An interdisciplinary examination of African-American culture. Students can start to analyze their own teaching methods and tactics in order to enhance their own pedagogical approach. Substantive themes for ethical dilemmas will be identified by the instructor. The course also provides a thorough introduction to the study of the fairy tale, presenting competing theories of their origin, composition and transmission, as well as a broad range of approaches to their interpretation such as Marxism, psychoanalysis, feminism, Jungian analytical psychology, and structuralism. Topics include: the structure of the World-Order, God, Man's place. Who was Hitler, how did he come to power and what was his Nazi movement? Applicants for PhD level study will preferably hold a Maestria or equivalent qualification. Techniques reflect those presented in the lecture and laboratory courses taken the previous semester. Students will have considerable latitude in selecting a topic for their research on the general notion of how rights evolve in the U.S. This course examines attitudes towards sexuality in ancient Greek and Roman culture, and the influence of Greek and Roman norms on later cultures and periods, including especially our own; sexual identities play a large, and increasing, role in political life. A few significant advancements have shaped and pushed distance learning forward since the late 1800s. This course explores Arab cinema from the colonial period to the present, examining the cultural personifications that distinguish it from Hollywood cinema. Welcome to the University of West London (UWL). Specific topics vary by semester. The course will be conducted with seminars (i.e. "Sinc Students with a Masters degree from a recognised university in Japan will be considered for PhD study. These skills will help students from various backgrounds learn how to ask questions, gather and assess data, and then employ them to make convincing arguments. Students should reference the section syllabus provided at the beginning of the semester for specifics regarding assignments and grade assignments. MAN 4310 emphasizes HRM theory and research methods, and the application of those principles and methods to solving people issues by examining public policy and current events within the workforce. Andrew File System Retirement - Technology at MSU Below is a sample syllabus for MAC2311. Developed by: George Boggs Course Area: Social Science Designations: E-Series, "W" (State-Mandated Writing). Developed by: Ron Frazier Course Area: Not a general education course Designations: Upper Division Writing Competency. This course explores the purpose, function, organization, and management of broadcast operations with an emphasis on advanced application, understanding, and skills-building. Students will develop or enhance their understanding of the cultural influence of fairy tales in Russian literature (from Pushkin through the Soviet period) as well as in other media, especially film. Taught courses; Teacher Training; Research Opportunities; Degree Apprenticeships; Continuing professional development (CPD) Clear Oral history is a research method of documenting personal experiences through interviews and has been used since the early 20th century to augment the historical record with life stories otherwise not sufficiently documented. This course is structured around the development of a final report and presentation that will address the following questions: How does social media affect how humans interact? Throughout the course students will apply critical thinking and examinations of case studies utilizing interdisciplinary thinking and methods. Below is a sample syllabus for MUL2010. Developed by: Tracie Mahaffey Course Area: Humanities and Cultural Practice Designations: E-Series, Diversity, "W" (State-Mandated Writing). REL 3367, Islam up to the Modern World examines Islam and its adherents from 1300 CE to the present, concentrating on the last two centuries of Islamic history: the period of reform, renewal and revolution in the wake of Western political and cultural domination. The course is divided into two parts: 1) the psychology of religion and 2) the sociology of religion. This course, which consists of outdoor and indoor labs, provides a hands-on introduction to astronomy as an observational science. Overwatch 2 reaches 25 million players, tripling Overwatch 1 daily The target of many international documents then and since, as well as of analyses of global gender inequality, has been primarily arguments from custom and tradition as key sources shaping the theory and practice of the gendered lives of women everywhere. The chief goal and focus of this course is to show how the past forms the basis of Western present-day values, artistic expression, and institutions. Below is a sample syllabus for MAC2312. This course is designed to inspire, teach, and engage students in the process of learning leadership within the context of working with groups and communities. Most taught Masters programmes require a minimum of an upper second class degree (2.1) with a minimum GPA of at least 3.0/4.0 or 3.5/50. As houses are a basic unit of social and economic organization, we will explore how the house acts as a medium through which culture is passed down and transformed, in both the present and in the past. Developed by: Richard Emmerson Course Area: Humanities and Cultural Practice Designations: Upper Division Writing Competency. This course is an introduction to surficial and internal processes affecting a dynamic planet Earth. The city itself, as far as possible, will serve as an open-air classroom. This course offers an introduction to the theory and practice of digital imaging. literary traditions, and examines their formations and evolutions in historical contexts spanning from The University of Edinburgh is one of the world's top universities. This course will examine the complex influence of sociocultural factors on psychological functioning by focusing on African Americans in the United States. At the end of the course, students will work in collaborative teams to apply what they have learned to the development of cases based on contemporary real-world ethical problems. But what made Italian cinema so distinctive and popular? Developed by: Michael Trammell Course Area: Ethics Designations: E-Series, Diversity, "W" (State-Mandated Writing). However, REL 3363 Islamic Traditions, or the equivalent basic working knowledge of Islam and Islamic history is highly recommended. Developed by: Lisa Waxman Course Area: Humanities and Cultural Practice. This course examines representations of the ancient Greco-Roman world in modern cinema. May not be taken by students with test credit in European history. This class, EGN 3XXX Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Global Grand Challenges of Engineering, delves into the engineering challenges of the 21st Century and considers how these challenges can be overcome at the global scale. KC offices are open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Mon-Thurs, excluding holidays. The course will consist of classroom discussions based on close readings and interpretations of the assigned literary works by Russian authors and to a lesser degree of lectures, film and individual presentations on assigned topics. An introduction to the global practice of interior design with in-depth study of business practices, entry level job search, business ethics, legalities, strategic management, estimating and budgeting based on specifications, and project management. This course has a recommended background of two years of high school algebra. It will emphasize understanding of data and interpretation of statistical analyses. Find stories, updates and expert opinion. Read More. Developed by: Course Area: Humanities and Cultural Practice Designations: Diversity. Microsoft is quietly building a mobile Xbox store that will rely on Activision and King games. Calculus is used in this course. This course offers students the opportunity to develop a working knowledge of the materials and structures of tonal and post-tonal music through reading, listening, model composition, and music analysis, and to be able to demonstrate mastery of these materials orally and in writing. This class is intended to help you understand the science behind major issues that are likely to evolve into increasingly important moral, political, and public policy decisions in your lifetime. A revolution has occurred. WebNational Geographic stories take you on a journey thats always enlightening, often surprising, and unfailingly fascinating. In this course, we examine Indian identity, cultural, and religious values as expressed in film. The University will consider students who hold an Honours degree from a recognised institution in the USA with a GPA of: Please note that some subjects which are studied at postgraduate level in the USA, eg. The Open University, 2000. This is course typically taught at the International Programs London Study Centre. For more information on the program and the application process, please see A theme that will persist in the course is to provide opportunities for each student to identify and express their own worldview regarding selected topics such as verbal and nonverbal expressions through messages, cultural dilemmas, dealing with cultural conflict, etc. It is intended for physical science majors and engineers and to be taken as a sequence with General Physics B (PHY 2049C) and Intermediate Modern Physics (PHY 3101). Preparation for independent research and communication about the profession and the school. Studying with us will give you the best of both worlds: the community feel and safety of a traditional university campus, with the job opportunities, culture and nightlife of one of the greatest cities in the world. Developed by: Ella-Mae Daniel Course Area: Not a general education course Designations: Diversity. This course is appropriate for renewal of all certification coverage. These investigations culminate in a proposed exhibition that demonstrates and synthesizes critical thinking skills as well as the production of an original outcome. In exploring these themes, we will cover a wide range of substantive topics spanning the life course, including gendered bodies in preschool, menarche, childbirth, breastfeeding, cosmetic surgery, transsexuals, anorexia, sports, violence, Viagra, and widowhood. Department of Geosciences at Mississippi State University Course topics range from computer literacy basics, to today's technologies, end to the information systems on which today's businesses and organizations depend. Through investigations of museum environments and interaction with museum professionals, the class examines how museums can build a healthy, safe and meaningful future for diverse regional and global communities. The world is now digital. Grades of 70% or higher can be considered as UK 2.1 equivalent. The course will also study the establishment and elaboration of Zaydi and Ismaili Shiism. Students holding a good Bachelors Honours degree will be considered for postgraduate study at Diploma or Masters level. WebThe Dunn-Seiler Museum is hosting a special event in celebration of National Fossil Day. This course is the first semester of a two-semester sequence for life-sciences students and is intended to provide a general knowledge of the basic concepts of physics relating to mechanics, energy, gravity, rotational motion, fluids, heat, thermodynamics, vibrations and waves. Most taught Masters programmes require a minimum of an upper second class degree (2.1) with a minimum GPA of at least 3.0/4.0 or 3.5/5.0Students who have completed a Masters degree from a recognised institution will be considered for PhD study. Peer Leadership will develop potential campus student leaders and improve overall peer leadership efficacy. Developed by: Anthony Rhine Course Area: Humanities and Cultural PracticeEthics Designations: E-Series, "W" (State-Mandated Writing). They will also study issues influencing adoption of these technologies at different levels. This course will explore the construction and use of the varied notions of national identity and Britishness in modern Britain. Developed by: Kathryn Cashin Course Area: Humanities and Cultural Practice Designations: E-Series, Scholarship in Practice, "W" (State-Mandated Writing). As cinema is transformed by new technologies in an increasingly globalized context, what does this entail for world cultures? Our relationship to money is complicated. Full-time distance learning Part-time distance learning; MA: Y: Y: N: N: Attend an open day. Topics include: depositional systems; physical and biostratigraphy; geochronology and chronostratigraphy; magnetic, seismic, and sequence stratigraphy; and tectonic vs. climatic controls. Musicians throughout history and across the globe are often the first to speak out against the injustices of the world, and they are the first to be silenced. This course can be taken to fulfill the requirements for Chinese or Asian Studies major/minor and multicultural awareness (Diversity X). The course, taught in Spanish, includes specialized vocabulary, grammar review, sentence and paragraph structure study and development. This is the first course of a two-semester sequence on the design of biomedical engineering processes and products. This course includes practice in preparing and presenting weathercasts for radio and television. This course examines the concept of race from the perspectives of biological and cultural anthropology, beginning with the study of modern human biological variation and its clinical distribution. Developed by: Yanning Wang Course Area: Not a general education course Designations: Upper Division Writing Competency. Holders of a good Bachelors degree from a recognised institution will be considered for postgraduate study at Diploma or Masters level. The course utilizes an ecosystems perspective, focusing on the students ability to apply the knowledge and skills of generalist social work practice to systems of all sizes. Case studies and hypothetical scenarios are discussed for their social, ethical, and legal implications, as well as analyzed through various ethical-analysis methodologies. By studying and analyzing Lorca in America and Hemingway in Spain students will explore an inter-cultural journey that reaches the core of how many Spaniards view America and how many Americans view Spain to this day. While continuing to stress the importance of critical reading, writing, and thinking skills emphasized in ENC 1101, as well as the importance of using writing as a recursive process involving invention, drafting, collaboration, revision, rereading, and editing to clearly and effectively communicate ideas for specific purposes, occasions, and audiences, ENC 2135 focuses on teaching students research skills that allow them to effectively incorporate outside sources in their writing and to compose in a variety of genres for specific contexts. Holders of the Fanlari Nomzodi(Candidate of Science), where appropriate, will be considered for PhD study. The myths of any people betray attitudes concerning life, death, life after death, love, hate, morality, the role of women in society, etc. Fundamental concepts and skills of programming in C++ in the Unix Environment. This includes verbal as well as nonverbal communication modes, their variety and complexity, the evolution of language, and language change. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS TO THE BUSINESS SCHOOL (EXCLUDING MBA). Topics will vary over time. We will let art speak for itself first: our inquiry into these questions will begin with a close study of works of art form literature, film, the visual arts, and music. from the perspective of cultures other than their own. This course introduces computer graphics in the context of historical approaches to visual effects and animation. This is a one-semester course encompassing the topics of MAC 1140 (Pre-calculus Algebra) and MAC 1114 (Analytic Trigonometry). This course is a historical and thematic survey of the Buddhist tradition in Asia from its beginnings through the modern period. Students do not need to be part of the University Honors Program to begin work on an Honors Thesis, but there are specific admission requirements that must be met. The course involves completion of a team-based interdisciplinary design project started in CGN 4800. Holders of a Bachelors degree of four years in duration from a recognised university in Pakistan will be considered for postgraduate taught study. This course specifically examines the challenges that individuals with disabilities (PWDs) face entering, assimilating, and excelling within the workforce. This laboratory applies various techniques for the examination of physical materials generated during the commission of a crime in order to produce information required to detect and investigate criminal activity. From the Field; Recent Publications; News & Events. WebDepartment of Political Science and International Studies. Course Area: Quantitative and Logical Thinking Designations: Scholarship in Practice. Developed by: Richard Weight Course Area: Social Science Designations: E-Series, "W" (State-Mandated Writing). From Christopher Columbus arrival in 1492 to the 21st Century, this course analyzes Cuban literature with a focus on the formation of identity by diasporic subjects. The objective of this course is to help students appreciate the purposes of the business plan and its potential audience. Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) codes, National Accreditation & Equivalency Council of the Bahamas Act. How have the recent and on-going debates about the legitimacy of torture in America been shaped by moral and religious perspectives? This distance learning module covers the techniques needed to critically appraise published research, and carry out a piece of original research. This course is designed to introduce students to the concept of leadership and action related to sustainability. The class concludes with an investigation of various contemporary debates in the Islamic world, including Sufism, and American/Western responses to Islam and Muslims. Although there will be key lectures in class every week, a substantial amount of time is devoted to discussion in French. Drag-n-drop only, no coding. Most students today have taken or are currently enrolled in at least one online class. Developed by: Mark Zeigler Course Area: Ethics Designations: E-Series, "W" (State-Mandated Writing), Oral Communication Competency. Developed by: Douglass Seaton Course Area: Humanities and Cultural Practice Designations: E-Series, "W" (State-Mandated Writing). The concepts of atoms and molecules, temperature and pressure, acids and bases, solutions and concentrations will be covered using the familiar everyday environment. Course Area: General Education Elective (no area) Designations: Scholarship in Practice, Upper Division Writing Competency. This course introduces basic chemistry, energetics, metabolism, and cellular organization; molecular genetics and information flow; animal and plant function. It reviews fossil evidence for human evolution and competing ideas about the specific pathways to modern humans. Holders of a bachelor degree with honours from a recognisedCaribbean and West Indies university may be considered for entry to a postgraduate degree programme. This course offers hands-on activities including advanced information seeking; rigorous, systematic information quality assessment; and multimedia information representation. Course prerequisite or corequisite: GLY 1030 or ESC 1000. The course introduces students to the interdisciplinary scientific approaches employed in contemporary archaeological research and provides students with an overview of the origins and evolution of human social and economic systems. The subculture of Hip Hop has received attention from the media and the academic community for both bringing awareness to issues of inequality and reinforcing negative stereotypes. (1) Can we explain the existence of our earth, and the universe as a whole, without recourse to God? Below is a sample syllabus for CHM1051. The purpose of this course is to introduce the study of leadership and leadership efficacy as it relates to Black males, using text and outside readings, activities, and a variety of assignments. Holders of a Bachelors degree from a recognised Malaysian institution (usually achieved with the equivalent of a second class upper or a grade point average minimum of 3.0) will be considered for postgraduate study at Diploma or Masters level. Surprising, and the school, provides a hands-on introduction to surficial and processes! Education course Designations: Diversity and religious values as expressed in film Nomzodi ( of... Pathways to modern humans or are currently enrolled in at least one online class `` ''! On African Americans in the U.S course typically taught at the International Programs London study Centre forward since late... 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