My Baby Gives It Away - Pete Townshend and Ronnie Lane, 05. But now the sideshow runners better run for cover, because General Armageddon is on the loose. How is eternity in hell a fair punishment for sin? Who still controls the oil fields in Syria? Seven Days, November 2, 2022 by Seven Days - Issuu Song of Solomon It's about Germany, The War in Ukraine Marks the End of the American Century, Trump Raid: This is Probably the End, Friends, Germany and EU have been handed over a declaration of war, The Blank Slate Monument: honest, that's what it's called, Shoplifting costs Target $600 million more this year, Review of Unmasking Anne Frank, Her Famous diary Exposed as a Literary Fraud by Ikuo Suzuki. Ubicacin God will damn me! All his advisors, ministers, etc., are the cream of the crop. Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Queen, 08. Eventually Pope contracted tuberculosis. I wonder how far underground are the terrorists who plan to cause trouble? He knew that a gradual approach and defensive in nature would gradually shift and boost public opinion in Russias favor-domestically and internationally. Your deeb goncern about Russians is noted Johnny. the crossroads to heaven or hell. It is groaning to hear of the bombs in Gaza or Damascus or the arms being sent to the Zelinsky regime. The wide-ranging plans core component was destruction of the bridge over the Kerch Strait. , read the rest at the link:, I am struck by the fact that its taken the state propaganda apparatus oops, I mean The Free Press a couple of days to gear up with its fake news version of the incident. Give us a call or message us today! How would you refute biblically: Universalism? The only thing to take them out of power is an internal revolt to current policies that has the US military and Intel agencies using the USs people and resources as their own personal stockpile to do with as they please. One missile should hit London terrorists, to test the NATO bragging cowards resolve. That is the kind of thing that had PCR fuming, and all of us who thought like him. I remember watching a short video of a traveler who was advising Americans (I think in particular) and others on travel, and his point was that if youre going to make ties to a place, it might as well be a place where the people were friendly, and didnt hate Americans. And, most people avoid the narrow road that leads to Heaven. To be fair Americans do have some nice aircraft as well. Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds - Beatles, Air date: 04/10/15 (Rerun on 11/27/15, 02/27/21) -, 16. His Russia could spread deadly disease in America. Firstly, there is no place like Hell, for there is no darkness like the darkness of Hell. I'll enjoy life now, and when the next life comes along I'll handle it then." If your only birth is a physical birth you will someday die physically and also spiritually, as the rich man did. The dead are still alive. Despite being a 5th generation stealth it has the same flight abilities as the best 4th generation planes. The article is from November 2014. No one should ever forget that in the,, The Unz Review An Alternative Media Selection. However, when the bromance of convenience between Azov style Ukrainian Judeophobes and the Zionazis collapses, it will not be pleasant. Ukraine has weak air defence. The software cannot detect flares but it can make the missile stick to the aircraft if it manages to get close enough before the flares are fired. On UNZ, the Jew obsessed imbeciles hanging around here likewise call everyone a Jew who do not buy into their Jews obsession. It is the Word of the Living God. To have used Shock and Awe early would have caused consternation in the Russian public; he would appear too reactive and emotional. They can fabricate a good tank gun too. Why didnt they just give the damned Peace Prize directly to Soros, the worlds greatest P.O.S. into Russia (North Ossetia Upper Lars checkpoint), Krasnodar (Russia). One cannot help but suspect that this op was pulled off without the connivance of Ukraines CIA handlers, so its taking their media division a while to prepare and approve the script for public consumption. Philippians The US needs its own existential crisis contained within its borders. Shockn Awe will likely progress in three stages. Philemon Anyone who thinks that all the members of any group are utterly alike, simply due to being born into that group, is barmy. Was Obama somewhat less militant than McCain would have been? I Love Rock And Roll - Joan Jett and The Blackhearts, 10. Lido Shuffle Boz Scaggs (Boz Scaggs), 02. The latest Russian model Su-57 outperforms F-35 and F-22 with ease. Mr. The Bible, though, repeatedly states that when a person believes in Christ, he possesses eternal life from that point onward. for the policies of the neocons? In Luke's Gospel chapter sixteen, I want you to notice how in a few short sentences the Lord Jesus Christ demolished the devil's lies and man's falsehoods concerning Hell. There is no music in Hell. The West has shot its wad and so has the USA. Spirit Airlines is the leading Ultra Low Cost Carrier in the United States, the Caribbean and Latin America.Spirit Airlines fly to 60+ destinations with 500+ daily flights with Ultra Low Fare.. Thats what worries me the lack of options for the Empire apart from going nuclear. But no I did mean the Su-27. Even the UN has been forced to admit that in over seven months of SMO the number of civilian casualties in Ukraine has been relatively low. With respect to my keyboard I go; (The Parables : Understanding What Jesus Meant- Borrow), Jonathan Edwards writes "The warnings of Gods Word are more fitted to obtain the ends of awakening sinners, and bringing them to repentance, than the rising of one from the dead to warn them. Solid majorities across the states major regions as well as all demographic groups say the economy is in not so good or poor shape. They want to prove that they control the price. There was no war material, nothing that wasnt delivered (just guessing technical terms) and shipped through a quiet country to the front. There Is No Place Like Hell For There Is No Loneliness Like the Loneliness of Hell. Read breaking headlines covering politics, economics, pop culture, and more. Sometimes we tend to think, If only they could prove that Noahs ark is really on Ararat, or the Shroud of Turin was the actual burial cloth of Jesus, then people would flock to church. Hogwash! Given a heros funeral in NYC in 1838 where he had established several of the most important opera houses. Weve seen what happens when Americans get off their asses and try defending election integrity (Jan.6). Right. THE FULFORD FILE: Non-Racist White Jeffrey Dahmer Killed By Racist BlackWait, What? What is the target here? You and people like you are part of the countrys problem by being the semi conscious enablers for what the neocons do. Thank you very much for finding it for me! He spent most of his life in the church, but his end was infinitely worse than his beginning. There's Only One Way To Rock - Sammy Hagar, 21. As I said I was never much of a commenter before, but I follow/followed PCR (for me is the Best), but also the saker, Oriental review, southfront and now with youtube the duran, martyanov, Gonzalo lira and some others We're Not Gonna Take It Twisted Sister, Air date: 04/15/16 (Rerun on 02/23/19, 05/14/22) -, 07. You could send whatever you wanted to the lying dick pianist, the stupid Putin let everything through. Get the latest breaking news across the U.S. on Why the Ask a Mexican! What farthing of wit Id bestow. The fool thinks Palestinians have a state where jews are not allowed citizenship and own land. All the people I have lived in sin with and enjoyed the pleasures of earth with, preacher, will all be there. We must remind ourselves that the rich man was not condemned because he was rich, nor was Lazarus saved because he was poor. This man is formidable, a Garibaldi, Metternich, and Bismarck, with Lee Kwan Yew thrown in. Indeed, they are for they are the Word of God and "the Word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. The unbridgeable gulf between Heaven and Hell! I am danger. When you die that is the finish." In The USA - John Mellencamp, 15. Ukraine has not only declared itself a terrorist state, its bragging that its a terrorist state. There is no way of knowing how many or how few of these aircraft the Iranians are able and willing to supply to the Russians. I do not know what makes him so sure. All Day And All Of The Night - The Kinks, 02. True Lies) so they reverted to the old Nazi bogeyman. Even todays followup assaults are not anywhere near full spectrum dominance weeks long devastation of Serbia and particularly Belgrade, which the NATOstanis pulled off when Russia was still weak and misbalanced resultant from the Yeltsin devolution. Bad Moon Rising - Creedence Clearwater Revival, 12. Welcome To The Jungle - Guns N' Roses, 11. And that He died for me. This indicates that the punishment of lost sinners is not remedial; it does not improve them. Badlands - Bruce Springsteen and The E Street Band, 14. He lists a bunch of numbers for Su-25 versus A-10. Such a deal! As the day went on however, one of them stopped and began to talk to Jesus. I dare not die! And the change of status now this is a real war on terror means that terminating all strands of terrorism, physical, cultural, ideological, are the absolute priority, and not the safety of Ukrainian civilians. The point is clear, if they don't believe the witness of the Word, they absolutely won't believe a witness who rises from the dead. I like the mountains. He made a thorough study from Matthew to Revelation, and one day he got up and closed his Greek Testament, and said, "There is no hope, for Hell has no ending. By the time he was done, we were both crying. It is nice to read comments from someone that clearly knows his subject. Gee, Golly, Gosh. Human beings have never been as lost and confused as we are now. Of course if they ran a tramline along the North Circular from the cattlemarket to the quays value would go up like a shot. Putin had not even scheduled bilateral meetings with any of the members. Why to Crimea, of course, to restore it to where it belongs Ukraine. And parts of it are still great. Admittedly, on the ethical level Vladimir holds the moral high ground today. Heartbreaker Pat Benatar (Keith Olsen), 16. Mother's Little Helper - The Rolling Stones, 12. Cozy Medium Size Room, Temporary Availability, 2 months max. Then will you become a Christian? Repentance isnt the result of having all your intellectual questions answered. Wrapped Around Your Finger - The Police, 19. Three and a Half Letters Chickenfoot, 06. He argued with God instead of submitting to His will. Ive been in a few hospital rooms when someone has died -- and its always abrupt, even when a family is somewhat prepared for it. After all of the wars, theft and coups America and Zog are gonna get what they deserve. Living In The USA The Steve Miller Band (Boz Scaggs), 03. One in particular such a maneuver among the most notable ones is called Cobra. But Id give extremely high odds they wont. Perhaps those MI6 etc Brits imagine themselves so superior that this is the natural order of things? Drug cartels, black market weapons sales, mass murder, dead Kiev real estate and fleeing the draft how many Ukrainian nationals are gonna end up in Tijuana and Los Angeles? The neocons wont care. They dont have Afearmotive Ackshun in Russia. Maybe now we sort of know? If the road to Hell is paved with good intentions, the road to Heaven is paved with the blood of Christ. Who the tares were, "the children of the wicked one." And this is in the conditions of almost complete confiscation of existing reserves. Jonah NBA News, Expert Analysis, Rumors, Live Updates, and more I turned to this mans daughter and said, Theyre playing that song for your dad in celebration of his new birth!. Very important: the transport from Armavir to a delivery address in Simferopol should have happened on October 6-7: that is, timed to the birthday of President Putin on Friday the 7th. Your Love Is Driving Me Crazy - Sammy Hagar, 19. Depending on the missile a number of options can be used. Unbanked American households hit record low numbers in 2021 At the same time, the United States can be completely satisfied with another aspect of the ongoing war: so far, the Russian leadership has not disappointed them at all. Before They Make Me Run - Rolling Stones, 06. Call Me The Breeze (Live) - Lynyrd Skynyrd, 09. It will be more tolerable in the day of judgment for Sodom and Gomorrah than it will be for a man or a woman who reads this Gospel tract and said, "NO" to Jesus Christ. at a Catholic college. In order to get into heaven, we need a certificate that declares that weve been bornagain. Excellent article. Completely hidden in the public mind through the endless parade of brilliant distractions of artist and entertainers. The Pentagon confirmed Friday that the shock and awe bombing campaign on Iraq had started. Another report surfaced a few days ago which claimed RF forces were engaged with a 5000 man Polish unit. ILLUSTRATION - Anita Sharpe, writing in the April 5, 1996 edition of the Wall Street Journal, penned a penetrating article entitled "More Spiritual Leaders Preach the Virtue of Wealth. 1 day ago. During the syrian war I also checked very much the al masdar news and the vdeo daily situation reports of southfront, very high quality. In order to have your certificate validated you need to receive what Jesus has done on your behalf. If so, you've come to the right place. But what will the Pukes use to power their generators? All My Rowdy Friends Hank Williams Jr. Air date: 02/19/16 (Rerun on 05/04/19, 05/07/22) -, 06. No, he is there simply because he believed Moses and the prophets. There is no excuse. 1 Kings 18:16-46; 2 Kings 2:19-22). Black Racial Problems Run Deeper Because Blacks Not Only Lag But Drag Civilization Into the Dirt Black Nature Prevents Ron DeSantis Delivers First Principles In Action, Only Biden Can Stop This Political Dumpster Fire Redux, Democrats Declare the First Amendment to be a Fascist Document, Democrat Senator Schumer Calls for White Replacement with Immigrant-Invaders, The Digital Revolution Has Destroyed the Usefulness of Telephones, Interview by GEOFOR Geopolitical Forecast About the War in Ukraine, Democracy, the Most Dangerous Religion: Part 11 Democracy to Fascism, Democracy, the Most Dangerous Religion: Part 10 the Chimera of Democracy, Portland: Anti-Defamation League Covertly Worked to Get White Good Samaritan Falsely Indicted for Murder, Hispanics and Asians Join the White Political Mainstream, Challenging Racial Discrimination at Harvard. "Knowing the terror of the Lord we persuade men," II Cor. Something, (ironically) Ive never seen from a professional economist. You Can't Always Get What You Want - The Rolling Stones, 13. So the U.S. goals in this war are extremely transparent, and Keane only outlined the very existence of these goals. Take Another Little Piece Of My Heart - Janis Joplin, 13. But I do it for the benefit of third parties. Im sure you can rationalize some excuse so that this doesnt count. Keep On Rockin' In The Free World - Neil Young, 18. If all thoughtful Americans walked away from the process tomorrow, do you realize what youd be condemning the world to on the day after? Politically, that opens a completely new ball game. But pointing out that it isnt the average American whos to blame for the monstrous evils of the ZUS government any more than the average Brit or Ukrainian or a 20th century Russian was guilty for the crimes of their government. Russia had built a thousand of them though and some are still in service so the ones that are left are being used, but these planes do not have the features of the modern models. Mumblebrain you are. Find a a station in your area and tune in for 2 whole hours each weekend! The guy in the Blue Shirt is glowing badly. How stable the dollar is going to be, and where you can invest it and keep it, (without wokeness for instance seizing it), are all things Ive been ruminating over for a while. It's A Long Way To The Top If You Want To Rock And Roll - AC/DC, 07. A sentence must be carried out. The terror attack on Krymskiy Most the Crimea Bridge was the proverbial straw that broke the Eurasian camels back. Joshua What does the Bible say about divorce and remarriage? If youre going to make that claim, the traditional thing to do is show some evidence of your claim. Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic - The Police, 17. The bureaucracy long ago took control and voting is for people too ignorant to see whats right in front of their eyes. A superficial reading of the story might lead you to conclude that a person who is rich and comfortable in this life goes to hell, while a person who is poor and miserable goes to heaven, to even things out. The sooner the better. I sometimes read about people to see what they accomplished in life. Don't Fear The Reaper - Blue Oyster Cult, 01. Once in Heaven, always in Heaven; once in Hell, always in Hell. to gain the whole world, Because that is exactly what Jesus Christ taught, and He is the only One that knew and could tell us. If only the criminal and corrupt and shiftless are the ones voting, it will require many voting cycles before (if ever) the political class declare they no longer have a mandate to rule, and walk away from their perks and the levers of power, because they feel rejected by the people, who no longer vote. On the surface it looks like Russia is blundering and miscalculating, improvising at surprises. But the problem with that is implementing it uniformly and simultaneously across the board, and that simply will not work in the real world., Two teenagers died and four were wounded when an artillery shell hit a school playing field as they played football in eastern Ukraine., More than 4,000 people have died in eastern Ukraine since the conflict began and the European OSCE monitoring mission has warned that the bloodletting is still going on, with numerous incidents of shelling.. Formal theory. The best are made in Taiwan, and China will take control of THAT if needed. But there is fire in Hell, and forever, lost soul, you will be tormented in that flame. Bang The Drum All Day - Todd Rundgren, 04. Her thesis is that the convergence of the conspicuous consumption of the 1980s and the more spiritual focus of the 1990s has produced It seems the bridge explosion gives Russia a good justification to destroy Ukraine infrastructure which escalates the war, not good for Ukraine. Maybe the next Russian missile will land on your ugly Jewish ass. When it comes to Shock And Awe, Russia so far has been a huge cuddly softie, and long may they continue to try and avoid killing non-combatants. What sends people to hell? Who do you think are in the US military killing people worldwide? Jailbreak (Live And Dangerous) - Thin Lizzy, 15. 2 Corinthians He wanted to get right with God before it was too late. Lol. The theory that the bomb was planted on the bridge makes no sense and is probably disinformation to create FUD about the true culprit. He could have attempted to end all the wars on his say so the day after the inauguration. like Brbock or Strack-Zimmermann the hyena, and NATO should finally say goodbye to Ukraine. Following a bumpy launch week that saw frequent server trouble and bloated player queues, Blizzard has announced that over 25 million Overwatch 2 players have logged on in its first 10 days. As one of those third parties I`d like to say : thank you Have caused consternation in the Blue Shirt is glowing badly of these goals ), 02 stupid Putin everything! To Crimea, of course, to test the NATO bragging cowards resolve the latest breaking news across U.S.... That leads to Heaven the FULFORD FILE: Non-Racist White Jeffrey Dahmer Killed Racist! Clearwater Revival, 12, a Garibaldi, Metternich, and Bismarck, with Lee Kwan Yew thrown in opera! Kind of Thing that had PCR fuming, and forever, lost soul you! 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