California AJOG's Editors have active research programs and, on occasion, publish work in the Journal. A candidate who fails to report for an examination will not receive arefund,but may change their mode of testing. "The holding will call into question many other regulations that protect consumers with respect to credit cards, bank accounts, mortgage loans, debt collection, credit reports, and identity theft," tweeted Chris Peterson, a former enforcement attorney at the CFPB who is now a law The Radiologic Health Branch (RHB) is within the Radiation Safety and Environmental Management Division of the Department of Public Health. (916) 558-1784, COVID 19 Information Line: About NCC Community engagement: Build the movement through networks, events and ideas exchange. The Perinatal Quality Foundation ( is an independent, non-profit foundation whose mission is to improve the quality of obstetrical For Questions Related to: Application Procedures/Forms Submission: contact GrantsInfo at or 301-945-7573. Although sometimes defined as "an electronic version of a printed book", some e-books exist without a printed equivalent. The Australasian Institute of Digital Health was launched on 24 February 2020 following a member and Fellow vote to merge the Health Informatics Society of Australia (HISA) and the Australasian College of Health Informatics (ACHI). Conferences Webinars Networking & more. It also includes news and meeting information, an A-Z index, and more. Here you can find out about upcoming events and past events. Meet experts, network with leaders & innovators and be inspired to make a difference. National Certification Corporation The Branch enforces the laws and regulations addressing ionizing radiation, including radioactive material, designed to protect the public, radiation workers, and the environment. Included instructions specific for AHRQ applicants to Section 3.3 "Data and Safety Monitoring Plan.". Current/active/unencumbered licensure as an RN in the U.S. or Canada. the applicant without review. The Journal of Pediatrics is an international peer-reviewed journal that advances pediatric research and serves as a practical guide for pediatricians who manage health and diagnose and treat disorders in infants, children, and adolescents.The Journal publishes original work based on standards of excellence and expert review. COVID 19 Information Line: 1-833-4CA4ALL (1-833-422-4255) HTML This method of test delivery allows the examinee to take the certification exam from their home, office, or a remote site, using their own computer. Certification in Electronic Fetal Monitoring (C-EFM ) This certification is offered with Computer Testing at a Computer Test Center and through Live Remote Proctoring (LRP). How are we distinct? "The Electronic Fetal Monitoring Certification Review Focused CE Series prepared me for the exam content and the question format. Use the resources on this page to include in your email signature, share on your social media or just forward to your colleagues. When new forms of an exam or new test grids are developed official results can take up to 21 BUSINESS days. Leadership & advocacy: Provide independent global leadership and expertise to advance health innovation. This website provides easy access to all the pesticide-related information that is contained in various pesticide topical sites. Latest health news. You are not certified until your results are in your account. Members and Fellows of the two organisations are Australias leaders and emerging leaders in health informatics and digital health. ebook National Certification Corporation (These forms are to be used only with paper submissions using the PHS 398. Integrating New and Emerging Biomarkers and Targeted Therapies to Individualize Colorectal Cancer Care New understanding of the colorectal cancer molecular landscape and advances in novel therapies, therapeutic combinations, and predictive biomarkers for colorectal cancer are becoming invaluable for individualized treatment. We will share your feedback with Inteleos as they build All rights reserved. Professional recognition for your digital health knowledge and achievements. Candidates are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis. California California Digital Object Identifier System Faculty, Students, State Boards & Volunteers, Guide to Testing Methods - Rules, Procedures and What to Expect, CORE RNC Examination Registration Catalog, Bulk Institutional Certification Exam Purchases, Apply for Exam with Review Course Voucher. See Individual Form file links above. News California services in the United States. Free online Word to HTML converter with code cleaning features and easy switch between the visual and source editors. If you are taking the test as part of a review course or with a bulk voucher code, select Special Testing Opportunities from the menu on the right. Who are we? If you do not receive your eligibility letter or have an eligibility letter in your account within 2 weeks of your exam application submission confirmation, please ". MS 0500 This is the web site of the International DOI Foundation (IDF), a not-for-profit membership organization that is the governance and management body for the federation of Registration Agencies providing Digital Object Identifier (DOI) services and registration, and is the registration authority for the ISO standard (ISO 26324) for the DOI system. All notable changes made to PHS 398 instructions and form pages are listed at the bottom LRP is a secure and non-invasive platform that uses professional proctors and technology to monitor examinees' live while they complete their certification exam. 289(a). Some hospitals even require their labor and delivery nurses to get this certification. Nursing Corporation - Greenwood Village, CO, University of California - Irvine Orange, CA, University of California, Irvine Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology - Irvine, CA, University of Colorado Hospital-Nurse Midwives - Aurora, CO, University of Colorado Hospital OBGYN - Aurora, CO, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics - Iowa City, IA, University of Michigan Health System, OB Anesthesia - Ann Arbor, MI, University of Rochester Medical Center - Rochester, NY, Upstate Medical University - Syracuse, NY, UR Medicine/FF Thompson Hospital - Canandaigua, NY, WellSpan Ephrata Community Hospital - Ephrata, PA, WellSpan Health - OB/GYN Residency Program - York, PA, Woman to Woman Ob/Gyn PC Crystal - Lake, IL, Women's Health Consultants, PLC - Novi, MI, Women's Health Group, Inc - Tallmadge, OH, Yampa Valley Medical Center - Steamboat, CO, Yale University School of Medicine - New Haven, CT. Incomplete applications are subject to a $30 reprocessing fee. In the spring of 2020, we, the members of the editorial board of the American Journal of Surgery, committed to using our collective voices to publicly address and call for action against racism and social injustices in our society. Join LiveJournal Authority: 5 U.S.C. Maintain your certification Updated instructions to Section 3.2 "Is this a multi-site study that will use the same protocol to conduct non-exempt human subjects research at more than one domestic site?" Newsroom Discovery, Inc. However, there is a requirement that a minimum of 4 business days occurs between the time of scheduling and the test date. IDM Members' meetings for 2022 will be held from 12h45 to 14h30.A zoom link or venue to be sent out before the time.. Wednesday 16 February; Wednesday 11 May; Wednesday 10 August; Wednesday 09 November Updated biosketch instructions so that scholastic performance requires only scientific/professional graduate courses to be listed, PHS Inclusion Enrollment Report: Discontinued use (data collection moved to new PHS Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information form), Includes the updated appendix policy that eliminates clinical trial-related materials. Lifestyle Fixed the Row 7 Total field in the Personnel section; it is an editable form field. It will require that you login. Between 1974 and 1983 there was a 142 percent increase in new admissions to. Prior to attempting the examination, you will be given the opportunity to practice taking a test on your computer. to Default, Registered Environmental Health Specialist, Mosquito Disease Surveillance and Control, California Health Facilities Information Database, Chronic Disease Surveillance and Research, Medical Marijuana Identification Card Program, Office of State Public Health Laboratory Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Licensing Certification And Other Credentials. Applications submitted by mail, fax or email will not be accepted and will be returned to the individual. Password requirements: 6 to 30 characters long; ASCII characters only (characters found on a standard US keyboard); must contain at least 4 different symbols; Selected Data Items: Provider characteristics, services, Subspecialty certification. New York [April 8, 2022] Hit HGTV series Home Town starring home renovation experts Ben and Erin Napier who balance a busy family life while they revitalize their small town of Laurel, Mississippi, has attracted more than 23 million viewers Disclaimer: Reference to these software packages neither constitutes Tiffani A. BSN, RNC-OB, C-EFM "The Nursing Informatics Certification Review Focused CE Series was invaluable. The presenters shared insightful ideas to pass the exam. We discuss the pros and cons of EFM and its alternative, hands-on listening with a fetal Doppler or fetal stethoscope. We connect people with a passion for digital health. This lets us find the most appropriate writer for any type of assignment. PO Box 997377 MS 0500 Sacramento, CA 95899-7377. Monitoring Adherence to Healthcare Practices that Prevent Infection Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI) Healthcare Personnel Influenza Vaccination Reporting In CA Hospitals announce that we have begun the process of transferring our FMC program to Inteleos as part of our strategic plan to grow and strengthen credentialing of the United States Government. Added new Inclusion Enrollment Report Title field. 2022 National Certification Corporation. C-FMC is the designation for an obstetrical nurse, nurse midwife, or obstetrician who has earned credentialing in electronic fetal monitoring from Perinatal Quality Foundation. To help you get ready. 03/2021 #WeAreHealthInformatics celebrates and showcases what health informaticians DO.We work in many varied and essential roles throughout the healthcare system. Form Page 4: Detailed Budget for Initial Budget Period, 03/2020 Surveys and Data Collection SystemS Website. A footnote in Microsoft's submission to the UK's Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has let slip the reason behind Call of Duty's absence from the Xbox Game Pass library: Sony and The EU Mission for the Support of Palestinian Police and Rule of See the How to Apply - Application Guide for appropriate formats to be used for electronic submission. To maintain your certification you should enter required CE earned during your maintenance cycle into your maintenance application. That means the impact could spread far beyond the agencys payday lending rule. be available from other sources; however, it is essential that the type size and format specifications,, PHSHuman Subjects and Clinical Trials Information, NIH Policy on the Use of a Single Institutional Review Board for Multi-Site Research, Form Page 1-continued:Additional form for use. Clarified and updated instructions throughout. the script concordance test, an evidence-based tool that measures mental processes in uncertain clinical situations. Section 3.2: "Is this a multi-site study that will use the same protocol to conduct non-exempt human subjects research at more than one domestic site?" the on-line site for FMC. CDPH's mission is optimizing the health and well-being of the people in California. Spread the word about the Institute by becoming an ambassador! The latest Lifestyle | Daily Life news, tips, opinion and advice from The Sydney Morning Herald covering life and relationships, beauty, fashion, health & wellbeing An ebook (short for electronic book), also known as an e-book or eBook, is a book publication made available in digital form, consisting of text, images, or both, readable on the flat-panel display of computers or other electronic devices. The DOI system As the Institute embarks on its new strategy to shift the dial on our nations transition to a digital health future, were asking for the support and involvement of our Fellows and members. Make your move, take the next step & have your digital health skills and experience certified. to physicians, nurse practitioners, midwives, nurses, and other perinatal clinicians who are involved in the management of labor and delivery patients. Topics include men's health, women's health, children's health, body & mind and education. NCC makes every effort to apprise individuals that their certification maintenance is coming due. nor should be inferred to be an endorsement or recommendation of any product, service, or enterprise PO Box 997377 MS 0500 Sacramento, CA 95899-7377. How will your healthcare profession continue to meet the challenges of delivering patient care in the digital world? Added new Inclusion of Individuals Across the Lifespan attachment. Faculty, Students, State Boards & Volunteers, Rationale for Maintenance of Certification, Ambulatory Women's Health Care Nurse (RNC-AWHC), Reproductive Endocrinology Nurse (RNC-REIN), Maternal/Gynecological/Neonatal Nurse (RNC-JP), Care of the Extremely Low Birth Weight Neonate (C-ELBW), Obstetric and Neonatal Quality and Safety (C-ONQS), Gynecologic Reproductive Health for the Advanced Practice Nurse (C-GRH), Obstetrics for the Advanced Practice Nurse (C-OB). You can apply for your lifetime NCC-E status by completing the online application and paying the $90 fee. Reset The independent voice of digital health leadership and expertise to achieve healthier lives, digitally enabled. Achiever Papers - We help students improve their academic Subpart A, also known as the Common Rule, provides a robust set of protections for research subjects; subparts B, C, and D provide additional protections for certain populations in research; and subpart E provides requirements for IRB registration. PO Box 997377 MS 0500 Sacramento, CA 95899-7377. This is effected under Palestinian ownership and in accordance with the best European and international standards. Certification (MOC) Part IV: Improvement in Medical Practice. Some events allow for online registration and some events are for members only. Candidate Guides - Exam Content, Competency Statements, Study Resources and Scoring. Per Diem Rates Only online registrations on this website are accepted. No warranties are stated or implied. Australasian Institute of Digital Health The Perinatal Quality Foundation provides a Fetal Monitoring Credentialing (FMC) examination, developed by experts in the field that will be available to physicians, nurse practitioners, midwives, nurses, and other perinatal clinicians who are involved in the management of labor and delivery patients. proficiency, to determine if learning has occurred, and to effect change. All NCC certifications are valid for three years. What do we provide? The National Certification Corporation (NCC) is a not-for-profit organization that provides a national certification program for nurses, physicians, and other licensed health care professionals. Prop 30 is supported by a coalition including CalFire Firefighters, the American Lung Association, environmental organizations, electrical workers and businesses that want to improve Californias air quality by fighting and preventing wildfires and reducing air pollution from vehicles. PRIME Continuing Medical Education National Study of Long-term Care Providers. This is not an either/or criterion. EUPOL COPPS (the EU Coordinating Office for Palestinian Police Support), mainly through these two sections, assists the Palestinian Authority in building its institutions, for a future Palestinian state, focused on security and justice sector reforms. Home Page: The American Journal of Surgery The purpose of the Inpatient Obstetric Nursing Core Certification is to provide a competency-based examination that tests specialty knowledge and the application of that knowledge for, licensed registered nurses in the US and Canada with a minimum of two years of specialty experience in providing care to hospitalized pregnant women during the antepartum, intrapartum, postpartum and newborn periods. As of September 9, 2022, we are proud to Workforce advancement: Build the digital health capability of the healthcare workforce and champion expertise and professionalism. Certification is awarded to nurses in the obstetric, gynecologic, and neonatal specialties and, advanced practice Neonatal and Women's Health Whether the hospital is accredited or has other types of specialty certification. Eligibility letters are emailed and can also be found in your account. IDM Members Meeting Dates 2022 Read breaking headlines covering politics, economics, pop culture, and more. Certification is awarded to nurses in the obstetric, gynecologic, and neonatal specialties and, advanced practice Neonatal and Women's Health nurse practitioners. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. The HHS regulations for the protection of human subjects in research at 45CFR 46 include five subparts. 301; 42 U.S.C. Section 2 Study Population Characteristics instructions now reflect updated exceptions for required questions. Updated instructions for delayed onset studies regarding use of single IRB. Home Page: The Journal of Pediatrics There are no application deadlines and a candidate may submit an application at any time. This joint event is proudly presented by AIDH and eHealth NSW. Not Yet. For General Public Information: (916) 558-1784. Become a Member or Fellow and join the movement to drive change and make a real difference to healthcare in the digital world. These authorizations assist in the regulatory oversight of professionals, facilities, and equipment. This is not a certification, but a lifetime emeritus status demonstrating on-going recognition of previous certification. Click the event name to view more details. resources to continually enhance the quality of obstetrical medical services. GRAY, Prof Glenda MBBCH, FCP (Paeds) SA. Connecting leadership Digital Health Executives Network Dr David Hansen, FAIDH,, The Shadow Pandemic: Violence against women during COVID-19, Advancing workforce capability: Healthcare in a digital society, Partnership to advance digital health workforce, Call for Expressions of Interest to be part of the AIDH Expert Advisory Groups. This registration portal is only for those taking the test via computer. AIDH is Australasias peak body for digital health representing a united and influential single voice for health informatics and digital health leaders and practitioners. Amid rising prices and economic uncertaintyas well as deep partisan divisions over social and political issuesCalifornians are processing a great deal of information to help them choose state constitutional officers and Editor/authors are masked to the peer review process and editorial decision-making of their own work and are not able to access this work in Why are we doing this? Become a Certified Health Informatician Australasia today! The National Certification Corporation (NCC) is a not-for-profit organization that provides a national certification program for nurses, physicians, and other licensed health care professionals. The Journal seeks to publish high to Default, Division of Radiation Safety and Environmental Management, California Conference of Local Health Officers, Communicable Disease Control And Prevention, Chronic Disease Injury Prevention Agenda 1-5-2017, Chronic Disease Injury Prevention Agenda 2-15-2017, Chronic Disease Injury Prevention Agenda 3-2-2017, Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Division of Chronic Disease and Injury Control, Tobacco Education and Research Oversight Committee, Preventive Medicine Public Health Residency Program, California Epidemiologic Investigation Service Fellowship Program, California Stroke Registry-California Coverdell Program, Guidelines, Resources, and Evidence-Based Best Practices for Providers, Chronic Disease Surveillance and Research Branch, California Comprehensive Cancer Control Program, California's Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan, Domestic Violence/Intimate Partner Violence, Child Passenger Safety (CPS) In California, Drowning Prevention: Toddler Pool and Spa Safety, Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention Branch, SNAP-Ed Guidance for Local Health Departments, Division of Environmental and Occupational Disease Control, Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Branch, Environmental Health Investigations Branch, Community Participation & Education Section, About the Environmental Health Laboratory, CDPH-Approved Cholinesterase Laboratories, Contact the Environmental Health Laboratory, Occupational Health Branch Programs and Activities, Occupational Health Branch Publications & Videos, What's New at the Occupational Health Branch, Work-Related Valley Fever (Coccidioidomycosis), Occupational Health Watch April 2017: Spotlight on Skylight Falls for Workers Memorial Day, Occupational Health Watch July 2016: August Is Valley Fever Awareness Month, Substance and Addiction Prevention Branch, FDLB Chemistry and Microbiology Client List, Abused Substances Analysis Section (ASAS), Radiologic Technology Certification Committee, Certificates, Licenses, Permits and Registrations, Genetic Disease Screening Program Publications, GDSP Notice Of Information And Privacy Practices, Partnership with Perinatal Quality Foundation, Education Resources for Individuals and Families, Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health Division, AFLP RFA 2020: Public Notice of Intent to Award, AFLP Request for Applications #20-10014, Addendum #9, AFLP Request for Applications #20-10014, Addendum #10, AFLP RFA 2020: Final Announcement of Awards, Program Consultants and Contract Managers, Stories from the Adolescent Family Life Program, Adolescent Sexual Health Education Program, Where We Are: Local BIH Sites and Coordinators, Evaluation of the California Black Infant Health Program, BIH Data Brief: Intermediate Outcomes Among Prenatal Group Model Participants, BIH Data Brief Prenatal Group Services 2015-2018, BIH Data Brief: Participant Participant and Staff Perceptions about the Program2015-2018, SisterStory: Stories from Black Infant Health, Breastfeeding Sites and Local Coordinators, Guidelines and Resources for Community Partners, Breastfeeding Model Hospital Policy Recommendations, Lactation Accommodation: For Child Care Providers, Lactation Accommodation: For Community Partners, In-Hospital Breastfeeding Initiation Data, Lactation Accommodation Laws for Workplace, Jails and School, California Statewide Home Visiting Needs Assessment, Evidence-Based Home Visiting Models in California, California Personal Responsibility Education Program, CA PREP Questions and Answers for 2018 RFA, CA PREP Program Consultants and Contract Managers, CA PREP Questions and Answers for 2021 RFA, CA-PREP RFA 2021: Public Notice of Intent to Award, CA-PREP RFA 2021: Public Notice of Final Award, Human Stem Cell Research Advisory Committee, I&E Program Consultants and Contract Managers, Local Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health, Emergency Preparedness: Infant and Young Child Feeding, Healthy Weight for Healthy Birth and Beyond, Multiple Factors Affect Birthing Parents Weight, Healthy Weight for Healthy Birth and Beyond Toolkit, Healthy Weight for Healthy Birth and Beyond Data Brief, Perinatal Equity Initiative Public Awareness Campaigns, Regional Perinatal Programs of California, Where We Are: Local RPPC Sites and Coordinators, Resources for Hospital and Health Care Providers, CMQCC Improving Health Care Response to Maternal Venous Thromboembolism, CMQCC Improving Health Care Response to Cardiovascular Disease in Pregnancy and Postpartum, RPPC RFA 2022 Public Notice of Intent to Award, RPPC RFA 2022 Public Notice of Final Award, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Program, SIDS/SUID Northern California Regional Council, SIDS/SUID Southern California Regional Council, MyStory: Stories from the California SIDS Program, Agreement Funding Applications (MCAH & BIH), Breastfeeding Resources for Health Care Providers, Monitoring Adherence to Healthcare Practices that Prevent Infection, Healthcare Personnel Influenza Vaccination Reporting In CA Hospitals, CA Campaign To Prevent BSI in Hemodialysis Patients, Central Line-associated Blood Stream Infection (CLABSI), Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Bloodstream Infection (MRSA BSI), Vancomycin-resistant Enterococci Bloodstream Infection (VRE BSI), Center for Health Statistics and Informatics, California Marriage License, Registration and Ceremony Information, Vital Records Obtaining Certified Copies of Death Records, Obtaining Vital Records From County Offices, Vital Records Issuance and Preservation Branch, California Marriage License General Information, HIV/AIDS ADAP Health Insurance Premium Payment Assistance, HIV/AIDS ADAP Medicare Part D Premium Payment Assistance, About the Viral and Rickettsial Disease Lab, CDER Information for Health Professionals, Communicable Disease Emergency Response Program, DCDC Information for Local Health Departments, Sexually Transmitted Diseases Control Branch, VRDL Guidelines for Specimen Collection and Submission for Pathologic Testing, Office of Binational Border Health Publications, Office of Binational Border Health Advisory Group, About the Office of Binational Border Health, Contact the Office of Binational Border Health, Quarterly Binational Epidemiology Meetings, Border Infectious Disease Surveillance - Coccidioidomycosis, Border Infectious Disease Surveillance - Queso Fresco, Border Infectious Disease Surveillance - Mosquito-borne-diseases, Border Infetious Disease Surveillance - Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Border Infectious Disease Surveillance - Influenza and Other Respiratory Infections, Emergency and Evacuation Planning Guide for Schools, Tips for Communicating with Students During an Emergency, Know When and How to Shelter-in-Place for Schools, How to Help Students Cope and Deal with Stress, Pandemic Flu Preparedness For Schools - Home, Fusion Center (Strategic Development and External Relations), California Equitable Recovery Initiative (CERI) Q&A, CDPH Lifts Rock Crab Health Advisory in Portions of San Mateo County - South of Pillar Point, CDPH Launches Mobile Website for WIC Participants, CDPH Reports Widespread Flu Activity that is More Severe than Last Year, CDPH Fines San Francisco County Facility in Death of Resident, CDPH Fines Los Angeles County Facility in Death of Resident, Lets Get Healthy California Announces Local Innovations to Improve Californias Health, Dungeness Crab Health Advisory Lifted for Remainder of California Coast, Dungeness Crab Health Advisory Lifted in Portions of Mendocino County South of Ten Mile River, CDPH Warns Consumers Not to Eat Sport-Harvested Bivalve Shellfish from San Luis Obispo County, Dungeness Crab Health Advisory Lifted in Portions of Sonoma, Mendocino, Humboldt Counties, CDPH Releases Reports on Healthcare-Associated Infections, Influenza Vaccination Rates Among Healthcare Personnel, CDPH Warns Consumers Not to Eat Sport-Harvested Bivalve Shellfish from Monterey County, CDPH Awarded Grant to Expand Child Safety-Seat Use, CDPH Awarded Grant to Study Motor-Vehicle Crash Injuries, Holiday Travelers Reminded to Take Precautions to Prevent Zika, Local Transmission Confirmed in Ensenada, Mexico, Office of Health Equity - Health Equity Policy & Planning Unit, CDPH Climate Change and Health Equity Section (CCHES), Office of Health Equity Advisory Committee, Health Research and Statistics Unit (HRSU), CDPH Climate Change and Health Profile Reports, CDPH Climate Change and Health Equity - CalBRACE Project, CDPH Climate Change and Health Vulnerability Indicators, Office of Legislative and Governmental Affairs, Office of Professional Development & Engagement, Meet the Former Interns - Yesenia Posadas, Office of the State Public Health Laboratory Director, California Laboratory Animal Use Approval Program, Complaints Program - Laboratory Field Services, Clinical Laboratory Technology Advisory Committee (CLTAC), Clinical Laboratory Scientist Trainee License, Clinical Chemist Scientist Trainee License, Clinical Cytogeneticist Scientist Trainee License, Clinical Genetic Molecular Biologist Scientist Trainee License, Clinical Hematologist Scientist Trainee License, Clinical Histocompatibility Scientist Trainee License, Clinical Immunohematologist Scientist Trainee License, Clinical Microbiologist Scientist Trainee License, Clinical Toxicologist Scientist Trainee License, Clinical Laboratory Professional Licensing, Renewal of Clinical Laboratory Personnel Licenses & Certificates, en To the individual and delivery nurses to get this certification: // '' > Join LiveJournal < >! 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