For a small investment, you will get great colour reproduction, a forgiving exposure range, and good detail. does this film come in a film canister? It features great vintage colors without being overly saturated or contrasty so its extremely flexible to use in a variety of different situations. KODAK 6031470 Color Plus 200 135/36 Film, Black/White-Negative Film, 4 Rolls of Kodak Colorplus 200 ASA 36 Exposure. Want to see how it compares to some of the other cheap 35mm film options? When its sunny, they dont make the light appear cooler than it was. As you can see, the skin tone rendering in the sunlight looks very good and natural.
Kodak Color Plus 200 (36exp) | Photo-60 Studio Kodak ColorPlus 200 - Roll Film ISO 200, 36 exp.
Sunset colors | Kodak Colorplus 200 | Minolta X700- 50mm F1.4 Kodak ColorPlus 200 - 35mm Film - 36exp - Analogue Wonderland Each roll of film is good for 36 exposures. I couldnt find a Kodak ColorPlus 200 datasheet anywhere but I did find this original Kodacolor II manual, which I believe is where ColorPlus can be traced back to in one way or another. Try metering it at 200 ISO (ASA) although it works great at the box speed of 400 ISO (ASA) too. Film Format: 35 mm: Film Speed: 200 ISO: Number of Photos: 36: Type: Color: Color Balance: Daylight: Film Processing: C-41: ISO 200/24 in C-41 Process; Fine Grain and High Sharpness; Wide Exposure Latitude; Kodak ColorPlus 24 EXP 200 35mm Film is a versatile and high-quality camera film that will give sharp and bright colours to photos with a classic 35mm effect FREE TRACKED DELIVERY ON ALL ORDERS - Early VIP Black Friday Sale - Use Code: SUPERSALE20 At Checkout For 20% Off All Products Kota Mojokerto pinguinroll (14) ElectronicDeals. These are amongst some of the more inexpensive film options and provide am. Camera Source BD.
Kodak ColorPlus 200 - China Camera Style if yes it does work Regards Steve 1-800-221-2253. However, if you use it on bright sunny days or even cloudy days with a decent amount of light, youll end up with beautiful images. The old emulsion used in this film allows for images with tones that remind a bygone era. S 200 iso: available: T: 200: B&W: Print: Surveillance film, the film has a wonderful latitude and is perfect for general use or long exposures. In general, the lower the ISO, the finer the grain. When I tried to issue a return I had to pay for shipping. The ColorPlus does give you more shutter speed to play with though with that higher ISO rating, which will always come in handy on the street. It has a nominal sensitivity of ISO 200/24 along with a wide exposure latitude for exposing up to two stops under or three stops over to enable wo The film offers sharp detail with fine grain, natural color saturation, and wide exposure latitude. Also lets get the negative things out of the way before we get to the positives. With Agfa Vista Plus 200 being discontinued and FujiFilm slowly reducing their offerings too, ColorPlus might be the future of cheap and low ISO colour film. This was a well-written article and I enjoyed reading it very much.
Kodak Colorplus 200 - Etsy Its a stock that isnt sold in all parts of the world although Ive found it to be readily available in Asia and, as mentioned, the only one available in a huge supermarket in my hometown. This is a roll of 35mm Colorplus 200 Negative Film from Kodak. First is that price. A: The biggest difference is that its twice as fast with an ISO (ASA) of 400. The VR range of films was based on technology used in old Kodak disc films. Want to see more? If either do, obviously grabbing some while youre there would be the most convenient way to buy. This item is one 36-exposure roll of 35mm film. Above is one example of my pictures taken with Kodak Gold 200. At 200 ISO (ASA) it works great on bright sunny days. I have a now-beat-up 33-mm film camera for which I insist on nothing but Kodak 200 color film. The price is comparable to the ColorPlus and its another fine product for what you pay. Please check compatibility before purchasing. I'm old-fashioned and proud of it. Though Tri-X can be processed to be a stellar low-light film, Kodak's T-max P3200 is undoubtedly the company's flagship super speed film. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam.
Adrian Bacon Photography: Kodak ColorPlus 200 Because its less punchy and contrasty with the warm Kodak undertone, it gives the skin a nice soft glow that is similar to Kodak Portra 400. The first rolls were in a Canon Sure Shot AF-7 point n shoot on an overcast day and an Olympus Supertrip point n shoot on a sunnier day.'block';'px';'100%';'px';container.appendChild(ins);(adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({});window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'stat_source_id',44);window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'adsensetype',1);var lo=new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent);lo.observe(document.getElementById(slotId+'-asloaded'),{attributes:true});Thats because it was the only film they had in my local Tesco, which actually isnt much fun at all. When its overcast, they make it appear less so. The best way to make sure youre not underexposing your image too much is to expose for the shadows in the image.
However, on the other end, you can probably only get away with an underexposure of about 1 stop before the colors become a bit muddled. You can check the current prices and availability across a number of stores through this link right here.
KODAK Color Plus 200 135-36 - Fotoimpex Even Kodacolor 200 was better. It doesnt have the finest grain, but it is pretty good for the price. This table gives a chronology of the film family, from 1972 to 1990. Son thank you again! Kodak ColorPlus 200 is Kodak's cheapest color negative film. Kodak Colorplus 200 yields pleasing results under a variety of lighting scenarios. A: If you start from here, it runs you through the C-41 or Flexicolor process and includes all the temperatures and times you need. Beginners Note: This is one of the trade-offs between low speed (low ISO) and higher speed film stocks (high ISO). Invested in Portra etc but love the tones of this so will be getting more.roughly 1/4 the price too and way more distinctive! This was replaced by Kodacolor VR 100 in 1983.
How To Shoot Kodak Gold 200 Shoot It With Film . Mid 1980s Kodacolor VR 200 re-introduced as a budget offer to Gold 200 Buy from amazon Example Photos Andres Papp | Kodak Color Plus 200 Color Print Film - 24 Exp. Perfect Buy Kodak Colorplus 200 35mm film in Marikina City,Philippines. I bring my rolls of film to a great developer in Manhattan who charges a reasonable price. I dont develop my own film but I can point you in the direction of some information regarding doing so if you need it. Kodak ColorPlus 200. Then I used the internal light meter of the Pentax K1000 to meter and expose for the shadows in this image which also means the highlights were overexposed. Like all Kodak film stocks, Kodak ColorPlus 200 features a classic, warm, saturated vintage vibe. I find film is still a better medium than digital, and you can always have a CD made along with those glossy prints. Compared to the ColorPlus 200 and Gold 200 which has an ISO rating of 200, UltraMax has an ISO rating of 400 and is faster by a whole stop than the former two. However, on cloudy days, its more difficult to use and youll have to use wider apertures, slower shutter speeds, and maybe even a tripod depending on how low the light is. You can tackle the camera shakes that creep in when using the telephoto end of the lens by using a faster . If youre looking for a faster film stock for lower light situations, Kodak Ultramax 400 could be a better choice.
List of photographic films - Wikipedia rather than 36, Reviewed in the United Kingdom on September 22, 2018, Something different and 'individual' in the identikit digital era, Reviewed in the United Kingdom on May 12, 2017, Reviewed in the United Kingdom on January 6, 2020, Reviewed in the United Kingdom on October 18, 2019, Reviewed in the United Kingdom on October 18, 2016, Learn more how customers reviews work on Amazon. Here are two example photos to illustrate what Im talking about. $44.96. Also, a great place to start if youre new to film photography. Always nice to hear people find my stuff useful! Whats nice about Kodak ColorPlus 200 is that it has a more balanced color profile and isnt as saturated as Kodak Gold 200, the other popular 200 speed Kodak film stock. Thats not to say theres no information about it floating around though, and a little digging has led me to thisgoldmine of knowledge. At the same time, it doesnt oversaturate the stronger colors so you get a softer, less contrasty look, especially when compared to Kodak Gold 200.
Kodak ColorPlus 200 Color Negative Film ISO 200 35mm Roll Film 36 35mm iso 200 36 exposures Buy it with This item: Kodak colorplus film 200 (pack of 3) $3999 ($13.33/Count) Hi! As I mentioned, Kodak ColorPlus 200 has pretty good exposure latitude and performs best slightly overexposed. Has a colour cast of sorts that reminds me of my film photography in the past. Its probably not as accurate as an external light meter like the Sekonic light meter, or built-in camera light meters, but Ive had very good results with it. Read ourKodak ColorPlus 200 Film Reviewand ourSecond Kodak Colorplus Film Review. Its DX coded and is developed using the common C-41 process. At 200 ISO (ASA) it works great on bright sunny days. BRANDNEW 3x Kodak GOLD 200 35mm Film Roll (best before 2024) 36 Exposures 3 Pack. Kodak Colorplus 200 650 each Selling 3 rolls Exp: 06/2023 Get great deals on Cameras Chat to Buy
Film Comparison: Fuji C200 vs Kodak Gold 200 - YouTube Amazon's Choice in Photographic Film by KODAK About this item Excellent consistency & Excellent processing robustness. Length: 36 Exposures. With no mention of either of these films on Kodaks own sitealongside the Portras and Ektars of this world, there is some confusion about what ColorPlus actually is. It has fast become a favorite of the CP staff owing to its super-speed and surprisingly strong . It has a nominal sensitivity of ISO 200/24 along with a wide exposure latitude for exposing up to two stops under or . The 200 ISO (ASA) speed of Kodak ColorPlus is by far its biggest weakness as it's on the slower side of the film stock speed spectrum. On the temperature scale, the film stock definitely has a warm tint which gives her skin a nice warm glow.
Kodak ColorPlus 200 ISO for 35mm Film Camera (36 Exposure) Below the table is an image of the film boxes, featuring a familiar-looking yellow and red one, albeit still labelled Kodacolor 200. You can also find this product cheaper elsewhere (in a 3 pack). Since my schedule usually revolves around our Shih Tzu, Sushi, youll see a lot of photos of her . But, for its small price, it sure packs a big punch. Used to gauge set up of new camera (to me). Want to see some of the different ways you can use Kodak ColorPlus 200? Try metering it at 100 ISO CHECK PRICE ON AMAZON Where to Develop Your Film Kodak Ultramax 400 is another great budget film stock option from Kodak and features a similar saturated, warm color profile as Kodak Gold 200. It is a less refined film that uses an older emulsion. Its a different design and is strangely labelled Kodacolor 200. Kodak Ultramax 400 Review A Great 400 Rule of Thirds in Film Photography (With 6 Pentax K1000 Review: My First Hand Experience, Canon AE-1 Program Review: My First Hand Experience. Shot on: Contax G2. Kodak Colorplus 200 135-36 Negative Film Pack of 20 ., Romblon in Romblon, Mimaropa for sale .
Kodak ColorPlus 200 35mm Film Review - My Favourite Lens Rate
Stephen Daugherty Photography - Kodak ColorPlus 200 Kodak ColorPlus 200 35mm is the cheap 35mm film on the market and a great place to begin. Yes its good film even for pro use and you can get 3 rolls for the price of one roll of portia I definatly recommend it even as a proffesional photographer as we tend to ignore fancy names its Kodak and colour plus and portia is the same film just made by some other company so its marked dofferently- so now you all know. Today we compare two 35mm film stocks Fuji C200 (Fuji Superia) and Kodak Gold 200. I will 100% buy this again.
Kodak Colorplus 200 35mm film, Photography, Cameras on Carousell They are of course much more expensive, which brings us back to the key selling point of Kodak ColorPlus - it is very cheap. Developed by TOPPER IT, Fotofile Magic Fiber-M Professional Camera Lens Cleaning Cloth - Green, ZEISS Cleaning Fluid for Camera Lens Professional Cleaning - White, Sony BC-QZ1 Quick Battery Charger for NP-FZ100 Battery - USED, YE Moisture Absorber Silica Gel for Camera Lens Safety from Fungus - Blue, Canon EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 III Telephoto Zoom Lens (ORIGINAL) - USED. I used it in June and know it was in date at that time, think 2020, but its been develope. - Kodak ColorPlus 200 (phin bn u tin sn xut ti Trung Quc hp mu vng nh nh di) (tham kho I.2. Kodak ColorPlus 200 is an ISO 200, 5500k daylight balanced, colour negative 35mm film that's available in rolls of 24 or 36 exposures. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Great film! : Kodak colorplus film 200 (pack of 3) : Electronics Because these disc films had a higher agitation rate, Kodak found the Kodacolor emulsions had their speeds doubled. Rp 153.500. ColorPlus 200 is a color negative 35mm film, daylight balanced (5500K) with an ISO 200. Taking Stock: A shootout with 3 very different color films highlights creative possibilities - Kodak Portra, Fuji C200 and Fuji Velvia 100 Scene 01: Flowers overexposed 2-stops (EI 50) Scene 01: Flowers overexposed 1-stop (EI 100) Scene 01: Flowers metered at EI 200 Scene 01: Flowers underexposed 1-stop (EI 400) A versatile medium-speed daylight-balanced color negative film, characterized by its fine grain structure, high sharpness, and rich color saturation.
Kodak ColorPlus 200 (35mm) 24 Exp. - Kamerastore The obvious downside is that since its a slower film, its not as sensitive to light so it wont perform as well in low light conditions as say a 400-speed film. The film expired Feb 2018. " Being relatively new to film photography I am experimenting with different rolls of film - so far this is within my top 5. Full content visible, double tap to read brief content. It looks like somewhere along the way, the ColorPlus name and the red and yellow box were merged to create the film were talking about today. In general, the price for developing and scanning a roll of film is usually around $15 $20 per roll. Affordable, ideal for many applications. Better than I expected it to be. Please try again. Sold. Rp 165.000. Check out our kodak colorplus iso 200 selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. Kodak ColorPlus 200 is a versatile medium-speed daylight-balanced color negative film, characterized by its fine grain structure, high sharpness, and rich color saturation. At no additional cost to you, I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Regardless, here are some shots taken with the Canon Sure Shot AF-7 to show you whats possible with a cheap camera on an overcast day. It's been re-branded and re-released mostly overseas to compete with Fuji C200. Try shooting it metered at 100 160 ISO. For newbies, having a professional lab develop and scan your photos is the best way to start, Youll save time, get consistent results, and youll get to figure out if you want to continue with film photography before investing in film development equipment. When it comes to pushing 400 ISO B&W film to 1600, TX400 or Ilford HP5 are both notorious for being great sports. A classic 200 speed Kodak film stock with rich, warm, vintage colors that is more saturated than Kodak ColorPlus 200. Just keep in mind that its still a budget film stock, so if youre a professional photographer or are looking to do more serious work, you might be better off spending the extra money for Kodak Portra 400. Price: . On the other hand, if a film stock has low latitude, it means the film stock only performs well in a narrow exposure window. Either way, thismakes it good for your travel shooting today, or just everyday snapshots wherever you are. ColorPlus is a terrible name. Their tip: shoot it at 160 ISO, as it looks really nice slightly overexposed. They might even push you to pick up some ColorPlus yourself, and you wont have to go to Tesco to do so. The biggest downside is that its a slower 200 speed film stock. If you want a more detailed look into my experience with this film stock, make sure to check out my Kodak Gold 200 Review too. It was released in 1990 and is available in 35mm roll. Kodak ColorPlus 200 performs best slightly exposed and loves bright light. Obviously, the downside is that its more expensive to have a professional lab develop and scan your photos in the long run. Q: Kodak ColorPlus 200 is a versatile medium-speed daylight-balanced color negative film, characterized by its fine grain structure, high sharpness, and rich color saturation. Format: 35mm. Best Shot At: Best shot overexposed by 1 stop. Similar to Kodak Ultramax 400, Kodak ColorPlus is also a budget-friendly film stock with a flexible exposure latitude that's always great to have in your bag. Cashback. Very Poor. I found this no diffent to dearer Kodak Porta then I always shoot with cheap film and tell the local D+P shop to not auto pront on the machine soI get vivid colours also I am shooting with a Nikon F501 and 50mm F1.8 D also a 70-300 g lens I found with Nikon lenses they have good reproduction plus they are ED coated. Sunset colors | Kodak Colorplus 200 | Minolta X700- 50mm F1.4. If you want something cooler, perhaps go for Fujicolor C200.
Kodak GB ColorPlus 135 36exp 200 ISO | Ted's Cameras But being inside a very respectful descendant of legendary VR (the colours from your pictures remind me more of VR than Gold). In this image, Melissa is holding Sushi in front of a fence on a cloudy day. Best Shot At: Its best shot at the box speed of 400. It has a nominal sensitivity of ISO 200/24 along with a wide exposure latitude for exposing up to two stops under or three stops over to enable working in a wide variety .
How To Shoot Kodak ColorPlus 200 Shoot It With Film . Even if it is a cheap film (not so now) it delivers some good quality images providing that it is shot outdoors in the sun.
Film: Kodak Color Plus 200 (35mm) Lomography The higher the ISO, the courser/larger the grain. Why 2 stars then? (39) $20.94. It states the 100, 200, and 400 35mm Kodacolor VR films were replaced by Kodacolor Gold in 1987. Thanks for the input and advice Mark, some good nuggets in there. So if youre shooting fine portraits or tremendous landscapes, there are other more expensive films that will be better suited to the job. Our shops $ 15 $ 20 per roll ISO ( ASA ) although it works on! Way before we get to the positives out of the other cheap 35mm film options and provide am stuff!. Mimaropa for sale elsewhere ( in a 3 Pack ) looks very good and natural more... ) although it works great at the box speed of 400 looking for faster... 200 features a classic 200 speed Kodak film stock with rich, warm vintage. Manhattan who charges a reasonable price from our shops double tap to read brief content film Pack of 20,! In Portra etc but love the tones of this so will be better suited to job... 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