according toStephen Hannard ADGUK. They were taking some of these artifacts down to Antarctica and seeding them. According to flat-earthers, Antarctica is actually a thick wall about 30 to 60 meters (100 to 200 ft.) high that surrounds our planet. However, earlier this year photos from NASA appeared to reveal traces of a human settlement underneath the ice. The Ancient Code Indeed, Lockheed was awarded the Antarctic Support Contract by the National Science Foundation in 2011 to provide logistical support for open source science projects. When the Ice Breaks on the Antarctic Treaties, a Polar War May Bring the Heat and a New, New World. Thermometers at the Esperanza Base on the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula reached 18.3C (64.9F)around the same temperature as Los Angeles that day. The icy continent of Antarctica, they pointed out, belongs to no nation. It has been published in Archaeology News Flash. Two of the huge pyramid structures were found approximately 10 miles inland, the third one not far from the coastline, clearly visible from ocean. Live and work in Antarctica! . So everyone stayed away from the South Pole for over a month. Advertisement. This is significant since Brian, a former Navy flight engineer. This is very unusual for air traffic over there, due to the fact that the only planes flying on the continent were ours, namely those of the VXE-6 squadron. It is said that the massive ruins arearound 3200 meters of ice. It has been published in Archaeology News Flash. At that time, the spokesperson of the company Atlantis TV has said that the US government will find ways to stop the airing of the video found by the Navy rescuers. . Now, another interesting note, we do have these archaeologists and employees of various universities that are down there excavating and documenting all of this, but what they have done, they being the Cabal, I guess youll say, they have used these large electromagnetic submarines that I discussed earlier to take a lot of archaeological items that they had found in other digs that they were keeping suppressed from humanity, they had them in huge warehouses. Scientists and researchers are, admittedly, rather taken aback. $14,295. Two of the three. The earliest report dates back to June 2001 when up to 12 Raytheon employees were medically evacuated during a covert digging operation down to Lake Vostok, according to veteran researchers Richard Hoagland and Mike Bara. What's going on in Antarctica? With what we have called Severe Clear, or the time that goes from McMurdo to the South Pole, the Antarctic Trans mountain range is visible from flight altitudes at around 25,000 35,000 feet. The wild claims state that the Nazis claimed an area of Antarctica as German territory and sent an expedition there. Brian, aged 60, graduated from Iowa college with the degree of Engineer with a specialization in. In the comments section of his video, Pete says that his sources are from outside the United States, and are not connected to Corey Goode and David Wilcock. Allegedly, a society could have existed prehistory, coming to an end with the last Ice Age which froze over the continent. October 26, 2022 Antarctica Journal. Among the first to refer to a lost under ice city discovery in Antarctica with advanced technologies is Corey Goode, who says he was taken there in January 2017 by an Inner Earth group of beings called the Anshar. According to Petes sources, what had afflicted the employees of Lockheed Martin, and likely Raytheon back in 2001, was nanowaves being emitted from the frozen city. including the Antarctic Service Medal, awarded to him on 20 November 1984 as proof of his period in service. With what we have called Severe Clear, or the time that goes from McMurdo to the South Pole, the Antarctic Trans mountain range is visible from flight altitudes at around 25,000 35,000 feet. We have never heard of them again, they completely disappeared. New Release: Explore Evidence of an Ancient Lost City on the Antarctic Continent. The Antarctic cruise season 2022 runs from January, February, and March and then in November and December. Ancient City Found In Ethiopia Sheds New Light On The Country's History. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. It is a high ridge in Antarctica on the East Antarctic Plateau where temperatures in several hollows can dip . Recently, Google Earth satellite imagery discovered a constellation of three snow-covered pyramids in Antarctica. Along with key review factors, this compensation may impact how and where products appear across the site (including, for example, the order in which they appear). Exact details are sketchy, but the team have released three When drilling reached only 300 meters from the site, which ground penetrating radar had previously pinpointed, according to Pete a significant number of injuries and deaths occurred. Their equipment that we brought back from the field was quarantined and sent back to the United States, escorted by the same Intelligence agents who had asked us about our flight over the air sampling area where there is precisely the big hole in the ice. Ancient Lost White City Found - Antarctica Journal In January 2015, UFO researcher Linda Moulton-Howe (editor of the website) received an unexpected letter from an alleged retired US Navy engineer, former first-class flight, non-commissioned officer. In January 2015, UFO researcher Linda Moulton-Howe (editor of the website) received an unexpected letter from an alleged retired US Navy engineer, former first-class flight, non-commissioned officer. Between these two stations there is a mountain range called the Antarctic Trans. Researchers have recently begun to say that great secrets may be hidden in the ice of Antarctica. According to Goodes sources, excavations of the frozen city began in 2002. . Ruins of Ancient City Found in Antarctica - Blogging - Citizen - Scribd A team of researchers are claiming that they have discovered three ancient pyramids on the ice covered continent of Antarctica. Now American and Honduran researchers think they've finally found the pre-Columbian settlement deep in the Honduran rain forest. The continent does not belong to any nation in the world. The sale of the Lockheed division handling the Antarctic Support Contract to Leidos in 2015/2016 does explain what appeared to be a puzzling corporate decision at the time. The Truth About Antarctica's Pyramids - Dozens of research stations, some year-round and others seasonal, operate in Antarctica under the guidance of around 30 individual countries. End of story.. You could fly one of our LC130 into this thing. , of what is found on the continent of Antarctica. South Georgia & Antarctic Odyssey. The team left behind a video documenting an apparent ancient ruin found below the Antarctic ice. Conspiracy theorists went wild earlier this year when a video claiming to be from the lost city emerged. So everyone stayed away from the South Pole for over a month. Massive "Alien Face" Structure Found In Antarctica Via Google Maps He then describes part of what they likely saw: Im told to imagine the site as a massive city with as many buildings as a metropolis would contain, all devoid of life at least so far as we know. A leading researcher, keynote speaker & best selling author in the fields of exopolitics. Archaeologists have made a once-in-a-lifetime discovery in Israel, uncovering stunning pottery pieces and bronze artefacts. Now, we have got a complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested! But strangely, we did not find anyone where we left them and there was no sign of their presence. Anonymous Reveals What The Government 'Really Found' In Antarctica Next, Petes sources refer to a no fly zone over the dig site which is located 14 miles from the geographic South Pole. We chalked it up to some kind of subzero-induced delusion, he said, until a helicopter full of Navy SEALs landed and picked them up and took off. It now can be confirmed that a gigantic massive city is under the ice in Antarctica.The age of this city exceeds 50 million years. They then allegedly mapped the area and discovered a network of rivers and caves, one of which led to a large geothermal lake. Real Paranormal Activity Caught on CCTV Camera? At the moment, we only have Petes confidence in his sources credibility. Photo's released by NASA appear to vindicate the conspiracy theory that an ancient civilization exists beneath the Antarctica ice sheets. The 1,255-sq-mile (3,250-sq-km) Larsen B ice shelf was known to be melting fast but no one had predicted that it would take just one month for the 200-metre-thick behemoth to completely . Ruins Of Ancient City Found In Antarctica? - The Lost City of Antarctica: Secrets of the Ancient World - Goodreads We left the field and returned to McMurdo as ordered by our Commander. They are also removing any body that does not look human. They also planted flags along the coast. On November 18th, the sources testimony was introduced in a video published by Pete, host of the Creepy Little Book Youtube channel. This doesnt make any sense for any of us in the crew, because on 2 different occasions we had to fly over this area. A smooth depression captured in a radar satellite image of East Antarctica set a team of scientists led by The University of Texas of Austin on a path to find an undiscovered lake covered by miles of ice. Whatever beings may be inhabiting the base, theyll need to make sure to wrap up warm with one unlucky Antarctic explorer revealing this week he is suffering from the painful-sounding condition Polar Penis. Each aircraft knew where the other plane was to carry out its flight plan. This satellite image provided by NASA, Aqua MODIS 12 on March 2022 shows the main piece of C-37 close to Bowman Island. Archaeologists in Poland have uncovered the skeletal remains of a woman and have made a gruesome discovery. Technically, nobody inhabits Antarctica year-round, but there are between 1,000 and 5,000 people at any given time. Hello Linda, Legitimate science projects were created to hide the excavations with massive amounts of funding going to Lockheed in excess of 5 billion. 10 Conspiracy Theories About Antarctica - Listverse 14 Greatest Mysteries of Antarctica | Wayfairer Travel . On the other hand, Pete suggests that there is a lot of disinformation out there on Antarctica, without explicitly referring to Goode and Wilcock. Researchers say a massive cavity the size of two-thirds of Manhattan was found under a glacier in Antarctica. Pete finally says that former Secretary John Kerry and Buzz Aldrin were taken to the frozen city, as well as a secondary site which is not known to most workers. The extraterrestrial rock weighed an incredible 18 kilograms. Between these two stations there is a mountain range called the Antarctic Trans. Ushuaia . 10 Days from $5,495. Justin Bieber: Facial Paralysis Is Punishment For Exposing Illuminati Pedophilia, Spanish Royalty Expose Who Really Killed Princess Diana, Controlled Opposition: Dave Chappelles Family Say He Was Killed and Cloned by the Illuminati, Michael Jackson Was Murdered for Saying SAME Things As Kanye 13 Years Ago, CIA Agent We Pay Mainstream Media To Spread Fake News, Shocking Expos, Britain Has Fallen: With Rishi Sunak, the WEFs Coup Is Complete, Kanye West Exposes Celebs on Monarch Mind Control Kill List, 'Satanic' Elon Musk Partners With WEF to Usher In a 'Digital Great Reset', Greta Thunberg Calls For Annihilation of the West To Save the World. With the magnitude and scale of this project defying description a legitimate cover story was created. As soon as the team of scientists was loaded, everyone was silent, did not speak to the crew of the plane and seemed frightened. Whatever beings may be inhabiting the base, they'll need to make sure to wrap up warm with one unlucky Antarctic explorer revealing this week he is suffering from the painful-sounding condition Polar Penis. I have been working with this squadron since 1983, then retired in March 1997. Spend 6 full days exploring Antarctica with the Polar Circle at 66 degrees south as your most southerly objective, on board one of the most exciting new vessels. Fossils found in Antarctica from 2 new dinosaur species / St - SFGATE To this day, the Atlantis TV crew who filmed the archaeological dig remains missing. Antarctic seabed 'jigsaw piece' publicly released 4 October 2022 Survey data from a vast underwater valley off East Antarctica, collected Read more Release of summary research paper on diversity, equity, and inclusion in the Australian Antarctic Program 2 October 2022 The summary research paper, by Professor Meredith Nash, was commissioned The radio was on and I tried to call McMurdo to verify that it was working properly. I served my country in my 20s in the navy with a squadron called Antartic Development Squadron Six or VXE-6 as it was also known. At least four YouTubepostersthink there just may be a lost city on the continent of Antarctica. The reason stated was due to an air sampling area in the coordinated one. The U.S. government said it will seek to block the airing of a video found by Navy rescuers in Antarctica that purportedly reveals that a massive archaeological dig is underway two miles (3,200 meters) beneath the ice, a spokesman from the production company who represent the crew said at the time of their disappearance. Reservations for 2022 should be made as early as possible due to increased demand caused by COVID-19 related disruptions in 2020 and 2021. To keep this resource 100% free, we receive compensation for many of the products and services listed on the site. Antarctica: A city could be buried under the snow and ice - news The location of Nippur as one of the places where a sleeping giant could be found was highly significant as it meant some of the ancient Anunnaki space technology was almost certain to be found hidden in the buried ruins. So reported sources at McMurdo Station, the main American base in Antarctica.. In Antarctica, at a distance of 480 km from the South Pole, there is the huge Lake Vostok, which is not inferior in area During the field work, the researchers drilled 890 meters of ice on the Filchner-Ronne shelf, located in the southeast of the Weddell Sea. UFO Discovered In Antarctica | iHeart A team of researchers are claiming that they have discovered three ancient pyramids on the ice covered continent of Antarctica. While relatively close, this may mean we are referring to separate sites or entry points that have developed over a 30 year period. The AtlantisTV production crew that shot thevideo isstill missing. reports Gray. The bodies have since travelled miles from their original location, as the ice grows and shifts around them. Can you legally move to Antarctica? Our operations in this frozen land began in late September and ended in late February of each year until the squadron was decommissioned in 1999. The discovery reveals important new information about the origins of international trade and Islam between the 10th and early 15th . But during an emergency, Brian tells of having entered the whole crew of the plane inside the. Discovery of 'hidden world' under Antarctic ice has scientists 'jumping At least four YouTube posters think there just may be a lost city on the continent of Antarctica. Be current, Be aware. Antarctica is ringed with more than half a million square miles of ice shelves - the Filchner-Ronne is one of the largest, covering more than 160,000 square miles - but boreholes have revealed an. Only by learning more details about Petes sources can we gain greater clarity about what he was told, and whether there is an attempt to manage public perceptions about Antarctica by manipulating archeological evidence currently being excavated there in a sanitized disclosure initiative. All rights reserved | News Punch. Maps of the ancient world that showed Antarctica as free of ice and populated. Artist's impression. Copyright Notice, [Note: I will be visiting Australia in early 2018 to present my research findings on Antarctica in Melbourne (Jan 7) and Sydney (Jan 14). Support this podcast:, 7 Sleeping Anunnaki Scientists are Awakening. Antarctica, South Georgia & Falkland Islands with Taste of Argentina & Brazil 29 Days Buenos Aires to Rio de Janeiro Operated By: Scenic Ship: Scenic Eclipse I Departures: Nov 2022 to Feb 2023 Countries Visited: Argentina, Antarctica, Falkland Islands, South Georgia Island (+1 more) Earlybird Saving Inside - Oceanview - Balcony $ 39,086 Suite During my service in the team, I have flown to almost every part of the Antarctic continent including the South Pole more than 300 times. Vast amount of water discovered hidden beneath Antarctica | CNN These stations include Esperanza, McMurdo, Cmara, Neumayer II and III, and Orcadas, to name only a few. I felt like writing to her after meditating for a long period of time, so here is my decision to write and tell her about my experience on the Antarctic continent, witness of sightings of flying saucers and of which I have been told not to speak. Very often we had discussions between the flight crews on the UFO bases at the South Pole and some crew members had heard from some of the scientists that in that area, where the air camouflage and the big hole is located, there are EBE (Extraterrestrial Biological Entities) that work and interact with scientists. There dont seem to be many secrets hidden in the Antarctic continent and there are many different stories that come out thanks to military personnel who, after years and years of forced silence, have decided to reveal information about Alien Bases in that part of the world! A week later, a scientist informed Mc Murdo to return to the camp again to pick them up. (Credit: RADARSAT/European Space Agency) They were easily able to spot the lake as, unlike ice, water reflects radar signals like a mirror. July 13, 2022 Antarctica Journal 5/5 - (1 vote) For centuries, explorers and treasure hunters have searched in vain for the ancient lost White City the legendary home of a long lost Central American civilization. The asteroid is believed to be around 100 metres wide and exploded before it made landfall. Ushuaia: The Closest City to Antarctica. Nor has he explained the need for anonymity for any of them, other than referring to a vague warning he received about going public with this information. Professor Charles A Hapgood, a history expert from the US, first published a paper in the 1950s that said movement in the Earth's crust meant that only 11,600 years ago large parts of Antarctica were totally ice free. Pete has not disclosed the identity of his latest source, nor gone into detail about other sources he has relied upon to learn about Antarctica. This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Gray also spoke about his challenge to the work of Zecharia Sitchin, who contends that an ET race, the Annunaki, visited Earth from the planet Nibiru. There Could Be Hundreds of Frozen Corpses Buried Beneath Antarctica's Sun 5 Jun 2022 23.30 EDT Last modified on Tue 7 Jun 2022 00.09 EDT. I have attempted to communicate with Pete and hope to learn more about his sources and evaluate their importance for understanding current operations in Antarctica. Antarctic Explorer - Sail/Fly Expedition. McMurdo station, which is a 3.5-hour flight from the South Pole station, was the squadrons base during our annual operations. Brian claims that he is aware of a collaboration that still exists between humans and aliens and that Antarctica is an important location and field of research for these incredible collaborations. Advertiser Disclosure: is a free online resource that offers valuable content and comparison services to users. Pyramids Found In Antarctica Apr 16 Antarctica Mysteries Google Earth images of Antarctica have revealed what looks like pyramids - prompting conspiracy theorists to suggest they were created by anything from lost civilizations to aliens. For decades the archaeological community labored under the theory that human civilization began only following the last Ice Age. We left them and there was no sign of their presence Pole for a. A href= '' https: // '' > ruins of ancient City found in Ethiopia Sheds New Light on Antarctic. Out, belongs to no nation also removing any body that does not look human its flight plan 1983. 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