Competitors are evaluated on their understanding of employment procedures faced in applying for positions in the occupational areas in which they are training. For those competitions that are too new for inclusion in the SkillsUSA Championships Technical Standards, there is a link at the end of each description. (Team of 3) This is a professional portfolio competition documenting SkillsUSA chapters community service; patriotism and citizenship; and promotion of career and technical education projects that demonstrate a belief in the American way of life and the purposes of SkillsUSA. College/postsecondary students will work from a market basket format and create their own menus using required fundamental cooking techniques. The competition will challenge competitors to correct end-user computing issues, configure and secure networks, manage virtual machines, navigate and modify operating system internals, deploy operating systems, leverage troubleshooting software and tools, identify virus and malware origins, work with mobile devices, and proficiently use command line interfaces. Competitors are put through a series of real-world photographic scenarios and are judged on their overall mastery of the following skills: understanding the features of today's digital SLR or mirrorless cameras, field assignment, producing a contact sheet, producing a composited digital fine art piece from their field assignment, 50 question written test, portrait/commercial studio using strobes, troubleshooting common photo errors, print competition, and job interview. Students demonstrate their skills in hair color, haircutting, hair styling and long hair design in four separate tests. Teams must produce an original prototype or sample of an interactive application or video game with at least one level and ten (10) minutes of interactive content. Competitors are challenged to meet production and quality standards expected by industry. The hands-on component demonstrates the abilities of the competitor to make cables, troubleshoot network systems, configure routers, switches and servers, and to deliver customer service in a technical assistant center environment. Additionally, competitors are evaluated on their interpersonal skills (such as communication, teamwork and honesty). This competition assesses proficiencies such as remotely operating the robot via camera, navigation, manipulating the arm mechanism to collect simulated ordnances, traversing various types of terrain, and communication between driver and spotter. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. An appropriate (successfully executable) computer program from design notes and instructions will be developed. The following are brief descriptions for all of the SkillsUSA Championships competitions. 703-777-8810 FAX: 703-777-8999 Competitors program part features and generate NC code using CAM software, troubleshoot G-code programming errors, interpret prints (including geometric dimensioning and tolerancing or GD&T), measure/gauge parts, and demonstrate their theoretical knowledge of CNC turning center and milling machine configuration, setup, and operation. Students should be proficient in marine application electrical/ignition systems, fuel systems, cooling systems, lubrication systems, drive/transmission/jet propulsion systems and boat and trailer rigging and repair. This competition evaluates each competitors ability to independently plan and program jobs for 2-Axis CNC (Computer Numerical Control) turning centers and 3-Axis CNC milling machines and provide instructions for operators to execute. Competitors are required to assemble, adjust and test an automated machine system, troubleshoot and repair a faulty machine system and take a comprehensive written test. The competitors show the use of the portfolio and use effective communication skills in presenting. Competitors demonstrate their ability to perform jobs and skills based on, but not limited to virtual appraisals, computerized estimating specific to frontal damage, unibody damage, light mechanical damage, rear damage including quarter panel replacement and total loss evaluations. (Team of 4) Competitors work together to build a construction project over two days that demonstrates their ability to work as a team. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. In addition to a written exam, students are judged on the most frequently used details in masonry construction. Competitors are judged on personal appearance, tableside manner, professionalism, ease with guests, courtesy, general knowledge and technical and verbal skills. Competitors also perform a job interview and complete a written test. Competitors compete in modules designed to test their knowledge as an IT service professional. Judging is based on the teams presentation skills, ability to construct the project per competition specified building codes, jobsite safety and cleanliness, organized and correct ordering of materials from the competition material depot, proper use and accountability of tools and equipment and the rate of completion of the project. Teams are also judged on efficiency, speed and teamwork. A variety of training opportunities are also available through SkillsUSA participation. Download the latest technical standards for this demonstration contest. The competition may include a computer programming problem consisting of background information and program specifications. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Industry indicates that 80% of the problems in networking, security systems installations and other installations are caused by cabling and connectivity issues not the computers, servers, switches, etc. Teams are given a task to solve using a mobile robotic system that is built ahead of time and brought to the competition. Teams set up and demonstrate operation of a robotic workcell from a word problem. (Team of 3) This competition evaluates and recognizes outstanding students for excellence and professionalism in the areas of creative and critical thinking skills and the decision-making process used to solve a problem. It consists of more than 300,000 student and instructor members, with 1,700 students in Cabinetmaking or Woodworking programs -this is the future of our . Competitors will prepare a written lesson plan and take a written test assessing their knowledge of child development and effective teaching strategies. SkillsUSA is a partnership [] Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. The competition is consistent with the automobile technician task list outlined in guidelines published by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) and the ASE Education Foundation at: Competitors complete a multiple-choice quiz, a 15-minute role-play scenario, and a 5 minute emergency challenge. 703-777-8810 FAX: 703-777-8999 The competition highlights skills training in masonry, spotlights the industrys finest masons and focuses attention on careers in the masonry industry. The competition includes a written examination and practical exercises. Microsoft Office and other integrated office suites can be used.
CALIFORNIA - if you are interested in a session but have problems accessing it. Teams will need Internet access as all competition materials (including the coding environment) will only be available online. Creed- Shan VoOccupational Health- Irene Barragon, Alan Montoya, Gianfranco Zena, Screen Printing Technology- Stephanie SuarezGraphic Communications- Eric CuahuizoCareer Pathway Showcase- Jocelyn Chicas, Guadalupe Cortez, Tatiana MilesAudio/Radio Production- Rosa Rodriguez, Janett Tirado, Creed- Citlali VazquezInteractive App/Game Design- Jose Bermudez, Salvador Camino, Ramiro Escobar, Sebastian GomezAudio/Radio Production- Rio Chacon, Norma VazquezGraphic Communications- Victor Hernandez (NCMS). Competitors demonstrate the ability to perform skills based on the task list outlined by the National Institute for Automotive Excellence (ASE) and the National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF). Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. (Team of 2) Students will produce (plan, write, voice, record, edit and render) up to a three-minute radio production such as a PSA, sound rich/NPR style news story or a sound and interview news story. This event includes a written examination covering the Basic MECP certification, a professional interview and five hands-on applications that include taking electrical measurements, installing consumer electronics equipment in a mobile environment, soldiering, working with relay circuits and troubleshooting electronic circuitry. Judging will focus on meeting the client's needs, usability and accessibility, and industry-standard best practices. (Team of 2) A team of two students must develop, execute, document and present a completed community service project that provides a benefit to the community or the school and demonstrates excellence and professionalism. The event will consist of three rounds of competition for a two-person team. The competition evaluates a competitors preparation for employment and recognizes outstanding students for excellence and professionalism in the field of technical drafting. These cookies do not store any personal information. Emphasis is placed on financial planning and practicality of product/service. Competitors perform 12 tasks that represent the types of maintenance they will handle in the aircraft industry. Elevate: SkillsUSA Chapter Officer Conference, SkillsUSA Training Calendar for Educators, Washington Leadership Training Institute (WLTI), Click here to find out more and register for Technical Fridays. It must be created during the school year immediately preceding the competition deadline. Competitors frame walls using wood and/or steel studs, cut and install rafters, gable end overhangs, fascia board and soffit installation, install sheathing and/or exterior siding and trim. Content for the test is based on the Core Standards from the National Health Care Core Skills Standards Project. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Team members will also demonstrate basic crime scene skills such as lifting a fingerprint, swabbing serological evidence, packaging evidence or similar skills. The competitors will find errors in WAN and LAN networks; do a full network configuration using routers, switches, and servers; talk a technician through an error they are having on their network; and take an online certification-type test. These cookies do not store any personal information. As the competitors rotate through the various stations, they are judged and scored on technical and oral skills. The competitor will create a tabletop display that represents the process they used to create the design. Operating system is Windows. For more information including last-minute updates on the national competition, be sure to follow our Facebook page. Skills demonstrated include addition; subtraction; multiplication; division of whole numbers; fractions and decimals; applied word problems; percentages; ratio proportions; averages; area; volume; metric measures; and traditional (Imperial) measures and trigonometry. Professional sheet metal workers judge competitors on the use of hand tools, correctness of layout and shop safety procedures. Competitors demonstrate their knowledge and skills through scaling, mixing, preparing and baking eight products. The written exam covers questions related to materials found in Roberts Rules of OrderNewly Revised. (Team of 2) Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D Printing, embraces a wide range of materials and derivative processes to build parts suitable for end-use service. All aspects of the competition test competitors abilities to use and calibrate electronic equipment, record and organize data, and demonstrate proper safety practices. Competitors build a small cabinet or piece of furniture from the materials and drawings supplied. Each team includes seven registered members in the roles of president, vice president, parliamentarian, reporter, treasurer, secretary and historian. The competencies that are evaluated are based on the teams professionalism in the visual representation of the project, designing and implementing an engaging presentation, and effective delivery of that presentation. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Competitors are expected to construct a composite brick and block project in a six-hour period that tests their ability to meet industry standards in quality. A professional portfolio component will be introduced at the 2023 national conference and scored in 2024. Teams are evaluated on their broadcast writing ability, voice quality, diction, timing and pacing and performance techniques. The competitors are scored on their knowledge and application of U.S. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Competitors are required to create a flowchart and sequence of operation.
(Team of 4) Teams have two hours to write and produce their rundown before the assigned competition time. Competitors demonstrate and explain an entry-level technical skill used either in the occupational area for which he or she is training or outside the training area. This competition consists of three events designed to measure the skills required in the modern automated manufacturing environment. Teams are judged on accuracy of answering questions in a variety of categories including anatomy and physiology; medical terminology; healthcare procedures; healthcare systems; employability skills; legal responsibility; ethics; safety practices; current events related to healthcare; communication and teamwork. During the construction project, the team demonstrates their ability to work together by using their carpentry, roofing, electrical, plumbing and masonry skills. In addition to a written test, competitors will recreate a provided advertisement on the computer. The student must also demonstrate their cake decorating skills. All work is performed on mannequins, so everyone begins with the same model and the same type of hair. Competitors program part features and generate NC code using CAM software, troubleshoot G-code programming errors, interpret prints (including geometric dimensioning and tolerancing or GD&T), measure/gauge parts, and demonstrate their theoretical knowledge of CNC turning center configuration, setup, and operation. Competitors demonstrate and explain an entry-level skill used in the occupational area for which they are training. Construction of the various interconnecting cables such as cat 6/networking cables, coax cables and low and high voltage residential wiring will also be necessary. The competition requires a demonstration performing an occupational skill accompanied by a clear explanation of the topic using experiments, displays or practical operations. (Team of 2) The competition requires competitors to have the ability to understand complex systems that integrate various elements in the mechanical, fluid power and controls domain, combined with the ability to work in a team environment with people with different areas of expertise. The project must highlight an aspect of their career cluster training. (Team of 3) Students demonstrate their ability to design an innovative engineering project and present those ideas along with a display and live model. (Team of 4) The competition tests teams of students on their collective knowledge within the healthcare system. Performance will be evaluated through various stations involving skills testing as well as written and verbal assessments. Behind the Blue: Season 3Check out this week's edition of Behind the Blue! The project is constructed by the competitors based on prints provided. (Team of 3) SkillsUSA student members build a three-dimensional display that articulates the annual SkillsUSA competition theme. The competition is divided into five sections: customer service exam, written exam, soldering, breadboarding and troubleshooting. Congrats to Norma and toall DATA-SkillsUSA students! The competition evaluates the competitors preparation for firefighting careers through hands-on skill demonstrations and both written and oral presentations. Upon completion of the project, the students will develop a display and use it within the community to explain their training and project. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Norma will be attending the SkillsUSA National Conference in June as a California Representative and will help organize SkillsUSA California events and competitions next year. Competitors are judged on their skills, speed, use of correct safety measures and the ability to interact personally with the patient(s). Competitors program part features and generate NC code using CAM software, troubleshoot G-code programming errors, interpret prints (including geometric dimensioning and tolerancing or GD&T), measure/gauge parts, and demonstrate their theoretical knowledge of CNC milling machine configuration, setup, and operation. The creative portion involves the application of creative thinking and a design challenge. The competitor must work efficiently to produce quality products in a job-like setting. The competition includes a series of workstations to assess skills in surface preparation, spray gun operation, paint mixing, matching and applying, solving paint applications problems, determining finish defects with an understanding of causes and cures, masking, and utilizing safety precautions. There is a need for good understanding and use of tools and test equipment, providing the most professional service available to customers as necessary. The focus is on guest service and guest relations in the dining room including table set up; greeting guests; reservations procedures; presentation of menus; description of food, drinks, soups and specials of the day; taking orders; serving each course and clearing the table after each course; and preparation and presentation of the check and closing remarks. There is also a written exam. Competitors demonstrate their knowledge of general math concepts used in the healthcare field. Competitors are judged on accuracy, completeness and craftsmanship.
The project may be a larger school/community project; however, two students must be part of the core organization team and document the project and results based on the guidelines in the standards. Working from drawings and specification sheets, competitors are required to install an electrical system common in most residential and light commercial projects. Competitors will demonstrate installation, configuration and use of Windows, Mac OSX and Linux Professional Operating Systems and one or more integrated office suite packages including email, word processing, spreadsheet applications, database applications, web page development, money management applications, presentations applications, internet browser applications, etc. Students present their winning state conference T-shirt and create a professional portfolio that documents the process they used to create the design. Any technical concept may be demonstrated, provided it is related to the principles of technology or engineering curriculum and incorporates basic principles of the applied sciences. A variety of training opportunities are also available through SkillsUSA participation. Layout, drawing and illustration skills are used, as well as the ability to create vibrant, effective designs using the computer. Competitors also demonstrate their ability to braze and use Lokring technology by assembling a copper and steel tubing project per a schematic provided. Competitors are tested in two different soft skill tasks including a written knowledge exam covering the fundamentals of skin care and oral professional presentation. The students are also required to be proficient in using common tools of a workshop. Competitors are evaluated on a professional portfolio that details their chapters community service project and on a presentation to a panel of judges. One will be a written Quiz Bowl test covering general academic and current events issues. The competition includes a series of workstations to assess skills in the following areas: metal straightening, attachment methods, plastic repair and structural analysis. The competition includes a series of testing stations designed to assess skills identified by industry HVACR standards. The competition evaluates students proficiency in providing customer service. High school competitors will create menus to demonstrate required fundamental cooking techniques using items from a common pantry. Competition Descriptions. The other will be the national SkillsUSA Professional Development test. (Team of 2) The competition includes activities that simulate situations encountered by robotic programmers and support professionals. (Team of 5-7) The Quiz Bowl competition tests a team of five to seven competitors on their ability to quickly respond to knowledge questions covering academics, current events and SkillsUSA professional development curriculum. The hands-on stations include many aspects of two-stroke, four-stroke, compact diesel engines, and battery-powered equipment and their associated mechanical, hydraulic and electrical systems. Competitors demonstrate their ability to perform jobs and skills based on the task list outlined by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) and the ASE Education Foundation. Professional plumbers and pipefitters judge the competitors on accuracy, workmanship, proper selection and use of tools and supplies and proper safety procedures. Teams give oral presentations based upon their written plans and the team must successfully answer questions by a team of judges in response to typical problems encountered by entrepreneurs during their first year of business. Minutes of the demonstration will be read by the secretary upon completion of the demonstration. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. SkillsUSA (formerly known as VICA) is a national nonprofit organization serving high school and college students preparing for careers in trade, technical and skilled service occupations. Student competitors may compete in most or all the following competition segments: preparing a job and printing it with a digital printing device, creating and preflighting a print-ready file using Adobe software, performing exercises with offset press simulator software, solving production planning challenges, and taking a graphic arts knowledge test. The members of the chapter build the display and three students present information about the display during a presentation and interview with judges. They will also create one uniform layered haircut. There is also a residential and commercial appliance technology general knowledge learning exercise. Competitors demonstrate their ability to perform jobs or skills selected from the standards mentioned above as determined by the SkillsUSA Championships technical committee. The competition stresses safety in all activities. Water pipes are pressure tested on completed projects. This competition requires a five- to seven-minute demonstration of an occupational skill in an area in which a student is training. An overview of the contest is featured in video below: (Team of 3) This competition requires a team of three students to use their welding and fabrication skills to build a designed project from the provided material. The competition is defined by industry standards as identified by the SkillsUSA Barbering technical committee and the National Barbering Association. Download the technical standards for this demonstration contest. This competition will judge mastery of their training, its application, the projects benefit to their community, and display and presentation techniques. Assessing their knowledge as an it service professional aircraft industry competition evaluates a preparation. And commercial appliance technology general knowledge learning exercise training and project tasks including a written quiz Bowl test general... Their understanding of employment procedures faced in applying for positions in the roles of president, president! Skills ( such as lifting a fingerprint, swabbing serological evidence, packaging evidence similar! The creative portion involves the application of creative thinking and a 5 minute emergency challenge to test their knowledge an... 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