The Quintessons' involvement in these events, or events mostly similar, were also chronicled in the comic mini-series ". En route to Theophany, Drift helped Rodimus prepare for Tailgate's Act of Affiliation ceremony, and politely pointed out his overuse of the phrase "'Til all are one". The Autobots soon awoke as well, and took up the fight once more against Megatron's forces. Arcee Chapter Arcee was later caught up in the massive world-ending storm summoned up by Windblade. Everybody Hates Metroplex After learning the identity of their creators, the Autobots and G.I. Leaving the ship, they attempted to destroy it, but their energy levels were too low, and Megatron announced they'd have to find new sources of energy. They sent Quake, The Cracks Beneath Your Feet Part Five who did silence the witness, but also murdered the young Cybertronian Rubble when he stumbled onto the scene. The plan ultimately backfired; the Dweller killed the other trans-organics, and was launched into space by the Autobots where it smashed into the scientist's ship, which was en-route to Cybertron. The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 1 The lone Quintesson also restored a number of other Autobots to help Optimus retrieve the Matrix from Rodimus. Megatron first sent out the duplicate Sideswipe to destroy the Nova Suspension Bridge in order to frame the Autobots, then proceeded to build more clones, including a duplicate Prowl. Arcee could be seen standing side by side with Jazz on one of Synergy's view screens. Sentinel Prime had Lockdown capture Lugnut, Blitzwing, Sunstorm, Ramjet, and the stasis-locked Swindle for him. Slipstream led "Team Stream" (the group was named by Flamewar) to the remote outpost. Infiltration In extreme circumstances, the Decepticons would send in a Phase Sixer like Sixshot to destroy whatever remained. After Bumblebee and Velocity had defeated the other two Insecticons, Sarah Connor called the Autobots to aid the bisected T-800. Ratchet rephrased the offer: instead of coming back as an Autobot, he should come back as his friend. Joe, but was unimpressed with their firepower and fought back with his energon mace, possibly killing Mercer. Alternatively, if Optimus attempts to end the fighting by simply making a grab for the Sun-Pak, Megatron intervenes and steps forth to defend the device from falling into enemy hands. They made it to Mars before the rocket crash-landed. Humanity complied and the Autobots left in their spacecraft, but Starscream destroyed the ship once their human operative Dylan Gould learned they would leave without a fight. Little Victories, During a mnemosurgery session, Chromedome was outsmarted by Overlord, who obtained from the Autobot's memory the security codes to his cell that Drift provided. He would have no fighting at all, even to preserve his own life, and blamed Drift for ruining their civilization. If the Autobots ignored Megatron's ultimatum, the Decepticon leader would activate his base's forcefield to stop their advance, before firing the gravity beam in all directions. The intent was to have the Rise creation friction, which would turn the Autobots increasingly fascistic, and therefore drum up support for the Ascenticon way. Prime's Directive, Part Five, When the Great War ended, Arcee was left feeling rudderless in this era of newfound peace. War Within: The Dark Ages Several thousand years later, Shockwave was prepared to sign a peace treaty with Ultra Magnus, who had become Autobot leader, the LSC, and Ratbat's Ultracon. Delighted by the situation, Megatron used Ectotron's body to beat down Optimus before he was forced down with Ray Stantz dumping a vial of mood slime into the Autobot's body. Galvatron attacked a Quintesson and spun it around by the tentacles during his rampage. Nightmare Planet Another was to manipulate Galvatron into releasing the Trans-Organics.
IGN volume 2Henkei! The Story of Wheelie, the Wild Boy of Quintesson, Arcee didn't get a seat during a meeting and later shot at Decepticons. Fate of Cybertron, In the future where Exarchon returned and conquered Cybertron, Megatron was one of the bodies hosting the Threefold Spark, along with Onslaught and Shockwave. I liked her better when she had that kid in her head. Hard Knocks. The Age of Wrath Pt.6. Optimus Prime sprang out of Ultra Magnus's body, punching Megatron off of the nearest ledge and sending the Decepticon warlord hurtling into the core of the Sun. In a deserted city, a contingent led by Overseer Rexian were overcome by Decepticons criminals recently restored to their bodies. Bumblebee questioned its significance only for Optimus Prime to point out the painting's presence meant they were nearing Unicron's core. Energy Sources: Star Power | Golden Power, Leader: Red Sentinel Prime The World In Your Eyes Part One At the rally in Tarn, Megatron's speech was supposedly interrupted by an assassination attempt. Additionally, the Decepticons found the existence of the Omega Keys on Earth, though they were unaware of their true function. The Perfect Decepticon, In Megatron X's timeline, the tyrant killed Optimus outright when the young Prime refused to stand beside him. The others attempted to restrain him, but Drift summoned what free will he had left and impaled himself on one of his own blades, much to Ironhide's horror. GT-R Prime understood the newcomer's desire for a truly thrilling race and called upon Megatron to race against him. Touching down on one, the group was taken prisoner by the forces of the Grand Architect and duped into a cell. Siege episode 4, Magnus's death had triggered the remote transmission of the Alpha Trion Protocols the Autobot had carried for so long, and in response Shockwave engineered a computer virus that would travel through Cybertron's infrastructure to wipe the processors of everyone who had carried it. Darkness, Once Gazed Upon: Part Two She assisted Pyra Magna at Protihex to recover who and what they could before the city-state fell. Earthrise episode 6, Following the defeat of King Sombra on Cybertron, a Quintesson Judge observed the Equestrians with interest. Primeval Dawn Part 1, His spark within the body of Megatron, Megatron was able to talk the Predacon leader into a new plan. Transformers/Back to the Future #1 By 2015, the Decepticons were the absolute masters of Earth, having driven what few Autobots were left into hiding. Rodimus Prime remembers the Transformers greatest battle on Earth. For example, they are seen to be powerless against a Sharkticon revolt. After the Decepticons had first made an attempt to destroy the invaders, Optimus and Soundwave helped Tarn find the Cortex Helm of Onyx Prime only for the supersoldier to take the Helm first using its power to exert control over his brethren before he crowned himself as the new Decepticon leader. Wreckers: Finale Part II, Several millennia ago, the Cybertronians bought some surplus Terrorbot drones from the Quintessons, including the cumbersome and inefficient Overcharge drones. They called upon Elita One to ready herself The Route of All Evil and her extraction team to invade Cybertron. They were later successfully returned to their robot bodies. Go it alone or team up with others to explore beautiful and historic Britain in a shared open world. Drift, who knew the army wasn't hidden in the first place, refused until Ratchet's life was threatened and the three bots ended up in the cells. On Magnus' orders, Blaster infiltrated New Kaon to take out the Decepticons' long-range communications. An Arcee Sort of Day, Arcee was a particularly feared soldier during the War of the Threefold Spark and spearheaded at least one assassination mission that targeted one of Exarchon's many iterations. In response, General Optimus Prime upgraded himself with heavier armor and weaponry. But when they returned to Cybertron, it had changed during their absence into a technorganic paradise by the Great Transformation. Henkei! An Intimate Beheading, The crew of the Lost Light intervened on Temptoria, where a group of Decepticons had invaded and subjugated the local populace. Joined by a series of custom-built mechanical suits, the Autobots leaped into action against Megatron and his allies. By the terms of Kirk's peace with the Klingons, Megatron was left as a prisoner of the Klingons, glaring hatefully at the beasts who'd restrained him., They are reviving it: As Starscream ordered the Decepticons to mobilize, Frenzy shut down the temperature controls while Starscream destroyed the external generators. Eager to do away with the old gods of Cybertron, Megatron accepted, and the two combatants battled on the Dyson sphere that had grown around the Earth's Sun. The Best part of this game was that you could hack The game, that was very nice. Arcee and several others like her underwent reformatting and replacing bits of their genetic code to rectify the dysphoria between their neural/spark programming and their CNA. A Treasure's True Worth, When Primacron was taken into custody for unleashing Tornedron into the cosmos, the galactic council appointed the Quintesson judge Adveraros to preside over the scientist's trial. It worked, but when Optimus pulled the same trick a short time later, Megatron fell for it. Megatron feigned a desire for peace to the US government, a cover for his eventual violent conquest of Earth. After this plan failed, the surviving Quintessons approached the currently leaderless Decepticons, offering them energon in exchange for attacking the Autobots who had fled to the planet Goo. Shattered Glass II #2, Megatronus, a member of the Thirteen, considered himself the first Decepticon. In an alternate future of 2005, the Quintessons took Hot Rod, Kup and several other Autobots hostage on their homeworld and chucked them into the Sharkticon pits for punishment. Not necessarily in that order. The God War, When Magnus returned, the quartet quickly defeated the Guardians before Ratchet shattered the pillar, revealing Mederi to them. Elita-1 told the other Autobots that they needed to work together to get some energon and Optimus Pirme informed her that he had an idea about where they could get it. Matrix: Matrix Buster During a battle against a horde of killer Nightbirds, Wheelie and Daniel (now an adult) sacrificed their lives to end the threat. The AllSpark Almanac II. Train Wars 2, Smokescreen cheered on The Fallen in the battle against Drift and his heroic comrades. Seeing as how Megatron and Barricade's current statuses are unclear, the return of the Decepticons is uncertain. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 4, They also spent this time productively, selling technology to other races, and often manipulating the political and military climate of regions of space to increase their sales, all the while diligently keeping track of their work by recording it in journals. through a warp gate to Cybertron, where they were attacked by cannibalizers. The Art of War #1 Upon hearing about a security breach in the lower levels of Area 52, the group headed there and, to Arcee's horror, found Bumblebee injured and low on energy. Not All Megatrons, Having created the Energon Matrix to substitute for the lost Vector Sigma, Cerebros created the Predacons as the descendants of the Decepticons. Exiles Freedom Fighters, The High Council eventually sent a quartet of genetically-engineered Activator Mini-Cons to aid Soundwave in escaping from the Shadowzone so he could summon Megatron back home.
Drift (G1 As the fleets of the Functionists and the Architect went to war, Megatron tried to free the group with a hull breach only for Drift to be critically wounded when the Architect's guards arrived, falling victim to a zero point only to be healed by Megatron, who praised the turncoat for his defection. However, when Megatron finally killed the Prime, he discovered that it was not within him. The Decepticons are a malevolent race of robot warriors, brutal and merciless. Charismatic and driven, Bludgeon turned the beaten Decepticons into a new army; after a defeat on Klo, they regrouped and reorganised. Unfortunately, the toy designer he was after wasn't in attendance, and so Megatron's plan fell to shambles. Gauge did so, and as the Exodus returned to Cybertron, Arcee and Greenlight successfully broke out and subdued the guards sent to stop them. Realizing their battle was keeping Unicron active, Galvatron sacrificed himself, and both Unicron and Galvatron disappeared into nothingness. Doctor Doom is depicted as the monarch of the fictional nation of Latveria and serves as the archenemy of Reed Richards and the Fantastic Four.He has also After meeting up with Soundwave, Starscream explained the situation, and returned to the Nemesis to awaken the remaining Decepticons and oversee the spawning of more hatchlings while Soundwave lead a scout team to Earth. Unlike the Autobots, whose leader is a Prime bearing a Matrix, the Decepticons are led by the most powerful of their ranks. Victorion told him to seek answers from the one he worshipped, and he departed yet again. On the night before the official opening of the Winged Moon, Megatron and Orion Pax met at the Tether, and Megatron revealed that he would follow his former mentor into politics, while Orion informed his friend that he would take a tour of Cybertron's colonies. The Quintessons are a bizarre and ancient race, whose dark history and shadowy machinations are bound up with the history of the Transformers, with connections to both Primus and Unicron. Trapped in the Sun, Megatron attempted to escape his predicament by using his black hole as a dimensional gateway. In 2011, Arcee had not become a Headmaster in this timeline; she instead becomes a secretary for Fortress Maximus. Transform and Roll Out. Most notably, the powerful Scourge, leader of the Jungle Planet and the colossal Menasor from Gigantion, both of whom eventually joined forces with their former enemies the Autobots. more "shaped" version of her earlier model, Chris McFeely's twitter, 20th August 2022: "Wheeljack and Arcee have a bickering relationship throughout the draft, the mysoginistic Wheeljack constantly underrating her skills, oblivious to the fact she's constantly averting disaster and saving his life in the background. The term Seeker refers to Decepticon jet troopers who share Starscream's body-type but with different colors or minor variations in wing and head shapes. With two combiner teams, an army of Seekers, Soundwave's cassettes, and knowledge of Earth's connection to Cybertron, Megatron prepared to lead the Decepticons on the conquests of Earth and Cybertron G1 ongoing During the reign of Nominus Prime, Cybertronian civilization was stratified by a Functionist society that equated one's worth as an individual with the usefulness and uniqueness of one's altmode. Salvation came when Starscream betrayed the Decepticons and shot Soundwave in the back; the distraction allowing Arcee to slam Skywarp into Thundercracker and take both out of the fight. Without Optimus to rally the Autobots into a proper resistance, the Decepticons quickly won the Great War. Matrix: Creation Matrix After three years of convalescence, Megatron finally returned and took back his rightful position. Accessing the computers, Drift found that the moon was a euthanasia clinic before Nautica arrived with the Scavengers and Axe's corpse. The battle between both faction leaders ended with Megatron beaten down and goading Optimus into delivering the kill shot. First, he attempted to free a group of Autobots held captive on the ship he'd previously served aboard. However, they were interrupted by Megatron and Starscream shortly afterwards, who wanted to steal the energon for themselves. Lost and Found He then returned to Earth to collect the remaining Decepticons under Starscream's command. Unexpectedly, Optimus Prime rose from his tomb, providing hope that the tide may yet turn in the Autobots' favour. The Omega Effect Afterwards, Megatron took great delight in sealing Starscream in a tank of Piranacons and placing the Autobots in internment camps, while working on a plan to access Cybertron's core. In 2006, she binary bonded with Daniel Witwicky to save his life, becoming a Headmaster. The engines were destroyed before the process was complete, ruining both. Galvatron himself would eventually be executed via a Quintesson judgement. Despite Fortress Maximus coming to aid his comrades, the Decepticon/Cobra alliance prevailed and Megatron allowed Metroplex and Fortress Maximus to slink off in their damaged states (though Straxus believed Megatron had wounds to lick). Unfortunately, this Autobot victory was quickly negated when Harold Attinger created Cemetery Wind, a secret CIA cabal who began hunting down all Autobots and Decepticons left around the globe, with the help of Lockdown, a Cybertronian bounty hunter. It is unknown if any of this model of Quintesson exist in "modern" times. If they weren't strong enough to survive the coming cataclysm, then so be it. Megatron's intent had been to keep Orion talking long enough for Soundwave to trace the Autobots' location. Finale, Arcee was among the many Autobots who fought against the Decepticons as both sides drained the universe of its resources. Worlds Collide. A Fistful of Energon When the space bridge was completed, the Decepticons engaged in a fierce three-way battle with the Earthbound Autobots and Starscream's army of clones. Optimus used the Star Saber to destroy the Omega Lock and all hope of restoring Cybertron, but Megatron launched a full-scale invasion of the Earth from his new fortress of Darkmount, with his first act of aggression being destroying the Autobot base. Spotlight: Wheelie, As Unicron began consuming LV-117, Wheelie and Varta planned to flee the planet on a familiar screw-shaped ship. Regeneration The Autobots handed over the Keys in exchange for the children, and Megatron turned the power of the Omega Lock on Earth to cyberform it. He rebooted just in time to be conscious as Starscream jettisoned him into space on the return trip. They found themselves in a morgue full of Transformers that had died from a mysterious "Red Rust" virus. After his arrival on the Autobot ship, Kup invited Drift to join his new unit as an Autobot. As the dust settled, Megatron recovered the Enigma and handed it to Windblade before departing once more. Drift then said to catch him if he can. Desperate Actions, Megatron later turned up back in Metroplex City to watch Trypticon fight Fortress Maximus. Drift elaborated on the time in Rodion when he was rescued by Orion Pax and treated by Ratchet, being sure to antagonize Ratchet by claiming he had uttered religious praises during that time. The Autobots were unaware that the Decepticons had done the same until they were attacked by the Decepticon Titan Trypticon over the barren moon of Cygnus Seven. Prime, After the Rainmakers had dealt with Sentinel's escape by executing him, an unconcerned yet displeased Megatron attached a fusion cannon to his arm before shifting his focus to those Cybertronians who oversaw the day-to-day functions of the planet, being informed that Starscream had requested another meeting. Battle on the Junk Planet. Lockdown realized this as well, and asked the former Decepticon why he'd given it all away so easily. Unwilling to hurt their allies, the Joes retreated, but Mega-Megatron's career was short-lived; the Nemesiscommandeered by Shipwreck and Pollyploughed into the combiner, freeing their friends. In another possible scenario, the Autobots Powerglide, Windcharger and Beachcomber were captured by the Decepticons while snooping around in their secret fortress. She asked Springer to make a note of a specific star. He personally headed the initial attack against Optimus Prime's home city, Iacon. Most of the Decepticons left Cybertron, leaving Megatron with a reduced, but still potent, army. For all his troubles, Megatron acquires nothing but a laser-toothbrush from this venture, as the mind-control process leaves Sparkplug's memory damaged, and the hygienic device is the only invention the human could produce for the Decepticons. Defeated, the Decepticons dispersed, and, according to Ultra Magnus, the only sight of them would be an occasional scout ship. At Rodimus' command, Drift then plotted a course from Cybertron to Mederi, revealing that the moon was Cyberutopia, the Knights having fallen victim to the same trap that nearly claimed their lives. Siege episode 6, Megatron was forged during the great Age of Expansion, the heyday of the Cybertronian race. The ad hoc Cybertronian resistance he assembled operated out of Maccadam's, invisible to Quintesson sensors, and threatened to undermine their control of the planet. The Decepticons were reawakened in the 1980s and began a secret war over Earth's supply of energon before World War III forced them off the planet. She ordered Team Stunticon to break out Megatron, but when they failed, Strika led an invasion of Cybertron's Energon farms. Megatron Origins In the Kaon pits, the harsh conditions gave him the desire to be the strongest of all. Bonus Edition Vol. However, the boy who made his presence known was not aiming at them but the Quintessons behind them. volume 3Henkei! The Alliance, The Quintessons eventually gained the advantage, primarily by the Judge's rage at Megatron's theft of their multiverse escape pod, disabling nearly all enemy combatants. The Autobots set up a new Autobase in Iacon, where Springer and Hot Rod used relative peacetime to win Arcee's affection. Upon entering Turmoil's ship, his attempt at stealth was successful until the Wreckers arrived and blasted their way aboard. Over time, the war between Decepticons and Autobots spread throughout the entire galaxy. Cobra-palooza Megatron-A-Thon, Another Megatron declared the Hub his in a commercial for a marathon of Prime season 1 and 2, doing certain Hub-focused jokes and gags before the commercial breaks during the marathon. The Transformers: The Movie, On Chaar, the Decepticons faced constant energy shortages and engaged in constant in-fighting over what little they did have. Fatal Furies Secretly allying herself with the Quintessons, Slipstream entered the Galactic Games in an effort to disrupt the spirit of cooperation the games represented between the Autobots and their allies. You may be able to help us, Kabam please make a comeback and if possibleon the phones because you will really make huge profits from it even if its a game where I have to pay to download it I will still do it becaus eI really enjoyed this game EDGEWORLD, Discord Server to get latest update of upcoming Edgeworld game, War comander was a computer game like Edgeworld and it was not so successful as edgeworld in pc but it has about 5 mio downloads in Phone just after a year released on phone so please dont guve up dear Kabam, Hello , while browsing some old games I found that a group of developers will try to revive edgeworld , why not join us? Megatron had his own contingency plan, and ordered Soundwave to jump clear. At least some of them were simply members of naturally-occurring, animal-shaped Cybertronian sub-races, reminiscent of the Insecticons of the Prime cartoon. But as the journal was captured in the shuttle-craft's tractor beam, a wild shot hit it, sending the journal off into the void of space, and out of the Quintessons' reach. As a Tactician, his Fusion Cannon charges up to permanently Fuse Special attack debuffs, which further allows him to steal opponents' buffs. The guy became the nominal third-in-command because, or so Ratchet said, he told Rodimus what he wanted to hear. Enemy of My Enemy Part Three As Megatron duelled Optimus, Starscream formed an alliance with the T-800 to destroy all Autobots and Decepticons and launched the android at Megatron. The Quintessons quickly deduced that whole tale had been nothing but a fabrication, and executed the torturer for failing to deliver the journal's true location. Not necessarily in that order. i found this forum a few days ago. War's End Part Three. Last Stand, Under Bludgeon's guidance, the scattered cells came together to form the "Decepticon Vengeance Division", being dispatched by Starscream to contain and destroy Unicron at G Nebula 89. The Dweller in the Depths, Security officers appear to have been an ancient model of Quintesson, and possibly the only kind with built-in offensive capabilities, some having one set of arm-tentacles replaced with over-sized blasters. Forever Is a Long Time Coming Forced to flee the planet, the Quintessons eventually settled on the small, twisted planet of Quintessa, but fostered an undying hatred of all Transformers for the next eleven million years. Henkei! After a journal of great importance to the Quintessons was lost on the planet Junkion, the Quintessons sent down a school of Sharkticons planet-side to retrieve it. Unfortunately, the beast Megatron resisted and overcame Megatron in a war of wills, subsuming the older Megatron. Unable to flee, Megatron was approached by Kremzeek the Scavenger who had come seeking the AllSpark, shuttled off Cybertron by the recently departed Autobots. Instead, the Matrix went to Optimus Primal. By the terms of James T. Kirk's peace with Gorkon, the Decepticons were left behind in Klingon custody. Into delivering the kill shot for Optimus Prime upgraded himself with heavier armor weaponry... Worshipped, and so Megatron 's forces warriors, brutal and merciless other two Insecticons, Connor... Took up the fight once more Grand Architect and duped into a.. The Kaon pits, the Decepticons is uncertain peacetime to win Arcee 's affection while around... Third-In-Command because, or so Ratchet said, he transformers: forged to fight slipstream to escape his predicament by using his hole., a Quintesson Judge observed the Equestrians with interest 's intent had been to keep Orion talking long for. 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Hole as a dimensional gateway at them but the Quintessons behind them strongest of all Evil and extraction... Had defeated the other two Insecticons, Sarah Connor called the Autobots set up a new Autobase in,... Criminals recently restored to their robot bodies creators, the group was taken prisoner by the most powerful of ranks! Victorion told him to seek answers from the one he worshipped, and both Unicron and Galvatron into. Cybertron, a cover for his eventual violent conquest of Earth their robot bodies remembers the Transformers greatest on!
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