Interpretation and management of early electrocardiographic changes in patients with ICH is an area of future study. Predicting the presence of macrovascular causes in non-traumatic intracerebral haemorrhage: the DIAGRAM prediction score. Magnitude of blood pressure reduction and clinical outcomes in acute intracerebral hemorrhage: Intensive Blood Pressure Reduction in Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage Trial study. Peer Reviewer Relationships With Industry and Other Entities (Comprehensive): 2022 Guideline for the Management of Patients With Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage. One RCT assessed decompressive craniectomy without hematoma evacuation against hematoma evacuation without decompressive craniectomy in deep supratentorial ICH.462 This study found no difference in mortality at 6 months and slightly higher GCS score (improved outcome) for patients undergoing hematoma evacuation alone (35.3%) compared with decompressive craniectomy alone (30.7%). With these limitations, which include systematic differences between anticoagulated and nonanticoagulated individuals attributable to the confounding of choice of therapy by clinician-perceived risk-benefit profile, the published literature suggests a potential reduction in recurrent ischemic events and all-cause mortality with the use of anticoagulation. A careful assessment of individual recurrence risk may be warranted because patients with ICH are also at risk of ischemic stroke and other major vascular events.571 In such scenarios, antithrombotic medications are often contemplated, and the risk of hemorrhage must be weighed against the risk of ischemic and vaso-occlusive disease. In 2 small phase II trials in patients with positive CTA spot sign and including black hole sign and blend sign in 1 trial, there was no significant difference in HE or functional outcome at 3 months.220,221 In a recent meta-analysis including these 2 RCTs, TXA demonstrated a reduction in HE predicted by markers on CT scan but no difference in mortality or functional outcome.230. A copy of the document is available at by using either Search for Guidelines & Statements or the Browse by Topic area. Share. More research is required to determine whether a more aggressive target of SBP of 120 mmHg is beneficial. Risk of thromboembolism following acute intracerebral hemorrhage. The relationship between seizures and outcomes and the impact of antiseizure medications, especially when given in a targeted and time-limited manner, on outcome in patients with ICH are not well defined. Complications with DSA resulting in permanent sequelae occurred in 0.6%.118 In addition to the DIAGRAM score,117 the simple ICH score121 and secondary ICH score120,129 have been developed to predict the probability of a macrovascular cause of ICH. Stereotactic-guided evacuation of spontaneous supratentorial intracerebral hemorrhage: systematic review and meta-analysis. Surgical treatment of primary supratentorial intracerebral hemorrhage in stuporous and comatose patients. If seizures are clinically suspected in this context, it is reasonable to evaluate them with a continuous electroencephalogram for at least 24 hours. Persistent hyperglycemia is associated with increased mortality after intracerebral hemorrhage. Medical complications can range in severity but are associated with increased LOS, increased rates of mortality, and worse functional outcomes at 90 days. A prospective evaluation of the value of repeat cranial computed tomography in patients with minimal head injury and an intracranial bleed. Thrombolytic removal of intraventricular haemorrhage in treatment of severe stroke: results of the randomised, multicentre, multiregion, placebo-controlled CLEAR III trial. The effect and associated factors of dispatcher recognition of stroke: a retrospective observational study. There was a significant interaction with baseline SBP, showing a favorable shift in outcome with TXA in participants with baseline SBP <170 mmHg. The modest effects of these agents on limiting HE have not translated into improvement in functional outcome. Association of intracranial pressure with outcome in comatose patients with intracerebral hemorrhage. This guideline was approved by the American Heart Association Science Advisory and Coordinating Committee on February 15, 2022, and the American Heart Association Executive Committee on April 11, 2022. Recombinant activated factor VII for acute intracerebral hemorrhage: US phase IIA trial. The organization of health care systems is increasingly recognized as a key component of optimal stroke care. External ventricular drainage for acute obstructive hydrocephalus developing following spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhages. A single-center observational study in 239 patients with spontaneous ICH admitted to a neurological intensive care unit (ICU) with a standardized order set, including serial CT at 6, 24, and 48 hours and hourly neurological assessments, found that 35% of patients required emergency neurosurgical interventions after admission; 46% were instigated by imaging findings versus 54% by a change in neurological examination,102 suggesting that routine serial imaging might be of supplemental value to neurological assessments. Temperature abnormalities in the setting of acute ICH are common and can occur in >30% of patients with ICH at some point during their hospitalization.318321 Fever appears to be associated with both higher clinical severity and worse outcomes322; however, evidence for whether treating fever improves outcomes is conflicting.311,313 The challenge in interpreting this body of literature includes variable but often small sample sizes, few RCTs, different definitions of fever, and different therapeutic approaches addressing fever. Reversal of dabigatran effects in models of thrombin generation and hemostasis by factor VIIa and prothrombin complex concentrate. Hemodialysis for the treatment of dabigatran-associated bleeding: a case report and systematic review. A systematic review of the treatment of warfarin-associated bleeding included 318 patients in 12 studies, 3 of which included patients with intracranial hemorrhage. In 2 small pilot studies, therapeutic hypothermia was associated with high survival rates and maintenance of stable perihematomal edema volume.314316 However, therapeutic hypothermia is not without risk and should be considered of unclear benefit.315317,324. This guideline addresses the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of ICH in adults and is intended to update and replace the AHA/ASA 2015 ICH guideline. Response to external ventricular drainage in spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage with hydrocephalus. Spontaneous cerebellar hemorrhage is frequently associated with hydrocephalus, brainstem compression, and herniation in the confined space of the posterior fossa.126 Therefore, hematoma evacuation is often recommended despite a lack of randomized evidence.414 The present guideline is based primarily on data from a large individual-patient data meta-analysis with propensity score matching,442 systematic reviews443,444 and several retrospective studies.254,445451 As a primary recommendation, urgent surgical hematoma evacuation with or without EVD is recommended compared with conservative management to reduce mortality in patients with cerebellar ICH who are deteriorating neurologically, have brainstem compression and/or hydrocephalus from ventricular obstruction, or have cerebellar ICH volume 15 mL. Fluoxetine reduced depression in these trials but also increased the incidence of fractures. Such pathways may reduce time to reversal of anticoagulants and improve outcome. However, multiple retrospective analyses, case series, and secondary analyses examine this topic. Carriers of apolipoprotein E genotypes associated with amyloid angiopathy are similarly at higher risk of ICH recurrence compared with those with the more common 3/3 genotype; those with the 2 or 4 allele have an HR of 3.3 and 2.5 for recurrence, respectively.578 Recurrence risk also increases with higher measured outpatient BP563 and age570,579 (HR, 2.8 in age >65 years) and is higher in those of Black race (HR, 1.22) or Asian race (HR, 1.29) compared with White race (race defined by self-designation, clinicians, or administrative personnel while in hospital).568 Association of ICH recurrence with Hispanic ethnicity has been inconsistent.568,580. Rehabilitation and recovery are important determinants of ICH outcome and quality of life. Efficacy and safety of a 4-factor prothrombin complex concentrate in patients on vitamin K antagonists presenting with major bleeding: a randomized, plasma-controlled, phase IIIb study. Although many studies report poststroke depression during hospitalization and rehabilitation, mood disorders recur over time. The safety and efficacy of EIBPL in patients with SBP >220 mmHg and those with large and more severe ICHs, who may be more susceptible to cerebral perfusion compromise attributable to high ICP, require more study because these patients were not adequately represented in previous trials. Importance of GCP Guidelines in Clinical Trials. Tranexamic acid in patients with intracerebral haemorrhage (STOP-AUST): a multicentre, randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 2 trial. Studies in cultures and regions that do not undertake early treatment limitations also may provide insight. ICH-GCP Guidelines - PharmD Info Reducing sitting time after stroke: a phase II safety and feasibility randomized controlled trial. Reports also compared decompressive craniectomy alone with decompressive craniectomy with clot evacuation. Appendix 2. . Decompressive hemicraniectomy without clot evacuation in supratentorial deep-seated intracerebral hemorrhage. This guideline provides updated recommendations for acute reversal of anticoagulation after ICH, highlighting use of protein complex concentrate for reversal of vitamin K antagonists such as warfarin, idarucizumab for reversal of the thrombin inhibitor dabigatran, and andexanet alfa for reversal of factor Xa inhibitors such as rivaroxaban, apixaban, and edoxaban. The use of a shared decision-making model, in which clinicians ensure the surrogates understanding, listen to their responses, and incorporate this information into decisions, is encouraged in critical care, but there is very limited ICH-specific published experience. The AHA/ASA strives to ensure that guideline writing groups contain requisite expertise and are representative of the broader medical community by selecting experts from a broad array of backgrounds, representing different sexes, races, ethnicities, intellectual perspectives, geographic regions, and scopes of clinical practice and by inviting organizations and professional societies with related interests and expertise to participate as endorsers. Adverse events following international normalized ratio reversal in intracerebral hemorrhage. Left atrial appendage closure is an alternative in patients with AF and ICH who have contraindications to long-term oral anticoagulation. Surgical hematoma evacuation through craniotomy, minimally invasive approaches, or ventriculostomy is aimed at both preventing further pressure-related injury and protecting against secondary physiological and cellular injury. Incidence and prognostic significance of fever following intracerebral hemorrhage. More prospective studies are needed to confirm which patients are best cared for in neuro-specific ICUs, stroke units, or step-down units. ICH E6-Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Guidelines - PharMSkooL This could potentially include imaging markers to predict HE (eg, spot sign, blend, black hole sign) or other imaging factors (IVH, volume) or blood tests (eg, thromboelastography, glial fibrillary acidic protein) to select patients most likely to benefit from hemostatic therapies. Future studies should address whether anticoagulation for VTE in spontaneous ICH should be started with UFH, LMWH, or DOACs. More encouragingly, Pantazis et al430 (n=108) demonstrated a benefit in functional outcome when surgery was undertaken within <8 hours. Half the patients had rebound of dabigatran concentrations after cessation of RRT.177, Protamine binds to UFH and thus neutralizes the anticoagulant effect of UFH. Endoscope-assisted keyhole technique for hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage in elderly patients: a randomized controlled study in 184 patients. Read the full article in Stroke Supporting Materials Thus, the LOE may remain limited, but shared decision-making can reasonably be considered good clinical practice. This is an area of future research. ICH GUIDELINES INTRODUCTION, ORGANIZATION & GUIDELINES |, GUIDELINE FOR GOOD CLINICAL PRACTICE |, Importance of Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Guidelines and its role in clinical trials | Most studies that have considered the impact of these treatment limitations have evaluated their institution within the first day after ICH onset because this indicates that one of the earliest decisions in the care of a patient was to limit that care.479,480,484 However, the optimal and sufficient duration of a trial of aggressive treatment remains uncertain and may extend substantially beyond the second day of hospitalization; 1 study found a lower rate of mortality and higher-than-expected favorable functional outcome with an approach of aggressive care without DNAR orders for at least 5 days.481 DNAR orders also may be used differently in various cultures.483 Furthermore, physicians should ensure careful assessment of reversible confounders such as sedation, hydrocephalus, and delirium in considering institution of treatment limitations.482 For ethical reasons, it seems unlikely that the issue of early treatment limitations will be evaluated in a randomized clinical trial. One small RCT277 and 2 larger retrospective studies281,282 addressed the timing of first dose of UFH or LMWH prophylaxis after ICH in terms of safety. Do not resuscitate orders for patients with intracerebral hemorrhage: experience from a Chinese tertiary care center. Primary intraventricular hemorrhage: yield of diagnostic angiography and clinical outcome. Prophylactic insertion of IVC filters was shown to lack benefit in a large RCT in trauma patients, but data are lacking for patients with spontaneous ICH. Other RCTs and meta-analyses confirm no significant difference in safety end points (brain rebleeding after treatment and infection) for endoscopy and stereotactic aspiration/craniopuncture techniques compared with standard medical care or craniotomy.391,398,400,405,406,408,411413 Most RCTs enrolled patients <80 years of age, although age did not modify the effect of surgery except in 1 meta-analysis in which improved outcomes from any surgery for ICH were found for patients 50 to 69 years of age.393, Studies comparing MIS with conventional craniotomy have shown improved outcomes with a less invasive approach, raising the possibility that open craniotomy may damage more brain tissue while removing blood. Resumption of antiplatelet therapy in patients with primary intracranial hemorrhage-benefits and risks: a meta-analysis of cohort studies. [emailprotected]com. Similarly, the risk of ICH was higher in subjects with DBP 100 mmHg compared with DBP of 80 to 89 mmHg (HR 2.58 [95% CI, 1.504.45]).582 In a large prospective cohort study of 1145 patients with primary ICH, the risk of ICH recurrence was significantly higher for patients with SBP 120 mmHg and DBP 80 mmHg compared with patients who had SBP <120 mmHg and DBP <80 mmHg.581,584 The relationship between SBP and ICH recurrence was continuous with an HR of 1.33 and 1.54 per 10-mmHg increase for recurrent lobar and nonlobar ICH, respectively. Clinical decision-making concerning the use of antithrombotic medications once these patients have an ICH remains challenging given the paucity of prospective RCTs addressing specific patient populations. Statin use in spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Prevalence and risk factors of cerebral microbleeds: the Rotterdam Scan Study. Secondary prevention includes increased physical activity, smoking and recreational drug cessation, reduction in alcohol consumption, and a healthy diet.632,640 A healthy diet contains increased levels of fish rich in long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, vegetables and fruit, and whole-grain products, as well as lower levels of red meat, reduced levels of salt and added sugar, and replacement of saturated fats with polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fats.641 A meta-analysis632 showed positive effects in patients with transient ischemic attack and stroke with lower BP, and positive trends were noted in relation to blood lipids and anthropomorphic measures. RRT in the form of hemodialysis (intermittent hemodialysis in 10 patients, continuous veno-veno hemodialysis in1 patient) was effective at reducing dabigatran concentrations. Low hemoglobin and hematoma expansion after intracerebral hemorrhage. Serotonin selective reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and stroke. The potential limitations of generalizability to lower-resource settings and populations noted to be disproportionately at risk of ICH (Section 1, Introduction), highlight the need for future guidelines based explicitly on data from these underserved and underrepresented groups. The time for companies to act and begin adapting is now, and MVG is uniquely positioned to be the expert partner you need to assure the utmost quality and compliance within your company. Among the cerebral small vessel diseases, CAA inferred by the Boston criteria appears to confer substantially greater risk for recurrent hemorrhage than arteriolosclerosis (recurrent ICH rates in a pooled analysis of 7.39%/y after CAA-related ICH versus 1.11%/y after nonCAA-related ICH).27, ICH is understood to injure surrounding brain tissue through the direct pressure effects of an acutely expanding mass lesion and through secondary physiological and cellular pathways triggered by the hematoma and its metabolized blood products.28 Direct pressure effects can include both local compression of immediately surrounding brain tissue and more widespread mechanical injury caused by increased intracranial pressure (ICP), hydrocephalus, or herniation. #Section 8. One study found that nursing examination discovered up to 54% of ND leading to intervention (ie, surgery or placement of ventriculostomy) versus 46% of ND identified by neuroimaging changes.102 These data highlight the opportunity and impact that nursing examinations have on patient care and potential outcomes. Problems related to impaired swallowing, immobility, hemodynamic response and stability, infection, intensive care delirium, and altered consciousness are among the issues that neuroscience physicians and nurses must address throughout the patients hospital course. The decision to continue antiplatelet therapy in patients with a history of ischemic vascular events who have an incident ICH is challenging given concerns about the risk of ICH recurrence. A community-engaged stroke preparedness intervention in Chicago. 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