourned; or. Vir becomes the Centauri ambassador on the station. (a)be a member in good standing of an institute or association of accountants incorporated by or under an Act of the legislature of a province; (b)meet any qualifications under an enactment of a province for performing any duty that the person is required to perform under sections 188 to 191; and. Continuance Part IV of Canada Corporations Act. (3)A person who becomes a member of a corporation that is subject to a unanimous member agreement is deemed to be a party to the agreement. (b)entry to the dwelling has been refused or there are reasonable grounds for believing that entry will be refused. world. When leftover Vorlon technology unleashes an ancient and overwhelming alien force, Babylon 5 is all that stands between these new enemies and the total annihilation of all life. This helps eliminate countless challenges that an organization has to face when it comes to their internal communication strategy and planning. When the Narn attack a Centauri colony, Londo and G'Kar nearly come to blows. 124Subject to this Act, the articles and any unanimous member agreement, the directors shall manage or supervise the management of the activities and affairs of a corporation. Readouts (3)A corporation may not indemnify an individual under subsection (1) unless the individual, (a)acted honestly and in good faith with a view to the best interests of the corporation or, as the case may be, to the best interests of the other entity for which the individual acted as director or officer or in a similar capacity at the corporations request; and. (4)On an application under subsection (3), a court may, if it is satisfied that it is equitable to do so, order a member or other recipient to pay or deliver to a director any money or other property that was paid or distributed to the member or other recipient contrary to this Act and make any further order that it thinks fit. (a) the name of the corporation; (b) the province where the registered office is to be situated; (c) the classes, or regional or other groups, of members that the corporation is authorized to establish and, if there are two or more classes or groups, any voting rights attaching to each of those classes or groups; (d) the number of directors or the minimum LBS - past & present: here we have a statement, 12 June 2020, on doing reparative history and you can read an associated statement from the new Director of the Centre, Matthew Smith, on the challenges and prospects for our work. at UCL tracing the impact of slave-ownership on the formation of modern Sheridan's wife, presumed dead on an archaeological dig on the planet Z'ha'dum years earlier, arrives at the station and convinces Sheridan to accompany her to Z'ha'dum. (3)On an application under this section or section 222, the court may order that the corporation be dissolved or that the corporation be liquidated and dissolved under the supervision of the court and may make any other order that it thinks fit. We are now moving Time limit for continuance of the Ogdensburg Bridge Authority. Two Minbari Ranger trainees visit the station, Garibaldi investigates Lochley's background, and Zack investigates a murder Down Below. (4)A debt obligation holder may make an application to obtain a list of members only after receiving notice of a meeting of members at which the holder has the right to vote. 242(1)On the application of a member, a debt obligation holder or the Director, ex parte or on any notice that the court requires, a court having jurisdiction in the place where a corporation has its registered office may direct an investigation to be made of the corporation and any of its affiliated corporations and may. 238A person who has been granted custody of the documents and records of a dissolved corporation remains liable to produce those documents and records until the end of the prescribed period or of any shorter period fixed by an order made under subsection 233(5). Women participants came from a variety of sources: community colleges, pre-apprenticeship programs, community based organizations and referrals from the apprenticeship community. (8)If a meeting of members is adjourned by one or more adjournments for an aggregate of days that is more than the prescribed period, notice of the adjournment shall be given to members entitled to vote at the meeting, the directors and the public accountant in the manner referred to in subsections (1) to (4). 28(1)Unless the articles, the by-laws or a unanimous member agreement otherwise provides, the directors of a corporation may, without authorization of the members. Pretty incredible software! (3)In connection with a continuance under this Act, the shareholders or members of a body corporate incorporated or continued by or under an Act of Parliament, other than this Act or a special Act, who are entitled to vote at annual meetings of shareholders or members may, subject to any other Act of Parliament or the charter of the body corporate, (4)Despite subsections (2) and (3), the members of a body corporate may not, by a special resolution under either of those subsections, make any amendment of the nature referred to in subsection 199(1) that affects a class or group of members, unless, (a)the charter of the body corporate otherwise provides in respect of an amendment of the nature referred to in paragraph 199(1)(a) or (e); or. Olympic legacy includes the long-term benefits that the Olympic Games create for the host city, its people, and the Olympic Movement before, during and long after the Olympic Games. (2)A resignation of a public accountant becomes effective at the time a written resignation is sent to the corporation or at the time specified in the resignation, whichever is later. With Unlimited DVR, never miss new episodes, games, or breaking stories again. (2)On receipt of the notice, the Director shall issue a certificate of change of name and give notice of the change as soon as practicable in a publication generally available to the public. (5)A debt obligation is in bearer form if it is payable to bearer according to its terms and not by reason of an endorsement. The Conference is celebrating its 11th year as a State wide con-ference and its 2nd year Nationally! (b)the corporation provides the technical assistance to facilitate an inspection referred to in paragraph (a). CW Layoffs Hit Post-Nexstar Sale (EXCLUSIVE) - Variety 236(1)If the articles of a corporation, other than a corporation referred to in subsection 235(1), provide for the distribution of property remaining on liquidation after the discharge of any liabilities of the corporation, the liquidator shall distribute the remaining property, other than the property referred to in section 234, in accordance with the articles. 95(1)An issuer may require an assurance that each necessary endorsement on a debt obligation is genuine and effective by requiring a guarantee of the signature of the person endorsing the debt obligation and by requiring. in the direction of more focused research on the lives of enslaved A Centauri noble comes to Babylon 5 to transport an important Centauri relic in Londo's possession back to the homeworld. An old enemy sends an assassin to kill G'Kar. (5)A corporation shall not make a payment to a member under paragraph (3)(f) or (g) if there are reasonable grounds for believing that, after that payment, (a)the corporation is or would be unable to pay its liabilities as they become due; or. (3)Whether or not a written contract made before the coming into existence of a corporation is adopted or, in Quebec, ratified by the corporation, a party to the contract may apply to a court for an order respecting the nature and extent of the obligations and liability under the contract of the corporation and the person who is bound by the contract under subsection (1). (3)For the purposes of subsection (2), a persons business partner includes a shareholder or member of that person. (3)A director, unless sued for a debt referred to in subsection (1) while a director or within two years after ceasing to be a director, is not liable under this section. Weblegacy: [noun] a gift by will especially of money or other personal property : bequest. 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