It's powerful. The main traits and characteristics of feminine energy are: A woman who has fully embraced her feminine energy will display all these qualities. When you are more open and receptive I believe magic can happen. Its more grounded and balanced. Or, when one foot feels grounded, and the other does not. As we are learning, that makes for a heartless, corrupt world. Some common causes of pain on the left side of the body include infection and injury to internal organs, muscles, or nerves. Things are changing. Your masculine side gets expressed when you're working toward a goal, making progress, getting things done, and pushing forward. You cant change other people, the only person you can change is yourself. kidney. var $container_width = jQuery( '.facebook-like-widget-2' ).width(); not underestimating the power of how that receptive energy can create eneryg, movement and change. It represents, among other things, the father. When you get out of your overworked state, you'll feel more like yourself again. And of course. And most of all the feminine energy is healing because it is expressed through the subtle realm. You do this by listening to how you feel and boosting your emotional intelligence. Thank you for this article. Feminine energy is the complete opposite of masculine energy. Femininity is a special gift. I've also read that the right side of our body is related to masculine energy, with which I've had some very . When there is a dominance of masculine energy one can find anger, power struggles, control issues, violence, and cynicism. Too many of us wait until our next vacation to feel relaxed and playful again. Nunzia Stark is a Park University Alumni and a former elementary educator. The best way to understand the Divine Feminine is through a sense of feeling, the energy most closely associated with the spiritual realm. This is the energy that unites the world in love, peace, and personal authority, allowing all beings and all things to have a seat at the round table of oneness. Though my focus is on working with women I love hearing from men and hope that more men will come on board with this awareness! I like to visualize the masculine component of ourselves as a giant perfectly shaped glass container. So basically, the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine are another way of labeling the energies of Receiving vs Creating, Being vs Doing, Allowing vs Acting. This means that they carry out most of the activities with their right hand. It helps us clear blocked energy streams in the body. Can I share this post to my website? It is the man that gives his coat for a person in need, it is the care of a woman for a relative or a neighbor. Prioritize downtime and time for relaxation. How we relate to these corresponding aspects of masculine and feminine in our minds, manifest in the physical body. What I find confusing is that if I sit back, then nothing will get done, I am trying to keep a roof over our head trying to find ways to get financial security for my kids, the struggle is real & depressing but yet if I sit back and do nothing the problem will be much worse, because if there was this power, surely I would have help by now instead of struggling. It sound ike you are in a stressful situation. Possibly even allowing yourself to be taken advantage of. It would be assertive and give you the courage to speak your truth and stand up for yourself. What is Divine Feminine Energy {Symptoms & How to Awaken It} . Go there when you're feeling out of sync and in need of revitalization. Perfectly well explained and very clear. The left side of the body, including the left nostril, is the feminine side, controlled by the right hemisphere of the brain. While I grew up when feminism was at its peak, I learned through much work in relationships, that I need to accept and embrace my feminine side. The Challenge of Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energy. Perhaps I was strong or courageous in one sense, however I was severely lacking in my ability to receive. Organs on Left Side of Body: Inside and Out, From Head to Toe - Healthline Feminine energy is receptive therefore empathetic and flexible. } function fusion_resize_page_widget() { Nature is the perfect example of masculine and feminine balance. All on the left side - nothing on the right! And become aware of when you are using too much masculine energy. Then, maybe consider making a personal consultation with me in order to shed some light and try to heal this issue from its root. It needs to be balanced and contained with healthy masculine energy. Shin splits, Sciatica, Swollen tonsil, lumps in arm, eye pain, jaw pain, swollen glands, back pain. Metaphysical Meaning of Body Pain | MindConnects I believe many of us get into survival mode and miss out on the intuitive flow of the feminine. These women dont know the fine art of slowing down and taking care of themselves. Total Well-being Teacher and Coaching Certification. Do you know how to set healthy boundaries for yourself? The significant importance is that as one person we need to be in constant balance to be able to achieve the best of our world, mental physical and emotional. Was an interesting read. Feminine energy is bold as wellit's the force of transformation. I followed a very strict eating regimen and checked my weight at the same time each day. But the truth is, in some way or another, we are all controlling. The ocean, hurricanes, and weather patterns are all perfect metaphors for feminine energy as they are constantly in motion, always changing and shifting. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Amber Paulina Walker is a body and energy worker studying Holistic Psychology in the PNW. Masculine energy is assertive, takes action, and makes things happen. Lower your body and send your hips back. Being overly masculine and under-feminine leaves many of us longing for something elsesomething rejuvenating, something wild, something resourceful, something spontaneous. Thanks for mentioning this. My mind was a one-track mind, and I was so identified with it that almost nothing could penetrate it. The forces of Shakti and Shiva are manifested throughout the universe as polarity. The male energy is symbolized by the sun and the feminine by the moon. Does it support nurturing, care and connection? Finally one that mentions that it is all about balancing the feminine and masculine energies we have inside and giving examples of how to see where on the spectrum we find ourselves. The right side of the body is often regarded as the masculine side, the giving-out side, where you express. Pleasure November is here& its naughty! We are designed to create life. Really honoring my emotions instead of armoring up and denying them. Hope you are enjoying some of my other articles as well. Shelly Bullard, MFT, is a marriage and family therapist with a holistic and spiritual approach to relationships. Five minutes per day is all you need. If you can take time to pray or meditate asking for assistance from your higher self. It is sensual and emotional. fusion_resize_page_widget(); As women we are naturally more vulnerable and open. What is masculine energy? And how would developing them create more happiness? Kidney. I think we are all working in different ways to balance our feminine and masculine energies and the POSITIVE and healthy expressions of each. Masculine and Feminine Energy-Finding the Balance Youll then know when to move forward, when to step back and when to stay still in life situations. }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); By using this website, you agree to our Terms, Conditions & Cookie Policy. DailyOM - Body Balance Our online classes and training programs allow you to learn from experts from anywhere in the world. What is masculine energy? A few years back I was definitely more masculine, but after alot of soul searching, therapy, reading etc I feel, after reading this article, that I have a good balance. A Yoga Practice to Cultivate Your Feminine Energy - Yoga Journal Some of us think of the feminine as being quiet and rejuvenating, but that's only half the story. Enjoy! In this article, Ill share with you the difference between masculine and feminine energy. Considering these differences in the context of the idea that the right side of your body represents the masculine and the left side represents feminine may shed some light on how balanced you are in relation to your masculine and feminine qualities. Femininity historically described women, and, of course, many women have bodies that are designed to create life. Can you tell if you have more masculine or feminine energy? Us people including are dual in nature no matter the gender, the ratio is the only difference in male versus female. The heart is wide open, the belly is filled with oxygen, and it is a complete cleanse for the energetic system. There is more to that answer than I can comment here but its not about sitting back and doing nothing. The masculine is a necessary trait, for it supports the growth of a balanced ego, financial stability, family, shelter, and organization. stomach. Too much container results in a hardening or stiffness and lack of flow. Women with masculine energy and over-controlling behaviors arent always so obvious. But too much feminine energy can leave you vulnerable. [CDATA[ Both energiesmasculine and feminineare vital for our health. The set of traits we've come to define as "feminine" do stem from the expectations we used to place on women throughout history to behave a certain way. Just look ata tree. Finding the complementary relationship between my inner and outer self has been a life-long effort. So dont be hard on yourself as you find the balance between your masculine and feminine energy. When this energy manifests with conflict and control, fear has taken the reins and that is what we call the Wounded Masculine. jQuery('.facebook-like-widget-2 .fb-page' ).attr( 'data-width', $container_width ); What music entices your ears? I just feel that some people in life no matter what they do theyre just here to suffer. I suffer from debilitating fibromyalgia on the right side of my body. Elephant offers 2 articles/week for free. }); } var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; Thanks for your comment. I was in self-isolation mode and full-on denial. | "Elephant Journal" & "Walk the Talk Show" are registered trademarks of Waylon H. Lewis, Enterprises. Left side of the brain (male) is considered to be more logical and analytical whereas the right side (female) is considered more artistic and spiritual. And above all its forgiving. You tell yourself, I should have said no from the very beginning. Guide to physical symptoms and what they really mean It is sensual and emotional. We are designed for relationships. Balancing our masculine and feminine aspects can be challenging, but finding the balance of creativity and productivity is essential for well-being. Since there is a very noticeable force . Yes, its super easy to get out of balance in the more masculine and driven world we live in. As women we are naturally more vulnerable and open. The woman that embodies this energy is magnetic and able to attract everything she wants knowing that its the energy of co-creation and manifestation. Join & get 2 free reads. js.src = ""; By creating a super busy lifestyle of doing, doing, doing you lose connection to the healing properties of the feminine and her state ofbeing. Today we know people of all genders can have any combination of any of these traits, and no traits are inherent to any gender or should be expected of any gender. I love it i find it hard to switch when my masculine energy is needed.i do it and I feel the resistance.I will be more aware because they are both so important to me.. Especially the idea of survival mode. And are there times when you put on a happy face and pretend that everything is okay when youre, especially over time, feeling resentful? When you try to manage everyone in your life and take charge of others, especially without their consent or consideration, you disconnect from the flow of life. Inhaling in through only your left nostril activates your lunar energy (which runs on the left side of your body) and exhaling only through your right nostril releases your solar energy (which runs on the right side of your body). In our culture, masculine energysince it's often about progress and moving forwardtend to be "valued" more than feminine energy. What is masculine and feminine energy balance? Your explanation of the balance between feminine and masculine energy is riveting! Chest. Is your mothering actually out of touch with the true feminine? If you have been stuck at an office desk or have felt physically stagnant for a while, you need to get your body moving. Sending you love and many blessings! Giving you the ability to say, Thanks, but no thank you or That doesnt work for me, for example. When we feel overworked, moving about life on autopilot, too much in our heads and not enough in our bodies, and/or we are experiencing a lack of intimacy in our lives, it is likely a re-fuel of the feminine is in order. This Universe is created by both male and female energies. Click here to Unlock the Power of Your Feminine Side with Love. A skill that has served me well in the midst of lifes stresses and pressures is mastering my emotions. For people of all genders, both feminine energy and masculine energy are necessary to embody in order to feel like a complete person. Both of his parents were physicians. Masculine and Feminine Energy in a Relationship - Marriage Did you know that, as a woman, you have both masculine and feminine energy? How to Nurture Your Feminine Side | Chopra All rights reserved. (In fact, it's more important than ever to raise boys without gender stereotypes!). Implement these practices, and the feminine will bring you back to life. Logic, planning, and structure fall under the masculine. Take the Love Quiz I designed to get you started on deepening one of the most important feminine qualities love. The person who loves to much and loses themselves. When you appreciate and nurture your feminine side, it will not mean you are plunging back into the Dark Ages. The feminine is the creative force. Relationship experts like John Gray, who wrote the Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus series, explains that the reason there is much confusion today is that we have been taught to deny who we innately are. And having the discernment of these actions. An imbalance of the Divine Feminine and Masculine energies causes disruption in life's path and may lead to us feeling unbalanced, confused, helpless and lethargic. Overvaluing masculinity also leads us to become dependent on man-made things, such as our smartphones and laptops, and spend less time in nature or expressing our creative selves. Receive spiritual inspiration and healing right in your InBoxby filling the form below: This is beautiful Isabela Discover your Dosha in seconds and get on the path to better health. A woman with too much masculine energy is over-controlling. Just because you enjoy this natural part of you, you will not lose your rights to vote, lose your job, or become barefoot and pregnant. Dispersed feminine energy may feel like being out of control, ungrounded, irritable, and lonely. Their focus is outward (masculine) toward other members of the family. Everything you need to live a life in total balance from the authority in well-being. His mother, a beautiful slender woman, was dressed in a skirt and blouse with her hair and makeup perfectly done. And with lots of expectations. Feminine energy refers to a specific set of traits, considered to be the opposite of traits associated with masculine energy. The feminine is life force energy. We're dedicated to sharing "the mindful life" beyond the core or choir, to all those who don't yet know they give a care. Learn more about the time-tested and scientifically backed Chopra methods. With your right hand, fold down your index and middle finger so they are gently touching the center of your palm. . Your point is well taken. Are you speaking your truth and creating healthy boundaries. If you are working in a masculine-dominated field or have denied the feminine part of you for some time, its important to rebalance. Your biology is a combination of verbal, intellectual, physical and psycho-emotional states of harmony or conflict. if ( 1 > $container_width ) { The paradigm of conquest, conquer and acquisition is drawing to a close, and we are needed to birth a new way, a way that honors the sacredness of all life. Masculine energy is the container and the water inside the container is the feminine. Generally, the mental aspect of a person is driven mainly by male energy and the emotion aspect is driven by the female one. But there are also times where my right side looks "worse" than my left. Push your hands against the floor to lift your body. Remember we have both masculine and feminine. The energy of intuition and faith allowing the Universe to support her on the soul path simply because of BEING. Related: Setting Healthy Boundaries in Relationships and What You Need to Know. Including the one you have with yourself. Expressing emotions is not only a way to keep yourself on a good balance of masculine and feminine energy, it's good for your personal health, improves relationships, and builds self-awareness. Maybe you wont see them anymore but your heart isnt closed off. Create a Free Account & Get 2 Free Reads. Learn more. When you reach the top, repeat by switching to exhale through your right. Not having to go anywhere, do anything, or make something happen.. (function(d, s, id) { Its about being present and not directing the flow of events as much as allowing the events to unfold. Is Your Feminine Energy Blocked? Find Out Now - Anna-Thea's Divine jQuery( window ).resize( function() { Somehow I think some women are afraid of that or are ashamed so they hide their beauty under unflattering clothing or take on a more masculine demeanor when out in public. The masculine channel known as Pingala Nadi governs the right side of the body. I initially created it for myself. Thats GI Joe tactics and that doesnt support you in embracing the feminine. Masculine energy on the other hand is focused, goal-oriented, stable, strong, structured, logical, driven and expressed through the physical realm. Move your left hand beneath your left shoulder and press it firmly on the mat. Repeat. lung. But instead, we live in a get over it and not enough culture. Instead, youve spent time sharpening your masculine edge. js = d.createElement(s); = id; 5 Ways to Release Blocked Feminine Energy - The Ladies Coach There was no special occasion as it was the weekend and this was a country home. 3 Ways to Use Feminine Energy to Attract a Man or Partner, Setting Healthy Boundaries in Relationships and What You Need to Know, Unlock the Power of Your Feminine Side with Love, The Ultimate Practice for Divine Feminine Awakening, 3 Ways to Use Feminine Energy To Attract A Man or Partner, 5 Ways to Express Your Divine Feminine Power,, Discover the Yoni Egg Practice with it's many spiritual and physical benefits, Anna-Thea Speaks To Audiences About Womens Empowerment, Self Love & Feminine Empowerment Products. Results in a hardening or stiffness and lack of flow is essential for.... And most of the body set healthy boundaries spent time sharpening your masculine and feminine energy the way. 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