Because romance isnt a standalone activity. 3:16). In fact, "loves God and puts him first" was always on the top of the list of what I was looking for. You will have the opportunity in the future to find relationships that are more fitting for your beliefs. I would encourage you to look at this through lenses other than the yes/no sex lens. At your age, you're unlikely to be experiencing true "love". Depending on what you believe about the afterlife, could you live with him knowing he's not a believer? However, I've realized a hard, "Yes, it matters. A love that is willing to lay down your own desires to serve someone else. Please help.. Sometimes it's hard for even Christians to deny their flesh, much less a nonbeliever who doesn't have a clue what that means. Heres another key verse that addresses this issue: Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. I know that he won't leave me.
My boyfriend is not a virgin. What should I do? - Boundless Youre not going to like what Im about to say. What will unite you as parents? Their own personal goals and desires? And I believe the best thing you can do is to break off this relationship and focus on serving God without this boyfriend in the picture. But what about the girl who dates the non-Christian boyfriend and he actually becomes a Christian in the end! I trust that he won't. If you are really interested in someone who isnt a believer, I suggest becoming their friend, learning more about them, and investing in conversations where you can openly share your thoughts, ideas, opinions, and beliefs. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I will For now, she teaches tiny children and writes on the side. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Actions speak louder than words. Another woman who comes to mind, who once was on fire for God, married an atheist and now she no longer pursues her walk with God at all. He also thinks that when a couple has sex, it signifies them as one already. Unfortunately you are in the wrong relationship. Hes not a Christian. Your answer to this question will inform how you feel about the bigger question at hand. Rather than choosing the path that God explicitly advises us against (then hoping for the best), we should heed Gods wisdom and choose to do things Gods way from the beginning. In the midst of good times and easy decisions, you may not stop to think about the bigger realities up ahead. That is essentially what this passage is saying to believers becoming yoked to unbelievers. Im happy to answer this question for you, but I think you already know the answer (which is maybe why you wrote to me in the first place). Marriage between two people with differing core values is even harder. As I outlined in my book, Love Defined: God's Vision for Lasting Love and Satisfying Relationships, here are 6 practical ways being unequally yoked will play out in your relationship with a non-Christian (read chapter 10 for more details). 1 Cor. If Paul was okay with Christians being married to non-Christians, perhaps you could find your way to lightening up on the matter.
Should I Breakup with My Boyfriend Who isn't a Christian? End it now, before you are deeply invested in someone who cant be your partner in Christ. What kind of testimony and witness will it be to him when you end the relationship months down a long-invested road because He didnt become a Christian? If you are choosing to follow the way of no sex until marriage, or have re-dedicated yourself to this, is your partnerwho doesnt have the same moral compass rooted in God like yougoing to be understanding and supportive of this? 6:14). In the midst of good times and easy decisions, you may not stop to think about the bigger realities up ahead. I have my personal opinion on dating a non-Christian, and Ive come to my conclusion from personal experiences, and I believe you should come to a conclusion personally as well. However, when it comes to the big decisions, are you willing to compromise your Christian morals, beliefs, and values for the other person? This is a hard topic to discuss in this small space, but I would very happy to continue it in a chat if you'd like. Money, fame, worldly success? As hard as this is for me to share, I say this because I love you. Its a gateway leading us to an end destination, When it comes to dating a non-Christian, Gods Word offers some helpful wisdom. There has to be because both of you are not always going to want the same things at the same time in the same way. You can't sek the Lord . Like I said, really good points. One lady, in particular, told me that because her husband doesnt share her belief or invest in that aspect of her life, there is a part of her that always feels separated and distant from her husband, like he doesnt know or understand her fully. If you are a Christ-follower and he isnt, what would your marriage look like? My questionis, do you think this is something worth holding on to, or not? Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. Being around him is never fun. You say God comes first in your life and that is something you will need to stay accountable to. Your time spent? Relationships Well, Wheres God? Why? And these people make good points like. When it comes to dating a non-Christian, Gods Word offers some helpful wisdom. In order to do that, it comes down to figuring out what you are willing and not willing to do. And that will be lonely. If he's got specific questions then he could look at some of the answers that have already been given, or he could ask a question online himself. The chalice used by Buzz Aldrin to celebrate Holy Christians in this sub need thicker skin. To learn more, click here. I'm a Christian and I had a boyfriend but I didn't know he didn't believed in God. At 27, I understood and accepted that God was using the last few years to prepare me for marriage. Is it going to be a cause of contention in your relationship? How do we date while keeping the truths of Scripture at the front of our priority list? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Everything is total rubbish without that relationship. Dont put yourself through the heartache and loneliness that this relationship could bring. Youve described a bunch of really awesome things, and I dont doubt that youve found a great guy. You could share about your Biblical beliefs regarding marriage and dating. It also means that you and your partner are equallyat least as much as possibleseeking a deep connection with God: going to church, reading the Word, investing in community, and being persistent in prayer. Even still, you may be wondering why its so important to be equally yoked rather than, I know numerous people who have married an unbeliever. In the midst of good times and easy decisions, we may not stop to think about the bigger realities up ahead. You will not make a great team for Gods Kingdom. Your faithfulness to Him will be worth it in the end. Break it off and find a believer to date/marry. Therefore, I encourage you to think about each of these questions with great consideration and then answer for yourself, if your boyfriend isnt a Christian, does it really matter? There will always be some sort of compromise in relationships, and thats ok.
Though this isnt going to be the case in every relationshipthere are also stories of the non-believer becominga Christian throughout the relationshipthey say one bad apple can ruin the whole bunch, and these real-life examples show how that can be very true. do you? The Bible never portrays a picture of a pure, Christ-honoring romance without marriage in sight. If your boyfriend cannot learn to respect your religion and values then you should break it off. Dont do it, its not right! doesnt leave much room for valuable conversation around the issue. However I will definitely be still weighing this heavily and talk to him about it. In closing, I want to tell you about a free new resource we created at Girl Defined called, The Christian Girls Breakup Survival Guide. This instant downloadable PDF is available for free to every person who is a part of our Patreon Family of supporters. I only want whats best for you. too) relationships most certainly can work, and that one's religious inclinations do not need to serve as an obstacle to healthy and loving relationship as long as proper respect is maintained in both directions, for one another's beliefs. This should be obvious. Lots of believer/non-believer relationships work when you don't try to change your partner into something they're not. Because ultimately He comes first in my life. He deserves to hear why youre ending it. And trust me, they will come faster than you think. Dont walk this hard path alone. Sure, he might be fine with you going, but are you prepared to go to church alone every week? Throughout Scripture, godly romantic relationships are always paired with marriage in view. Lets jump ahead to the hypothetical picket fence future for a minute. So he believes that when we have sex, it's okay because we'll be together and only us. This post is written to help Christian women understand Gods design for dating and marriage. I just want to have some insight (and some edification) as to whether our relationship is wrong in the eyes of God and if I am going against Him. My boyfriend isn't Christian. In closing, I want to tell you about a free new resource we created at Girl Defined called, The Christian Girls Breakup Survival Guide. This instant downloadable PDF is available for free to every person who is a part of our Patreon Family of supporters. Well it's not that I'm trying to change my partner completely. As Christians, our greatest witness for Christ will be lived out in the way we genuinely and selflessly love other people. Are you ok with going to church alone, or being encouraged to not go at all? Hi all! here are 6 practical ways being unequally yoked will play out in your relationship with a non-Christian (read chapter 10 for more details). Have kids? Relationships are really difficult. has this secret ambition to be the worlds first ever sit-down comedian. If two . A long conversation will probably be required. Its a love that places the care for another above your own. Our newest book, "Not Part of the Plan: Trusting God with the Twists and Turns of Your Story" is available for pre-order now, and releases everywhere on October 12, 2021. If it is continually causing issues because you see things too differently, then that would not be great. I never would have considered dating a non-Christian. Don't do it, it's not right!" doesn't leave much room for valuable conversation around the issue. What will you use as a tool to teach your kids right and wrong? He's here for me right now, someone to turn to. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Part of me wants to apologize upfront because its going to feel harsh. If your guy isnt a follower of Christ, he will never know or understand you deeply, because he doesnt know the One who knows and understands you deeper than you can even fathom. My issue is just as the title suggests. As I seek to answer these sensitive questions from a Biblical perspective, I want you to first know that I firmly believe that every person is created equal in Gods sight regardless of their religious background. I don't want to rule this relationship as a complete fail because we are new in this. To learn more. Don't put yourself through the heartache and loneliness that this relationship could bring. He knows sin destroys and hurts people when they step outside of His plans for our time here on earth. 8:78; Heb. with God with Yourself with Everyone Else . Ultimately, I'll have to look towards the Holy Spirit for guidance. Putting that aside, how does this relationship play out? As a wife, we are called to submit to our husband, but how would you feel submitting to someone who isnt submitted to God? I know it may be way out in the future for you, but these are questions you need to consider before they are right in front of your face.
My Boyfriend isn't a Christian, But Does it Really Matter? I believe somewhere deep in your soul you already know the answer but can't bring yourself to break up with a guy who professes to love you based on his terms. And these people make good points like, Hes so much nicer and more intentionala better personthan the Christians Ive dated, and, Its not like were that serious, so I dont see why it matters that hes not a Christian. Weve received many emails and messages like this over the years. Another woman who comes to mind, who once was on fire for God, married an atheist and now she no longer pursues her walk with God at all. What you don't want to be is ending up in a marraige where you are pulling in two different directions - or being "unequally yoked" as it is discribed in the Bible. The first part of this makes it sound like you're more concerned with it being an issue with your parents and that in reality, you're ultimately okay with accepting that he is not a Christian; but then in your last lines, you hope that he will convert? He says hes totally open to God and religion, but he just doesnt see the need at this point in his life. Thanks for your advice though. Isnt dating a great opportunity to share the gospel? Thank you again for reaching out to me . His goal is not to love you unconditionally according to God's definition of love, but to get what he wants. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. 12:1-2). Can you see the disconnect? 28:19-20; Heb. What should I do? If it is Gods will you two be together, he will make it happen in line with His will and His ways. Do you want someone who will support you in your walk with God? Unequally yoked is an ancient reference to two oxen being unfit to work as a team. There is a possibility that you will meet one, though it's not a guarantee. Since God created human beings designed for relationships - with Him and each other - He was careful to give us a manual on the "do's and don'ts" for our protection. (I'm just asking this for more clarification and deeper discussion). So we are still new to all this. And this isnt a romantic love were talking about. I'm 99% certain God wants you with someone who loves Him as much as you do. Why do you assume that non-believers will always force their partners to have sex or anything related to sex before they are married? Is that okay? Candice Watters from digs into this with some helpful wisdom and insight. Navigating romance and relationships can be a really hard (and sometimes tricky) thing. She took into account that I am not religious, so she does not push her religious values on me. God does not thanking God for allowing me to live 19 years, I Am Jesus Christ: Prologue - Official Trailer. Loving each other doesnt necessarily mean you should marry. I'm an atheist and had an unusual Christian encounter today. Communication is key. It's the issue of us and sexual acts. If you two cannot be respectful of each others worldviews than it will never work. Isnt that worth it? Thats a great question! These are the conversations that often lead to changed lives. Im not sure what to do. All are welcome to participate. Pull the plug out of it now before the both of you become more invested. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? That's not my job or what I should do I want him to see what I mean as a Christian and my values pertaining to it and then see what the Holy Spirit can do for my bf. One lady, in particular, told me that because her husband doesnt share her belief or invest in that aspect of her life, there is a part of her that always feels separated and distant from her husband, like he doesnt know or understand her fully. Well we both are each other's first in terms of having a relationship. If you are choosing to follow the way of no sex until marriage, or have re-dedicated yourself to this, is your partnerwho doesnt have the same moral compass rooted in God like yougoing to be understanding and supportive of this? Are you able to respect his well, you only specify him as a "non-Christian", but regardless of what he believes in, is that something you -- not your parents -- are willing to respect? He will probably feel anger in his heart toward you and wonder why you werent honest with him from the beginning. Are you ok with being with someone whose entire life foundation is different from yours? Sister, I love you and care for you. Now when people ask me if it matters that their boyfriend or girlfriend isn't a Christian, I do have an answer. It's a big decision we both have to discuss I'm afraid. You aren't on the same mission (see Matt. Life is really difficult. I can relate to that. You wont share the same standards and convictions (see Rom.
I believe the most Christ-honoring and genuine step you could take as this point, is to graciously end the relationship. Privacy Policy. He believes in something out there, but not God the way I serve Him. Do you feel he respects your convictions and practices as a Christian? Thank you for your advice. Even still, you may be wondering why its so important to be equally yoked rather than because the Bible says so. Do you have enough of the most important things in life to you in common? All Rights Reserved. 11:6). Their friends or family? Does religion really matter that much? As . Although things might seem bleak and grey right now, I am confident that God will bless you for your obedience. He wont ever get who you are at the core of your being because he doesnt know the Lord. What happens when you get married? A love that is willing to lay down your own desires to serve someone else. Unless you really think your parents would be ok with it ya kinda just have to fake it untill they gain enough trust in him to tell them that he is athiest. Priorities are what compel us to show God how we really feel about our relationship with Him. Will you take the kids to church alone, too? We need to talk about this more and see where it leads us and maybe sacrifices to our relationship have to be made. You might consider sharing transparently why you should have never entered the relationship in the first place.
9 Signs Your Boyfriend is Totally Wrong for You I have my personal opinion on dating a non-Christian, and Ive come to my conclusion from personal experiences, and I believe you should come to a conclusion personally as well.
What I Learned From Dating a Non-Christian Guy - The Life And that includes you, pastor. I would love to continue this in chat. He cant provide spiritual leadership (see Heb. Are you ok with not having a prayer life with your spouse, not having them to pray with you or for you? 1. The pressure you feel now is here to stay. And He must be first. A love that is willing to make a hard choice for the good of another. You cant sek the Lord together (see Matt. For your sake or for his. I jus hope that the Holy Spirit will lead me to the right path in this. She says: Since the purpose of dating is to find a spouse and since believers are not permitted to marry unbelievers, we must not deceive ourselves into thinking its OK to dateas long as we dont marryunbelievers. Website built by Five Q. 3:13; 10:24; Titus 1). God bless. Heres what you need to do to be a part of the fun: If you have a question, leave a comment, send me a tweet (@AmandaMBast) or an email ( I see it wise to not permit your relationship to be dictated by your parents, or perhaps don't concern yourself with him changing his views, with that being the case. Since God created human beings designed for relationships - with Him and each other - He was careful to give us a manual on the "do's and don'ts" for our protection. Dont do it, its not right! doesnt leave much room for valuable conversation around the issue. You can care for one another and stay friends but when you start a family, there shouldnt be a significant conflict of values. I'm a Christian and I'm afraid if my Christian parents find out that my boyfriend isn't a Christian then they'll make me drop him (which I obviously don't want to). I don't know how to refute this or say otherwise. Plus, at that time in my life, a boyfriend being a Christian wasnt high on the priority list, unfortunately. If one wants to remain chaste, while the other one doesn't want to do this. But it's amazing how often we jump through psychological hoops of self-justification to . Of course it crossed my mind, but I didnt think of it as that big of an issue, especially because wed only gone on a few dates, and it wasnt anything serious. I know it would suck if it meant breaking up with him but. Christ at the center of it all. I promise to be praying for you. It's an issue I feel very affected by.
My mother thinks that my boyfriend isn't a Christian We are in a long distance relationship and so I still have time (and hope that I can talk to him more about this before I meet him. Press J to jump to the feed. It's contributed alot to my issue and I appreciate it alot. I've been in a relationship with my boyfriend for the past year and a half, and we are both in our junior year of college (2021). Throughout Scripture, godly romantic relationships are always paired with marriage in view. Though this isnt going to be the case in every relationshipthere are also stories of the non-believer. As John Piper wisely points out, The key text is in 1 Corinthians 7:39 where it says that a woman is free to be married to whom she wishes, only in the Lord. That little phrase only in the Lord is added to an otherwise innocent marriage to say, Dont go outside of the Lord to marry.. If the answer to both those questions is yes, then I think that your relationship is -- at least spiritually -- not only fine, but good. I dont know. Will you serve alone? 22:6; Josh. I don't think it's a rule that you can only date a Christian. Decisions made raising your kids? Its a gateway leading us to an end destinationmarriage. Every wonderful thing you listed about him is negated by the last part of your statement. Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?. That but hes not a Christ follower is a really, really big but. A love that is willing to make a hard choice for the good of another. Religion (any kind - not just christianity) always seems to be an obstacle. 16:14 says, Let all that you do be done in love. John 13:35 says, by this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. And Romans 12:10 says, Love one another with brotherly affection. What terrible advice from a place of negativity. And that bothers me as well. Will they wonder why they have to go every week when Daddy gets to stay home? Actually I am basically the same situation as your bf and its the main reason I am here. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform.
My boyfriend isn't a Christian is that a dealbreaker? How does this impact your household finances? The pressure you feel now is here to stay. When we surrender our life to God, giving him full access to our hearts and lives, we experience all the good things he has for us. It's designed to help answer people's questions and to teach what Christianity is all about, so it's pretty much made for this kind of situation. And these people make good points like, "He's so much nicer and more . I want to mention that my boyfriend is someone who says that he wants to show he loves me by having sex with with me because to him, that's they way he thinks that love can be professes fully. This will not go well. This is why I'm telling him what I can or cannot do as a Christian and explain the reasons along the way. His goal is not to love you unconditionally according to God's definition of love, but to get what he wants. To be equally yoked does mean both you and the other person are believers, but it goes even further. The biggest of buts. 28:1920; Heb. Im going to shoot it to you straight because someone needs to, and Im OK with being that someone because you dont know where I live. Hes definitely open to learning more and loves me enough to respect and admire my beliefs, but not hold them as his own. And, of course, pray for them. Will he be able to lead you and encourage you to work through it and grow in your faith? If you follow Christ above all else, He is what matters most. So when you ask, does it really matter? I urge you to consider thesethings. If your priorities are first Jesus, then your husband, but your husbands first priority is you and only you, theres an imbalance. As hard as this decision is, trust that Gods ways are better than your ways. Answering the question of should I breakup with my non-Christian boyfriend has nothing to do with a persons worthiness in Gods eyes, but everything to do with Gods plan for romance and marriage for a Christian.
Christians in love with non-Christians (and their Christian "friends One of the most prominent scenarios that comes to mind is if and when you have children together. I chose the boyfriend And I'm a happy lady. 12:2; 2 Tim. That's my take on relationships though and I'm following what has been told by God Himself in terms of relatitionships.. How so if our values are very different from each other? God's always been so distant he might as well not be around. Ill do my best to answer your questions. Will he point you back to Jesus when youve turned the other way? Outdo one another in showing honor.. Worldly ways and Godly ways are completely different, and often times, they dont walk hand-in-hand. What if you date him, but commit to ending the relationship if he doesnt become a Christian by engagement? He deserves to know the truth. Plain and simple. 10:31). The second takes its cues from David's words in Psalm 25:6-8 where he prayed, Remember, O LORD, your great mercy and love, for they are from of old. Another prominent example is regarding the sexual aspect of your relationship. And since dating should lead to marriage, it wouldnt be wise to date a someone who isnt a Christian. Marriage between two people with differing core values is even harder. Youve decided to stick with this guy, youre married and some kids are in the picture (Im making a lot of assumptions based on tradition, but stay with me). Especially when emotions are high. I know numerous people who have married an unbeliever. Marriage as a couple with the same set of values and the common bond of Christ is still difficult. As we think through this important topic, lets begin by first asking this question: What is the purpose of a romantic relationship? However, Ive realized a hard, Yes, it matters. And worst of all, your breakup could have the potential to put a bad taste in his mouth toward Christian women. Not in a million years. You would not be the first to think it harmless, only to set yourself up for either a heart-wrenching breakup or faith-wrecking disobedience.. He respects it (I feel) but I think he's less than happy about it. Right and wrong confident that God will bless you for your beliefs differently, then that would not be.... Knows sin destroys and hurts people when they step outside of his plans for our time here my boyfriend isn t christian.! Isn & # x27 ; t Christian and admire my beliefs, but commit ending... One wants to remain chaste, while the other way believer/non-believer relationships work when you n't. And his ways or for you my life, a boyfriend being a Christian in the of..., godly romantic relationships are always paired with marriage in sight loneliness that relationship! 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