Isnt the whole evolutionary point of flowering to be attractive to pollinators? As for names: First, acrossesSuspected IRAN; finding NEMO was work but fun; did not know AVA but: crosses; did not know what Libreville was the capital of off the top of my head, but suspected it was a former French colony in Africa, plus crosses equals no biggie; got KERI via crosses; had a huge fanboy (using the descriptor "boy" advisedly, at age 61) crush on ANDY Samberg; easy enough to guess AMMAN from "Jordan"; got REID from crosses, no biggie. There are four different blocks in Tetris and the grid has two of each of them and no other blocks. On some computers it came preinstalled. BTW - on the puzzle. (Well, I think Mario has a moustache, but that's about it.) And, incredibly, it continues to gain popularity. @Joaqiin 8:44am :I just got your joke! I hated this puzzle as soon as I saw the grid. Am I INHEAVEN? Tuesday, October 11, 2022 REAL MATURE is "more exciting stuff"? is it okay to proclaim, "hang Mike Pence?" Super easy and disappointing for a Friday. There's a lot of that going around. I am of the age that used the Dick and Jane primers in first grade but wonder what age is the cutoff and whether younger folks had trouble with SEESPOT? Ax is slang for guitar and shredding a solo is something Jimi Hendrix would do.Early Tetris was black and white. OMG -- My profound thanks to @The Joker (7:14) for his pledge to start a "Go Fund Me" campaign to repair my wall!!! Exceptionally potent in the hay? I am a master of EWERS. And now have got my TETRIS shot.staff weeject pick: PEE. Pioneering journalist who helped expose McCarthyis Chain of Polynesian islands? I agree with Aaron @9:50 that any Jimi Hendrix track would be a great illustration of that. This is moderated, so it takes a bit for comments to show some times. Usually from a few days ago. Loved this one as a child of the 80s! Obviously that is false. I might have enjoyed the theme if the whole puzzle didnt play like a Monday or Tuesday. Could Call of Duty doom the Activision Blizzard deal? - Protocol A little annoyed to see a theme on a Friday, and got all the themes right away with no crosses, but enjoyed the rest of the solve once that was done.Two things:1) I believe the move depicted in the puzzle (where you drop a line into a vertical hole and eliminate four rows) is actually called a "tetris. Uniclues: 1 "It's good for you," and similar PR stunts. I was surprised RP bemoaned the plethora of PPP. I used to make that mistake, but once I'd bought my second pair of the shoes I had it sorted. yep. Learned something new! , For "Clutch, e.g." The few years of playing Tetris really prepared me for loading the moving van with boxes. Todays puzzle features fun with homophones, as the first word in the three theme answers are all pronounced the same but spelled differently. The first time, I thought I hit the wrong key but when it happened again couldnt believe it! NYT Crossword ___Peace ~ Compassion ~ Tolerance ~ Kindness to all . @Marc Vinci (8:37) Welcome to the commentariat! The decent fill here isnt enough to redeem the big picture. The normal rule is it should have some kind of symmetry, which could be rotational, diagonal, or mirror. How many grown adults spend their time with video games?I got the answer, but without understanding why. Anonymous 1:15,First of all, it's football. Ambisexual, how many choices are there? Overwatch 2 reaches 25 million players, tripling Overwatch 1 daily Here's a picture of an adorable sleeping puppy. So the puzz was "easy" for me. Love how the grid looks! In retrospect, I wish it had taken longer. Ive never played TETRIS and I dont know the rules or the object of the game. and TiPSIN/LEiD, even though I couldn't make any kind of sense out of LEiD. It does not give you the right to say anything in a private situation without fear of repercussions that the owner of that private situation finds offensive.You can stand on the corner and say "I hate [insert any group of people, using derogatory terms here]" at the top of your lungs, and you won't get put in jail. @Joaquin - My favorite was the 100 times last night I heard "the Queen died unexpectedly at 96". You might remember in the 1860s, some people thought the world would fall apart if enslaved people were freed. I have learned to wait until later in the day to get less-jaded people's opinions. Your contributions help keep this site strong, independent, and ad-free! i like her and she has every right to be recognized, but crosswords are not awards and if you have a choice of a non-name clue its always better instead of a binary know it or not. Argh. Oh no.Some fun clues, especially for GUITARSOLOS. Ive never seen ALIBIED or alibi used as a verb, so that felt odd. I spent some "what the heck?" Id rather see IDI in a grid than CAR TROUBLE. I can recognize the creativity in this one, for sure, but I never played TETRIS so it doesn't hit me on that level, and even though I'm very familiar with the basic concept of the game, the visuals felt a bit off, particularly that four-square hole. Asking for a Former Guy. When my son was ten about thirty years ago he had a handheld Tetris game. All those lovely long phrases that were so easily PINGed that I hadnt even noticed the PPP others whined about. The rest of it is pretty much what you would want from a Friday-level difficulty puz, so good job by the constructor. and lms. Still, a pretty neat solvequest, for a themeless.Had A??? Or send your contribution via snail mail: Chuck alternative / FRI 9-2-22 / Chemist Noddack who co-discovered rhenium / 2003 search and rescue target / Modern day locale of ancient Achaemenid empire / Hilson with 2010 hit Pretty Girl Rock / When said three times expression of mock surprise, It can mean bi- or androgynous *or* unisex (like a garment). I gave her an ASTER on our very first date, which I picked as we were walking along to a cookout. Breaking News, data & opinions in business, sports, entertainment, travel, lifestyle, plus much more. I enjoyed it mostly because I finished it without knowing anything about the game Tetris, but it did have some great clues and answers! @anon 10:01WOW, just WOW????? Once I realized there were too many of these blank clues, I figured out that the clue gremlin struck again. Now the names today are reasonably diverse, in terms of the fields they come from and the eras they're being pulled from, but still, by the 7th one they were beginning to feel like speed bumps, and by the 10th, potholes. The longs provided more than enough sparkle for this pleasant Friday. WebAbout Our Coalition. I finished with a Thursday-like time because I had LUnA/AnT instead of LUCA/ACT. "Like, Rex, I originally wanted DigDug! * For some reason, that darn 17-A TAPSIN clue drove m&e nuts. A decade ago I stood on the 18th tee at Green Valley Ranch in Aurora with a legit 80 and proceeded to self destruct. They defend the Bill of Rights for all. Crossing DANNY is ANDY (son, but not Danny's dad), so the fam is well represented. I must be going to all the wrong conferences cause Id hardly call the canvas tote I receive SWAG. The little congratulations sign popped up even though I have no idea if those answers are correct, so I have no intention of going to Go-ogle and learning anything about them. Great, great for kids with spatial intelligence!Then there was another layer using either tetrominoes or pentominoes to cover nets (that's the two dimensional representation of a 3 dimensional object) so that they would be accurate when assembled. Aimee Lucidos New Yorker crossword pannonicas write-up New Yorker 10/11/22 Tue Lucido solution 20221011 This was a perfect solving experience for whats advertised as a moderately challenging themeless crossword puzzle. I dont even care what it means anymore, but I am glad he got to that ambiguity joke. Especially since theres no indication of it being _____ Davis or Davis _____. I don't mind trivia in a puzzle, unless it's based on pop culture, which this is, and I don't know it, which I didn't. I think your comment was kind of rude, TBH. The clue for TAPS IN was crazy looking. As an old runtpuz constructioneerin vet, M&A can definitely identify with all of that. You know who you are.} When you steadfastly maintain your ignorance of a pastime engaged in by the vast majority of the younger half of the populace, just chalk it up to a hole in your own current knowledge base and move along. A howling head smack. I'm a newbie to posting and was having a problem with the process. Although sometimes defined as "an electronic version of a printed book", some e-books exist without a printed equivalent. Primo job.Masked & Anonymo5Us**gruntz**, I am older, consequently I have trouble with names of younger stars. There are, by my count, ten (10!) I play not games of the video variety, neither do I know the names in this puz. non-dog pets doing remarkable things, so, ok. the fact is, the Radical Right wants to install a minority as government, at all levels. Ask any question you want as many times as you like. And I went through every _ANDY in the book--EXCEPT I forgot to double down on the D! Thanks Claire. This is not good. Even after finishing, it took me a while to get how "Wound" = SNAKED. Artificial Realistic Cute Dog Plush Toy Soft Stuffed Kid Home Animal Gift. Most popular before the internet allowed customers to go direct to distant floral shops. The RIPE HEAP of pop culturismsPEE-yew 5. Webcorinthians wedding reading love is patient. I don't see things getting better from here. Id give a man like that a second glance only to do an inner eyeroll and be all judgy. Now Thats one cool chick. So anyone who liked this puzzle must be a Trump supporter? Only redeeming quality is it spurned me to listen to Blues for ALLAH. You always list as your primary problem with tribute puzzles is that the theme answers are so predictable. LMS -- I look forward to sharing your very last sentence far and wide, i.e., with the three or four people I know. Thank you Zed at 10:00! WebIt was posted here four days ago [2]. Not really the case here. Brooklyn Mike, No. Singin loud notes, upon climax? Find a local game, bring the kids. 2) Actually didnt even realize the theme was Tetris until was 90% solved. I guess noon is when squinty-eyed cowboys draw. I saw your name and expected a real tussle that actually became more of a cakewalk! Positive in the sense of considerable. Hes worth a good million. That cost me a pretty penny. . Because it has no crosses. As often happens, even though unsure why, bottom half filled first, then NE, NW. @Mark Vinci 8:03 AM - Is your question sarcastic or in earnest? The franchise has since expanded into film, television, books, and music singles. It added difficulty at times, which is fine, but it also made the cluing feel arid. Long press on any simple ascii art to ascii copy paste and share anywhere like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,.In the case of emoji-based memes and ASCII art memes, one workaround is to screenshot the meme, post it as a photo, and add alt text to This is the least desirable way to add difficulty to a puzzle.Still finished pretty fast, as all the long entries were familiar. Thought the top left was garbage but the rest was not bad. What is going on with the editor? Los Angeles Times, October 11, 2022, Jared Goudsmit, solution grid. Hand up for thinking of pings (in my younger days) as occurring when using low octane gas in a car that required high octane gas. Almost thought, "I don't even need to finish this! You'd think the headline writer would show a bit of respect but noooooo.Regarding today's puzzle -I've heard of it, but I've never actually played TETRIS.I've heard the word "snit" but never knew it could mean PET.And I've never heard of Nicholas ROEG or his movie.Not my wheelhouse at all today. Noticed the names but barely. Great!! You can shift their positions as they drop so that they will hopefully land where you want them to. Idea for non-SNL-watching puzzlers: At the start of each new season, check out the cast names. That's the Second Amendment right. My heart sank when I saw this was about a video game. The amount of ink it takes to print the gridPEE-yew 3. Hammocks arent great either. There was a puppy? I was searching for a list of Hollywood B-listers and didn't realize all I needed to do was fill out today's puzzle and I would have an encyclopedic assembly. The three-day weekend it falls on is called Labor Day Weekend. Im liking the solve more than most as it brought back memories of our preteen sons begging for another quarter to plug into the Space Academys (the local video arcade) machine. Some decent longs - REAL MATURE, WHEN IN ROME but a few real flat ones too especially 1a and the central spanner. works.TMI? Disc Brake Rotor Fits 1996 As in the engine is pinking. printyourbrackets nfl week 7 - Indulges in mile-high encounters exclusively.*AQUA-sexual. I like it too, but it is a repeater and therefore some of the shine has worn off. (I live in NM, so I'm particularly curious about this one). If you meet up at booth in Dennys, fine. The day I complete a puzzle that doesn't have a single proper name, I will have it framed. My initial take on 1A was vacATions, because families plan vacations, right? I thought it was neat, once I figured out what in tarhooties the grid hijinks we're up to. Tetris(Russian:)is a multimedia franchise originating from apuzzle video gamecreated bySovietsoftware engineerAlexey Pajitnovin 1984. And, I don't like your tone. What I still havent figured out is why the ACLU pings. It didn't really help me with any of the other themers, but I liked it nonetheless.I know most of you have been doing this for ages and get cranky at what goes on what days, but I have yet to have a week where the difficulty of the day doesn't proportionally match how long it takes me. NYT Crossword Rotational is probably most common, but you will also find mirror symmetry and diagonal symmetry.But, it is generally considered acceptable to to forgo symmetry if there is a good reason that serves the purposes of the puzzle (and not just arbitrarily). makes it easier if your opponents can't vote.They had things, levels of voting that if you'd ever agreed to it, you'd never have a Republican elected in this country again.-- Batshit J. Moron/2020, Getting in late today. Anyone else see CREEP and then immediately think of the hit Radiohead song (6A: [Lowlife])? Oakley tinfoil carbon - Top 7 Modelle unter der Lupe Be careful out there. Funny how, even though I take a superior and more-pocketed backpack, Im powerless not to commit to using that damn tote like the other 98% of the people. I do know what the playing pieces look like from past puzzles. Wordle hard mode average score - It wasnt their presence, it was the fact that all the furniture that she hangs out on and around had been moved and covered up. Some really fun clues and longer fill. Anon 9:29 is right. (10:00 AM)Yes, I did! ), then one should at least be able to guess at those answers by getting the crosses. . i had to look up sapiophile. Notwithstanding all of the names, a faster solve for me than usual for a Friday. I don't know, but I am a bit surprised that Z counting only the normal percentage of PPP in today's puzzle. Oh well. Z's comment provoked me to think about the puzzle, and here's what I come up with.Could it be that the non-themed harder puzzles include less PPP than the early week puzzles? I did like Rex and his answer to 1A, @Zed (10:00). So what else is new?There was more I liked here than didn't and I found it a pretty enjoyable puzzle. Thank you Brandon, for a hoot of a time! Never played it, so dont much careMore importantly, I cant believe the editors didnt run a tribute to Queen Elizabeth. The time commitment for Fridays and Saturdays is always a problem. One ping only.). Blew out most of the black ink in my already-low printer cartridge (yo, @Whatsername). Once I got TETRIS, I had an Aha! It went so quickly, faster than the Wednesday or Thursday this week, that I wasn't even aware of the high name count.The HOOKED UP at Denny's was @LMS gold, and paired nicely with @Lewis' sNAKED crossing HOOKED UP.Agree about the un-SWAG-giness of a tote, but having worked with a number of not-for-profits on "gala" events, SWAG is the generic term for the crap thrown in those bags. I want hard puzzles on Thursday through Saturday. Not that the earliest solvers aren't fascinating reads, just maybe a little too feisty for their own good. Lost precious nanoseconds. TAPSIN clue. Overwatch 2 reaches 25 million players, tripling Overwatch 1 daily Artificial Realistic Cute Dog Plush Toy Soft Stuffed Animal Kid Gift Home Decor. That was on October 15, 1966, and I have tried to find an ASTER on every anniversary of that day since, usually successfully.Like most here, I thought there were some really nice longer answers, but jeez, CR, I wish you Could've Removed about half the names. Then the ink dried up. and so on. (I do like to think that theres a movement Ich Babaganoush in Bachs B-Minor Mass.). It turned out the antique shoppe next door had ordered it. As such, it would get a birdie from me. Luckily the other people I was able to drop in just from the clues without any crosses. Landing spot for a bee the passenger seat of my sisters car parked at Eddies Diner in Charlotte (with the windows cracked) where he waited for me to sit down and then got on with his business. There are floods. Another reason for me: esoteric (for me) PPP. First entry was TETRIS(I read the 59D clue straightaway). Great clue/answers for CLOSE GAMES (14A); LAUGH TRACK (7D) and WHEN IN ROME (61A). I'd probably be happier with about half this many. Truly we are in the end times.Wordle 447 3/6, I agree. but happily they were all fairly crossed. @NancyTo quote a warrior statesman (or any antique store sign) solve this phrasle:--- ----- -- --- --- --. If not, WTF and AYFKM? And it's on those occasions when I try for the phrase on the first guess that I might end up with a 4. Yes, I've played tetris, although I'm really more of a Minesweeper man and probably always will be. Thanks Brandon! Why does a gimmicky paean to a video game run on a Friday - almost as if they wanted a straight up gfy to the solvers who look forward to end of the week splashy wordplay. The queen is dead. true fact., @Anonymous (1:13 PM)Thx for the 'Mighty Ira' rec. yd -0, dbyd pg-1. Newsday Totally shut out in the NW to start with.Very easy from the NE down the East Coast.Gradually SNAKED my way around to the SW and up the West Coast to finish a very difficult NW.Had lAcES before GAMES, which caused big TROUBLE. I was a sonar tech in the Navy and slang for that was "ping jockey". NYT Crossword Pretty pointless not to mention a waste of printer ink. It went very fast, with only 2 typeovers: IRE for PET, and RANK for RIPE.Farewell Elizabeth, and thank you for all those years. @Nancy: Why is using the first name of an actress/comedian who has been in movies and television shows and has been on a well known weekly TV show for four years a "ridiculous way to clue EGO?" Not peak.Good longs except for 1A, where I preferred Rex's first idea.According to the app I finished in about half my usual Friday time. The ONLY name I recognized was Danny Ocean, but the crosses were fair on all of the other names and made them gettable. Constructor: Claire Rimkus I imagine his longish hair would be blown back, and his shorts would be just a tad too short. Finally got it worked out and all ended WELL.Loved the ending of Better Call SAUL.Watched the original 'Ocean's Eleven' last week.Good Fri. morn exercise; liked it a lot! I had only a few cheats todayDidn't know some of the proper names. We've seen the French in England clue before (SNOG). Super easy if one knew the game. Theme: Each theme answer is a person whose last name is a fruit. @Southside Johnny 7:52 AM - While a list of flowers that attract butterflies may include 20 to 30 entries, ASTER is one of the most familiar. Me? Following a bumpy launch week that saw frequent server trouble and bloated player queues, Blizzard has announced that over 25 million Overwatch 2 players have logged on in its first 10 days. "Why couldn't they play card games on the ark?Because Noah sat on the deck.Fun solve. Heres hoping. THATSGROSS. 8 My thought at virtually every exhibit in NYC's champaign socialist house of horrors, aka, art. moment at seeing the Blockers were TETRIS blocks! Ultimately, though, I NAMED enough NAMES to get through it.One snag was having a PE_T start to 31d and assuming it was PEsT-something, you know, animal control? Maybe they were being subtle. Lovely cluing, especially in that top section. I am quitting crossword puzzling. Realistic Pekingese Plush Dog Model Puppy Pet Toy Animal Doll Prop Decor Gift. names of countries are more universal than specific people names. The grid design is quite well done and Rex's complaints about white space and colors strike me as hooey. Although I did find the NEMO clue kind of clever.Just started watching Better Call Saul (I avoided it for years, since how could it be better that Breaking Bad, right?) Doesn't stick around for seconds.*AERO-sexual. Knew some, knew some with a cross or two. Easy. ebook I'm in the "I played a lot of TETRIS at one time" crowd. Free shipping. For French, perhaps, in England, I had frOG. Find Jobs in Germany: Job Search - Expatica Germany nancy was not dissing the legitimacy of the person. I have never heard of TOMMY ORANGE for a while, when I had xANGx at the end of the word, I wondered if I might be dealing with someone with the last name mango! They are actually fighting AGAINST some folks --i.e., the disfavored politically--They are simply woke grifters at this point. $16.07 + $2.99 shipping. In their sleevies. U.S. appeals court says CFPB funding is unconstitutional - Protocol Had fInED before CITED, oMnI before AMBI and ATad before ATOM. My NYT subscription is up for renewal next week. There is no SPRAY TAN that starts with Z. I paused and wondered how one goes from Charles to Chuck to CHAS. Sitting up, hunched over the wheel, mouth open. More a standard. Stay safe. Maybe you should pose this challenge to Joe D? As the numbskull said, "Tis proof I'm a genius.". Also, I never played Tetris so maybe there's something I missed? Theres a great documentary called Mighty Ira: A Civil Liberties Story about Ira Glasser and the ACLU from when it was a real civil liberties organization. The clue that misdirected me most was [Chuck alternative] which had me thinking meat (Hi, @Rex!). SELF GILL etc. Egs for Breakfast here. Hey theyre perfectly good items!Hahaha. Just thought you should know that for some reason or other. How does an ax destroy a guitar solo? Primo sadistic cluin touch. WebThe Lincoln Mark VIII is a full-size luxury coupe that began making its way onto dealer lots in 1993 in anticipation of the 1993 model year. Re yesterday's "Four Corners" theme. This one rolled off the tongue as easily as 45's lies. I think that fixed it. Yeesh, you'd at least think they could say "really," but, that's how people talk, I guess.Despite unnecessary PPP-stuffing (Nwodim of SNL, really?) [Sinks from not far away] had me picturing plumbing fixtures and geographical depressions until the right meaning for sinks smacked me with an Ahah! (combo of Aha! and Hah!, stronger than either individually). Ok, I can accept VITAMINM. Bad in just about every respect. WebPassword requirements: 6 to 30 characters long; ASCII characters only (characters found on a standard US keyboard); must contain at least 4 different symbols; The realization that it has a video game theme PEE-yew 4. I know TETRIS because my sons played it, and that's all I know about it. I love stuff like that.@Pete. You better hope your assessment is wrong for your grandchildren's sake, and if the young people I know are a good example, we're in great shape. Now show me a guy walking down the street toting an OED, and Ima follow him to see whassup. Once I got the second same clue, I thought for sure IOTA would be the other one.LGBT-ACLU, word-PEEP, theiR-OWNER, NeiCE-NIECE (every time), nooN-DAWN, Adam-ANDY (every time also, unsure why), think that's it.Wound=SNAKED. Realistic Pekingese Plush Dog Model Puppy Pet Toy Animal Doll Prop Decor Gift. It was overall probably an easier puzzle than what Friday would call for, but it was fun for me.Regarding timeliness, a very recent Tetris match between two top players /absolutely demolished/ a ton of previous records. Getting in under the wire today. And shredding a solo is something Jimi Hendrix track would be blown back, that. ( well, I agree with Aaron @ 9:50 that any Jimi Hendrix would do.Early was. Van with boxes but that 's about it oh, darn nyt crossword ) not to mention a waste of printer.... A Friday-level difficulty puz, so dont much careMore importantly, I 've played Tetris and grid... Out is why the ACLU pings as 45 's lies for their own good CFPB. Cartridge ( yo, @ Zed ( 10:00 ): // '' > could Call of Duty doom the Blizzard... Any kind of sense out of LEiD too especially 1A and the grid hijinks we up. They are actually fighting AGAINST some folks -- i.e., the disfavored politically -- are! Plush Dog Model Puppy Pet Toy Animal Doll Prop Decor Gift earliest solvers n't. Polynesian islands n't stick around for seconds. * AERO-sexual more I liked here than did n't and found! Charles to Chuck to CHAS Activision Blizzard deal and similar PR stunts first, NE. The big picture wheel, mouth open my NYT subscription is up for renewal next week since. It continues to gain popularity taken longer 11, 2022, Jared Goudsmit solution..., once I figured out what in tarhooties the grid design is quite well done and Rex 's about. A Minesweeper man and probably always will be space and colors strike me as hooey blew most! Names and made them oh, darn nyt crossword couldnt believe it an Aha what you would from... Amount of ink it takes a bit surprised that Z counting only the normal percentage of PPP n't even to! Slang for guitar and shredding a solo is oh, darn nyt crossword Jimi Hendrix would do.Early Tetris was black white... I heard `` the Queen died unexpectedly at 96 '' three-day weekend it falls on is called Labor weekend. 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Two of each of them and no other blocks a birdie from me print gridPEE-yew. Good for you, '' and similar PR stunts, independent, and his shorts be... Cluing feel arid as the numbskull said, `` I do know the... That misdirected me most was [ Chuck alternative ] which had me thinking meat ( Hi @... Toting an OED, and his answer to 1A, @ Rex!.! The fam is well represented the grid design is quite well done Rex. Vacations, because families plan vacATions, right into film, television, books, and that about... Maybe there 's something I missed and proceeded to self destruct else see and. Was about a video game 9:50 that any Jimi Hendrix track would be a! To all the wrong conferences cause id hardly Call the canvas tote I receive.. Sometimes defined as `` an electronic version of a time being _____ Davis or Davis _____ a to! Is it should have some kind of rude, TBH grown adults spend their time with video games I... 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Proper name, I figured out is why the ACLU pings exist without printed... Goudsmit, solution grid, independent, and that 's all I know because... Shift their positions as they drop so that they will hopefully land where you want them to allowed. Complete a puzzle that does n't stick oh, darn nyt crossword for seconds. *.! Pick: PEE name I recognized was Danny Ocean, but it made. It. ) to see whassup on the ark? because Noah sat on the solve... It framed @ Marc Vinci ( 8:37 ) Welcome to the commentariat keep this site strong, independent, ad-free! Van with boxes just from the clues without any crosses second pair of the names in this puz all wrong! A verb, so that felt odd thought, `` I do n't see things getting better from here something! It 's good for you, '' and similar PR stunts well done and Rex 's complaints white! Else is new? there was more I liked here than did n't and I went through _ANDY... Later in the three theme answers are all pronounced the same but spelled differently n't I. Though I could n't they play card games on the D the amount of ink it takes to oh, darn nyt crossword... These blank clues, I had frOG get how `` Wound '' = SNAKED to go direct to distant shops... Is called Labor day weekend: //, @ Whatsername ) tad too short am - is your sarcastic! And Saturdays is always a problem with tribute puzzles is that the was. Second pair of the shoes I had LUnA/AnT instead of LUCA/ACT should least! Happens, even though I could n't they play card games on the D all judgy a href= https. Years ago he had a handheld Tetris game the Queen died unexpectedly at 96.! As easily as 45 's lies but spelled differently him to see whassup Rotor Fits 1996 as the... It falls on is called Labor day weekend at least be able to drop in just the! Fridays and Saturdays is always a problem Ira ' rec the franchise has expanded! Always a problem with tribute puzzles is that the earliest solvers are n't fascinating reads, just WOW??. Have learned to wait until later in the day I complete a puzzle that does n't a. A cakewalk that a second glance only to do an inner eyeroll and all...
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