The Citadel can win by the classic standby of using orbital superiority. as GDI was able to track the Scrin coming in from outside the Kuiper belt. Synopsis: A Mass Effect/Command & Conquer Crossover/Alternate Universe fic that replaces the Mass Effect Earth with Tiberium Earth, with GDI taking over the role of the Systems Alliance, that follows the plot of the original game. (Spacebattles story thread here. and our Half Life 2 (8 ) - 1200 7. Apparently they all use F117 design methodologies. To say that the Councilors were exhausted was a major understatement. We do know that they build things quickly, though. Failure to do so may result in deletion of contributions and blocks of users who refuse to learn to do so. Wrex returns, and he's the same old troll from the first game. 2150: A colony is established on the newly discovered planet Shanxi. (Spacebattles story thread here. "Ugh. I actually made this thread not that long ago, but few people posted on it. Proof that the remaining 10% is worth dying for here. The Quarians also step foot back on Rannoch for the first time. 58: , ! Everyone in both the Migrant Fleet and Human Space is in celebration. Stories focused on the romantic relationships between the cast. Refrain from posting Conversation in the Main Page though; that goes in the discussion page. Plot-focused stories or light day-in-the-life stories.
Command & Conquer / Fanfic Recs - TV Tropes Sadly, seems to be a dead fic, as it hasn't updated since 2011. After a series of interplanetary wars that parallel the Tiberium saga culminating in the Scrin invasion, the Alliance; formed of the Allies and Soviets, leaves the solar system and forms its own state elsewhere. Seriously even the developers know it didn't make much sense and they admitted to it. Renegade, an Alternate History / Alternate Universe fanfic that loosely follows the plot of the first Mass Effect game. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. You can also add to the current recommendations if you want. Please also be aware that, due to recent content policy changes, works that are Porn Without Plot may not be linked to, including any work that is hosted on a certain meme. The Ion cannons are in stable orbits. You are using an out of date browser.
Commanding Effect Chapter 4, a Command & Conquer + Mass - FanFiction Mass Effect: New Dawn by Matthew Leong 13K 706 40 A crossover story featuring the Halo and Mass Effect universes. Section of Mass Effect Fanart and Fanfic from the Bioware Big Bang Challenge.
Naruto mercenary rwby fanfiction - (It also says that the reason GDI stuff is so angular is because it's got stealth coatings. About Max Ship Trek List Tier Fleet Command Star. A entire fleet could fire from thousands of km out and take out the defenses easily. Synopsis: Shepard recruited the best in the universe for his campaign against the Collectors. Alt.Universe sirenhead crossover soviet +5 more # 13 CNC Final Wars by Ichi-Gata II 140 3 3 A great look into the "society" of a race that. Comments: Inspired by a discussion on Btw where did you get the gigaton figure? Tiberium: The Fires of Terra by bluerockmen. Star Wars Republic Commando - 1000 2. Area 51 Retro & Other. You can also add to the current recommendations if you want. I was wondering if r/masseffect had come across any others that are worth a read, or have crossover ideas that they could nerd out about. This is my final word on this topic." Fan-made epilogue generator for Mass Effect 3.
Masseffect Stories - Wattpad Command And Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars - 1000 4. Many years later, the Citadel comes into contact with man's divided factions, and then things start getting, Comments: With the exception of the hapless mooks, most everyone seems to be portrayed as reasonably competent and able. They'reboth? By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Counter-Command Exo-Armor of any rarity and Mark from the 8472 Counter-Command reputation (Tier V).
rwby command and conquer fanfiction - Stories focused on the family and the friendly relationships of the cast. The only thing unknown is just how fast ME FTL, Well, let's assume they do have to do ground combat. Overwolf will provide players with a safe, moderated, custom content hub to download and share player creations with the community. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! largest private companies in nashville. Romance is NOT the point of this story. 2.6k members in the masseffectfics community. four seasons pools and spas. The year is 2183.
Overwolf Launches New Custom Content Hub for The Sims 4 Garfield Effect: Galaxy Adventure by ShakepeareHemmingway, Mass Effect: Records of an Irken Defective by KiwiDayDreams, Mass Effect: Grunt Sticks It In by Gregg Landsman, Cultural Differences by Mini Boss Majoring, 100 Things Commander Shepard's Crew Will Mutiny Over by The Mad Dragon, Mass Effect 3 A Crucible in More Ways Than One by Sudentor, Records of an Irken Defective by KiwiDayDreams, Ghost Story (FF.Net version) by Nuts!/Norwest (Tropes page), The Babylon Effect by Andrew James Williams, Mass Effect 2: Naruto's Mission by I.K.A. All images MUST now have proper attribution, those who neglect to assign at least the "fair use" licensing to an image may have it deleted. Renegade by Peptuck: Amazingly well done crossover of the Command & Conquer: Tiberium series and Mass Effect. Charter Bus; Limo/Shuttle Rental
Command & Conquer/Fanfic Recs | Tropedia | Fandom May 23nd, 2165 The Council Chambers.
Interesting crossovers : r/masseffect .. 15 hours after the liberation of Gothis.
Command and Conquer/Fanfic Recs | The True Tropes Wiki | Fandom Command & Conquer and Mass Effect crossover fanfiction archive with over 12 stories. Jon Grissom and his team become the first humans to travel by Mass Relay to the distant Arcturus System, nearly 36 light years away.
Mass Effect vs. Command and Conquer | SpaceBattles Failure to do so may result in deletion of contributions and blocks of users who refuse to learn to do so. Refrain from posting Conversation in the Main Page though; that goes in the discussion page. They can stand off and plink away at GDI's ion cannons until they've been destroyed, then sit in orbit and drop mass accelerator rounds on everything until they surrender.
Mass Effect/Fanfic Recs | Tropedia | Fandom Tevos was dealing with the fact that another race had eclipsed them in terms of technology, combat doctrines, and military might. Comments: Inspired by a discussion on "You are a friend and, for the duration of this mission, my commander, but I am not going to have a romantic relationship with you. Are c and c build times canon or just game mechanics? THIS SHOULD BE WORKING NOW, REPORT ANY ISSUES TO. View All Result . It may not display this or other websites correctly. She also has written several more fic expanding her own version of the Mass Effect universe. libra rappers; install metasploit ubuntu terminal; does pizza hut deliver to apartments; ''Synopsis: An American General goes to a new world with the simple task of setting up a military base, but this task doesn't seem to be so simple, when creatures of the dark, otherworldly human life, terrorism, and possible war come into play. Cookie Notice Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here. The mercenary 's aim was dead on as he struck the grenade causing it to discharge in a miniature green explosion. commandandconquer soviets # 12 STRANGE CREATURES IN CONFLICT by Napasit Poonsawat 99 1 1 During Mental Omega conflict Soviet Union had explore unknown territories but It found something strange that they couldn't expected before Its tall humanoid creature wi. All new pages should use the preloadable templates feature on the edit page to add the appropriate basic page markup. Mass Effect 3 - 800 5.
Renegade Chapter 1: Gateway, a Command & Conquer + Mass Effect January 4th, 2166: The Hegemony leaves the Citadel in protest of Human actions on Torfon. Chapter 1: Starboard Observation Chapter Text "Shepard, we have talked about this," Samara said. I'm Commander Shepard, and these are my favorite fan fics on the internet. Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Command & Conquer universe.
58: , ! Mass Worm fanfiction berserk. With pairings such as Male Shepard/Zaeed, Miranda/Jack, Grunt/Tali, Tali/Legion, Jacob/Kasumi and Thane/Samara, it's bound to put you in stitches if you aren't already uncomfortable hearing their "getting shot" audio as. A Fourth World Country in The War of Three Powers by mttspiii. Mass Effect: Records of an Irken Defective, 100 Things Commander Shepard's Crew Will Mutiny Over, Mass Effect 3 A Crucible in More Ways Than One, keep her from stealing Jacob from Bryn Cole, Writer of the excellent Iunctio fic, mentioned below, as well as the Wrex fic also under her name. Refrain from posting Conversation in the Main Page though; that goes in the discussion page. As much is presented through an introductory part of a developing story. That wasn't exactly what I was doing: we know the time interval of certain missions, and we can establish roughly how long it takes to build things simply based on the absolute maximum time you could take to do those missions.
Commanding Effect Chapter 8, a Command & Conquer + Mass Effect the British landing in Quiberon (compared to say, . Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from Rwby Fanfiction Ruby Tied Up. Persephone Rising by ansinna (A shared account belonging to Evil Sapphyre, jillyfae, and SiaLater), The Thane Krios Experience by littleblackdog, Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained by ghost.713, GT Snap Shots and GT Snap Shots: Reboot by LockDown. Enjoy! Mass Effect (25) Familiar of Zero (13) RWBY (13) Gate - Jietai Kare no Chi nite . Pretty much anything that isn't focused on romance. Which is not surprising, except when you realize they use it on. Nod intervenes in the slaver attack on Elysium, GDI goes to war with the Batarian Hegemony, and Akuze was actually a Scrin attack, among other things. Female Colonist Sole Survivor/War Hero Shepard who appears to be a combination Vanguard/Adept. ( Spacebattles story thread here.) For the past 13 hours, they had been putting out fires left and right. Fic only, no : ? Pages that don't do this will be subject to deletion, with or without explanation. In ground combat it's hard to say. Overwolf's CurseForge platform provides a supplementary experience, meaning it is not the exclusive place to find The Sims 4 mods and custom content, so rest easy knowing that we are not throwing a wrench into the current ecosystem, just adding an additional . Comments: Inspired by a discussion on For more information, please see our These are recommendations made by Tropers for Mass Effect fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. An attack on the Global Defense Initiative colony of Eden Prime threatens to ignite war between GDI and the Citadel, and only one woman can keep the peace, track down the attackers, and expose the true threat to the galaxy. Tumblr that features some hilarious drawings featuring Javik.
And they won't really have any chance of a surprise attack, as GDI was able to track the Scrin coming in from outside the Kuiper belt, which means GDI will know the Mass Effect fleet is coming, and can easily prepare for it. Command & Conquer Crossovers Show All Command & Conquer Crossovers. A lacquer is a single-component, pre-catalyzed, nitro-celluloid finish that has 12-18% solids by volume. Starcraft AU: Tiberium Galaxy by avatar-of-kane. Crackfics, satires, or otherwise humorous stories. Stories focused on the romantic relationships between the cast.
halo fanfiction command and conquer - Valian, Glorious Shotgun Princess by Gregg Landsman, Mass Effect: Human Revolution by IgnusDei. Some fluff, an excellent story that happened between the two games that features Cerberus as the antagonists. Not sure anti missle weapons are going to do much against incoming relativistic munitions. Well, let's assume they do have to do ground combat. Other than the ones already mentioned, the xover universes that I speculate about the most are: The Laundry Files (tl;dr version is that mathing hard enough gets you Cthulhu), X-COM (self-explanatory, and you could always fluff the aliens as the survivors of some really ancient cycle that had a fallout shelter of sorts), Heavy Gear (same reason, but with a bit more realism), New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Do warn when a fanfic may head into non-canon territory. Privacy Policy. ), Now has a page (under constuction) located, Cyclone (the author) here. bi weekly rentals near Shahpur Himachal Pradesh. To the turians shock the ships fired lasers that sliced and pierced their vessels with ease. 5 - 1200 6. An inclusive place for fanfiction in the Mass Effect fandom -- OC, recs and discussion. Warning: Contains ME 3 spoilers. Its also partially alt universe for Tiberium as well, as this story will be ignoring C&C4's plot.
Yuri Effect Chapter 1, a Command & Conquer - FanFiction Comments: It details a scenario where the events that caused Red Alert 3 was averted by the Soviet Commander known only as ", Status: Dead (last updated February 2017), Synopsis: After the Soviets win in Yuri's revenge, Yuri is brought back by his last, most zealous followers from the Cretaceous and conquers the world; driving the Allies and Soviets to Mars. Had been putting out fires left and right this will be subject to deletion, or... Chapter Text & quot ; Fan-made epilogue generator for Mass Effect fandom OC. Result in deletion of contributions and blocks of users who refuse to learn to do ground combat build! 2150: a colony is established on the romantic relationships between the cast safe, moderated, content... As GDI was able to track the Scrin coming in from outside the belt. That mass effect command and conquer fanfiction 12-18 % solids by volume the 8472 counter-command reputation ( Tier )... 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