It is decided to upgrade the scales of all teachers of Schools working in regular services. Hence, there is no bar on grant of TSUP to a retired civil servant retrospectively if otherwise eligible for TSUP in the light of this Departments Notifications NO.FD.PC.39-14/77-P-IV(APCA/08)(Provl. BSSC Senior scientist assistant Recruitment 2022 100 vacancy salary The upgradation cannot be made to benefit a particular individual in term of promoting him to a higher post and further providing him with the avenues of lateral appointment or transfer or posting. The Hon'ble Chief Justice and Judges are pleased to allow the following Civil Judges-cum-Magistrates to continue on their present post . The Honourable Supreme Court of Pakistan in Civil Appeals No 101 102-P of 2011 has ordered as under:-. 23.04.2012:Executive Promoton Policy - upgradation from E5 scale: BSNL clarifies that granting benefit of upgradation from E5 to E7 scale is contrary to the Executive Promotion Policy and that upgradation can only be from E5 to E6 scale. The Federal Government of Pakistan has revised the pay scales of government employees. Walk in Interview October 2022 | PDF | Design | Engineering Tag: Time Scale Upgradation Notification for BS-16 and above MAHAGENCO JE Recruitment 2022 - Check Official Notification & Apply Home; JOBS; Matric. Tuesday, October 25, 2022. FD.PC.40-80/2015(11/19), dated 30-09/2019. Approval of competent authority is hereby conveyed for grant of Time Scale Upgradation to 37 Nos. troubleshooting and upgradation) in a medium to large scale organisation. After the implementation of 7 th CPC, there are only a few cases of merger/upgradation of pay scale. It will happen if they were eligible for the TSPU before the date of introduction of the 4-tier service structure. for vvhich that grade pay or pay scale is the normal replacement grade without any upgradation." . According to notification Ref No. The government of the Punjab School Education Department has also forwarded the Finance Department letter to all concerned. India Post Office is conducting the recruitment drive for as many as 60544 vacancies. The details are as under: I directed to refer to the subject cited above and to state that a question has arisen as to whether retired employees may be granted Time Scale Personal Up-gradation (TSPU) retrospectively on completion of the requisite length of service before their retirement or otherwise. 15 . The IESCO Meter Readers Time Scale Upgradation notification has been issued on 04-08-2022 by The Islamabad Electric Supply Company. Preferred Age- Below 45 years. PBM/S.P/Estb/610035/757 dated 01.03.2022 of Federal Government scales are up-graded from BPS-15 to BPS-17, BPS-11 to BPS-14, BPS-07 to BPS-11, BPS-06 to BPS-07, BPS-02 to BPS-03 and BPS-01 to BPS-02. Scale / Grade Scale of Pay (In Rupees): MMGS II 48,170 - 1,740 / 1 - 49,910 - 1,990 / 10 - 69,810 . Direct Link: Download Indian Overseas Bank Job Notification Indian Overseas Bank Salary. Departments should route the cases through line Ministries/Division. Last Updated on February 2, 2022 by Galaxy World. (Meghalaya tenders) for "Procurement of 5000 Nos. Earlier separate Ministries for Small Scale Industries & Agro and Rural Industries (SSI&A&RI) and Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises (HI&PE) were created in October, 1999. Now, after a discussion with the School Education and Literacy Department decided to upgrade the pay scale. The Saturday, July 23 2022 31/03/2022: Download: 215: Notification regarding resignation of Mr. Taha Noman Khan: 31/03/2022: Download: 216: notice of personal hearing to Mr. Ikramullah, Record keeper, DAO Ghotki . FD.PC.40-12/2017, dated 19.04.2019. Similarly, the finance ministry agrees to freeze the . Preferred Age-Below 45 years. The candidate will be paid a monthly consolidated salary of Rs. The department announced adding financial benefits from the date of issuance of the notification. Salary Increase Notification 2022 - upgradation of post 01 to 16 The tenure of Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly is scheduled to end on 14 May 2022. Sindh Govt Upgrades Basic Pay Scale of School Teachers Howvere, below we have attached the official Finance Department notification, which you can check for the details. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. 8/36/2000-R-1 dated 03-02-2001: OM No. Finance Department BS 21-22: 30% merge. DEPARTMENT OF Expenditure | Ministry of Finance |Government of India Last Updated on May 28, 2022 by Galaxy World. 129/RHC/D&SJ. Two-step up-gradation from BPS-01 to BPS-06 will be allowed to all civil servants working under government organizations. It has been decided in consultation with UPSC that in cases where merger/ upgradation of pay are not involved in the recommendations of the 7 thCPC, the Note as referred above is not to be prescribed in the RRs/SRs. Corporate author : Global Education Monitoring Report Team Person as author : Bhatty, Kiran [author] Person as author : Bordoloi, Mridusmita [author] The Sindh School Education & Literacy Department issued a notification in this regard on Tuesday. No. 8/36 2000-R-1 dated 20-01-2001: OM No. GeM Bidding Document, "IT Office equipments" | Official website of According to the Notification all civil servants of the Federal Government will get Time Scale Promotion as per the following pattern: 1 st Time Scale Promotion: On completion of ten years of service in the current substantive pay scale 2 nd Time Scale Promotion: On completion of eight years after 1 st TSP or promotion When it is considered necessary to up-grade certain posts in order to rationalize the administrative structure of a Ministry/Division or a Department to make it more effective or to bring about uniformity of pay scales of similar posts in different organizations. Government of Pakistan, Finance Division has issued a Notification on 28-05-2022 in connection with Notification Policy Grant Time Scale Promotion Federal BPS-01 to BPS-16. The undersigned is directed to say that, on a Summary submitted recently to the Prime Minister, he has been pleased to approve the policy for as PBM/S.P/Estb/610035/757 dated 01.03.2022 is as under: This blog is about latest jobs announced in all Government and Private Sectors. Those who were allowed a 4-tier service structure after the date of Time Scale Personal Upgradation (TSPU) admissibility might get 1 or 2 steps of TSPU according to the length of service. Now the finance department clarified the upgradation about the following points. FD (SR-II)2-22/2014/IT dated 10 th November 2022 bears the subject "Up . The Finance Department of Pakistan recently notified about the clarification of Time Scale Personal Upgradation. #scaleupgrade #upgradation #latestnews Scale Upgradation Notification 2022 [Latest News] | Good News for WAPDA Employees | Upgradation NewsScale Upgradation . I also enclose a copy of the letter dated 21-01-2022. Facebook Twitter Youtube. NABARD Recruitment 2022: Vacancy Open for Assistant Position, Salary Up CITD/Trg/Nov/22 Date: - 16th November, 2022 CITD intends to engage suitable candidates in the following posts which are purely on consolidate payment and on contractual basis initially for a period of 11months, . Meter Readers from BPS-09 to BPS-11 who were eligible for . 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Time Scale Personal Upgradation to Retired Employees - Galaxy World 2000 posts of LTRMO in Odisha Health Department created 27/05/2022. Notification No. Upgradation for post Junior Scale Stenographers(BPS-12) 11/04/2013: Download: 387: Upgradation post of Stenographer, Senior Scale etc. The scales are up-graded w.e.f. According to the notification, the creation of 2000 Posts of LTRMO in the rank of Group-A (junior branch) will be appointed in the . Basic salary 20000 to 40000, gross salary will be 2x of basic salary* including allowances Bihar Staff Selection Commission gives best (in the market) salary for 2022 Senior scientist assistant Recruitment.Candidates are advised to calculate thoroughly understand the BSSC basic salary and gross salary and net salary in hand.. BSSC 2022 Senior scientist assistant Recruitment Application form . By Subadh Nayak On Nov 19, 2022. To chieve this . ), dated 04.01.2016, No. What's New Archive | Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Government of Sindh, Finance Department issued a Notification on 10-11-2022 in connection with Re-Designation and Upgradation Senior Computer Operator as Senior DATA Processing Officer (BPS-17). Sindh Govt Notification Regarding Upgradation of PSTs to BPS-14 The details are as under: Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Hitesh was brought in to scale paytm internet infra when we started serious scaling (20Mil->100+ Mil) and Hitesh was . Of Pickup Vehicle for GIS and LRB . CITD/Trg. There will be a provision of an annual hike of up to a maximum of 10% subject to outstanding performance. The undersigned is directed to say that, on a Summary submitted recently to the Prime Minister, he has been pleased to approve the policy for as been pleased to approve the policy for upgradation / redesignation of posts in Basic Pay Scale (BPS) system as indicated in the succeeding paragraphs. Biology - 1st Year; Biology - 2nd Year As per the decision, the government will merge two allowance ARA-2018 and 2019 10%, and revised basic pay scales 2017. CSIR-NEERI reserves the right to cancel or withdraw the offer of engagement in case of any discrepancy found, in the candidature of any empaneled candidate at any . document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Lahore High Court, Lahore has been issued the Notification on the 22-06-2022 in the connection with Upgradation of Lahore High Court Posts 2022. In order to justify the upgradation, the Government is required to establish that the department needs re-structuring, reform or to meet the exigency of service in the public interest in the absence of these pre-conditions, upgradation is not permissible. Last Updated on November 15, 2022 by Galaxy World. Revised Pay Scale Chart 2022 for BS 01-22 Government Employees Wednesday, October 26, 2022. Notification No. India Post Office Recruitment 2022 - Apply for 60544 Postman Posts the Governor of the Punjab has been pleased to upgrade, so the posts of Stenographer and Senior Scale Stenographe r and Personal Assistant and Private Secretary, in relaxation of ban on up-gradation of posts, w.e.f. For any assist and query please contact us. Learn how your comment data is processed. In technical upgradation we did installation, configuration of new version and technical changes from AML 5.0 to AML 5.7.2. . 128/RHC/CJJ. Drivers and other government employees who were promoted to senior scales after June 1, 2022. FD.PC.40-80/2015 (11/19), dated 30-09/2019. . UPSC Recruitment 2022: Vacancy Details. 2022 Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly election - Wikipedia 80,000. BS 01-16: 40% merge. (viz. After getting approval from Chief Minister, Sindh approved, the primary School teachers (BS-07/09) are now upgraded to the BS-14 w.e.f. 12/2022, Government Employees Scales Revised | Scales Up-Gradation Notification 2022, 253 EST BPS-14 Jobs 2022 | Male-Female Elementary School Teachers Jobs. Total posts-160. Cases of promotion taking place in the pre-revised pay structure between 1.1.2006 and the date of notification of CCS (RP) Rules, 2008 and the subsequent merger of the pre-revised pay scales of the promotional and the feeder posts in a common Grade - Fixation of Pay All teachers of Schools working in regular services two-step up-gradation from BPS-01 BPS-06... 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