Cobb County Planning Commission Zoning Hearing - 05/03/22 by Cobb County Government Publication date 2022-05-03 Topics Cobb County, Georgia, Cobb County Government, Government Access TV, Community Media, PEG, Youtube, Government Meeting, Planning Commission Zoning, 2022 Language English . Posted By: Larry Felton Johnson November 7, 2021 After brief presentations, the Cobb County Planning Commission recommended approval of a rezoning request that will allow the construction of a four-building retail and professional complex on the south side of Piedmont Road and the east side of Bells Ferry Road. MARIETTA — Cobb planning commissioners agreed Tuesday a Mableton townhome proposal, which has been awaiting a zoning decision since late last year, still isn't ready to move forward. Cobb Board of Commissioners Chair Lisa Cupid made the announcement at Tuesday's board meeting, but did not know why he chose to resign. Cobb County Planning Commission Zoning Hearing - 06/01/21 (continued) Movies Preview . MARIETTA — Cobb Planning Commissioner Judy Williams has died from the coronavirus, according to members of the county's governing board. Located on the east side of Johnson Ferry Road, south of Shallowford Road (3140 Johnson Ferry . The request, zoning case Z-70-2021, is for a property located on the… 942 Views. Property Owner: Cobb County Kennestone Hospital Authority Agent: Richard Calhoun GDCR, Attorneys at Law Address: 677 Church Street Land Lot: 1074 District: 16 Parcel: 0010 . Cobb County Planning Commission Zoning Hearing Agenda December 7, 2021 Page 6 The exact description of the property sought to be rezoned is on file in the office of the Cobb County Community Development, Zoning Division, 1150 Powder Springs Street, Suite 400, Marietta, Georgia 30064 and available for inspection by interested Cobb County Planning Commission Zoning Hearing - 07/06/21. Cobb County Planning Commission Zoning Hearing - 02/02/21. Jump to. COBB COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION ZONING HEARING CONSENT AGENDA August 3, 2021 (Last revised 08-02-21) Zoning Cases Z-50 HOWARD YOUNG (Howard Young and Louise W. Young, owner) requesting rezoning from GC to R-20 for single-family residence in Land Lot 865 of the 19 th District. The development, which will rise on a 27-acre site bordered by Cityview Drive to the north and I-20 to the south, is being led by Alexandria, Virginia-based Bonaventure Investments. The plan includes policies relevant to the development of various physical . Cobb County Planning Commission Zoning Hearing Summary Agenda July 6, 2021 Page 2 Regular cases District Case Applicant 4 Z-41-2021 CENTURY CONSTRUCTION AND TECHNOLOGIES INC. 3 Z-42-2021 SCANNELL PROPERTIES #475, LLC 4 Z-46-2021 SOUTHEASTERN NATURAL GAS SERVICES OF ROME, INC. 4 Z-47 . The full duties and functions of this Commission are contained in the Cobb County Zoning Ordinance, Section 3-28-9 134-61. Cobb County Planning Commission Zoning Hearing - 08/04/20. Backed by Virginia-based Bonaventure Investments, the nearly 27-acre wooded lot on which the apartments would be built sits between Cityview Drive and I-20 in south Cobb. During the years of 2003-2004, the Planning Commission employed a deputy clerk to invite the clergy members of the county to pray at their monthly meetings using the yellow pages, the internet, and . 2nd Floor Meeting Room Cobb County Building A 100 Cherokee Street Marietta, GA 30090 Cobb County Planning Commission Zoning Hearing - 02/01/22 Movies Preview . During the years of 2003-2004, the Planning Commission employed a deputy clerk to invite the clergy members of the county to pray at their monthly meetings using the yellow pages, the internet, and . 6—An apartment complex of over 300 units near Six Flags Over Georgia was given the OK by the Cobb Planning Commission Tuesday. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. Cobb County Planning Commission Zoning - 05/02/17 Movies Preview . Cobb County Purchasing Bid Open - 06/10/21. Cobb County, Georgia Your County Commissioners Chairman (Countywide) - Tim Lee District One (NW Cobb) - Bob Weatherford District Two (SE Cobb) - Bob Ott District Three (NE Cobb) - Jo Ann Birrell District Four (SW Cobb) - Lisa Cupid 0 1 2 4 Mile s BAR TOW C UN Y 4 COBB COUNTY COMMISSIONER DISTRICTS Prepared By Cobb County GIS January 2015 The one- to three-bedroom apartments are planned to rent for $1,350 to $1,925 by the time . The Cobb County Planning Commission on Tuesday voted 5-0 in favor of plans for a 303-unit apartment project about half-a-mile west of Six Flags Over Georgia. Established as an advisory Commission to assist the governing authority (BOC) in the administration and enforcement of the Zoning and Planning Act and to prescribe the duties and functions of such commission. Saturday, February 26, 2022 1:11 PM . A plan to build a major distribution warehouse near the banks of the Chattahoochee River in south Cobb is among the proposals on the county Planning Commission's docket Tuesday. This morning's meeting of the Cobb County Planning Commission is available for viewing online. at 1268. Embry Development Company is seeking a rezoning that would . and community facilities planning, aiding in a more time and cost-effective planning and budgeting program. Planning Commission | Cobb County Georgia Planning Commission Public hearing Purpose: To review the proposed code amendments for Charter 134 - Zoning. EAST COBB, GA — A proposal for a new 99-home subdivision advanced to the next stage this week following a Cobb County Planning Commission vote, but not without its issues to still be worked out . Why I Am Running for Cobb County Commission for District 3. V2022-13 20220421 XX 06/08/2022 22-046. Planning Commission - Zoning Hearing Has been rescheduled for May 5,2020 2nd Floor BOC Room 100 Cherokee St Marietta, GA 30090 The county posted the following information for how to access the meeting, and other details, on the county website: Planning Commissioners Zoning Hearing March 1, 2022 9 a.m. Cobb County Planning Commission Zoning Hearing Agenda August 3, 2021 Page 4 Z-43(2021) DEL LAGO VENTURES, INC (4204, LLC, owner) requesting rezoning from NS, R-30 to NRC for commercial and interparcel access in Land Lots 40, 41 and 75 of the 20th District. Cobb County Planning Commission Zoning Hearing - 05/04/21 Movies Preview . Sections of this page. Cobb County Planning Commission August 7, 2018 Thea Powell unloads on Boyce at her last planning commission meeting Thea Powell, during today's meeting of the Cobb County Planning Commission, gave a statement about her removal as planning commissioner by Cobb County Commission Chairman Michael Boyce. Cobb County Planning Commission Zoning - 11/07/17 Movies Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item . Z-40-2021 Dist 4 4380, 4421, 4470 Brazos Drive; 4365 Hicks Road; 780, 820 Concord Road Cobb County Planning Commission Zoning - 05/02/17 Movies Preview . May 11—MARIETTA — Cobb County's roughly 5,000 employees say they're largely happy with the health benefits, time off, and training opportunities they receive on the public payroll. Cobb County Planning Commissioners will likely consider several mixed-use and townhome developments at their monthly meeting Tuesday. Cobb County Planning Commission Zoning Hearing - 04/05/22 Movies Preview . Thanks for visiting! Commissioner Deborah Dance made the motion, in order to allow time for the Cobb DOT to do analysis on a recently completed traffic study of the area. It's the payroll, an outside study engaged by the county has found, that's the rub. V2022-13 20220421 XX 06/08/2022 22-046. Nancy Berkley of Florida-based Evergreen Consulting told county commissioners Tuesday that workers feel the county's . Williams, whose term starts on Jan. 1, has served on the planning board before, appointed by former Cobb Commission Chairman Tim Lee. The Cobb County Planning Commission voted to delay a recommendation on a request that would have allowed the construction of a 375-unit apartment complex in the Town Center area. Cobb County Planning Commission August 7, 2018 Thea Powell unloads on Boyce at her last planning commission meeting Thea Powell, during today's meeting of the Cobb County Planning Commission, gave a statement about her removal as planning commissioner by Cobb County Commission Chairman Michael Boyce. Accessibility Help The Cobb County Public Library Book Sale starts tomorrow, 9am at the Cobb Civic Center and we're ready for you. The Cobb Cou nty Planning Commission will meet tomorrow, September 7, 2021 at 9 a.m. for its regular monthly zoning hearing. The full duties and functions of this Commission are contained in the Cobb County Zoning Ordinance, Section 3-28-9 134-61. MEETING INFO - Planning Commission Zoning Meeting - March 1 at 9am Meeting Information Planning Commission Zoning Meeting January 5, 2022 New Requirement for Commercial Permit Applications December 17, 2021 2022 Code Amendments Now Available November 23, 2021 The Unified Development Code - What is it and why does Cobb need it? Cobb County Planning Commission Zoning Hearing Agenda November 2, 2021 Page 4 SLUP-3(2021) RAY MURPHY (Ray Murphy, owner) requests a Special Land Use Permit for a towing and automotive wrecker service in Land Lots 154 and 155 of the 17th District. Cobb County Planning Commission Zoning Hearing - 05/04/21 Movies Preview . For all Board of Commissioners' minutes and attachments, please scroll to the bottom of this page and click on Zoning and BOC Minutes. Cobb County's GIS team continues to track COVID's impact on Cobb. Email or Phone: Password: Forgot account? 28—MARIETTA — Galt Porter, chairman of the Cobb Planning Commission, is resigning from his post next month. Cobb County Planning Commission Zoning Hearing Summary Agenda July 6, 2021 Page 2 Regular cases District Case Applicant 4 Z-41-2021 CENTURY CONSTRUCTION AND TECHNOLOGIES INC. 3 Z-42-2021 SCANNELL PROPERTIES #475, LLC 4 Z-46-2021 SOUTHEASTERN NATURAL GAS SERVICES OF ROME, INC. 4 Z-47 . Sections of this page. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Earlier this year, Williams became the chairwoman of the five-member board, which hears zoning cases and makes recommendations to county commissioners, after then-chairman Mike Terry retired. Both Cupid and Commissioner Monique Sheffield, the latter of whom appointed Porter to his most recent term on the commission, said they had no further information on his . The Cobb County Board of Commissioners opened its Tuesday night meeting with a moment of silence for Williams and other public servants who recently died of the virus, including two teachers with the Cobb County School District. Property Owner: Cobb County Kennestone Hospital Authority Agent: Richard Calhoun GDCR, Attorneys at Law Address: 677 Church Street Land Lot: 1074 District: 16 Parcel: 0010 . Yesterday. Williams represented District 3 on the Planning Commission, and was appointed by Cobb Commissioner JoAnn Birrell, who spoke at length about the death of her friend at the end of Tuesday's meeting. Posted Wed, Jan 27, 2021 at 4:55 pm ET. Planning Commission Hearing Date: City of Marietta Planning & Zoning Comments: 06/08/2022. at 1268. The news was announced by Cobb Chairwoman Lisa Cupid at Tuesday night's Board of Commissioners meeting. The request, zoning case Z-70-2021, is for a property located on the north side of Town Center Drive, north of the intersection of Mall 5 Road, on the west side of I-575 at 2795 Town Center Drive. Cobb County Planning Commission Zoning Hearing - 05/04/21 (continued) The Commission Chair is compensated $275.00 per month, the Secretary is compensated $275.00 per month with all other members compensated $250.00 per month. (Shutterstock) COBB COUNTY, GA — Cobb County Planning . The meeting will be held at 100 Cherokee Street Marietta, GA 30090. Id. Located on the northwest side of Austell Road, at the terminus of Austell Circle (1818, 1830 . 2.5K views, 11 likes, 0 loves, 25 comments, 31 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from West Cobb Advocate - Preserve WEST COBB: State Rep. Ginny Ehrhart Reveals Ties to Taylor-English Decisions -. The following information about COVID precautions was posted with the meeting announcement: Located on the west side of Wesley 19:42. Virtual Meeting via Cisco WebEx, Streamed on CobbTV Id. In a unanimous 5-0 vote, the Cobb County Planning Commission recommended that the Cobb County Board of Commissioners approve a rezoning request that would allow a multifamily apartment complex with 375 units on the site of the Regal Cinema in Town Center Mall. Welcome to the official YouTube channel for Cobb County Government. Facebook. We respectfully ask that the Cobb County Planning Commission and the Board of Commissioners vote against Rezoning Case Z-7-2022. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . LOCATION Board of Commissioners Meeting Room - 2nd Floor 100 Cherokee Street Why I am running for Cobb County Commission for District 3. All of our minutes are categorized by type of meeting and year. MEETING INFO - Planning Commission Zoning Meeting - March 1 at 9am | Cobb County Georgia MEETING INFO - Planning Commission Zoning Meeting - March 1 at 9am February 8, 2022 Planning Commission Zoning Meeting Tuesday, March 1 at 9:00 a.m. The case was heard at last month's Planning Commission meeting and held until this month pending the Cobb DOT's analysis of a traffic study. Cobb County Planning Commission Zoning Hearing Summary Agenda July 2, 2019 Page 2 Z-37 KOMOREBI HOLDINGS, LLC (CenterState Bank, N.A., owner) requesting rezoning from LRO to NRC for the purpose of retail in Land Lots 469 and 470 of the 16 th District. Accessibility Help. We've got books from A-Z and serious hunters will find some cool vintage goodies, a little vinyl, tons of DVDs, CDs and audiobooks on CD. Cobb County Planning Commission Zoning Hearing Summary Agenda December 1, 2020 Page 4 Z-71 DAVID PEARSON COMMUNITIES, INC. (Gilbert Stephens Ledford Estate, Larry Ledford, owners) requesting rezoning from R-30 to RA-6 for a single-family residential subdivision in Land Lots 736 and 777 of the 16 . We have a 35-person capacity in the room. Established as an advisory Commission to assist the governing authority (BOC) in the administration and enforcement of the Zoning and Planning Act and to prescribe the duties and functions of such commission. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Since 1998, the Cobb County Planning Commission has opened its meetings with prayers by volunteer clergy persons on a rotating basis. View upcoming Planning Commission meetings Commission Members Contact Community Development Agency - Zoning Division 770-528-2035 About Agenda and Minutes Meetings COBB COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION ZONING HEARING CONSENT AGENDA November 2, 2021 Zoning Cases Z-74 GLENNIS F. WILLIS (Mrs. Glennis Fricks Willis, owner) requesting rezoning from R-30 to R-20 for single-family homes in Land Lots 184 and 185 of the 16th District. CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS AND CONNECTIONS One of our many concerns about the rushed effort to create a city in West Cobb is an obvious, yet initially. 0:31. Since 1998, the Cobb County Planning Commission has opened its meetings with prayers by volunteer clergy persons on a rotating basis. February 8, 2022 MEETING INFO - Planning Commission Zoning Meeting - March 1 at 9am Meeting Information Planning Commission Zoning Meeting January 5, 2022 New Requirement for Commercial Permit Applications December 17, 2021 2022 Code Amendments Now Available November 23, 2021 The Unified Development Code - What is it and why does Cobb need it? Located on the west side of Cedar The proposal . Cobb County Planning Commission Zoning Hearing - 12/07/21 Movies Preview . COBB COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION ZONING HEARING CONSENT AGENDA February 5, 2019 Zoning Cases Z-67 '18 KENT AHRENHOLD (July Homes, Inc., owner) requesting rezoning from R-20 to NRC for the purpose of an Office in Land Lot 109 of the 16 th District. Agenda and Minutes | Cobb County Georgia Agenda and Minutes Board of Commissioners Agenda and Minutes For Zoning Minutes, check the bottom of the page. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Cobb County Planning Commission Zoning Hearing - 12/01/20 Movies Preview . Jul. The latest data shows a dramatic rise in cases, thanks to the "delta variant" of the virus. Related Videos. Cobb County Planning Department Contact Information Address, Phone Number, and Hours for Cobb County Planning Department, a Building Department, at Powder Springs Street, Marietta GA. Name Cobb County Planning Department Suggest Edit Address 1150 Powder Springs Street Marietta , Georgia , 30064 Phone 770-528-2035 Hours Planning Commission Hearing Date: City of Marietta Planning & Zoning Comments: 06/08/2022. Cobb County Planning Commissioner Judy Williams died from COVID-19, officials said Tuesday. Press alt + / to open this menu. Cobb County Planning Commission Zoning Hearing - 06/01/21 (continued) Movies Preview . Apr. Cobb County Planning Commission - 03/05/19 Movies Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item . Located on the south side of Smyrna Powder Located on the northeast corner of Woodstock Road and Cobb County Planning Commission Zoning Hearing Agenda June 1, 2021 Page 3 Z-27(2021) KCG DEVELOPMENT, LLC (Lester C. Wiley, owner) requesting rezoning from R-20 to RM-12 for residential multifamily in Land Lot 54 of the 17th District. Planning Commission Zoning Hearing LOCATION Board of Commissioners Meeting Room - 2nd Floor 100 Cherokee Street Marietta, GA You can view the agenda for this meeting by clicking here (once published) This meeting will be held in our second-floor meeting room with social distancing in effect. Dr. Jatunn Gibson, Public Services Agency Director 100 Cherokee Street, Ste 450 Marietta, GA 30090 Cobb County Planning Commission Zoning Hearing - 02/02/21. 17. Application of KM Homes to Rezone a ± 8.4 Acre Tract from R-20 to FST-Land Lot 22, 20th District, 2nd Section, Cobb County, Georgia (Z-7-2022). Located on the east side of Dallas Acworth Highway, south of Cobb Parkway (4204 Dallas
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