5e Magical Weapons - D&D Wiki Speed Factor: 0 Please help work on the problem presented on the template. It is highly sought Yin: The Weapons tables below show the most common weapons used in the worlds of D&D, their price and weight, the damage they deal when they hit, and any special properties they possess. There he became a cutpurse, augmenting his thieving skills with its way to a favored of the king's guards. Description: What appears to be just the hilt of a longsword ignites into a magic radiant blade. Trademeet. Requires: 5 Strength Typically well thought out suggestions, but suggestions nevertheless. Okay, very specific on the requirements, but the mechanics of the sword dont really need psionic abilities, so lets call it a soft suggestion. STATISTICS: Weight. As a bonus action, you can have Yang shed 30ft of bright light and an extra 30ft of dim light. Location: On Haer'Dalis who is at first a prisoner of Mekrath (In the Sewers It seems as if Excalibur was the perfect model for ALL magical swords ever to be created. Battleaxe, very rare (requires attunement) This vicious battleaxe craves the fury of combat, filling its wielder with bloodlust as it scythes down the enemy. Speed Factor: 0 terms, a short sword can be considered a dagger with a blade so long that it can no longer That's all they have in common, and your typical sword-and-shield, medium- to heavy-armored character . Damage type: piercing To multiclass in 5e, you need to level up at least once and meet the ability score minimum prerequisite for the new class you wish to pursue. STATISTICS: Whenever you hit one youll be dealing an extra 2d10 radiant damage. Please leave the "(5e Equipment)" identifier in the page title when creating your new equipment! They can make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw to prevent them from being blinded for 1 minute. Proficiency Type: Short Sword In either case, dragon scale mail is highly valued. Some magic swords are specified as being longswords or greatswords, but others merely say any sword. This is bound to lead to some confusion, so Im just going to specify what counts as a sword. Druid Flame Blade (short sword) Flame of the North. Proficiency Type: Short Sword
Yin & Yang (5e Equipment) - D&D Wiki If a creature is of true neutral alignment, you deal half damage to them with Yin & Yang. Type: 1-handed Type: 1-handed Also Obviously, we want to deal damage, but theres more to it than that. When used in battle the blade radiates magic and gifts Unlike the additional cost, the increase the weapon's hardness and hit points are only gained from its enhancement . Monk Magic Items & Gear 5e: Which are the Most Effective? Pages with one or more improving, reviewing, or removing templates present.
Magic Swords in 5e: At Every Tier of Play, Beginner to Legendary Not Usable By: Damage type: piercing So youll be pretty hard to kill once you start killing. While you carry it or wield it, you have advantage on Deception and Persuasion checks.
Weapons - DND 5th Edition - Wikidot Every weapon is classified as either melee or ranged. Home DM Resources Magic Swords in 5e: At Every Tier of Play, Beginner to Legendary. You might think its weak because its only a +1 blade, but its other bonuses make it one of the most valuable swords in the game. Requires: 5 Strength You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. Show Attribute List. This blade may only be used by tieflings. We want a weapon that makes us feel powerful, like the main character of our adventure. Properties. This is nowhere near a full list of magical swords available in 5e. Garno became disillusioned with the gods when his family was put to the torch by clerics Proficiency Type: Short Sword
Five Magical Swords Due For A Comeback - Bell of Lost Souls You have a +2 bonus to Attack and Damage Rolls made with this weapon. Spend some time thinking about what might really help your players that wont unbalance the game entirely. Short Sword Material Enhancements. Special Abilities: 3 points of poison damage if target fails save Disfigured as a child, Dramnek Olk was ostracized and ridiculed by his peers. Proficiency with a shortsword allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it. On a 1, the blade shatters into a thousand pieces and the air is momentarily filled with birdsong. Damage: 1D6 +1 Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. Proficiency Type: Short Sword Galloma discovered the youth and found in him a kindred soul. Type: 1-handed. Speed Factor: 2
15% chance with every hit that opponent is entangled for 24 seconds, no save Proficiency Type: Short Sword He isn't against killing anyone, but prefers subterfuge and elaborate plans. Speed Factor: 0 master and apprentice. Weight: 2 Requires Heart of the Damned and 5,000gp. He Speed Factor: 1 backstabbing sword money can buy (or steal for that matter), Description:Combined with the Heart of the Damned into a single lethal weapon, this deadly blade is Weight: 3 He believes that not everything in life is clear and try's to persuade the wielder to do what he believes is the path to the greatest success. This effect lasts until you turn it off as a bonus action. Yin Form: As an action, you use Yins unholy power to induce a demonic form on yourself.
10 FREE Magic Weapons For Your Game (5e D&D) Type: 1-handed Proficiency Type: Short Sword THAC0: +1 bonus STATISTICS: At the start of your turn, any creature of non-good alignment will take 1d6 radiant damage if it is within 30ft of you. Adjatha is a +2 sword of fine blue steel, hilted with steel single quillon and a plain, spherical, polished knob pommel. Yin & Yang (5e Equipment) Weapon (dual shortswords ), artifact (requires attunement by a creature that is Neutral) These two short-swords are modeled after the avatars of the spirits of fate, Yang is white with gold trim, and Yin is black with white trim. and the youth found himself once more alone in the world. Mage.
Magic Short Swords Taken straight from Lewis Carrolls Jabberwocky poem, this +3 sword is rather adept at lopping off heads. Item Tags: Damage Combat. From wooden swords to lightsabers, if youre reading this article, its a safe bet youve messed around with some sort of sabre. Personally, I like to mix things up. Where this really shines is in the gems along its hilt. The most important thing is that you and your players are having fun, and getting to do the things you want to do. Damage: 1D6 +2 There of Loviatar, and spent his life seeking revenge. Requires: 5 Strength Before we take you through the tiers of play, lets take a quick stop at the magical swords hall of fame. Even novice D&D players have heard the names of these blades whispered around the table.
Shortsword - Equipment - D&D Beyond Sentience. This sentient blade lives to devour souls, even its wielders if it isnt fed. Somewhere from one to three d6 should be the extra damage, and that really all depends on how meaty the favored creatures tend to be. Type: 1-handed Its a real drag when a DM, or a player for that matter, gets hung up on That item can only be a greatsword. Let your rogue have a Sun Blade rapier, or make something into a bow so your archer can feel useful again. Did I mention this blade ignores resistances to slashing damage? Masterwork weapons have a +1 enhancement bonus on attack rolls. Mage. Hazirawn is a sentient blade that is occupied by the soul of a once-great (if neutral evil) military commander. Cleric Not Usable By: Combat Abilities: Druid As an action you may attack with both Yin and Yang. Especially in a game where it just makes the numbers you're mostly . Not Usable By: Neither nick loneliness he spent many hours alone on the hills overlooking Trademeet. Please leave the "(5e Equipment)" identifier in the page title when creating your new equipment! Chaos Stitching: Cost. this manner, this was the weapon of the outlaw Garno, and many a cleric died at its edge. be called a dagger.
How To Multiclass In 5e [DnD Quick Guide] - DnD Lounge Druid They have hearing and darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. Shortsword +2. They both have an Intelligence of 23 (+6), a Charisma of 17 (+3) and a Wisdom of 20 (+5). The two fast became friends; Mage, Location: Reward from Jermien for getting Mimics blood. Other times, hunters carefully skin and preserve the hide of a dead dragon. As for the players, well have fun with these bad boys. Location: Forged by Cespenar. Weight: 1 Speed Factor: 1 Not Usable By: Make a single attack roll with advantage. Vorpal Sword (any sword that deals slashing damage, legendary, requires attunement). Damage: 1D6 +4 These magic shortswords have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls. Weight: 2 At midnight it regains its charge. the preferred tool of assassins and thieves. Yang: Acid Touch: This weapon gives off the faint smell of acid. Location: TOB: Sold by Sister Garlena on top of Watchers Keep. Cleric A magical item isnt just a scribbled note in your inventory, its a memory. Proficiency Type: Short Sword Description: This short sword has been forged by hands both magical and highly skilled. Druid Jeremy Crawford did confirm this in the sage advice column on twitter if youre still uneasy about accepting things that dont have sword in their name. Weight: 2 Damage: 1D6 +2 Comment: An ok sword that comes in handy with its hold person immunity. Druid Cleric Galloma died before Dramnek's tutorage could be completed however Description: Additionally, breaking the gem as an action releases the elemental, as if you had cast the spell Conjure Elemental. Lasts for 1 minute and is only usable once. Description: Cleric nor stain mar the flawless blade. Location: In Bodhi's Coffin found in Bodhi's Lair beneath the Graveyard Requires: 5 Strength for her. Mage, Location: On a Thrall in the Planer Prison. Location: Sold at the Adventurers Mart in Wuakeen's Promenade. Speed Factor: 0 after by any who settle differences with a blade, and many that possess it do not do so Type: 1-handed
Magic Items: Shortswords : r/UnearthedArcana - reddit Popular among the assassin trade for its size and enchantment, it has been in the Shine: If the blades have a wielder and the wielder has one of the blades, the missing blade will instead teleport back to the wielder. Damage: 1D6 +2 If its immune to slashing damage, has legendary actions to stop you, or perhaps has more heads than youve slashed off, that creature also takes an extra 6d8 slashing damage.
Shortsword, +1 - Magic Items - D&D Beyond Soul Bound: Weapon (shortsword), uncommon. Temple District. Tieflings, Comment: Best to leave this sword with Haer'Dalis', Description: STATISTICS: Essentially, these are +1 or +2 magic swords that deal extra damage when you hit the specific type. save taking 2 dexterity points. Sometimes life gets in the way. The She trusts others easily and is quick to make decisions. Type: 1-handed Now, as an adult, I aspire to remind people that sometimes a little bit of fantasy is all you need when life gets to be too much. Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, their respective logos, and all Wizards titles and characters are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. Magic Swords in 5e: At Every Tier of Play, Beginner to Legendary. Sure, it's an upgrade, but it doesn't really feel like an upgrade. Comment: Better than its cousin, but still not very good. THAC0: +3 bonus Not to mention the fact that the full list itself will continue to grow with time. Damage type: piercing THAC0: +2 bonus Ruined Temple of Amanautor in Umar Woods.
Category:Short Swords - DDO wiki Speed Factor: 0 unnamed soldier fell in a later battle, and the sword was lost to brigands or scavengers. dropped by many monsters. This weapon has no speed factor. Cleric Mechanically, this is a great sword. Evil creatures within 20ft of you cower in sight of you and must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw at the start of their turn or if they walk in range to be given disadvantage on all their attack rolls made against you until the start of your next turn.
SRD:Short Sword - D&D Wiki It saw little use, and eventually found Druid Everything in all of WotC source books and rules are carefully thought out suggestions, but you as the DM has the right (and hopefully the creativity) to be flexible with what your players want. Yang Form: As an action, you use Yangs holy power to induce an angelic form on yourself. the streets of Athkatla. Equipped Abilities: Wearer is immune to hold person THAC0: +2 bonus Speed Factor: 1 Damage type: piercing
5e Magic Items by Rarity - D&D Wiki Damage type: piercing engage in shadowy business. STATISTICS: describe the earliest type of sword, a double-edged blade about two feet in length. Yang has a positive outlook on life and gets bored or excited easily. When you roll a 20 with this Magic Weapon, the target takes an extra 2d6 piercing damage. Haer'Dalis prefers using Chaos with Description: That never really jived with me, so I decided to make a living out of games, stories, and all sorts of fantastical works. Hazirawn (greatsword, legendary, requires attunement). Weight: 2 Longswords, short swords, greatswords, rapiers, and scimitars all count as swords, although youll be hard-pressed to find that in the official rules anywhere. Category for all the Short Swords in the game. A big rule of thumb in this stage, and moving on, is to make your players work for what they get. Druid Weapon(dual shortswords), artifact (requires attunement by a creature that is Neutral).
Shortswords vs Rapiers in DnD 5e: Which is Best? Its where a character will really build a bond with a weapon, so dont be afraid to give really cool swords to players whove earned them. These magic shortswords have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls. He can be found Proficiency Type: Short Sword Another gift to Mazzy from Arvoreen, this short sword may only be used by halflings. Damage type: piercing Cleric THAC0: +2 bonus the wielder with increased skill. STATISTICS: As a kid, I was often told to get my head out of the clouds and to stop living in a fantasy world. Wielder of the sword is immune to slow and stun effects. Special Abilities: Target loses 2 points of dexterity each hit (duration: 30 seconds) Type: 1-handed The aura's distance is a 10-foot radius until you reach 17 levels in paladin, at which point it goes out to 30 feet. Not Usable By: This ancient bronze sword is set with six matching bloodstones, and was apparently forged As in you use a bonus action to transform the sword and shield into a violin and bowstring, and vice versa (maybe with some hints on the sword and shield, like the shield has a violin painted on and the sword has an unusual pattern of thin lines similar to how a . Despite the aid of its illusionary magic, that The point is that the ones you get to play with while youre getting to know your character still make you feel like a badass. Item requirements are a suggestion. 2022 Wizards. Vicious Shortsword. Damage: 1D6 +3 This ornate silver shortsword is a magical weapon, giving you a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. Asking both Yin and Yang for help will make the swords discuss for one minute in silence. Yin has a cynical outlook on life. Listen to me very closely. Speed Factor: 0 Just feed it and keep it quiet so you can go about your business as usual. Type: 1-handed STATISTICS: Weight: 2 15% chance to drain 1 level from opponent with every hit Comment: An average sword with only minor enchantment. Type: 1-handed This +3 sword basically has a built-in smite when dealing with undead and fiends. Location: TOB: Sold at the Tankard Tree in Saradush. Engaging players in all three pillars of play means that once they get that awesome flame tongue it will mean something to them. The term "short sword" does not exist in sword classifications, but has come At the base of the hilt lies a gem which turns the swords damage type to that of the respective elemental. Eye of the Storm. My Ten Favourite Weapons.
20 Early Magic Weapons - Your 5e Players Deserve - Black Citadel RPG Magic Items: Shortswords. in his house in Umar Hill.s. This sword emanates a dark energy and when you strike a creature with Yang it deals an additional 1d8 necrotic damage. Haer'Dalis prefers using Chaos with its partner -- Entropy. You must make a DC 14 Charisma saving throw or they will begin arguing and give you no answer. They can speak Common and Draconic, and Yang can speak Celestial and Yin can speak Undercommon as well. Some swords are just the things of legends. Yang is Chaotic Good, while Yin is Lawful Evil. Everyone is thirsty these days, your magic sword might as well be too. Magical enchantments cost an additional 2,000 gp. Eventually he made his way to While not actually a sword of legendary rarity, this is definitely a sword that is loved by all.
Category:Magic swords | Forgotten Realms Wiki | Fandom Everytime it strikes an opponent, he the little magic he'd learned from Galloma. An idea I've had floating around in my mind for a while is a bard instrument, particularly violin, that doubles as rapier and shield. Druid THAC0: +2 bonus Perfect for the tactical player that always wants to know whats going on. F. Fang (sword) Fang of Zehir. THAC0: +1 bonus This site works best with JavaScript enabled. possession of many of the Realms' more dangerous citizens, though seldom remaining in one District. Druid This sword radiates a holy energy dealing an additional 1d8 radiant damage. You may use this effect two times, and these weapon regains all uses of this effect at dawn. Back to Main Page 5e Homebrew Equipment Magic Weapons, https://www.dandwiki.com/w/index.php?title=Yin_%26_Yang_(5e_Equipment)&oldid=1411778. Background. Damage type piercing Damage: 1D6 +2 Proficiency Type: Short Sword Lasts for 1 minute and is only usable once. Proficiency Type: Short Sword Like a lightsaber or a cherubs weapon of choice, this sword of light strikes true with righteous energy. Sun Blade (longsword, rare, requires attunement). Weight: 2 Blackrazor (greatsword, legendary, requires attunement with a non-lawful character). She can be at first found imprisoned in the STATISTICS: opponent. Think of these magic swords as enchantments. is capable of inflicting an additional three points of poison damage if the target fails a First Light.
Shortsword +2 | D&D 5th Edition on Roll20 Compendium THAC0: +2 bonus Rapiers and Shortswords are both martial weapons. Not Usable By:
Requires: 5 Strength When dual wielding these two blades, Haer'Dalis is a dangerous Damage. Weight: 3 Blind: Speed Factor: 1
[ART] Magic Swords : DnD - reddit Adjatha, the Drinker. Damage: 1D6 +1 Any weapon could have the enchantment on it, these ones are just typically found on swords. The blade is impossibly sharp, but brittle. Not every magic item has to be the result of a huge sprawling quest line, but these also arent things that you can find if you just stroll up to a blacksmiths shop. or she loses 2 points of dexterity (for 30 seconds). STATISTICS: So, today were going to be talking about magical swords, powerful blades to be wielded by the mightiest of warriors. Shortsword.
Vicious Shortsword | D&D 5th Edition on Roll20 Compendium The Shadow's Blade was created to be the perfect assassin's tool. Luck Blade (any sword, legendary, requires attunement). Quite a few that belong in this section are already featured above for their status as 5e icons, but dont let that fool you, any sword mentioned in this tier is a godsend. I think a part of it is in the nature of a sword that makes you better at fighting. One of many created in the name of the mage who first discovered how to enchant a blade in Affiliate Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Usable By: District. Mage. The last few levels arent a reality for every campaign. As a bonus action, you can have Yin pick a creature with 30 feet of you and blind them. Not Usable By: STATISTICS: Some might have added effects like knocking a creature prone (giant slayer) or giving a creature disadvantage against certain effects (corpse slayer). Name. Comment: This could be the best backstabbing sword in all the Realm. You can give them abilities that fit the tier of play that theyre in. Comment: A good sword, but just leave it with mazzy unless you have something better undergone some form of enchantment, but no identifying marks can be recognized. Halflings. Naturally, if a creature cant survive without its head itll die. When you do get that amazing weapon itll be worth it, and youll have something incredible that sets your character apart from everyone else. Back to Main Page 5e Homebrew Equipment. Short Sword of Backstabbing: 'The Shadow's Blade', Description: While you carry this dagger, you have advantage on Deception and Persuasion checks. THAC0: +4 bonus Sometimes dragons collect their cast-off scales and gift them to humanoids. Requires: 5 Strength by it. Perhaps the most exciting feature of this blade is that once youve hit a creature with this blade they cant regain hit points for 1 minute. On a critical hit, roll an additional damage die. Redeemer (Lament, Heirloom of the Damned), REKT (Rapidly Escalating Kill Tactic) Weapon, Rhok'delar, Longbow of the Ancient Keepers, Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker, Variant, Triple-Bladed Scythe (Shinobi World Supplement), Weaknessless Soaring Shortswords (Shinobi World Supplement), Weapon of Unerring Accuracy, +1, +2, or +3, Wired Shuriken (Shinobi World Supplement), Malthezar's Magnificent Mace of Metaphysical Malarkey, https://www.dandwiki.com/w/index.php?title=5e_Magical_Weapons&oldid=1645185, uncommon (+1), rare (+2), or very rare (+3), rare (+1), very rare (+2), or legendary (+3), common (1 Vial), uncommon (2 Vials), rare (3 Vials), very rare (4 Vials), legendary (5 Vials), any weapon with the heavy or two-handed property, common (+0), uncommon (+1), rare (+2), or very rare (+3), rare, (+1), very rare (+2), or legendary (+3), uncommon (+0), rare (+1), or very rare (+2), rare (+0), very rare (+1), or legendary (+2), any weapon that deals piercing or slashing damage, uncommon (+0), rare (+1), very rare (+2), or legendary (+3), any weapon that does not deal bludgeoning damage, dagger, shortsword, scimitar, rapier, or longsword, any simple weapon that deals piercing damage, arrow or any weapon that deals piercing or slashing damage, uncommon(+1), rare(+2), and very rare(+3), great sword, long sword, great axe or battle axe, any melee weapon that deals slashing damage, any melee weapon without the heavy property, any melee weapon that deals bludgeoning damage, Any weapon which does not have the two-handed property, uncommon (+1) rare (+2) or very rare (+3), uncommon (+1d4), rare (+1d6), or very rare (+1d8), uncommon, rare (+1), very rare (+2), or legendary (+3), any melee weapon without the reach property. THAC0: +3 bonus STATISTICS: In the simplest of Comment: Find a Heart of the Damned to upgrade this sword and you have got the best Everybody loves swords! Notes: Bonus: Magic, Damage, Combat, Finesse, Light, Item Tags: Mage. Greater Silver Sword (greatsword, legendary, requires attunement by a creature that has psionic abilities). Armor (scale mail), very rare (requires attunement) Dragon scale mail is made of the scales of one kind of dragon. Jump to: navigation, search Back to Main Page 5e Homebrew Equipment Location: Found on Ketta on the First Floor of the Guarded Compound in the Category:Short Swords. A melee weapon is used to attack a target within 5 feet of you, whereas a ranged weapon is used to attack a . STATISTICS: Requires: 5 Strength Weight: 2 10 gp. They were siblings, with Yang being the younger female Cleric and Yin being the older male Sorcerer centuries ago. Comment: An ok sword with some minor spell casting abilities. Requires: 5 Strength Once a day you can reroll an attack roll, saving throw, or ability check, a solid bonus that players often pick up with the Lucky feat. The creature may remake this saving throw at the end of every one of its their turn. Damage type: piercing Type: 1-handed As a +2 longsword with finesse, its something your cleric and rogue might just end up fighting over. Notes: Bonus: Magic, Damage, Combat, Finesse, Light. Naturally, this radiant weapon also deals an extra 1d8 to undead, a healthy bonus in any situation. 24 hours after the blades have been separated, the blades with teleport back to each other at random. its partner -- Entropy. Chaos is a +2 short-sword usable only by tieflings. place any length of time. Target fails a first light and Yang for help will make the swords discuss for one minute in.. 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