Please look at the walkthrough and look for the keys that you need. You will then see a picture of where the item needs to go to. the numbers across and down for each columnmust equal 15. click the power box on the wall above the stove to get another puzzle. Once the panel is open, you will notice 4 wires at the bottom. now turn the levers until they won't turn any further. take your moon (from statue) and sun (from graveyard) and place them over the sun/moon in middle. Once the ladder is in place,click on the nest that is above the ladder. 2. Click on the chalkboard to get a closer view. turn right and click the base of the statue to enter and receive a. read the note by the candles in thefront, left side. you have to turn all the lights to make one continuous path. Emma`s soul is free. Once the old man (Victor) is done yelling at you,youll see a new scene with a baby carriage. This set of maps shows you how all of the rooms are connected in the game, and where to find the special tasks,. Foodie to the hilt and the clandestine king of online food ordering! 300= This is the last number that you obtained from the telescope and it was 300 (472-172=300). Click on the left side of the scene to look for objects.The red marble is on the lower center of the scene, at the base of the red apparatus. If you take too long and miss 4 of the signs, you will have to start over. The potholder is on the lower center of the scene, its very colorful and easy to see. Go back to the scene where you threw the brick through the window and you will see a ladder on the right side. Once inside the beauty parlor, click on the screen in the back of the room and look for the hidden items. There has to be a connecting line between the unbroken bulbs, the crow and the lines in the center. You will see a closer view of the mechanism that has some skull symbols on the side of it. WINNER! watch enough of the movie to write down symbols on the books in order. click the top to enter a hidden object area and receive a. click near the back of the car to find a panel, you need a screwdriver to pry it open. you'll see three gargoyle's each with a puzzle. To get our desired order of Moon, Midgard, and Sun, command Atreus to go: Step 1: Middle (Shifts all three plates to the very left) Step 2: Left (Pulls down the Moon) Step 3: Middle (Shifts the Sun and Midgard to the right) Mystery Case Files: Return to Ravenhearst - DoubleGames After the eyeballs are placed pull on all 4 of the levers one by one until they are completely turned. click the lever at the top. A cloud of dust arose around her as the fireplace, hearth, and mantle sunk away . Click on the scene and enter the door on the right. Travel deep inside the cursed estate to explore a dire ghostly warning. ), ELECTRICAL TAPE USAGE/ ROPE-Inventory Item, SCREWDRIVER/ FUNNEL AND JAR OF FUEL-USAGE, FILM REEL AND METAL KNOB PLACEMENT THEATER, SKULL KEY-Inventory Item Study in Victors House, CHEST PUZZLE-TELESCOPE-Inventory Item Study in Victors House, (CLICK HERE TO VIEW OUR EXCLUSIVE VIDEO MAP OF ALL THE LOCATIONS IN MCF RTR). Click on the square frame that is on the wall above the bed. The old fuse belongs in the fuse box that is in the General Store. You will see that there is a coin slot on it. "Mystery Case Files: Return to Ravenhearst really is a spectacular achievement." -Gamezebo "Mystery Case Files: Return to Ravenhearst is a massive game with stunning art design and a hauntingly beautiful soundtrack that delivers an experience you won't be able to put down until you've seen all it has to offer." -Jay Is Games $4.99 Buy as gift Shorty, Oct 11, 2011. . Simply open up your inventory panel and drag the item of your choice over to the hint tab at the bottom of the page. Once youre done finding all those objects, click on Emmas hands and the gold heart locket will go into inventory. Please look at the screenshots for the right pattern. Once you click on the baby carriage inside the cottage, you can find the bobby pin in front of the open trunk. The hint button refreshes itself after a while but how long it takes can sometimes depend on you. click on the broken shop to enter a hidden object area and receive a. remember the carvings on the stairs, you need to duplicate these in the puzzle. Th electrical tape is on the left side of the bathtub, pick it up. Place the 4 red marbles on the empty slots. Of course Now I am stuck again --moon and sun puzzle and graveyard puzzle also. Once the trolley stops moving, go outside to the beach. Sun and the Moon | Mystery Case Files: Return to Ravenhearst Note: inventory items are circled in red. With the puzzle solved andKratossaved, head into the next room to continue your adventures. There areSkll,Hati, Sun, Crescent Moon, and Midgard (Earth)metal plates on the wall, which must be arranged in the proper sequence to saveKratosfrom drowning. The image of the chalkboard will go into the book. there are 4 cards with 4 suits, clubs, spades, diamond, hearts. Feel the floorboards creak as you move from room to room solving puzzles and seeking out clues in over 150 detailed scenes. the puzzle is timed but is very easy to do. Please go to the game walkthrough and scroll to the bottom for our new forums. Take the damp cloth from inventory and place it on the form 3 times so it can be legible. click on the headstone to enter a hidden object area and receive a. you have to connect the 4 balls and the bird at top with the lines in the middle (watch out for that spider!). When you get inside the door, click on the shimmering cabinet that is on the left side. click the green stars to rotate 4 squares at a time until the peacock image is lined up. Mystery Case Files: Return to Ravenhearst (Full) Overview System Requirements 4.19 Available on PC Description Emma's soul is free. Click on the papers that are on the left side of the floor and youll a letter addressed to Charles son. note the door they standing in front of (left door) and the colors sequence, we need more marbles! Keep in mind that the left arm has to go below the left leg. Go to the schoolhouse in the twins' part of the creepy place. Once you enter the door on the right, click on top of the trolley, where you see the sparkly lights. Go up the steps on the left side until you reach the cottage. Once all the lines are in place, the center will open up, revealing the sun symbol, click on it and it will go into inventory. I have the moon, but no sun. Keep in mind that the pictures in the book may look a little different than the ones on the puzzle itself. From the new tech we get our hands on to the gaming junkies that cant play enough and cant stop talking about it. How do I solve puzzle above fireplace? - Mystery Case Files: Return to Click on the baby carriage and search for the hidden objects. We may show personalized ads provided by our partners, and our services can not be used by children under 16 years old without the consent of their legal guardian. Once the code is correct you will hear a sound, move on to the next sequence until they have all been done correctly. You will need to remember the pattern for the puzzle that is on the door on the left. Place the skull key on the lock and you will see some numbers in the center and some playing cards on the side. You must find out the answer before he returns! When you get to the basement Rose Sommerset will tell you that her and her daughters were taken away a long time ago. Once the puzzle is correct, a stone bridge will gap the space between the steps. Click on the switches next to each number so that 2 lights on the same row are lit. Please look at the screenshot for the solution. Click on the bottom of the page and you will see that the inventory box will come up. The tiles usually reshuffle themselves after you failed to make some matches. you have to do some basic math to get the answer depending on the +/- sign in between the numbers (varies from game to game). Just a fun tip, if you click on the mouth of the large doll on the left side, a spider will come out of her mouth. Once youre done with the items under the bed, click on the door that is on the right side and a puzzle will appear. The gate will open and Emma Ravenhearst will speak to you. Place the ladder on the right side of the door and it will attach itself to the side of the house. dial the number you found (this varies from game to game) and a door will open. Click on the desk and look for the bug repellent. Pick up the funnel that is on the top left side of the scene, its a bit off the page. When you get to the Graveyard, click on the stones that are on the left side of the page. Go back to the schoolhouse and click on the left side of the building. Once the puzzle is complete, click on the door to enter. the heart button rotates 3 numbers at a time. Once all the bats have flown away, click on the right side of the scene and you will enter a room with the remains of Rose Sommerset in a coffin. The empty jar is on the right edge of the scene, on the table, close to the candle holder. rearrange the books according to the film clip. Click on the chamber and listen to what Charles has to say. Click on the door and a puzzle will appear. Turn the knob with your potholder from inventory until the thermometer is at 600 degrees. Outside of the beauty parlor you will find a shovel on the side of the building, click on it to pick it up. When you enter the scene you will see a typewriter that has 7 keys missing from it. Once they are all in place, the back wall will open up. Contents 1 Synopsis 2 Plot 3 Characters 4 Trivia Synopsis Emma`s soul is free. Anybody figure it out yet? By clicking Accept all you agree that Yahoo and our partners will process your personal information, and use technologies such as cookies, to display personalised ads and content, for ad and content measurement, audience insights, and product development. Gaming Dope is the one stop page for everything Gaming & Technology. Once youre back by the elevator, click on the panel that is on the right side of the scene. Pull the handle once you get in the trolley. Click on the back of the scene to enter the room with the 3 doors. Click Manage settings for more information and to manage your choices. Place the record on the phonograph and it will start to play. Click on the stove that is on the first floor of the toy store and you will get a closer view. Click on the piece to get a closer view. Return to Ravenhearst | Addicting Games Once you find the brick, go towards your right 2 times. On the steps you will see a cat, click on the cat to get a closer view. click the cupboard to get a hidden object area and receive a. go back downstairs to the and click the closed door to get a puzzle. Go back to the scene that has the boarded door. iPad & iPhone Games Home; New Releases iPad & iPhone Games; Search iPad & iPhone Games use the number buttons to type in your answer for that color. Click on the mailbox that is in front of the house and it will open up. click the door to the beauty shop to get a puzzle. The new home of news, views and reviews. Place the funnel in the gas tank and then place the jar of fuel on the funnel. Click on the gauge and the train will start moving. first click the green button to set it at the first number and click the yellow button to insert the first number, then click the green to go the next and so on. Once you reach the goal, there will be a coin in the mouth of the large yellow troll that is in the back of the room, pick it up. Your objective in this game is to move the blocks around until you the blocks in the box match the color of the block that is on top of the page. the concept of this puzzle is simple (the puzzle not so simple), move the tiles so they line up under their matching colors at the top. You will see the number 600 degrees carved on the side of it.This number may vary since Ive seen some people report seeing 550 degrees instead. The typewriter key is on the lower center of the scene, close to the steps. Once in a while the pieces will shuffle themselves, making it harder to remember where the pieces are. Click on the shower curtain and a mannequin will appear. you can enter but it will be too dark to see, we need to go all the way back to the beginning of the game where the, you can now crank the well brining the bucket up to retrieve a. use the potholder to turn the knobs, top one makes the temperature rise, bottom one makes it fall. Beauty Salon-Bedroom-Silver heart, lower right side, on the page of the book. Hidden Object To go left or right, simply click on the side that you want it to go on. Lots of fun for your Windows computer Go back through the broken window and click on the door that is in the back of the scene and you will get a closer view. Then you must dial the number that was in back of your flower poster, mine was 727 5153. Its a letter from Emmas sister Maddy. Once you enter the medicine cabinet in the bathroom, grab the rust remover that is in the cabinet,the cabinet door will close automatically. Go back to the baby carriage by clicking on the candle on the wall that is in the hallway. a secret passageway has opened up, but first let's return to the, now that you've solved the fireplace puzzle, you can click on the cupboards again to get another hidden object area and receive a, enter the secret passageway, listen to the ghost, and then go up to the. When you open it up, you will see a lot of symbols on the left and on the right. From the Toy Store, click on the telephone that is on the wall and you will see a lot of bugs on the scene. Once you enter the sewer, click in the back of the scene and look for the objects. Genre:Puzzle Hidden Object Developer:Big Fish Games Publisher:Big Fish Games First Released:Nov 26, 2008 Also Known As: Mystery Case Files: Return to Ravenhearst HD (US) Franchises:Mystery. On the right side of the library there is phonograph, click on it to get a closer view. Front Door of the Manor-Etched on the left side of the window. top left side. next click the lights by the numbers so that two lights are lit (same row). Hand her the rose and the moon around her neck will start to glow, grab the moon and it will go into inventory. Best 3ds cia site - How do I solve puzzle above fireplace? - Mystery Case Files: Return to In this mini game you must click on all the matching pairs of dominos. Once the temperature is at the same degree as the etching on the side of the schoolhouse, you will see a pattern above the stove. The moon symbol is a 7 with a loopy tail. click the control panel near Joe the skeleton and place the, click the lever and take a ride - nice music -to the, click the boat in the distance to enter another hidden object area and receive a, you'll find the gold key does not work on the skull lock in the elevator so it must belong to the, click on the bathtub again to enter another hidden object area and receive. Pay close attention to the skulls at the bottom of the page. the ball will fall but be careful, it must hit a block! When you enter the house there will be a man sitting in front of the fireplace. Mystery Case Files: Return to Ravenhearst - Big Fish Games God of War, Gaming Dope Ownership, Funding, and Advertising Policy, Get God of War(2018) On Playstation Store, Crystal Dynamics Plans to Reveal New Tomb Raider Game Details in 2023, Stuck on Logging into Online Services Fix Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, How to Get the Tactical Nuke in Warzone 2- Champions Quest, God of War: Ragnarok has Several Carved Hearts in Memory of Late Dev, Odins Betrayal: His Obsession with the Mystic Mask and Rift Explained. Wrasfish - 12 years ago - report 0 1 You can find the symbol for the sun in the. You have to click on two numbers that match the numbers of the black dominos that are on the outside of the main puzzle. Return to Ravenhearst 2 - Mystery Case Files: Return to Ravenhearst Place the torn canvas on top of the picture and you will see a pattern of colored marbles. Your goal is to reproduce the picture of the peacock by clicking on the stars that are in the middle of the puzzle. We are a crew of obsessive and wide eyed, writers and reviewers who love putting out our views and opinions on the things we obsess over and cant get enough of. You will notice that the book on the lower left side opens up. Mahjong Connect Remastered. You will see some steps that look like something is covering them. Place the eyeballs on the empty sockets that are on the page. You can change your choices at any time by visiting your privacy controls. Start by clicking on any symbol and you will see some of the ghost on the sides appear with signs on them as well. 2, memchunkshax, and rxtools/custom firmwareDownload 3DS CIA Games for 3DS & Citra (Region Free) & eShop Games - Best 3ds cia site 3DSISO Labyrinth no Kanata (English Patched) CIA Download | is an Action-Role Playing game Developed by Tri-Ace and Published by Konami, Released on 19thThere are reasons to do this, such as wanting to. move the joints on the skeleton so it matches the symbol on the kitchen wall. The putty knife is on the lower right side of the page. i dont speak english well but look in the book there you will see wich symbol you have to put with the moon and with the sun the v key in on the front of the mansion in the glittering star puzzle on the door. If you get stuck and dont know what to do, you can click on a hint and it will help you in two different ways: In a scene in which you need to look for objects it will form a glowing circle in the area in which you can find one random item from the list. Once you complete that sequence go through the door. Once youre in the garden with the 2 statues, click on the female statue. Once the puzzle is solved, click on the coffin and you will get a closer view. click the picture over the desk. example: 4,1 = count 4 across and 1 down. The biggest MCF game to date Immersive gameplay Get the Strategy Guide Top left side of the wall, its hanging from the wall, on the lamp. in the top, right corner is an arrow that points to four different colors. This set of maps shows you how all of the rooms are connected in the game, and where to find the special tasks, puzzles, games and searchable locations. before entering click the side and see a degree carved in there, these vary from game to game (mine was 450), make a note of it. Place the metal knob on the right side, where it says on and off. Click on the red button of the small structure that is next to the telescope and a small piece will rise up out of it. Mystery Case Files: Return to Ravenhearst Walkthrough Part 1 - AOL Review: Mystery Case Files: Return to Ravenhearst (3DS eShop) Unlike the previous installments of the franchise that deals with Greek mythology, this installment is set in Norse lore. Click on the desk and search for the hidden items, the skull key will be on the right side. take your moon (from statue) and sun (from graveyard) and place them over the sun/moon in middle. Note: I have attempted to put these in order as you go through the game, you will have to refer to previous levels from time to time when following the guide. Return to Ravenhearst Puzzles go back outside and down one, turn right and you'll find the, click behind the counter to enter another hidden object area and receive a another. Click on the left side where you see the sparkly lights and search for the hidden objects. a block is placed at an inclined plane making angle of 60. bootloader logs startup failed. You must complete the door puzzle to get the matches. Take the door knob from inventory and place it over the holes. before entering, click the door to the right and get a puzzle. When youre in the room with the hallway, click on the left of the scene and you will be inside of a theater. after you solve the puzzle below, clickbelow the statue to enter a hidden object area and, enter through he door and proceed up twice to the. best 3ds cia site The item is usually in the center of the circle. The lever on the left controls the top circle. -Use the shears to cut the bushes on the right side, and work the puzzle there.-Puzzle hints: the goal is to activate all the lights by connecting them. Click on the mouse and it will go into inventory. Click on the bottom of the scene and to go back to the front door. A piece of paper with the numbers 727 5153 appear behind the poster as it falls to the ground. click on the door behind the bed to get a puzzle. 3. Return to Ravenhearst 2.9 96 Ratings Downloads Return to Ravenhearst Category Downloads Game Description Emma's ghost has delivered a chilling warning: the mansion is not yet free of evil! this is the same as most slider puzzles, only there are six spots that you cannot move. Go back to the main door on Victors Cottage and go upstairs to his bedroom. Mahjong connect full screen timeless - You return to Ravenhearst to find out what happened after you freed Emma and her murderer, Charles. You can choose to skip this puzzle if you like. Click on the cabinet that is on the right side of the scene and you will get a closer view. Once the jar is full it will go into inventory. Hidden Objects: Each person will have different objects to find, therefore the only items circled are those that go into your inventory. We seek to accomplish this through creative writing, thorough research, and with a spirit of fun and integrity. Fireplace puzzle - I've got the sun and moon symbols in the appropriate hands and the sun and moon from the inventory in the middle - when I pull down the lever at the top - nothing happens - can't get the fireplace to open up - any suggestions? click the white lever near the bottom, left side. Use the trolley to make it back to the store. The red marble is on the lower left side of the scene. If you wait long enough, Victor will move away and let you have a clear view. Graveyard:-Find all the objects and get a pickaxe. Return to Ravenhearst Hints and Help Thread Only [Re: ScarletDragon] #428561 11/26/08 01:21 PM 11/26/08 01:21 PM: Joined: Jun 2008 Posts: 1,093 Whitby, Ontario, Canada. You will see that the cat is stepping on a key. Write to us and tell us your opinion if youre into Gaming or Tech. you pull the green rings on either side to rotate the maze. While in the trolley location, click on the fuel panel that is in the back of the trolley and you will get a closer view. place the missing keys on the typewriter (refer to the picture or your own keyboard). Go back to the side of the schoolhouse and enter the fire pattern that you received from the furnace. click the back wall revealing a hole and a phone number. if you do not have a screwdriver yet, you need to return to the, if you don't have the jar or gas yet, return to the. You can always click back and look at the positions on your steps to make sure that you are doing it correctly. In the garden with the 2 statues, click on the male statue and search for the items. Big Fish Games Forums > All Game Forums > Mystery Case Files: Return to Ravenhearst Go back through the skeleton door into the garden with the angel statue and the water fountain. Once all matches are made correctly, you can proceed inside that door. The top knob moves the gauge up and bottom knob moves the gauge down. once you solved the puzzle push the button and take the. click on the books to enter a hidden object are and receive a, leave the library and enter the hallway, turn left and go into the. Got a question not answered in this strategy guide? Post your question and browse our forum for answers. keep doing this until the puzzle is completed and the door opens. Each time you enter a number, those dials will change. Click on the casket and the twins will appear and will tell you that their VICTOR is as evil as their father. Take the paint remover from inventory and click it onto the board 4 times so you can see the equation all over the board. Move the moon on the door to match the position in the book, and the door will unlock. you need to look through your notes, case book, etc. Place the machine belt on the sharpening stone, then click on the wheel to get it moving. click the left door (after you free Rose) for the second puzzle. The original Mystery Case Files: Return to Ravenhearst was released in 2008 for the PC and is an evolution of the Mystery Case Files games. zoom in the telescope lens and move the dials until you zoom in on the buoy. My Sun piece does not match any items available. The classical Mahjong Connect in a remastered version with better graphics and a smoother relaxing gameplay. Mystery Case Files: Return to Ravenhearst : Fireplace puzzle - I've got Beauty Salon-Screen Door-Lower left side, silver heart against the bottle of perfume. the numbers must be back to back; side by side, etc. after you match so many the gears will turn mixing up the gird again. Doreen. Margie has arrived just like the cavalry racing over the . See how well critics are rating all PC video game releases at - Page 704 you have to solvethree of these or skip the puzzle. to find the number clues to plug into the box in the center. Place the fuse that you have in inventory on the slot that says School and it will turn the lights on for the school. From the main scene of the toy store and the schoolhouse (OUTSIDE), click on the horse that is on the right side. Enter the toy store and click on the glass display that is sparkling in the scene and search for the list of objects. Gameyard is a great place to start your search for the most amusing and cool games on the net. use the shovel twice, zoom in and get a piece of torn canvas. I tried to see if there was a logic to the buttons but they would act differently each time. Super Mario Bros 2 Mario Cart 7 Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon- Shadow Wars Mystery Case Files- Ravenhearst FIRE Emblem Conquest Harvest Moon 3D- The Tale of Two Towns Skylanders . On the first right you will pass the scene in which you saw the door. Take the key from inventory and place it on the lock, the stove door will open, grab the shabby glove that is inside. you have to solve the puzzle by clicking on them so that each light lights up. rotate them until the they line up to reveala little girl in the middle and a logo underneath. each time they move they will be holding a symbol. Inside the drawer there is a four digit code 5392. From the porch, go to the right side two times and you will be in a garden with two statues. She wants you to unlock the doors and find her children. The film reel is on the lower right side, just above the hint button. the note on the door told us what the moon equals and the note on the gravestone told us what the sun equals. In the kingdom of Rainbow all glittering pearl beads scattered over the webs of bizarre The brick goes on the window. once Victor does whatever he does with you, you'll see a baby carriage, click on it to enter a hidden object area and receive a. click the trap door again to be lowered into a hallway. Once youre done with looking for items in the library, click on the metal dial that is on the book that is sitting on the table. Go back to the location with all the 3 doors and click on the door that is on the right side. use the back of the hammer on each of the nails (there are 4 - 2 stick out, 2 near right corner are in) and take the, enter a hidden object area and receive another, click the counter and enter a hidden object area and receive yet another. The gold key is on the right side of the boat, close to the barrel. There are numbers 1 through five across the top row and you will see 1 through 4 going down the first column. MCF: Return to Ravenhearst Hints and Help Thread Only - Walkthrough link added #428325 11/26/08 03:01 AM 11/26/08 03:01 AM: Joined: Jan 2004 Posts: 81,757 In the Naughty Corner . Click ob the eyepiece of the telescope and you will see the viewfinder appear. Take the large axe and place it on the boarded window that is on the left side. Left and on the chamber and listen to what Charles has to be a man sitting front... Game ) and the clandestine king of online food ordering more marbles question. Mechanism that has 7 keys missing from it harder to remember where the pieces are find the that... Are doing it correctly books in order views and reviews which you the! Equal 15. click the green rings on either side to rotate 4 squares at time. Will attach itself to the steps on the sharpening stone, then click on the above! The panel that is on the stove that is on the lower right side of scene. To remember where the item of your choice over to the beach is to the... 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