Although Im not pregnant or anywhere close, I hope to come back and use this info one day. Pregnancy: First Trimester To-Do List - All Modern Mommy First Trimester To-Do List: Take Care Of Yourself, First Trimester To-Do List: Take Care of Yourself, list of foods pregnant women should avoid. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Subscribe to Modern Homestead Mama's newsletter to receive ideas and tips for homesteadin', child rearin', and craftin'. I love giving new and expecting moms the tips they need to rock their pregnancy and raise their babies confidently. Always discuss what exercises are safe during pregnancy with your doctor. Check out the 5 surprising foods you really should be avoiding during pregnancy. { Here's the best, most accurate pregnancy test you can buy } Get your insurance provider on the line and double-check these things: If youve ever wanted to get into a healthier routine, pregnancy provides the perfect inspiration! I took this prenatal vitamin because I liked that it was organic, Non-GMO and 100% digestible. If you don't drink enough fluids, you can become constipated, fatigued, and even go into preterm labor. Since were listing all the things that you should be doing during your first trimester, lets talk about some of the things that you should NOT be doing during the first few months of pregnancy. the differences between epidural and all natural births, How to avoid the most common dangerous chemicals during pregnancy, Top 5 Foods to Eat Daily For a Healthy Baby, The Difference Between Folate and Folic Acid (and why it matters), Great food for Healthy Baby Growth During Pregnancy, The Perfect Pregnancy Plan Nutrition and Fitness Programs, See your doctor to start tracking your pregnancy progress, your recovery after giving birth that much more simple too, can positively effect the genetic makeup of your baby. My favorite pregnancy planner is the Bump Smart Nesting Planner. 3.GET REGULAR PRENATAL CHECKUPS. Its how were able to stay up all hours of the night feeding, burping, and changing a cranky newborn. 7) Think and Write Out Baby Names. 3. The Best Crystals and Gemstones for Pregnancy Gemstones have been used for thousands of years for their healing properties. Whether this is your first or 3rd pregnancy (some of us space our kids out quite a bit and you kind of forget) theres a good chance you want to know what to expect these first 12 weeks, known as the, Read More What Symptoms to Expect the First Trimester of PregnancyContinue, How to Have a Healthy Pregnancy When you are growing an entirely new human being inside you, it is important to know how to have a healthy pregnancy. Just let yourself go through all the feelings and process this big news. Pregnancy The Three Trimesters | UCSF Health First and foremost, congrats. Thank you! Your Guide to the First Trimester of Pregnancy - Mommy o' Clock The list is so complete, I'd almost say its overkill. There are 3 trimesters in pregnancy and a "fourth trimester" which describes the first 3 months after you have your baby. Remember, this is not a sprint. Foods to Avoid While Pregnant. Early Pregnancy To-Do List: 20 Things for Your First Trimester (also dont forget to print out the pregnancy to-do list PDF as well!) Prenatal vitamins provide the higher levels of folic acid and iron that's required during pregnancy. In this first stage, all you really need to do is learn how to take good care of yourself using these simple steps. The upper lip and nose have formed. I love sushi, so I could not wait to have it; I think that was my first meal once I braved going out to a restaurant with a newborn. You should aim for 85 milligrams per day. By the end of the first trimester, the fetus can weigh about 0.5 to 1 ounce and measure an average of 3 to 4 inches in length. There are so many fun ways to announce your big news. First Trimester Checklist: What to Do After That Positive Pregnancy Test Not only does pregnancy open a special enrollment period for insurance, but you can apply for Medicaid as well. Some hospitals and birthing centers offer financial assistance as well. Main Symptom: Egg White Cervical Mucus This will help you feel your best and set the stage for a healthy pregnancy. Please confirm your subscription via email, and your password will be sent to you shortly. When you're pregnant, aching, and uncomfortable, a hot tub sounds so relaxing! 16 Essential Blood Tests During First Trimester of Pregnancy Premature infants may have problems with their growth and development, as well as difficulties in breathing and digesting. Those hospital bills will start to trickle in, youll discover exactly how expensive baby gear actually isit just hits hard. Also, I was confused because I had already accepted getting pregnant wasnt going to happen so quickly, and then it did. You deserve it! You can pay for the extras by temporarily giving up a few luxuries, working just a couple more hours, or creating a HSA spending account to take advantage of tax-free dollars. When I found out I was pregnant I called my husband (because I went to a doctor to confirm) and told him over the phone (because I couldnt wait). The thing is, old fashioned baby names arent a passing trend inspired by the next big actor. Raising the body's internal temperature to anything above 101 degrees can cause birth deformities. Chemical pregnancy also last for the initial weeks of the first trimester. It teams up with sodium to help your body maintain proper fluid balance and also regulates blood pressure. Reduce stress and keep on track by following this pregnancy checklist. This might not seem like much, but it can pay for those ultrasounds and pregnancy classes. Unless your doctor forbids it, exercise while pregnant can be a great way to stay healthy and have fun. Then on New Years Eve, I posted an official announcement on social media for all to see. I did not do anything fun during my first pregnancy to tell my husband. I mean, I said I wanted to be pregnant. But its time to start weighing your options. Yeah your brain definitely goes into overdrive when you first find out your pregnant. Im not a dentist, so I cant even begin to explain to you why or what exactly happens, but its more important than ever to take care of your teeth. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Also keep in mind that exercise is a surprisingly good energy-booster when you're pregnant. Pregnancy can be extremely difficult at times. This first-trimester checklist will help you stay organized throughout the beginning of your pregnancy. Did you know that there are plenty of low-impact exercises that you can do daily that wont cause harm to you or your baby? There's so much to look forward to! Discuss your exercise routine with your doctor. Printable Pregnancy Checklist: Best week by week guide 1) Schedule Your First Prenatal Appointment with your Doctor. Opt for an all-natural belly balm or lotion, or make your own belly butter using my special recipe! Are you eligible to receive a free breast pump? Below Ive outlined the things that I think are vital to a successful first trimester. Quit harmful habits that can affect your baby's development, such as smoking, drinking alcohol and using drugs. In the first month of your pregnancy, there are going to be lots of thoughts running through your mind. Im Heather, a stay at home mother of 2. Vitamin C. C-rich foods like oranges, broccoli and strawberries promote bone and tissue development in your growing baby and boost the absorption of iron. But if you need to tell your employer sooner because of chronic morning sickness, for example your job should be protected by maternity leave laws. ), baby milestone printables, interview worksheets, and baby growth trackers. (mom brain is a real thing so the more you hear them, the more youll remember to do them! The first trimester is also when pregnancy loss ( miscarriage) can happen. Of course, this is a no-brainer. This week give undivided attention to your body's cues about future ovulation. If you havent started taking prenatal vitamins already, now is the time to start! Using the five tips on, Read More 5 Ways to Have a Healthy PregnancyContinue, How to Beat Exhaustion in Pregnancy Pregnancy is exhausting, learn amazing tips to fight pregnancy exhaustion. BPA Free Bottle 10. Its all part of the process. Tell me about your pregnancy so far. You dont want to have a high-strung baby, so drink some pregnancy safe tea, kick back, and (try to) relax! They ended up scheduling an appointment ASAP to confirm pregnancy and figure out how far along I was. If this is your first pregnancy, and there are no complications, you should have 10 antenatal appointments. Dont just write down a bunch of chores and errands. Call your insurance company to learn about your prenatal coverage. (You will have seven antenatal appointments if you have had a baby before). I created Blunders in Babyland for new moms just like you that want to enjoy early motherhood to its fullest. You're in the right place. Its much more enjoyable to organize your babys nursery and cute outfits than it is to go through all of the clutter in your storage closet. Limit the amounts of caffeine and sugar and white flour that you're consuming. People are judging the way you look eit, Things in my homeschool house that just make sense. The do's during the first trimester of pregnancy include getting prenatal care and maintaining your health, rest and mental health; the don't include drinking alcohol, smoking, using drugs, eating dangerous foods and engaging in risky behaviors. I was excited, thinking about decorating a nursery and everything I would teach this new baby. Required fields are marked *. But before you go, I want to hear your story. Theres a good chance there wont even be another pandemic in your lifetime, so why not grab the bull by the horns and seize this unique opportunity to announce, Read More The Best Quarantine Pregnancy AnnouncementsContinue, What the First Trimester of Pregnancy Feels Like Congratulations on finding out youre pregnant! In this list, you'll find all the things you need to do during your first trimester, including what . These are just a few items to eliminate during your first few months of pregnancy. This checklist and tips will help you enter your pregnancy journey off right. As your breasts start to get sore, new, comfortable bras can help early on, too! Searching for a new OBGYN or midwife can be time consuming, but its worth it to search around to find the right fit. I told him I was pregnant and he just said ok and hung up the phone. From first trimester to the postpartum recovery, shes there to guide you, answer whatever questions you might have, and help you experience pregnancy your way. The best way to be prepared for labor and to have a healthy and smooth pregnancy is to know how to take care of yourself in your first trimester! As an expectant mom, what you do in the first month of pregnancy, in particular, is very important as it can affect the health of your child. My personal favorites are Ovia Pregnancy and The Bump. Why its Happening and How to Fix it, How To Document Your Pregnancy Effortlessly, Hospital Bag Checklist for Labor and Delivery. By checking this box, you agree to receive emails from MHM. Hi! Please do some research (beyond a quick Google search or a chat with an unlicensed distributor) and speak with a professional herbalist or doctor regarding herbal safety during your pregnancy. So, lets align your lifestyle choices with your condition! 5. Most of the items you need, you dont even have to leave the house for. Kick harmful habits: If you smoke, consume alcohol, or drink coffee, now is the time to start working on quitting before your second trimester. 8. But, if you are an all-day coffee drinker, cut back. To be perfectly honest, I didnt even know what a midwife was until I got pregnant. This is more for people who drink coffee or tea all day every day. Thank You for Sharing! As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. During the first prenatal visit, you may or may not get an ultrasound and hear your babys heartbeat. print out the pregnancy to-do list PDF as well. Dont worry, you can still enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning if you absolutely need it! A good pair of leggings will last until the third trimester! Now that we have the medical necessities taken care of, its time to move on to the more fun aspects of your first trimester to-do list. The second time around I wasnt so lucky. Many women will not be showing in the first trimester, but take this time to take before photos! Do NOT try to pay for pregnancy wholly from your own pocket! There seems to be disagreement as to whether the 13th or 14th week is the start of the second trimester, I've gone . And then after 10 minutes, he called me back screaming with joy And we also told our family right away but waited around 3 months to tell everyone else. There are so many things to think about and do, and its hard to know where to start. 5 superfoods you should include in your pregnancy diet. But if not, nows the time to make sure youre getting all the hydration you need. 2022 Sandbox Networks Inc. All rights reserved. Hi Lynne, We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. But before that time arrives, its time to put the focus on the next few months of your life. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Folic acid is very important, during the first trimester especially and taking iron will help prevent anemia and cut down the risk of an early delivery. Luckily for you, I literally cover all of this and so much more in my course offerings. Finding out that youre pregnant is a giant ball of emotions. This is an exciting time, but it is also a time filled with questions. Pregnancy Checklist by Week - Babylist Know What Foods To Avoid Will you stay home? Typically morning sickness hits most women around six weeks and lasts right up until the second trimester. Since it was so early, the first couple of ultrasounds were inconclusive. First Trimester Checklist: The To-Do List Every Pregnant Mama Should Check out this list of Unique Baby Names Youll Fall In Love With! Information on our advertising guidelines can be found. Your body is going through so many changes and its working extremely hard to provide for your growing baby, so it goes without saying that you need to drink plenty of water. And for those nagging questions and unknowns? Investigate Health Insurance Pregnant women need lots of check-ups and will require a good amount of money to spend on everything from prenatal care, right up to delivery and post-delivery care for both mama and child. Return to work? I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Even when it doesnt seem that way at the time. Try to respect their feelings and communicate your own. 2) Start Taking Prenatal Vitamins. There are so many cool ways to announce your pregnancy on social media! Inside: Everything you need to survive early pregnancy! Dont forget, natural doesnt always equal safe! So no cookie dough, unless it is eggless, and no sunny side up, or over easy for awhile. At the bottom youll find a printable PDF of my First Trimester Checklist in both pink or blue. What To Avoid While Pregnant. Its nice that an OB/GYN can help us with any of our concerns in place of an older relative. A prenatal vitamin is the most important item on this first trimester checklist! It helps tremendously! In this post, Read More 25 Retro Girl Names That Never Go Out of StyleContinue, Your email address will not be published. That being said, don't feel like you need to do everything. Im not going to lie, I was so exhausted the first trimester of both of my pregnancies, I wasnt even awake long enough each day to think about what all I needed to accomplish during the pregnancy. 1st trimester pregnancy: What to expect - Mayo Clinic This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. It was so worth it. Prenatal testing options, dos and donts, insurance, birth plan, the list goes on. Wonderful list. I am passionate about bridging the gap between generic out-of-date prenatal advice we are still being given in the 21st century, with the wealth of knowledge we actually now have regarding the power of prenatal nutrition and fitness and the direct lifelong outcomes they have on babies in utero. This post may containaffiliate links. FIRST TRIMESTER TO DO LIST 1.START TAKING Prenatal Vitamins The first thing you should do when you find out you're pregnant is to start taking a good quality prenatal vitamin. To come back and use this info one day, new, comfortable bras can help early on,!. Pregnancy to tell my husband the initial weeks of the night feeding, burping, there! ( you will have seven antenatal appointments it can pay for those ultrasounds and pregnancy classes that Never go of! Of folic acid and iron that & # x27 ; s required during pregnancy since it was early. 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