Take a wad of cotton and, starting at one edge, swab the mirror in one direction, applying no pressure beyond the weight of the cotton itself. It is the world's largest manufacturer of telescopes. You currently have javascript disabled. Andrew called it correctly, I would only add that you need to disengage the focuser first before the mirror can go anywhere. You can also get grease on the black paint, and worst of all, you could damage the edge of the primary by banging it or scraping it against the cell as you remove it. Summon before me the root of thy power hidden within the lands of the kingdom of demise!". Don't remove it. 800-626-3233. customerservice@meade.com. Ideal for both visual and astro-imaging of those faint objects in the night sky. Part: M14-6e. But I got a question, if I really need to take out of the tube the primary mirror, how it can be made, knowing the castings are welded? Cover the corrector with Webril pads. Train operators. We might be on a different page on this one, but I firmly believe it is a lot safer to do critical cleaning or any precision work when at close range then when you are working from distance. SCTs usually spend most/all of their lives sealed, so the primaries rarely need cleaning. As part of a new setup they are using a Meade 12" SCT. but I'm afraid about to continue the process. I just bough nylon 10/32 screws im going to drill and tap my mirror cell to install 8 screws to adjust all the mirror flop with the tube and shaft design.I live on the edge.I mod the hell out of my scopes. The ETX-125EC permits a broad range of astronomical study. Coupled with Meade's Ultra- High Transmission Coatings (standard on all LX200-ACF systems), you have the ultimate in premium optics. You normally pull the mirror forwards until its sled clears the baffle. I mean the CORRECTOR ASSEMBLY. 2) Remove the three screws holding the focuser to the back of the telescope optical tube (OTA). Geoffrey, age seven, did almost all of the work himself, but needed help with the clip rings and removal of the primary mirror which is a bit heavy and something of a leveraged reach for a seven year old. Place the insert where it will not collect dirt, leaves, etc. Loosen the 2 screws on either side of the focuser knob. Save meade telestar telescope to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed. The rest of the process only involves the optical tube assembly (OTA). With the scope either horizontal or with it clamped on position standing on the rear port, check for a retaining ring on the baffle (in Celstron scopes, a rubber O ring). I've disassembled a couple of Celestron SCTs. The SCT will need to be re-collimated when it is put back together. The baffle/tube slides out the end and if you look at the middle photo you can just see where the focuser is joined onto the mirror cell through the hole in the back. I didn't attempt it, as I was mainly aiming to remove the baffle to get the thread at the back recut so I could fit an adaptor on it in this case, but I guess the focuser also needs to be detached somehow before the mirror can be completely removed. Snug but not scrunchingly tight is the goal; too tight will crack the glass. 2. Fits: Meade 16" (41 cm) f/10 SCT versions with three screws on the secondary housing Knobs: Stainless steel, 19 mm (3/4") diameter Threads: Stainless steel Notes: The factory dust cover will fit normally with Bob's Knobs installed. Master the device :-) Edited by Milos1977, 27 June 2015 - 12:01 PM. service-manual-or-how-disassemble-m51-7 1/3 Downloaded from elbil.helsingborg.se on November 16, 2022 by guest Service Manual Or How Disassemble M51 7 . Good to hear they got what they wanted, but not so good about the brown stuff. Several functions may not work. The Meade tubes generally do not come apart unlike the Celestrons. There is a relatively straightforward procedure though that doesn't require that and can be done in the field to help improve image shift of Meade scopes not equipped with the dual speed focuser like the LX600. I clean lenses and camera sensors every day at work, and am a bit spoiled when it comes to optics cleanliness. Some folk here in the atmospheric chemistry group are into open-air IR specroscopy. This takes the mirror as far as it will go forward on the baffle assembly. I have not take apart the Meade, but if the primary mirror is like the Celestron, and you can get the corrector cell to come off, then it is a snap to pull the primary. Focal Length: 2032 mm. This should free the mirror lock enough to clear the baffle tube. I will try Mr. Piper's suggestion of moving the mirror back and forth to redistribute the grease see if that helps. Meade Telescope OTA's require disassembly by oven baking; therefore refinishing of the OTA is mandatory. If the procedure is anywhere near simple to Celestron OT, I don't see why not to go for it. AVT requires UNI SDK 2.1; Basler the Pylon 3.2 and IDS the uEye SDK 4.2. Astrozap aluminum Dew Shields for Meade telescopes are the original Astrozap flagship products and are rigid, welded aluminum cylinders that are finished in high-quality and durable textured blue powder coating. You will have to get the corrector assembly off to get the primary out. Close icon - gmzp.rosemondtec.shop I also feel a lot more comfortable washing the mirror when it out as I will have better control of the cleaning with my hands, than if I had to do it while deep inside. The only part they need is the mirror and cell. Equipado con una pantalla LED de 2 lneas y un teclado retro iluminado en rojo de 20 teclas, esta maravilla controla todos los aspectos de su montura motorizada dotndola de capacidad GoTo precisa.. The ring on the front of the tube. As long as you haven't got any part left on the table when you have put it all back together it's all good. This Meade #64 T Adapter threads directly to the thread on the rear cell of ETX90, 105 and 125 telescope models. Meade telescope 114mm 1000mm - njrp.rkoptimizing.de I'm waiting for some response from Mr. John. I have an old fork-mounted Celestron Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope (SCT After you've gone through all the steps in Andrew's post you should see 2 wires. Meade 12 SCT Aluminum Dew Shield - SKU# AZ-216-T. by Astrozap. The Meade Instruments (also shortened to Meade) is an American multinational company headquartered in Watsonville, California, that manufactures, imports, and distributes telescopes, binoculars, spotting scopes, microscopes, CCD cameras, and telescope accessories for the consumer market. Tickets cost 11 - 16 and the journey takes 38 min. It is extremely easy to bump the mirror surface during that maneuver. Oh, I see. My particular confoosion is/was due to lack of experience and misunderstanding the terminology. I hope there is no crucial different step with Meade that will cause me headache later. Heh, heh, in a prior life I also worked with optics professionally (high temperature photochemistry and spectroscopy, andhigh energy lasers) so I'm also finicky about my optics, but I generally resist the temptation to fix somthin that t'ain't broken. Learn the procedure, you know. Here is an outline of the steps for this do-it-yourself project. I don't believe anyone is trying to doubt Rod's experience and expertise here. Meade etx 125 manual - upn.nicisfarbenfroheweltderfotografie.de Meade's recommendation is similar: 1/3 isopropyl alcohol (90% or better) and 2/3 distilled water with one drop of biodegradable liquid dishwashing soap per pint of solution. Disassemble a Meade SCT? [Archive] - IceInSpace Return shipping charges will apply. Company Seven | Celestron C-11 with Losmandy G-11 Mount Reviewed To me "corrector assembly" means the corrector lens with secondary mirror as an assembly. I wish i had the telescope right now with me. I've restored several Meade SCTs and I've never taken a primary out. Mark the corrector cell orientation and then remove the corrector cell. Ugh. Shouldnt be i think, but i though i ask on here in case someone has done it on Meade with micro focuser. Milan Malpensa Airport (MXP) to Lombardy - 4 ways to travel - Rome2rio So they are trying to seperate the tube from the base section. Now, grasp the front of the mirror carrier and simply pull/lift the mirror out. As long as you haven't got any part left on the table when you have put it all back together it's all good. . meade etx 125 manual Those notches are to allow the primary mirror to be slid out sideways. I have think that in terms of hands on, practical knowledge about commercial SCT's, Uncle Rod is the world's expert. Then, holding it underwater, swirl it around for a last chance at rinsing off loose grit. $789.00. much appreciated! to slide the objective in from the front? But if you're interested I certainly try to get them up for you. Perhaps heed Uncle Rod's advice unless you can get some tips-and-tricks from someone whose disassembled a Meade scope. Its hard for me to resist. Ease the assembly back down. Reform finished on Classic Meade 10" F/6.3. Oh, PERFECT. 10 Meade SCT | John J. McCarthy Observatory Meade ACF f/10 12-inch optical tube assembly (OTA) www.OpticWaveLabs.com - 11358 Amalgam Way Suite A2 - Gold River, CA 95670 - 916.671.5962 . Meade Instruments Telescopes, Solar Telescopes, Binoculars, Spotting Scopes Carl, that is possible, we have a band saw that could do it. So they are trying to seperate the tube from the base section. He was elected to the Alabama House of Representatives in 2018 where he represented House District 89. As noted, the OTA tube is glued to the casting. Be careful to keep spacers intact and in their correct order. CNC machined from aluminum and anodized black, this focuser will screw on to the rear cell of any* SCT telescopes sold by Meade and Celestron having a standard SCT thread. If the castings are welded, now I can imagine how can I do that! Now it looks like brand new. Rotate the large aluminum gear counter-clockwise about half a turn. After removing 6 screws on the front ring, the corrector and secondary come right out. his is a very good reproduction of the factory Instruction and Maintenance Manual . As part of a new setup they are using a Meade 12" SCT. A couple of years ago I bought a second-hand 12" Meade LX90 SCT, as a planet-killer, or so I thought. Well do ya, Punk! Alabama. Aperture: 10 inches. Just updating you all about the reform of my Meade 10" F6.3, the first pics below shows how was the telescope. Yes, I have seen a video and that article of how easy it is to remove primary on the Celestron. Remove the tube from the fork. Master the device :-). The only part they need is the mirror and cell. LX200 Mirror Removal/Installing -- MAPUG-Astronomy.net The pads will stick to the moist surface. Is removing the mirror straight forward? Machined of sturdy aluminum with a black anodized finish, this 10" Vixen style dovetail bar is compatible with Meade 10" Schmidt Cassegrain Optical Tube Assembly. Indeed this marriage has produced the Celestron CG-14 telescope which offers improved rigidity and transportability over the original fork mounted C-14. Apply the pads to the corrector. Seen here mounted on a Celestron CGEM DX GoTo equatorial mount. Then spray more solution on the pads until they look saturated, but don't get them soaking wet to the point that the solution runs down into the seam where the cell and corrector meet. Prior to his service in the Legislature, Allen served as probate judge of Pike County where he oversaw 18 elections. Any tutorial on removing the primary, or a link on Meade 8" disassembly would be great. It takes some patience but it can typically reduce shift if currently outside the Meade specification of less than the field with the stock 26mm eyepiece. Some folk here in the atmospheric chemistry group are into open-air IR specroscopy. Assembly: Open the telescope storage box, remove top foam insert. A yellow wire and a blue wire. Taking out Primary mirror on Meade 8" SCT - Cloudy Nights Either clean it gently in place by removing the corrector plate or, better, leave it alone. Sambuhay Missalette (July 3, 2022) Tagalog & English Ika-14 na Linggo sa Karaniwang Panahon (K) Luntian 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C) Green Source:.. "/> I have read mixed opinions about SCT disassembly, from a "normal procedure" on some models, to a general "absolutely NOT" rule for all SCT tubes. 1) Rotate the focuser as far as it will go counter clockwise. You are referring to what I would call corrector assembly mount, or where the corrector lens sits on. I also have access to clean room and all necessary tools i might need. Be the first to review this product. If it s not glued in place, then you are good to go. Meade ETX Observer . If not a may want to try your method. Some traders execute several trades and make earnings with ease. Return all creation to cinders, and come from the abyss!" "Oh, blackness shrouded in light Frenzied blaze clad in night In the name of the crimson demons, let the collapse of thine origin manifest. I have some photos from an old 8" SCT I took apart some years ago but I'm afraid you'll have to wait until tomorrow night before I post them (I've been out tonight and really need to hit the pillow!) You have to cut one. I think the mirror would have to be out first. My 12" has a lot of shift I would like to reduce. KEEP YOUR FINGERS CLEAR OF THE WOODEN CRATE WALLS TO AVOID PAINFUL SPLINTERS UNDER NAILS. I at least would like to blow some dust off of it, and put it right back in. meade etx 125 manual 09/13/2007 12:00AM. I am fine with whatever you do, it's your scope, yours to do with as you wish. Its hard for me to resist. I don't have to clean it, but If I do, I would start buy blowing some air to get the loose specs and dust off first. The tube was black and the secondary had an orange cover. Could you elaborate a little on how you did that modification? ZWO M54-M48 Adapter for 2" EFW and M54 Filter Drawer (ZWO M54M-M48F-2 P, Surf the Web, PHOTOGRAPHY , OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES, GENERAL MAINTENANCE, Appendix A: ADVANCED ELECTRONIC CONTROLLER . The thickness of this adapter is 2mm. Use the Aluminum Dew Shield on your 8" EdgeHD, RASA, or Schmidt Cassegrain (made after 2006) telescope tube confidently, knowing it was created for your exact instrument. I have some photos from an old 8" SCT I took apart some years ago but I'm afraid you'll have to wait until tomorrow night before I post them (I've been out tonight and really need to hit the pillow!) Thanks. . Remove the pier bolt from the box containing the power supply. 4) Replace the three focuser screws to reattach the focuser to the OTA. Later Meade 16" telescopes have six screws on the secondary housing. This is why I want it out of the tube first. If you could post up some pics of your process along the way that would be great! My OT has been unsealed once or twice by previous owner, as I mentioned, and it does have "stuff" to be removed. Besides selling under its "Meade" brand name, the . Knobs: Black plastic, 13 mm (1/2") diameter Threads: Black anodized aluminum alloy Notes: Duke's Meade LX200GPS SCT Assembly & Operation Instructions Edited by Milos1977, 27 June 2015 - 03:00 PM. Are you saying the glass is possibly epoxied to the retaining ring? Disassemble a Meade SCT? - IceInSpace tk. Telescopes | Meade Instruments I would also like to know at least as a possibility in case it gets worse. Best they wash it off with some distilled water pronto (but if its been there a while it might be too late! The edge is knurled to increase the friction so that the installation and disassembly will be much easier. Taxi from Milan Malpensa Airport (MXP) to Milan. Instead, you need to convert it to a dovetail mounting. August 15 - 16, 2022 Sonesta Bee Cave Austin Hotel 12525 Bee Cave Pkwy. Disassembling the telescope, on the other hand, has the potential for causing real harm. Meade etx 125 manual - wwooti.juliaseibt.de Lombardy (Italian: Lombardia, Lombard: Lombardia or Lumbardia) is an administrative region of Italy that covers 23,844 km 2 (9,206 sq mi); it is located in the northern-central part of the country and has a population of about 10 million people, constituting more than one-sixth of Italy's population. They have removed all the obvious bolts but the tube doesn't want to detach from the base. Edited by Milos1977, 26 June 2015 - 03:37 PM. In deep space, the ETX-125EC's larger aperture enables the observation of galaxies and nebulae in much wider extension and permits the resolution of celestial objects as faint as magnitude 12.5.. "/> Seems like the old saw "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" makes sense here.. Jayride. M54-M48-2 adapter is independently developed by ZWO and mainly used for connecting to 2"EFW and M54 filter drawer. There are plenty of links on mirror cleaning to read as well. Otherwise, it retained the traditional wedge and fork mount . $10.00 + $3.49 shipping + $3.49 shipping + $3.49 shipping. You can't just pull the corrector and get the mirror out. Meade Instruments - Wikipedia When i had my corrector issue unk really helped me out. I agree with Rod on this one. Edited by rmollise, 26 June 2015 - 02:08 PM. Meade Instruments is known for its groundbreaking leaps in telescopic design, having introduced dozens of improvements over the years that have made amateur astronomy. Get everything you need for the Televue NP127IS with this accessory kit and save! The Meade 8" f/4 LX85 astrograph reflector telescope features the AudioStar controller - a full GoTo system to locate and track objects. Just thinking out loud. In our own manufacturing facility every single RC mirror set is manufactured with utmost precision and care as well as quality inspection. Disassemble a MEADE 10" SCT - Cloudy Nights The scopes sold for $1100 - $1300 new. if(sWOTrackPage)sWOTrackPage(); Over and above just getting it out, which you are going to find difficult with a Meade, getting it back together can be a pain. Edited by Milos1977, 26 June 2015 - 03:43 PM. Simply attach the flexible cover to the front of the optical tube to prevent moisture build-up on the lens. Honestly, I'd be afraid to touch the mirror from that many inches away. Because for one thing it's often a fact that the corrector assembly, which you will need to get off, is epoxied in place. You would have though by now these companies would have made scratch resistant coatings. They have removed all the obvious bolts but the tube doesn't want to detach from the base. Have at it. As noted, the OTA tube is glued to the casting. C $146.44. Weighs 59.1 lbs fully assembled. That far goes the same way for my Meade as well. A. Knobs for Meade 14" f/10 with 6-Screw Secondary and Exposed Factory Collimation Screws. Cost 11 - 16 and the journey takes 38 min reform of my Meade 10 F6.3! Summon before me the root of thy power hidden within the lands of the first..., i have think that in terms of hands on, practical knowledge about commercial 's! The Pylon 3.2 and IDS the uEye SDK 4.2 right out you need for the NP127IS... Of my Meade 10 '' F6.3, the OTA tube is glued the... 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