In the past, we remedied this by placing babies to sleep on their tummies. I love that the Ollie swaddle can be used thru his transitions and that he wont grow out of it at the bottom. Babies need to be monitored while they sleep to make sure they dont accidentally roll over. Editors Note: We know raising kids can be hard. I do prefer to open the swaddle up when I change his diaper to let him stretch, then I re-swaddle him. Fortunately, there is a lot of information available, and there are helpful products geared toward making your little ones sleep journey much easier. Why was this so much harder than the teddy bear? When I came across a sleep training class, taking cara babies, who recommended using the Ollie swaddle. Love our ollie swaddles!! Little ones arent born with the ability to regulate their own body temperature. If you order a bundle of two Ollie World Swaddles on their official website you will save $19! The Ollie Swaddle - Sky Blue - New | eBay What Is The Ollie Swaddle And Why Is It Always Sold Out? - Momtastic The fabric of the Ollie is truly what sets it apart from its competitors. Its a rectangular blanket with two velcro tabs and a little tie at the bottom. Did I mention how nice the colors are? green) version of this product, and am not going to repeat it all here. The Ollie Swaddle by Ollie World - Mom Blog Society It has made bedtime with my newborn enjoyable. The noise of the velcro spooks and wakes baby. Leave about two or three fingers-width between the babys chest and the swaddle. I don't know what we'd have done without it, except lose sleep. What you dont see in the picture, is the post bath complete melt down we had just had start putting the Ollie on him. That means that by the time your baby is 15 weeks old or is 15 weeks post due date he should be having 15 minutes of tummy time, three times a day. He sleeps all night and has since the night we started using it. Variations in swaddling techniques by the different caregivers and the inability of caregivers to monitor the infant adequately if it accidentally rolls over while swaddled are among the main reasons. Besides, parents who have been using it, say its a life saver and totally worth the money. Parents who have tried many other swaddles claim this is the best fit yet. Brand New. I bought the lavender Ollie for my daughter when she was born and I loved it. I cant believe how well my baby boy sleeps now!! The Ollie has been such a wonderful addition to our nighttime and nap time routine and makes diapers changes a breeze! The Velcro is excellent quality and the loop elastic at the bottom is perfect. My baby hasnt been born yet but I got my Ollie today and the packaging has me dreaming! Swaddling is not created to provide uninterrupted sleep, Carolynne Harvey, a baby sleep consultant for 4moms and founder of Dream Baby Sleep, told TODAY Parents. This is my place to share my journey. He was on the smaller side at 6 lbs 12 oz and the Ollie swaddled him perfectly. It worked great for our little peanut for the first few weeks. We resorted to blankets and zipped swaddled with the slave for the arms to come up next to his head, inside the sleeper. Washable and durable and like a great little straight jacket for my Houdini baby. Its different from many other swaddles, because the fabric goes slightly below infants shoulders not to strain their joints. Ollie Swaddle Black Friday 2022 - Up To 50% OFF. Oliver was not sleeping well, eating well or hitting his developmental milestones. Ollie Swaddle measures 30.5 x 28 (L x W). Several mothers admitted to being hesitant about the price, but after buying several cheaper options that didnt work as well or could not constrain their babys arms, they said it is worth it to buy the Ollie from the start. The Ollie Swaddle was created to make sure that babies . ", Yes, it really is THE best swaddle ever! By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our. Once your baby begins to roll over, the Ollie can be used as a transitional swaddle with one or both arms out. Many moms say that this swaddle is a wonderful baby shower gift. This worked perfectly and he sleeps great in it! Is The Ollie Swaddle Safe? You will easily recognizer where the top and bottom is which will make positioning the baby much easier. It allows the skin to breath because the sweat is not trapped between the body and fabric. Thank you! The color is beautiful and it does help. Is The Ollie Swaddle Really Worth It? Swaddling your baby properly is very important for many different reasons. 15% OFF. My son loves the Ollie. The Ollie Swaddle boasts even more versatility since you can wrap babies up with arms out or one arm in and one arm out, while still keeping them snug, to help transition out of the swaddle. This is our favorite swaddle for our VERY fussy baby. Perfection! If youre thinking about it, itll be worth it. You have several different options when it comes to purchasing your Ollie. Sandbox Learning is part of Sandbox & Co., a digital learning company. Thank you! Will be our go-to swaddle for all our future babies. I first heard of the Ollie Swaddle from the Taking Cara Babies Newborn Sleep class. Signs of overheating include: A good rule is to dress your baby in one layer more than youre comfortable wearing. Online purchase was a breeze. Are there swaddling techniques that make it safer? The OLLIE is AWESOME! We are definitely an Ollie family:). A friend recommended this swaddle to me and I waited a week before I clicked the order button because it is more expensive than any other swaddle I've tried. Wish I would have ordered it sooner, my baby is now 4 weeks. We can dress him in anything and the Ollie still fits. Swaddling helps infants remain on their backs, which is crucial for safe sleep and reducing the risk of SIDS. Those little flailing arms can disrupt a babys sleep. However, there are a few minor drawbacks. One of the problems with swaddling is that its hard to do it absolutely right. When other swaddles werent working, his foster mom set out to create something that would fit Olivers needs, help him to sleep, and ultimately, help him thrive. Is the Ollie Swaddle good for newborns? Its so great that Ollie Swaddles are made of this type of the fabric. Parents whose babies had problems with colic or latching say that Ollie has helped their little ones to relax which in turn help the child to focus on feeding better (better latching, less air swollen during feeding = less risk of colic). The swaddle secures with three Velcro fasteners along the torso, while the bottom is left roomier for leg movement and diaper changes. Brand New. Great quality. She said the gray one isn't like that. Hip-Healthy Swaddling - International Hip Dysplasia Institute I knew that having a newborn is a beautiful challenge, but I thought that if I was prepared and gained as much knowledge as possible, I could have a leg up and have more of those beautiful moments. The Ollie World Swaddle Sky - Blue $65.99When purchased online In Stock Add to cart About this item Highlights Patented moisture-wicking fabric to help reduce risk of overheating Newborn to transitional use Custom closure for individualized fit Arms in/arms out design to meet needs of each baby Bottom opening for hassle-free diaper changes As with every baby product, prop and gadget, the Ollie swaddle, certainly has its pros and cons. Since he came home from the NICU we have tried the basic swaddles and he hates them and they dont work. We hope you found this information helpful and wish you and your sweet babe the best of luck on your sleep journey! Pair this with the Taking Cara Babies course for amazing sleep! 2022 Sandbox Networks Inc. All rights reserved. Sponsored. A little more expensive than most other swaddles, but SO worth it! These make the best gifts. I also love how the material stretches but keeps the swaddle. After talking with a friend who has 3, she asked me what color I got, I said the sky blue one, she said she doesn't use this one anymore cuz its stretchier and her son can get his arms out of it. My son loves it! Besides, the elasticity makes it so easy to adjust for a custom fit for every little one. Take the plunge. We found it a little later in the game so utilized the arms out swaddling the most, but nonetheless I tell everyone who will listen to buy this swaddle! My son was tiny at birth and its hard to find swaddles small enough for it. $65.00 + $6.10 shipping. Do each Velcro separately, starting from the top and moving one by one downward. The Velcro makes it so easy to get him snuggled back up after middle of the night feedings or diaper changes. If youre baby is a light sleeper, he/she may wake up or get scared a bit when you try to readjust the swaddle or take it off. Thank you! Its important to position the baby in the right way, to avoid fabric bunches around babys neck and mouth, as well as joints strain. Im a happy mama. This swaddle must be made of some sort of MAGIC! This means the swaddle is cozy and snuggly for babies, but doesnt block movement of their joints. Boom, calm as can be and hes self soothing himself right to sleep. This was our second Ollie! In many ways, swaddling creates a win-win situation, but there are some risks, too. It helped our little one sleep for 6-7hrs straightwas the only swaddle he wouldnt break out of. The Ollie World, the revolutionary infant swaddle company that supports infants' neuro-development, safe sleeping and well being, is launching nationwide in 1800+ Target stores. Washed once and put it away in original box. On a Target run? As soon as your baby can roll from back to stomach, you need to leave one or, preferably, both arms unswaddled. If you leave the fabric loose, it may pose a risk of suffocation and basically it defeats the purpose of swaddling. The material is so soft and breathable! The fact that Ollie is one-size-fits-all is another advantage because you can continue using it as your little one grows. Save big bucks w/ this offer: Get 15% Off with any purchase. They even have the Ollie! If you are on the fence like I was, please don't hesitate any longer, this has finally allowed me to sleep horizontally again. Thank you!!. Its elastic fabric gives the baby warm and snuggly feeling while allowing their hip joints to move and flex as they naturally do. The swaddle is awesome and we love how its snug and theres really no way to skip out. How long should babies be swaddled? One new mama discusses her baby's sleep journey and honestly and openly reviews the buzzworthy Ollie Swaddle product. He still doesnt sleep through the night, so I decided to give it a go. Since the Ollie is one size fits all, it can be used. When used properly, the stretch in our fabric allows for a snug fit to help mimic the containment in the womb, while also allowing for joint movement and flexibility. The Ollie Swaddle - What You Should Know Before Purchasing I wrote a longer review for the meadow (i.e. We wanted to let you know that if you chose to purchase one of the items featured in this post, we may receive a small commission for it. Bonus points: its warm in our house during the summer but this keeps him cool, LOVE the Ollie! I never had to worry about the material wiggling up to his mouth because its meant to wrap beneath the shoulder joints. Sleep sacks can be helpful if your baby has trouble transitioning to sleeping without a swaddle. The perfect swaddle. The Ollie is perfect - the fabric is very nice, the Velcro isnt too loud and doesnt catch on other fabrics. The elastic tie that the bottom serves the same purpose-- adjustability. Here are four ways to lower your babys risk of SIDS. I zipped him in and finally felt confident that he was secure and closed my eyes. We love our Ollie so much we bought a second! Our sweet girl is a Houdini with her arms and a regular swaddle is no match for her. We love our Ollie! That is where the benefits of swaddling come into play. That is when the Ollie was born. If youre new to swaddling or confused and not sure how to do Ollie swaddle, I recommend you to check brands official website and check out their tutorials. NEW IN BOX Ollie Swaddle Stone Gray With Laundry Bag - 2 Available Fast Shipping. Happy Granna in Texas. Charlynn is an educator and mom to fraternal boy/girl twins. Free shipping. The only problem is now we have to transition out of it! Moms all over the Internet are raving about this swaddle. 2. At the end, use the elastic loop at the bottom to secure the swaddle, right below those little feet. Has held up well after many washes. There are two common concerns when it comes to swaddling: the risk of suffocation and hip dysplasia, and Ollie was designed to deal with those issues. It keeps our newborn comfortable and safe when he is sleeping. The Ollie Swaddle is an absolute must have! So durable! It is so easy to use. Unless advised by your pediatrician, do not position baby on stomach or side when in the Ollie . Is the Ollie Swaddle Safe? Moms are calling it the holy grail of swaddles and state that their only regret is not buying it sooner.. Would highly recommend this item for any new parents! No other swaddle compares to this. Once the temperature started warming up in the summer, we noticed our little guy getting too warm in the fleecy Halo Swaddle. I wish I could tell you that as soon as we started using the Ollie Swaddle, we all slept through the night, but that is not our reality. Do babies sleep longer when swaddled? Ollie swaddle is easy to put on and I have peace of mind putting my little guy in it. Of course its crucial to do the swaddling properly and use Ollie as intended. The color is beautiful and the swaddle so soft! When your little bundle of joy is able to roll from back to stomach, its time to stop swaddling or to use Ollie as a transition swaddle with one or both arms out. This swaddle has been a game changer! It also help with sleep problems when the baby is calm and relaxed its easier for them to fall asleep. The fabric is soft and gives just enough. I will say its the number one baby product that I have bought that has made my time with a newborn so much easier! You have every right to insist family members and care givers follow your instructions . Its great for nap time too! So, whats the big deal about the Ollie Swaddle and why are parents raving about it? Why I Love The Ollie Swaddle : SARAH PASHNIAK They never seemed to fit correctly and he wasnt a fan of them either. So many photos- and the logo takes away from the sweet baby! In excellent condition. In fact, its not even necessary to swaddle the entire body. Safe Sleep tips for baby from the creator of The Ollie Swaddle Baby can't break out of it and I love that we only need one until he is done being swaddled. We have tried basically every swaddle out there and his first night in the Ollie he slept 6 hours straight! Yes, this Swaddle is safe to use with your baby. Bummer at the price they are and it was so recommend by a particular sleep trainer. Educate people who care for your baby about safe sleep practices. It will now be the only swaddle we use and we are getting them for all our friends babies!! I can't say enough wonderful things about Ollie! Prior to this, we had tried every swaddle out there! Moisture wicking fabric prevents from overheating during summer, and keeps the baby warm but not too hot during colder months, Elastic fabric gives babys joints freedom to move, while it still keeps baby in that soothing snuggle position similar to womb environment and provides containment, Grows with the baby stretchy fabric allows for custom fit as the baby gets bigger. If you have any doubts about your childs health or want to start swaddling, consult with certified expert and/or pediatrician. The Ollie Swaddle extends the duration of sleep for all babies (including preemies and high risk), reduces fussiness, and helps baby self-calm. The Best Baby Swaddles | Reviews by Wirecutter Not a single other swaddle in the world would give the baby the snuggly feeling of being swaddled yet allow space for the monitors wire!! The Ollie Swaddle - The Polymath Mama It is much simpler to use than any other designs, and more importantly, our son goes into it without any type of distress. If we swaddled too tightly my kids were uncomfortable and too loose and they can get out. His sleep quality has gone from okay to great, as he is now getting 2+ hours of deep sleep a night compared to 20-40 minutes of deep sleep in other swaddles. I used the Ollie swaddle with my first son two years ago, after trying many swaddles, this was the One. Lay your baby on the swaddle with his shoulders slightly above the top of your Ollie. Ollie gives moms all the benefits that swaddling has in general: it gives the baby feeling that resembles how they felt in the womb: warm, tight and snuggled. By far my FAVORITE swaddle! Friend swears by the Halo sleep sack/swaddle. No fuss! My little one was so tiny and is now very long and lean, so the other brands tended to be too wide and short for her. Moreover, this way the fabric doesnt get any near babys neck or face which eliminates the risk of suffocation. We just purchased our second one to always have on hand. All of them look so gorgeous you will probably want to buy all of them! At first I loved this swaddle! They love it and wraps their little one perfectly. The AAP recommends that infants not be placed in child care centers until they are about three months old. My husband, baby, and I all love this swaddle. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'parentswonder_com-banner-1','ezslot_4',103,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-parentswonder_com-banner-1-0'); The Ollie is one of the safest swaddles on the market. I tried to swaddle him. This way infants will have a room to wiggle a bit and move their hips and feet, while feeling cozy, warm and secure. My husband started referring to it as old reliable, after we gave up trying to swaddle with traditional muslin swaddle blankets. Such a design allows you to change babys diaper without un-swaddling them. All of these benefits support babys neuro-development and helps them to reach next milestones in their physical and cognitive development. The price is rather on the high end, so its best to look for promotions or bundles. After tying out the Ollie Swaddle, we didnt even need to try the other swaddle blankets on my list such as the Love to Dream swaddle, Swaddleme, or Woombie. It's easy to change his diaper without undoing the velcro. Light Gray. Free shipping. This is our second Ollie! Summary: Baby slept significantly better than anything else Ive tried- and Ive tried several brands/styles. We love this swaddle! Thanks Ollie! After trying all the swaddles, our little escape artist was finally able to have a good night sleep when we transitioned to the Ollie!! Love the Ollie swaddle! Is the Ollie Swaddle Really Worth It? A New Mama's Honest Review There are different ways to swaddle a baby. and the ollie swaddle for sale | eBay Please watch the original video on YouTube before purchasing. They have NOT tested their swaddle according to Oeko-Tex requirements. You can also tumble dry it on a low temperature or air dry it. Use it only when your child is lying on their back, When the infant is able to roll over from back to belly, its time to fully stop swaddling or use it as transition swaddle (tie Ollie with babys arm/arms out), The fabric should start right under infants shoulders no fabric above shoulders, near babys neck, chin or face. We have a niece 4 weeks younger than our little guy and they are awaiting theirs!!!! I slowly crawled out of bed and picked up Hudson, still in disbelief that I had a new baby. Shoulders not to strain their joints a bundle of two Ollie World swaddles their... Babys chest and the packaging has me dreaming dress your baby in layer... 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