They won't get too big but are slightly bigger then bantam. $39 Goth Easter Egger - This is a new hybrid for us - this chicken is ALL BLACK. image 1 of 7. $25 (Prescott) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting. do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers. -. ‹. Hi, We have Easter egger chicks for sale $5 each. Easter egger chicks - $4 (Belfast) Easter egger chicks. -. Buckeye. Order now for estimated delivery by May 19, 2022. Just hatched a few days ago. Do have a hen or 2 that I would sale too. Easter Egger chicks - $5 (Irmo area) Easter Egger chicks. 3.50 each. If you buy an entire hatch, then $1.75 per chick. I have a new batch of straight run easter egger and naked neck chicks for sale. I got 5 of the Easter Egg bantams from you last year and it wasn't long before I was regretting only getting 5. image 1 of 12. -. Pick up in Branford, FL. I have 3 other breeds of bantams as well and although they are also pretty good chickens the Easter egger tops them all. ›. They should start laying blue-green colored eggs when they are between 5 and 6 months of age. Twotwo0. Good roo so good home only please. The hens will lay blue, green and brown eggs. -. $10. If you want less, then $2.50 per chick. -. Chicks must be picked up within 48 hours of notification that . Assorted colors, have muffs. image 1 of 3. ‹. Has fluffy cheeks and the green/blue egg color gene for your upcoming hatches. -. Easter Egger chicks! colo springs for sale "easter egger" - craigslist $15 (okv > Berryville, VA) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting. Very healthy active chicks and have waayyy too many of these little peeps! Easter Eggers (Ameraucanas) are a very popular breed because of the beautiful blue or green tinted eggs they lay, which have contributed to their nickname as the "Easter Egg Chicken". I am selling them as straight run only and require you to buy at least 2 unless you are putting them with chicks under a week old. Email if interested. Text 803- five65-two321. Week old Easter egger Chicks.. $7 each.. call or text show contact info. do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers. favorite this post. Possible olive eggers! Text show contact info. -. $5. $3 each! $4 each. Call or text 4seven9-4twosix-69twosix. Easter egger chicks and eggs - farm & garden - by owner - sale Easter egger chicks and eggs - $3 (Casa) © craigslist - Map data © OpenStreetMap Easter egger chicks 3$ Hatching eggs $15/dozen *colored egg layers were hatched from the brown eggs in the picture do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers post id: 7476202460 ›. (We are unsure of their genders). Sapphire Gem/ Easter Egger mix chicks. favorite this post. updated: about 10 hours ago. They should lay green eggs. ›. Should grow to be big chickens. Easter Egg Chicks For Sale. ♥ best of [?] These are Easter Egg Chickens. Colorful birds, colorful eggs, great addition to your back yard flock! ! Easter Egger chicks Bielefelder/ Ameraucana cross Can be Bearded and Muffed 1-2 week old- 6.00 straight run 2-4 week old- 7.00 straight run 4-6 week old Male 5.00 Female 8.00 They will lay different colored eggs! do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers. do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers. 1 Barred Rock. $12. Hamilton MI 49419. post id: 7478013717. posted: 29 minutes ago. do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers (Irmo area) I have 7 EE chicks available from my latest hatch. easter eggers. Text me at 772-882 0 8 72. Located in Stover-Versailles AREA! $5. $5. 25 $ a piece. do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers post id: 7479632194 They are a week old today and very healthy. Americana/ Easter egg chicks. rabbit and chicken cages. (Hillsborough) My 11 yr old son has a small "starter" business hatching chicks. Available now!!! Beautiful specialty color including fibro melanistic. They should lay green eggs. Call or email for more information. do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers. They are fully feathered and ready for an outdoors coop. They are fully feathered and ready for an outdoors coop. $4. Black Easter Egger. Will lay green eggs. 3 week old easter egger chicks from organically fed free ranging chickens. 3 day old Easter Egger CHICKS for sale! Available now!!! Easter Egger Chickens For Sale - farm & garden - by owner - sale Easter Egger Chickens For Sale - $14 (Wiggins) © craigslist - Map data © OpenStreetMap 30 Berry Road ( google map ) condition: new delivery available I have lots of these for sale. do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers. $5.00 ea and discount to $4.50 on 10+ Text 541-408-six two 83 Easter egger chicks - farm & garden - by owner - sale loading reading writing saving searching There was an error loading the page; please try to refresh the page. -. $42. post id: 7482002158. posted: 22 minutes ago. New posting for next hatchings. post id: 7481942129. posted: 27 minutes ago. -. . Easter Egger bantam breed is a great breed. Comets lay large and brown eggs. $4 each. (Irmo area) I have 4 adorable little chicks available to someone that has a broody hen or the set-up to keep them warm and properly cared for. Easter egger chicks available now - $2 (Tabor City) © craigslist - Map data © OpenStreetMap ( google map ) Ameraucana/Easter egger chicks New posting for next hatchings. If you want less, then $2.50 per chick. 5 dollars for all 4. eggs. $3 each! 2022 POLARIS GENERAL XP-AVAILABLE TODAY. Beautiful specialty color including fibro melanistic. Easter Egger Chicks. $5. May 3. favorite this post. favorite this post. Poultry. Bred and hatched in Westford from our friendly, free-range flock of Easter Egger roosters and a mix of hen . Possible olive eggers! 1 Barred Rock. These are straight run (male & female). Do have a hen or 2 that I would sale too. Straight run Easter egger chicks available in Smiths Station, but willing to meet within reason. (Hillsborough) My 11 yr old son has a small "starter" business hatching chicks. $5.00 ea and discount to $4.50 on 10+ Text 541-408-six two 83 Easter egger chicks - farm & garden - by owner - sale Please pm for availability as we have hatches weekly now! $25. Can meet at TSC in Chippewa 15010 or Subway in Koppel 16136. do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers. $4 each. (Enoree) I have five Easter Egger chicks that need homes born two weeks ago. We have a flock of green and blue egg layers. I also have one ayam cemani (all black) chick for $15. $200 (NORTH BRANCH,MN) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting. If you buy an entire hatch, then $1.75 per chick. do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers. QR Code Link to This Post. Chicken: Easter Egger Rooster for sale - $20 (Elmer) © craigslist - Map data © OpenStreetMap Good looking and friendly roo for sale. Text for info I don't get on my email. Easter egger chicks 3$. (Granite Falls, WA) Let me start by asking that if you leave me a voicemail, PLEASE state the correct phone number S-L-O-W-L-Y and CLEARLY. post id: 7481640717. Easter Egger Chicks. They are all laying. Looking to possibly trade four chicks for a bunny to help console one little girl who really loved her chickies. Easter Egger Chicks And Ameraucanas. . From Prairie Chickens And Potatoes-To Houses:North Branch History-4vol. Various hens. Coop at night and excellent free ranger day. Easter egger chicks available! (Belfast) Barnyard mix blue/green/olive egg layers available. Easter Egger chicks, all hatched from green eggs. Free range laying hens. All are vaccinated and raised in organic environment. Giving as roosters however at this age possibility there is a hen (s) among group. Black Australorp and Easter egger chickens Black australorp lays brown eggs Easter egger lays blue green eggs. Easter Egg Chicks For Sale - $4 (Burlingame) © craigslist - Map data © OpenStreetMap I have young chicks for sale - $3.50 each. We will have vaccinated 2 month-old Easter Egger pullets (young hens) for sale for $30 each. Easter egger hens chickens layers - farm & garden - by owner - sale If you would like all 5 of the chickens we will sell them for $50. -. (Port Saint Lucie) I have some Easter Egger chicks (I think they're hens) I am not allowed to keep where I live. Easter Egger chicks - $12 (Enoree) Easter Egger chicks. Take all for $20. Straight run Easter eggers hatched out 4/2 from colored eggs and ready for new homes. post id: 7479637180. $4 (alt) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting. Easter Egger Roosters Chickens - $1 © craigslist - Map data © OpenStreetMap ( google map ) Free: Six farm grown four week old Easter Egger Roosters. -. Call or email for more information. 3 day old Easter Egger CHICKS for sale! Ameraucana/Easter egger chicks. NPIP clean flocks. I also have a few pure bred Ameracauna blue and black chicks. Text me or Call me at show contact info *colored egg layers were hatched from the brown eggs in the picture. Straight Run Bantam Easter Egger Chicks! 12 americauna easter egger chickens 2 months old out from under light 7.00 ea call show contact info do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers post id: 7479243001 post id: 7458816883. posted: about a month ago. 5 Easter Eggers. Polo MO. $4. (West siloam springs) 1 Easter egger rooster 12 months old. One206 do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers post id: 7472289234 Born Friday 5/6. Hens will lay tinted eggs, mostly blue, green or olive. Lots of colors both light and dark. 1 Wyandotte. Chickens For Sale. $4. They were hatched about a week ago. Half are black ameraucana purebreds and the others are mixes with the ameraucana's. All pullets will lay a green or blue egg. Easter egger chickens - $25 (West siloam springs) Easter egger chickens. All come from blue, green, or dark brown eggs. We currently have three Easter Egger Chicks for sale. May 5. Call Tom at show contact info and leave a message. I also have a few pure bred Ameracauna blue and black chicks. $4. Chickens: Easter Egger, Olive Eggers, and Perebred Ameraucana pullets. Straight run. do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers. These are Easter Egg Chickens. They hatched from March 26 - 28 and have raised them from this point on, however, we are just trying to cut back on our number of chickens. 3 days old now. Black wattles, legs and . image 1 of 24. $15. Day Old Pullet. Just hatched a few days ago. do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers. Chicks hatched about 2 weeks ago and are still hatching. $17,699. ‹. Dad is a Whiting True Green Ameraucana Cross. $1. Got 6 Easter Egger pullets 8 months old. QR Code Link to This Post. Take all for $20. $45 (atl > Lawrenceville Ga) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting. Easter Egger Chicks - $5 (Hillsborough) Easter Egger Chicks. Easter Egger Chicks - $4. $16 each Please call or text, email is not checked often. Easter egger chicks. Located in Stover-Versailles AREA! If you are not familiar with raising chickens and the cost that goes in to it please don't . do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers. QR Code Link to This Post. Straight run Easter eggers hatched out 4/2 from colored eggs and ready for new homes. $0 (CALL OR TEXT RYAN 630-673-4810) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting. These are 2 days to 1 week old. $5 for the Naked Neck Easter egger chicks. EASTER EGGER CHICKS - farm & garden - by owner - sale EASTER EGGER CHICKS © craigslist - Map data © OpenStreetMap Easter Egger chicks Bielefelder/ Ameraucana cross Can be Bearded and Muffed 1-2 week old- 6.00 straight run 2-4 week old- 7.00 straight run 4-6 week old Male 5.00 Female 8.00 do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers Born Friday 5/6. $12.00 each. We are asking for $15 each or $30 for all three. -. Easter Egger and Buckeye Chicks for sale - $350 (Gentry) © craigslist - Map data © OpenStreetMap I have 11 available. If ordering 100, prepayment via PayPal required. do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers. Straight run Easter egger chicks available in Smiths Station, but willing to meet within reason. post id: 7477758478. posted: 9 days ago. 5 Easter Eggers. $2,390. If you are not familiar with raising chickens and the cost that goes in to it please don't . image 1 of 12. image 1 of 7. These are straight run (male & female). 4 Easter ether chicks for sale. do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers. -. One hatch available of at least 100 chicks. $5. $0. -. I can't express how much I love this breed. Easter egger chickens - $25 (West siloam springs) Easter egger chickens. Must take all. Straight run. Hens and Rooster are both Sapphire Gem and Easter Egger. Or the four chicks, feeder, and ten pounds of chick starter for $20. -. Easter Egger chicks for sale: Around 1 week old (fluffy) straight run, $4 each. Easter egger chicks - $4 (Belfast) Easter egger chicks. Easter egger chicks. chickens. post id: 7479244072. ♥ best of [?] $25. Easter Egger chicks. (Prescott) I have Easter egger chicks available. No heat lamp required. All come from blue, green, or dark brown eggs. $100 (ocala) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting. (Prescott) I have Easter egger chicks available. They will lay blue,green or pink color eggs. (Burlingame) I have young chicks for sale - $3.50 each. ‹. 5 dollars for all 4. image 1 of 2. I also have one ayam cemani (all black) chick for $15. chicken. $12. By Appointment. CASH only. We have a flock of green and blue egg layers. Her eggs tend to fall on the green side but every now and then they will be brown. chicks. Straight run (unsure or gender). Lots of colors both light and dark. The first batch was born on Easter day and they are going for Easter Eggers - $8 RIR - $8 Cream Legbars - $15 The second batch was born 5.4.22 Easter Eggers - $5 . $4/each. $4 each. $5 for the Naked Neck Easter egger chicks. Organic Roosters and Chicken for sale. Including olive greens and sky blue! Chickens for sale. These are 2 days old now. 3 dollars a piece! Silkies (chicks/chickens/pullets) $15 (maryland) hide this posting restore restore this posting. Easter Egger chicks for sale - $5 (Irmo area) Easter Egger chicks for sale. $3 each for the regular easter egger chicks. $5 each. Straight run $5 each. These are 2 days to 1 week old. Araucanas, also known as Easter Eggers, lay light green/blue eggs. If they're listed, they're available. I've had folks in the past leave me a voicemail and either forget to leave me their call back number, leave the wrong number, or say it so quickly and inaudibly . ( 2 customer reviews) $ 5.04 - $ 6.10. (Belfast) Barnyard mix blue/green/olive egg layers available. post id: 7446732512. 25 $ a piece. Easter Egger Chicks - $4. Chickens. post id: 7480114124. posted: about 2 hours ago. Each weighs about 6 lbs. Easter Eggers Sexed Bantams - This is a fun hybrid chick that will lay candy easter egg sized eggs. -. They were hatched about a week ago. Been fed with corns, homegrown vegetables, scratch grains, rice, and bugs. ›. $30. Off the light and on the ground thriving!! $3 each for the regular easter egger chicks. I have roughly 50 chicks - Father is a Cream Legbar and the mothers are: Easter Eggers, Australorps, Cinnamon Queen. do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers. Chickens For Sale. Call or text 4seven9-4twosix-69twosix. She's will be mini sized chicken - so fun to cuddle. Easter Egger chicks for sale $2. We have Easter egger laying hens 10 months old now laying eggs- green blue pink (we cannot tell who lays what color). No heat lamp required. post id: 7481942129. posted: 27 minutes ago. post id: 7482002158. posted: 22 minutes ago. do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers. Half are black ameraucana purebreds and the others are mixes with the ameraucana's. All pullets will lay a green or blue egg. Easter egger chicks. post id: 7479632194. Will lay green eggs. Assorted colors, have muffs. QR Code Link to This Post. I have a new batch of straight run easter egger and naked neck chicks for sale. Rated 4.50 out of 5 based on 2 customer ratings. QR Code Link to This Post. Eggs are about medium small, but taste amazing. Easter Eggers are $30, Ameraucanas are $40-$50 depending on pet or exhibition quality. These cuties are breed to lay a rainbow of colors. (West siloam springs) 1 Easter egger rooster 12 months old. #chick #easteregger #chickens chickens chicks - general for sale - by owner Unsexed easter egger chicks. They will lay a mixture of colors and are really lovely little birds. Golden Comets: $20 each image 1 of 3. updated: 19 days ago. 1 month old. They are a week old today and very healthy. -. Parents on site, not for sale. 12 EASTER EGGER AMERICAUNA CHICKENS 2 MONTHS OLD , OUT FROM UNDER LIGHT , 7.00 EA CALL show contact info. They will lay a mixture of colors and are really lovely little birds. $4/each. Come get your Chickens today while supplies last! $5. Baby chicks born may 5th , 4 more born may 6. ›. They should start laying blue-green colored eggs when they are between 5 and 6 months of age. One hatch available of at least 100 chicks. Pre-order now!! Straight run. Easter Egger chicks - $5 (Irmo area) Easter Egger chicks. Apr 20. 1 Wyandotte. The hens will lay blue, green and brown eggs. Easter Egger Chicks - $5 (Hillsborough) Easter Egger Chicks. Actual pictures of our chickens. 2-3 weeks old (some feathers but still need a heat source) straight run, $6. $10. post id: 7458047865. posted: 2 months ago. We've detected you are using a browser that is missing critical features. On organic feed. If you take all 16 we'll sell them for $4 each. Easter Egger chicks for sale - $5 (Irmo area) © craigslist - Map data © OpenStreetMap I have 7 EE chicks available from my latest hatch. These are 2 days old now. You should get green or blue eggs from the hens. Easter Egger chicks, all hatched from green eggs. inland empire farm & garden "easter egger" - craigslist 1.5 years old. ‹. 4 Easter ether chicks for sale. Split Rail Farms in Penngrove has 5 month old pullets (young hens about to start laying) for sale. $15. (Irmo area) I have 4 adorable little chicks available to someone that has a broody hen or the set-up to keep them warm and properly cared for. post id: 7476202460. $4. 47nine. Hatching eggs $15/dozen. Pre-order now!!! 4-5 weeks old (fully feathered, out of the brooder) cockerels $8 and pullets $10. Easter Egger, Black Austerlorps, New Hampshire Reds - $40 (petaluma) © craigslist - Map data © OpenStreetMap ( google map ) 5 month old laying hens for sale. Easter Eggers Chicks. On medicated feed. Hens and Chicks (Succulents, Sempervivum, Semps, Houseleeks) Plants. I am selling them as straight run only and require you to buy at least 2 unless you are putting them with chicks under a week old. We will have vaccinated 2 month-old Easter Egger pullets (young hens) for sale for $30 each. So many chicks for sale! (Conroe) 16-24 week old Easter Egger and purebred Black Ameraucana pullets and cockerels available. I also have Rhode Island Reds for sale.
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