(a) Studies indicate that use of vaginal contraceptive drug products containing nonoxynol 9 does not protect against infection from the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the virus that causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), or against the transmission of other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). If the drug is expected to affect labor or delivery, the labeling must provide information about the effect of the drug on the pregnant woman and the fetus or neonate; the effect of the drug on the duration of labor and delivery; any increased risk of adverse reactions, including their potential severity and reversibility; and must provide information about available intervention(s) that can mitigate these effects and/or adverse reactions. (B) For other classes of drugs, in vitro and animal data that have not been shown by adequate and well-controlled studies, as defined in 314.126(b) of this chapter, to be necessary for the safe and effective use may be included in this section only if a waiver is granted under 201.58 or 314.126(c) of this chapter. (2) Septemeber 24, 2005, for all OTC drug products subject to any OTC drug monograph, not yet the subject of any OTC drug monograph, or subject to drug marketing applications approved before April 23, 2004. (6) FDA means the Food and Drug Administration. The diffuser ensures that the radiation received by the spectrometer is not collimated. FDA Label Search Major limitations of use (e.g., lack of effect in particular subsets of the population, or second line therapy status) must be briefly noted. 201.323 Aluminum in large and small volume parenterals used in total parenteral nutrition. (iii) Additional information that is authorized to appear under this heading shall appear as the next item(s) of information. FDA enforcement of online advertising and promotional - Lexology Additional bulleted statements appearing on each subsequent horizontal line of text under a heading or subheading shall be vertically aligned with the bulleted statements appearing on the previous line. The warnings in 201.64(c), 201.70(c), 201.71(c), and 201.72(c) may be combined, if applicable, provided the ingredients are listed in alphabetical order, e.g., a magnesium or potassium-restricted diet. If there is a serious known or potential risk to the pregnant woman and/or the embryo/fetus associated with the disease or condition for which the drug is indicated to be used, the labeling must describe the risk. - Food and Drug Administration, Department of Health and Human Services, https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-21/chapter-I/subchapter-C/part-201. When using this product, if changes in behavior with nausea and vomiting occur, consult a doctor because these symptoms could be an early sign of Reye's syndrome, a rare but serious illness., (2) This warning statement shall appear on the immediate container labeling. The accuracy of the test depends upon the application of a precisely controlled amount of sunscreen product with a uniform distribution over the PMMA plate. 355), and is subject to regulatory action. ACTION: Notice of availability. (i) Number of subjects. (5) 4 Contraindications. Mix until uniform. (2) Calculate the resolution (R) between the oxybenzone and padimate O peaks from one chromatogram as follows: If the resolution (R) is less than 3.0, adjust the mobile phase or replace the column. (17) 16 How supplied/storage and handling. (6) If the packer is identified on the label, the name shall be qualified by the phrase Packed by ______ or Packaged by ______. Indications or uses must not be implied or suggested in other sections of labeling if not included in this section. II. The Stomach bleeding warning must appear after the Reye's syndrome and Allergy alert warnings in 201.66(c)(5)(ii)(A) and (c)(5)(ii)(B). An incorrect lot number may be regarded as causing the article to be misbranded. The requirements in this section apply only to prescription drug products described in 201.56(b)(1) and must be implemented according to the schedule specified in 201.56(c), except for the requirement in paragraph (c)(18) of this section to reprint any FDA-approved patient labeling at the end of prescription drug labeling or accompany the prescription drug labeling, which must be implemented no later than June 30, 2007. (2) Human and animal data headings. http://www.archives.gov/federal_register/code_of_federal_regulations/ibr_locations.html. It shall be placed on the principal display panel within the bottom 30 percent of the area of the label panel in lines generally parallel to the base on which the package rests as it is designed to be displayed: Provided, That: (1) On packages having a principal display panel of 5 square inches or less the requirement for placement within the bottom 30 percent of the area of the label panel shall not apply when the declaration of net quantity of contents meets the other requirements of this part; and. (e) This statement of interpretation does not in any way exempt mineral oil or preparations containing mineral oil from complying in all other respects with the requirements of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. (C) 12.3 Pharmacokinetics. (5) Stop use and ask a doctor if [in bold type] [optional, bullet] you or your partner get burning, itching, a rash, or other irritation of the vagina or penis. This section must contain the following subsections: (i) 8.1 Pregnancy. (B) Calculate the erythema-effective UV dose (E) delivered by a solar simulator as follows: Where Vi() = erythema action spectrum weighting factor at each wavelength , I() = irradiance (Watts per square meter) at each wavelength . Erythema-effective dose (E) is expressed as effective Joules per square meter (J/m2-eff). 201.1 Drugs; name and place of business of manufacturer, packer, or distributor. 201.309 Acetophenetidin (phenacetin)-containing preparations; necessary warning statement. Skip to content. (e) If you are a sponsor receiving a grant of a request for an exception or alternative to the labeling requirements under this section: (1) You need not submit a supplement under 314.70(a) through (c) or 601.12(f)(1) through (f)(2) of this chapter; however. (ii) by including in the package a printed warning with instructions to pharmacists to place the warning on the container prior to dispensing. (5) The labeling must contain the date of the most recent revision of the labeling, identified as such, placed prominently immediately after the last section of the labeling. In determining the area of the principal display panel, exclude tops, bottoms, flanges at the tops and bottoms of cans, and shoulders and necks of bottles or jars. Use optical-grade polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) plates suitable for UV transmittance measurements. (C) Data. If the immediate container is a blister card, the warning must appear on the blister card and remain intact and readable when drug product is removed from the blister card. (ii) Compliance by April 19, 2004, for OTC antidiarrheal and overindulgence drug products that contain bismuth subsalicylate as an active ingredient and have annual sales greater than $25,000. If the drug has a recognized use during labor or delivery (vaginal or abdominal delivery), whether or not the use is stated in the indications section of the labeling, this subsection of the labeling shall describe the available information about the effect of the drug on the mother and the fetus, on the duration of labor or delivery, on the possibility that forceps delivery or other intervention or resuscitation of the newborn will be necessary, and the effect of the drug on the later growth, development, and functional maturation of the child. This guidance pertains to submissions of promotional materials for human prescription drugs (drugs) to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA or Agency) made by manufacturers, packers, and . The request shall be clearly identified on the envelope as a Request for Exemption from 21 CFR 201.66 (OTC Labeling Format) and shall be directed to Docket No. (5) Carcinogenesis, mutagenesis, impairment of fertility. (9) Subheading means the required statements in quotation marks listed in paragraphs (c)(5)(ii) through (c)(5)(vii) of this section. The sodium content per delivered dose shall follow the heading Other information as stated in 201.66(c)(7). The actual or estimated amount of the drug and/or its active metabolite(s) ingested by the infant must be compared to the labeled infant or pediatric dose, if available, or to the maternal dose. Links to the required Form FDA-2253 "Transmittal of Advertisements and Promotional Labeling for Drugs and Biologics for Human Use," and information about Electronic Submissions are at the end of this page. Title 21 was last amended 11/17/2022. Unless the spectrometer is equipped with an integrating sphere, an ultraviolet radiation diffuser should be placed between the sample and the input optics of the spectrometer. (k) The labeling of OTC drug products intended for rectal administration containing dibasic sodium phosphate and/or monobasic sodium phosphate shall contain the sodium content per delivered dose if the sodium content is 5 milligrams or more. These operations include: (e) A person performs an operation listed in paragraph (b) of this section only if the operation is performed, including the performance of the appropriate in-process quality control operations, except laboratory testing of samples taken during processing, as follows: (1) By individuals, a majority of whom are employees of the person and, throughout the performance of the operation, are subject to the person's direction and control; (2) On premises that are continuously owned or leased by the person and subject to the person's direction and control; and. When human data are available, animal data must not be included unless the animal model is specifically known to be predictive for humans. Prescription chemicals and other prescription components. (410) 526-9755. 1. If studies demonstrate that the drug and/or its active metabolite(s) are not detectable in human milk, the Risk Summary must state the limits of the assay used. When pregnancy testing and/or contraception are required or recommended before, during, or after drug therapy and/or when there are human and/or animal data that suggest drug-associated fertility effects, this subsection of labeling must contain this information under the subheadings Pregnancy Testing, Contraception, and Infertility, in that order. (E) If the requirements for a finding of substantial evidence to support a pediatric indication or a pediatric use statement have not been met for a particular pediatric population, the Pediatric use subsection must contain an appropriate statement such as Safety and effectiveness in pediatric patients below the age of (__) have not been established. If use of the drug in this pediatric population is associated with a specific hazard, the hazard must be described in this subsection, or, if appropriate, the hazard must be stated in the Contraindications or Warnings and Precautions section and this subsection must refer to it. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Empire Company Limited, a Canadian business conglomerate. Bullets shall be presented in the same shape and color throughout the labeling. (10) For the information required by paragraph (b) of this section, each section heading must be in bold print. This listing must be separate from the listing of adverse reactions identified in clinical trials. As appropriate, this information shall also be contained in Contraindications, Warnings, and elsewhere in Precautions.. When applicable, risk statements as described in paragraphs (c)(9)(i)(B)(1) and (2) of this section must include a cross-reference to additional details in the relevant portion of the Data subheading in the Pregnancy subsection of the labeling. (Name of drug) is contraindicated in women who are or may become pregnant. Determine the labeled SPF value, which equals the largest whole number less than. 201.150 Drugs; processing, labeling, or repacking. Since any such representations offering these articles for use as drugs would be false or misleading, such articles will be considered to be misbranded if they are distributed for use as drugs. FDA Regulation of Medical Device Advertising and Promotion (iv) For manufacturers with a Web site for voluntary reporting of adverse reactions, the Web address of the direct link to the site. 201.120 Prescription chemicals and other prescription components. III. 6 in certain drugs for human use. 41 FR 6908, Feb. 13, 1976, unless otherwise noted. UVA I (340-400 nm) irradiance should equal or exceed 60 percent of the total UV irradiance. Warning statements for drug products containing or manufactured with chlorofluorocarbons or other ozone-depleting substances. 12 oz. Data summarized in this subsection must be discussed in more detail, if appropriate, under Clinical Pharmacology or the Clinical Studies section. (iii) Comparisons of adverse reactions between drugs. If data demonstrate that a drug is not systemically absorbed following a particular route of administration, the Risk Summary must contain only the following statement: (Name of drug) is not absorbed systemically following (route of administration), and maternal use is not expected to result in fetal exposure to the drug.. If human data indicate that there is an increased risk for a specific adverse developmental outcome in infants born to women exposed to the drug during pregnancy, this risk must be quantitatively compared to the risk for the same outcome in infants born to women who were not exposed to the drug but who have the disease or condition for which the drug is indicated to be used. Each high-pressure medical gas cylinder must be colored on the shoulder portion of the cylinder in the color or colors designated in paragraph (c) of this section. (d) The marketing of isoproterenol inhalation preparations may be continued if all the following conditions are met: (1) Within 30 days following the date of publication of this section in the Federal Register: (i) The label and labeling of such preparations shipped within the jurisdiction of the act are in accordance with paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section. A graphic of a telephone or telephone receiver may appear before the heading. (G) Dosing recommendations based on clinical pharmacologic data (e.g., clinically significant food effects). CDER/CBER, June 2021, Geriatric Information in Human Prescription Drug and Biological Product Labeling; Draft Guidance for Industry (a) Oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, helium, and nitrous oxide gases intended for drug use, and medically appropriate combinations of any of these gases intended for drug use, are exempted from the requirements of 201.100(b)(2) and (3), and (c)(1), provided that, where applicable, the requirements of 201.328 and 211.94(e)(2) of this chapter are met and the labeling bears, in addition to any other information required by the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, the following: (i) In the case of oxygen, a warning statement providing that uninterrupted use of high concentrations of oxygen over a long duration, without monitoring its effect on oxygen content of arterial blood, may be harmful; that oxygen should not be used on patients who have stopped breathing unless used in conjunction with resuscitative equipment; and, in the case of oxygen that may be provided without a prescription for use in the event of depressurization or other environmental oxygen deficiency, or for oxygen deficiency or for use in emergency resuscitation when administered by properly trained personnel, a warning statement providing that oxygen may be used for emergency use only when administered by properly trained personnel for oxygen deficiency and resuscitation, and that for all other medical applications a prescription is required. 15, 1980; 45 FR 72118, Oct. 31, 1980, as amended at 48 FR 37620, Aug. 19, 1983; 81 FR 60212, Aug. 31, 2016]. (iv) For products labeled only for children under 12 years of age. (vi) Provide any other information requested by the Center Director in support of the request. (4) The labeling may contain a Product Title section preceding the Description section and containing only the information required by 201.80(a)(1)(i), (a)(1)(ii), (a)(1)(iii), and (a)(1)(iv) and 201.100(e). (j) Any product subject to paragraphs (a) through (h) of this section that is not labeled as required and that is initially introduced or initially delivered for introduction into interstate commerce after the following dates is misbranded under sections 201(n) and 502(a) and (f) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. Therefore, consumers should be warned that these products do not protect against the transmission of the AIDS virus (HIV) or other STDs, that use of these products can increase vaginal and rectal irritation, which may increase the risk of getting the AIDS virus (HIV) from an HIV infected partner, and that the products are not for rectal use. (a) Among representations in the labeling of a drug which render such drug misbranded is a false or misleading representation with respect to another drug or a device or a food or cosmetic. 201.316 Drugs with thyroid hormone activity for human use; required warning. If reproduction studies or other data in animals reveal a problem or potential problem concerning mutagenesis or impairment of fertility in either males or females, the information shall be described. The last line of the table may be the horizontal barline immediately preceding the heading of the next section of the labeling. Holders of approved applications for OTC drug products that contain internal analgesic/antipyretic active ingredients that are subject to the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section must submit supplements under 314.70(c) of this chapter to include the required information in the product's labeling. FDA may permit omission of the statements if FDA determines that no statement described in those paragraphs is appropriate or relevant to the drug's labeling. 321(n)), be labeled with a statement of the material fact that there is no scientific evidence that the articles contain any therapeutic or physiologically active constituents. (4) Use or Uses, followed by the indication(s) for the specific drug product. (b) Where a specific warning relating to use during pregnancy or while nursing has been established for a particular drug product in a new drug application (NDA) or for a product covered by an OTC drug final monograph in part 330 of this chapter, the specific warning shall be used in place of the warning in paragraph (a) of this section, unless otherwise stated in the NDA or in the final OTC drug monograph. 10. (a) Under date of December 4, 1941, in a notice to manufacturers of glandular preparations, the Food and Drug Administration expressed the opinion that preparations of inert glandular materials intended for medicinal use should, in view of the requirement of section 201(n) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (52 Stat. (3) This section of the labeling shall also contain the following additional information: (i) If evidence is available to support the safety and effectiveness of the drug only in selected subgroups of the larger population with a disease, syndrome, or symptom under consideration, e.g., patients with mild disease or patients in a special age group, the labeling shall describe the available evidence and state the limitations of usefulness of the drug. (iv) Ask a doctor before use if you have [in bold type] or, for products labeled only for use in children under 12 years of age, Ask a doctor before use if the child has [in bold type], followed by all warnings for persons with certain preexisting conditions (excluding pregnancy) and all warnings for persons experiencing certain symptoms. (2) The warning on the label may be accomplished, (i) by including it on the immediate container label with a statement directed to pharmacists not to remove the label or. Contents must contain a list of each heading and subheading required in the full prescribing information under 201.56(d)(1), if not omitted under 201.56(d)(4), preceded by the identifying number required under 201.56(d)(1). If the pertinent animal data cannot be appropriately incorporated into other sections of the labeling, this section may be used. (e) The labeling of orally or rectally administered OTC aspirin and aspirin-containing drug products must bear a warning that immediately follows the general warning identified in paragraph (a) of this section. 201.317 Digitalis and related cardiotonic drugs for human use in oral dosage forms; required warning. Disclosure of drug efficacy study evaluations in labeling and advertising. [in bold font] Spending time in the sun increases your risk of skin cancer and early skin aging. The labeling for all over-the-counter (OTC) drug products containing any internal analgesic/antipyretic active ingredients (including, but not limited to, acetaminophen, aspirin, carbaspirin calcium, choline salicylate, ibuprofen, ketoprofen, magnesium salicylate, naproxen sodium, and sodium salicylate) alone or in combination must bear the following labeling in accordance with 201.60, 201.61, and 201.66. This contact form is only for website help or website suggestions. (7) Other information, followed by additional information that is not included under paragraphs (c)(2) through (c)(6), (c)(8), and (c)(9) of this section, but which is required by or is made optional under an applicable OTC drug monograph, other OTC drug regulation, or is included in the labeling of an approved drug application. (v) Paragraph (d)(8) of this section shall apply except that the box or similar enclosure required in paragraph (d)(8) of this section may be omitted if the Drug Facts labeling is set off from the rest of the labeling by use of color contrast. 1061, Rockville, MD 20852. Aluminum may reach toxic levels with prolonged parenteral administration if kidney function is impaired. Test subsites should be at least 0.5 square centimeters (cm2) in area and should be separated from each other by at least 0.8 cm. Mix well. You are completely correct that promotional material is a type of 'labeling'. If you are not sure whether a drug contains acetaminophen, ask a doctor or pharmacist.. [40 FR 13998, Mar. 98N-0337. (a) The labeling of over-the-counter (OTC) drug products intended for oral ingestion shall contain the potassium content per dosage unit (e.g., tablet, teaspoonful) if the potassium content of a single maximum recommended dose of the product (which may be one or more dosage units) is 5 milligrams or more. There are claims that would be false and/or misleading on sunscreen products. 6 by listing the color additive using the name FD&C Yellow No. This subsection must be based primarily on human data and human experience, but pertinent animal data may also be used. The type shall be all black or one color printed on a white or other contrasting background, except that the title and the headings may be presented in a single, alternative, contrasting color unless otherwise provided in an approved drug application, OTC drug monograph (e.g., current requirements for bold print in 341.76 and 341.80 of this chapter), or other OTC drug regulation (e.g., the requirement for a box and red letters in 201.308(c)(1)). (iii) Effects of drug on milk production. Labeling and Promotion Guidances | FDA Because many drugs are excreted in human milk and because of the potential for serious adverse reactions in nursing infants from (name of drug) (or, Because of the potential for tumorigenicity shown for (name of drug) in (animal or human) studies), a decision should be made whether to discontinue nursing or to discontinue the drug, taking into account the importance of the drug to the mother. If the drug is not associated with serious adverse reactions and does not have a known tumorigenic potential, the labeling shall state: It is not known whether this drug is excreted in human milk. The intent may be shown by such persons' expressions, the design or composition of the article, or by the circumstances surrounding the distribution of the article. The heading Purpose is right justified. (c) This statement of interpretation in no way exempts methyl salicylate (wintergreen oil) or its preparations from complying in all other respects with the requirements of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. (b) Categories of prescription drugs subject to the labeling content and format requirements in 201.56(d) and 201.57. When relevant human and/or animal lactation data are available, the Risk Summary must include a cross-reference to the Data subheading in the Lactation subsection of the labeling. This Stomach bleeding warning must appear after the Reye's syndrome and Allergy alert warnings in 201.66(c)(5)(ii)(A) and (c)(5)(ii)(B). The warning is not required to be included on each blister unit. Reverse type is not permitted as a form of highlighting. (3) Risk statement based on pharmacology. 'Accompanying' also includes labeling that is brought together with the device after shipment or delivery for shipment in interstate commerce. Consider specific off-label drugs that you think require extra care and attention when used in pediatrics. (1) Except as provided in this section, no person other than the manufacturer, packer, or distributor may be identified on the label of a drug or drug product. In view of the potentially serious effects found to be associated with preparations of this drug intended for use by man, the Commissioner of Food and Drugs will regard such preparations as misbranded within the meaning of section 502(f) (1) and (2) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, unless the label and labeling on or within the package from which the drug is to be dispensed, and any other labeling furnishing or purporting to furnish information for use of the drug, bear a conspicuous warning statement to the following effect: Warning: Agranulocytosis and hepatitis have been associated with the use of phenindione. Community Home Discussion 47.9K Library 631 Blogs 55 Events 0 Members 31.3K For each sunscreen product, mean absorbance values should be determined from at least three individual PMMA plates. 216, 241, 262, 264. The critical wavelength is identified as the wavelength at which the integral of the spectral absorbance curve reaches 90 percent of the integral over the UV spectrum from 290 to 400 nm. (ii) If there is a specific pediatric indication (i.e., an indication different from those approved for adults) that is supported by adequate and well-controlled studies in the pediatric population, it shall be described under the Indications and Usage section of the labeling, and appropriate pediatric dosage information shall be given under the Dosage and Administration section of the labeling. Where packages bear alternate principal display panels, information required to be placed on the principal display panel shall be duplicated on each principal display panel. . (iv) Periodic measurement. (2) Include a representation of the proposed labeling, including any outserts, panel extensions, or other graphical or packaging techniques intended to be used with the product. 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