This special issue will explore the interconnections between healing, communities, landscapes, and art therapy through innovative research practices and methodologies. lead to the reduction of natural environments (Infrastructure Australia 2019; Kent and Thompson 2019). In total, there were 12,067 egos and alters across all cohorts of the FHS who were connected at some point during 1971 to 2003. The built environment influences our health in many ways, including activity levels, access to nutritious food, the houses we live in, where we work, contact with nature and the spaces we have for social interactions. WebQuestia. Fowler JH, Heaney MT, Nickerson DW, Padgett JF, Sinclair B. Causality in political networks. BerdejoEspinola V, SurezCastro AF, Amano T, Fielding KS, Oh RR and Fuller RA (2021) Urban green space use during a time of stress: a case study during the COVID19 pandemic in Brisbane, Australia, People and Nature, 3:597609, doi:10.1002/pan3.10218. Calls for Papers It provides access to the resources and facilities people need for a healthy life, such as employment, health care and nutritious food. While the majority of these murders take place on Native land, the perpetrators are most often not Native, according toNative Womens Wilderness. The shortest path from source to target has a length of 3 (shown in the dotted lines), corresponding to the length of the most likely path taken by the infection. Any person to whom these subjects were linked in any sort of relationship in any of the FHS cohorts, including the Offspring Cohort itself can serve as alters. This special issue will bring together research and case studies of systems solutions for water resources management. Molly Brubaker watches Jill Baugess record a TikTok of herself dancing in a Camp Roundup T-shirt after dinner on the first night of camp. The top graph shows the largest connected component of friends, spouses, and siblings for whom information about body mass was available. AIHW (2017) Impact of physical inactivity as a risk factor for chronic conditions: Australian Burden of Disease Study, AIHW, Australian Government, accessed 12 April 2022. This special issue explores the social, political, cultural, economic and technological dynamics of innovation with ageing users and communities. 42% of Gen Z diagnosed with a mental health condition, survey Overcrowding can affect health and education outcomes, and reduce employment opportunities (Infrastructure Australia 2019). Australias cities are also characterised by: Urban form and population density may play a role in the spread and transmission of communicable diseases, such as COVID-19, as it may be easier for people to maintain physical distance from one another in areas of low population density (Frumkin 2021). adult eating disorders, and obesity. Sugiyama T, Leslie E, Giles-Corti B and Owen N (2008) Associations of neighbourhood greenness with physical and mental health: do walking, social coherence and local social interaction explain the relationships?, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 62(5), e9, doi:10.1136/jech.2007.064287. Cooperative behavior cascades in human social networks. WebAnnals of Medicine welcomes articles on the recent developments in the management and treatment of obesity. Health inequity refers to avoidable differences in the health of different social groups. Elwert F, Christakis N. Wives and ex-wives: A new test for homogamy bias in the widowhood effect. This special issue seeks to understand how Brexit has impacted in terms of people, places and policies and across different sectors. Dating and changes in adolescent cigarette smoking: Does partner smoking behavior matter? Books by poet Rachel Wiley lay scattered on a bed in Camp Roundup's bunks on Labor Day weekend. Do you research migration and refugee studies? In most of our papers, we use regression methods to discern whether there is evidence for person-to-person spread, and these methods often suggest that things do not spread. This special issue examines the impact of diversification, decolonization and liberation projects and initiatives have in and across academic libraries. WebIntegrating New and Emerging Biomarkers and Targeted Therapies to Individualize Colorectal Cancer Care New understanding of the colorectal cancer molecular landscape and advances in novel therapies, therapeutic combinations, and predictive biomarkers for colorectal cancer are becoming invaluable for individualized treatment. Dodds PS, Muhamad R, Watts DJ. This special issue welcomes the manuscripts that address various reliability engineering research topics. Placemaking with contemporary art and cultural practices, generating new ways of identifying with urban settings and a common understanding of urban livability. Cobb NK, Graham AL, Abrams DB. In total, there were 3542 such friendships for an average of 0.7 friendship ties per subject. WHO (World Health Organization) and SCBD (Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity) (2015) Connecting global priorities: biodiversity and human health: a state of the knowledge review, WHO, accessed 12 April 2022. This special issue seeks to highlight the most recent developments in both theory and applications in the field of remote sensing. This special issue welcomes submissions on innovative data science for environmental and climate data. Dr. Thomas L. Forbes is the Surgeon-in-Chief and James Wallace McCutcheon Chair of the Sprott Department of Surgery at the University Health Network, and Professor of Surgery in the Temerty Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto. This special issue consolidates the work of those persons tackling cryopreservation's complex socio-legal and bioethical issues; issues of growing pertinence. How does air pollution affect our health. Fisher RA. This special issue aims to investigate and examine socioeconomic dynamics of hydrogen energy. This special issue seeks to advance our understanding of how art therapy can help adults and/or children who have experienced trauma. Speaking to MNT, Stille said, the main urban factors that negatively affect a persons mental and physical health are air pollution from road traffic as well as noise pollution., Living in a car-dependent development will impact negatively on peoples ability to exercise and encourage a sedentary lifestyle that easily leads to obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. This special issue focuses on agriculture-related robotics technologies for realizing adaptability in the real world/field. Figure 1 focuses on the health impacts of historical trauma discourses, with such narratives considered salient in the present through self-reinforcing reminders which can be structural (e.g. [73, 74] for illustrative applications.,,, Lack of resourcesin schools due to insufficient funding is also a major contributing factor to students plummeting academic levels. The statistic that is then calculated, for each geodesic distance, is the percentage increase in the probability (i.e., a risk ratio) that an ego has the trait of interest given that an alter also has the trait, compared with the probability that an ego has the trait of interest given that the alter does not. This special issue aims to examine the dynamics of the relationships between China and smaller states in the Indo-Pacific region. Beck MJ and Hensher DA (2020b) Insights into the impact of COVID-19 on household travel and activities in Australia The early days of easing restrictions, Transport policy, 99:95119, doi:10.1016/j.tranpol.2020.08.004. Moreover, it is important to note that answering the question about whether or not the pattern (mutual tie > ego-perceived tie > alter-perceived tie) is true (i.e., can be stated with confidence) depends on the null hypothesis. All rights reserved. 8600 Rockville Pike This special issue seeks to understand the variety of practices, values, norms, emotions linked to food in Africa. As a person's family changed because of birth, death, marriage, or divorce, and as their contacts changed because of residential moves, new places of employment, or new friendships, this information was captured. How likely such circumstances are to occur in real social networks is unclear, and how big any resulting biases might be is also unclear; again, like so many discussions of statistical methods, the utility of the method critically hinges on the question of what assumptions are reasonable. We believe that the foregoing circumstances do not realistically hold to a large extent, at least in general, given what is known about social systems. Not only do households of color have lower participation rates and balances in retirement plans, but they are also more likely to invest in less risky assets with lower returns and take hardship withdrawals and loans. WebA dysfunctional family is a family in which conflict, misbehavior, and often child neglect or abuse on the part of individual parents occur continuously and regularly, leading other members to accommodate such actions. Christakis NA, Fowler JH. Submit your work using multisource remote sensing data to support SDG 15 in forest and wetland management. 2012). Poet Rachel Wiley reads from her book at Camp Roundup. The number and population rate of road deaths decreased over the decade from 2011 to 2020 (by 13% and 25% respectively). This is important because it helps us to discern whether or not changes in the local physical or social context might explain the correlation in outcomes between two people who have a relationship. Fowler JH. In reality, we carefully laid out and explored nearly all of these limitations in our published research and our public presentations to scientific audiences. This special issue welcomes contributions on accounting, auditing and accountability practices during and after human-made disasters from different geographies. Lewis K, Gonzalez M, Kaufman J. Jackie Molloy for NPR We invite papers that address topics such as hominin migration & adaptation on islands, the effects of insular endemism, & hominin interaction. This special issue examines the relationships among media exposure and mental health-related cognitive, affective, and behavioral outcomes. For 10% of the subjects, an immediate (nonrelative) residential neighbor was also present (more expansive definitions, such as living within 100 m, resulted in many more subjects having identifiable neighbors). A dynamic network approach for the study of human phenotypes. Thus, although there may be some theoretical objections based on unknown amounts of bias that could be present in our results, applied research is generally pointing to the utility of the approach in generating informative estimates of the possible interpersonal influence present. There are at least two explanations for the apparent limit at roughly three degrees (we discuss others in our book, Connected). Transport systems can also: On the day of the 2016 Census of Population and Housing (Census), 9.2 million people travelled an average of 16.5 km to their workplace: The average distance travelled was shortest for those living in the Greater Darwin area (13 km), and greatest for those living in regional areas of Western Australia (21 km) (ABS 2018a). Also, of course, as scientists identify limitations in current methods, many will, we hope, also take the next step to innovate and propose alternatives, because all statistical methods have limitations and they frequently rely on untestable or awkward assumptions. This special issue will explore the intimacy and potential of collective writing. In: Carrington PJ, Scott J, Wasserman S, editors. Censoring out-degree compromises inferences of social network contagion and autocorrelation. To be clear, what the observed values and confidence intervals from the permutation test described above establish is this: if we do not know anything about a subject in a network except one fact that his friend's friend's friend has some attribute then we can do better than chance at predicting whether or not the subject has the same value of the attribute. Special issue exploring digital transformation solutions of entrepreneurial finance that can influence SME digitalization. This special issue will focus on principles and practices related to incorporating, or not, transparency, reproducibility, and ethics into impact evaluations. One of our favorite illustrations of this is that we know that jumping out of a plane is deadly, even though there has never been a randomized trial of this treatment. One tongue-in-cheek paper that attempted to do a meta-analysis of use concluded: As with many interventions intended to prevent ill health, the effectiveness of parachutes has not been subjected to rigorous evaluation by using randomised controlled trials. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 07 July 2022,, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Exploring Diverse Perspectives, Researching Multilingually to Rethink EMI Policy and Practices, Vulnerability and multilingualism in intercultural research with migrants: Developing an inclusive research practice, Death, Loss, And Leisure: Being-Toward-Death: Expounding The Possibilities Of Leisure, Contributions to the Water Energy Food Nexus, Histories of entrepreneurship education: Exploring its past, understanding its present, and re-imagining its future, Microhistory in Management History and Organization Theory, Media & Mental Health: Empirical Investigation of Outcomes, Cellulose Nanocomposites and Nanofibers: Moving Towards Better Materials to Accommodate Human Needs and Well-being, Nation, Narration, and Nationalism in Indian Popular Bollywood Movies, Diversifying, decentering and decolonizing academic libraries, Animals in a microbial world - contemporary perspectives, Capacity building to support online, digital and blended education, Festschrift: Dedicated to the Life and Work of A. Linn Murphree, MD, Special issue dedicated to the memory of Andreas Griewank, Parenting and Harm Reduction in the Context of Parent Psychoactive Substance Use, Monoclonal Antibodies for Protection against Infectious Diseases, Regional perspectives on a nuclear weapons ban, Russo-Ukrainian War/Russian aggression against Ukraine, Symposium: Geo-economics and Geopolitics of Peace and Conflict, Twenty-Five Years after the Good Friday Agreement, Food and Translation: International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Mind in Action: Expanding the Concept of Affordances, Challenges of Applying Circular Economy and Metabolism Principles in Urban Planning Practice, Education and Research, Innovative approaches in reshaping the Supply Chain for societal challenges. For example, what is the probability that all three of the different kinds of relationships are drawn from the same distribution? It is worth noting that, as executed, the null distribution is a completely random distribution of the pertinent traits on the network. hide caption. For example, weight gain may spread via imitation of a specific eating behavior (e.g., eating fried foods), imitation of a specific exercise behavior (e.g., jogging), or adoption of a social norm that yields changes in overall behavior. These two conditions are (1) the influencers in a population differ substantially and systematically in unobserved attributes (X) from the influenced in a population, and also that (2) the different neighborhoods of X have substantially different local relationships to Y (the outcome). Special issue on Geosciences Digital Ecosystems - digital ecosystems whose functional utility is the generation & sharing of knowledge on the Earth. Assistive Technology Outcome Measures: Are we being left behind? State of play at 40+, New directions in politicians use of accounting information, Accounting for emergency: global responses to human-made disasters, Great Expectations - Whole of Government Accounting: An International Perspective, Recent Trends in Sensing and Imaging for Quantitative InfraRed Thermography Non-destructive Testing and Evaluation of Composites, (2012 - 2022) In memory of Dr. Ermanno Grinzato: a landmark in Quantitative InfraRed Thermography, Work, Places, and Industries in the Post Covid-19 Economy. Dockery AM, Ong R, Colquhoun S, Li J and Kendall G (2013) Housing and childrens development and wellbeing: evidence from Australian data, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, accessed 2 January 2020. This special issue evaluates the effects of pesticides on environmental and human health and exploring possible solutions. This special issue invites submissions that examine the consequences of different understandings, and measures of social class within and across cultures. This special issue offers a context perspective of the conceptualisation and empirical understanding of the relationship between ageing and entreprepreneurship. On the interpretation of X2 from contingency tables, and the calculation of P. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. This Special Issue aims to highlight the inherent potential of Translation as a meaning-making/taking activity that contributes to the emergence of the social. PRIME Continuing Medical Education For example, Lewis et al. Fleischhacker SE, Evenson KR, Rodriguez DA and Ammerman AS (2011) A systematic review of fast food access studies, Obesity Reviews, 12: e46071, doi:10.1111/j.1467 789X.2010.00715.x. The .gov means its official. Learn more about how the #holiday got its s While serious mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia, account for a minority of homeless persons, these individuals are more likely to be chronically homeless and have needs that create more costs for the system hospitals, jails, shelters, and so on., They are also more likely to be visible in public and thus skew public perceptions away from the fact that most homeless people are families with small children, youth, new homeless (older Baby Boomers), and others., Sadly, the hyper-focus on serious mental illness diverts attention from the trauma caused by being homeless, and this remains under-studied in part because it is often trauma compounded by childhood adversity and traumatic events earlier in life.. Canberra: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2022 [cited 2022 Nov. 21]. hide caption, Some of the cabins at Camp Roundup, a body positivity and acceptance camp for women that took place Labor Day weekend in Newark, Ohio. We test for significant serial correlation in the error terms using a Lagrange multiplier test [67], and, in all cases we have studied, the correlation ceases to be significant with the addition of a single lagged dependent variable. Legislative cosponsorship networks in the U.S. House and Senate. Growing up, I remember seeing other fat women at public pools. Christian TJ (2012) Trade-offs between commuting time and health-related activities, Journal of Urban Health, 89(5):74657, doi:10.1007/s11524-012-9678-6. Addressing Regional inequalities in the UK, People, Places and Policies Beyond Brexit, Diagnosis of COPD: revisiting old techniques for new classification and phenotyping the disease, Recent Advances in Green and Sustainable Corrosion Inhibitors, "Metaverse": Imagination, Technology and Cultural Consequences, Transfers and Traversals: Translation and Interdisciplinarity in the Arts, Lifting as We Climb: Elevating Mediated Epistemologies by and about Black Women, Intimate encounters: Explorations in co-writing, collective autoethnography, poetics and fictional writings, Honouring Indigenous Knowledges in Research and Education: Frameworks and practice, Food authenticity and detection technology, Interrogating Histories and Historicizing Dance Studies, Data Science in Environmental and Climate Sciences, The Future of Teaching Gender and Development, Epistemologies of Digital Journalism Production, Preparing and Supporting Professionals Working with Infants and Toddlers, Sustainable and Green Financial and Economic Systems in a Post Pandemic World, Ecological Innovation and Sustainability: A Pathway to Green Revolution, Technology in Peak Carbon Emissions and Climate Neutrality Targets, Shaping the future of digital economy using business analytics models, Ecosystems Contribution to Carbon Neutrality, Red List of Threatened Species and Ecosystems, Advancing transdisciplinary research on transformations in social-ecological systems in the Global South, Democracy and education: Considerations, provocations and transformative possibilities, Impact of Technological Revolution, Financial Shocks and Geopolitical Conflicts on Financial Regulation, Microfinance: Towards a better environment for doing business, Socioeconomic Dynamics of Hydrogen Energy in the context of COP26, SPACES of the SACRED: Mapping Literary Mysticism, Contextual Understanding of Places in Ageing and Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneuring and poverty at the margins: here, there and everywhere, Rural entrepreneurship in times of transformation, New Technology and Environmental Communication: Challenges, Opportunities, and Emerging Agendas, The Authority of Science in a Crisis Narrative. Overcrowding is particularly relevant in relation to highly infectious diseases such as COVID-19, as these conditions make it hard to create physical distance between other members of the household (Buckle et al. This special issue focuses on the advances in remote sensing technology and the applications of remotely sensed observations for the assessment of environmental changes associated with the Earth system. Domestic Intelligence Organizations in Non-Democratic Regimes, Selected papers from INDRUM2022 Conference, SIMIODE: Using Modeling to Motivate and Teach Differential Equations, Modern Algorithms in Complexity : Modelling and Simulation of Complex Problems, Production Optimization in Carbon Reduction Engineering Management, Understanding Local Government Fiscal Condition from an International and Comparative Perspective, Public Administration during times of conflict: Impacts on governance and service delivery, Enhancing Social Equity: Perspectives from Indigenous Communities, The Government Performance and Results Act at Age 30, Green Public Procurement to Transform Society and Boost the Economy, Collaborative Governance and Digital Transformations in the Global South: Evidence and Insights from India, Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing, Pan-Ocean Remote Sensing: The role of space ocean science and technology towards sustainable development goal, Recent Developments in the Remote Sensing of Night-time Light, Distance vs. In-Person Teaching and Learning of Science during the COVID-19 Pandemic, The Nuances of Class: Different Meanings and Effects of Social Class Within and Across Cultures, Current Trends in Forecasting Technologies for Environmental Monitoring and Climate Change, Family Therapy Around the World - Part 1: Turkey, Museums on the Web: Exploring the past for the future, Joint European Stable Isotope User Meeting (JESIUM), Kuopio, Finland, 10-15 October 2022, Critical Research on the Management of Public Engagement, Constructions of the Self in Education: Positioning and Agency of Learners and Teachers, Recent advances on Surface Protection of Steel Relevant contributions at 2nd International Conference on Corrosion and Surface Protection for Steel (CASP 2022), Investigating the potential benefits of outdoor and adventure for human health and wellbeing, Decrypting the CSR Promises, Challenges and Practices in the SMEs, Start-ups, and Intrapreneurial Initiatives, Contemporary Developments in Anti Domestic Violence Interventions, AI for Crime Detection and Prevention: Opportunities, Challenges, and Solutions, Disaster Management and Resilience in Engineering Structures, Communication Theory in the Era of Media Balkanization, The Intersection of Child Sexual Abuse and the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC), Child Sexual Abuse Victimization in Incarcerated Populations, Finance, Innovation and Economic Transformation, New economic theories to understand the economic growth of China and beyond, Green financial system and green transition in the world. Comparable data for road crash hospitalisations are available only for the period 20132016 and show the number and population rate of hospitalised injuries has increased (by 11% and 6.2% respectively) (BITRE 2021). This special issue in recognition of Dr. Abdul-Aziz Yakubu's contributions, invites research on mathematical modeling and analysis of phenomena in population biology. In particular, a very uncommon feature of these data was that the network ties themselves were longitudinally observed, as were numerous attributes of the individuals within the network. Bioengineered is currently soliciting articles on ways to reduce the concentrations of Contaminants of Emerging Concerns in the environment. Health of different social groups, Padgett JF, Sinclair B. Causality in political networks remember other... Submissions that examine the consequences of different social groups context perspective of the relationships among media exposure mental. 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