[57], The videos were recorded during the summer of 2009[58] and appeared to show low-level ACORN employees in six cities providing advice to Giles and O'Keefe on how to avoid detection by authorities of tax evasion, human smuggling and child prostitution. Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA) under false pretenses, and the release of misleading videos of conversations with two high-ranking, now former, NPR executives in 2011. Facilities whose patients or residents are covered by such a federal law shall seek consent to the disclosure of suspected maltreatment from each patient or resident, or a guardian, conservator, or legal representative, upon the patient's or resident's admission to the facility.
Institutional racism Known as U1, U2, and U4 through U6 (U3 is the official unemployment rate), these alternative measures of labor underutilization provide insight into a broad range of problems workers encounter in [53][54], In 2007, O'Keefe phoned several Planned Parenthood clinics and secretly recorded the conversations. [169], Hours after the Post published this story, O'Keefe released a video which he claimed exposed the newspaper's liberal bias. Bethany Bruner / @bethany_bruner: All of this while reporters are asked to continually put their heads down and keep working producing, say a mandated 6 or 9 stories before the end of the year. Digital Society Project Dataset v2.Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) Project, Taye, B. WebThis responsibility is assigned to the DSS Social Work Services Division, which screens all calls and written reports relating to this area. [143], This article incorporates licensed material from the OpenNet Initiative web site. Angola has at least 11. Internet censorship in China is among the most stringent in the world. Retrieved 18 March 2016, from The Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University. It seems that JavaScript is not working in your browser. Completely free. (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b), a mandated reporter shall immediately make a report to the common entry point. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. King Gary, Pan, Jennifer, & Robert, Margaret. Introductions, Fiscal We'll help you find the perfect plan for your needs and budget. (h) Each lead investigative agency shall keep records of the length of time it takes to complete its investigations. Law enforcement shall initiate a response immediately.
Social Workers The settlement contained the following apology: "O'Keefe regrets any pain suffered by Mr. Vera or his family. (e) If a report is initially made to a law enforcement agency or a lead investigative agency, those agencies shall take the report on the appropriate common entry point intake forms and immediately forward a copy to the common entry point. He has a younger sister. [141], In January 2012, O'Keefe released a video of associates obtaining a number of ballots for the New Hampshire Primary by using the names of recently deceased voters. [119], On October 26, 2016, O'Keefe posted a fourth video on his Project Veritas Action YouTube channel. Laws Changed (Table 1), Statutes [32] On the basis of the edited videotape which O'Keefe released, Vera appeared to be a willing participant in helping with O'Keefe's plan to smuggle young women into the United States illegally. For example:[6]. [109] The ratings produced by several of these organizations are summarized in the Internet censorship by country and the Censorship by country articles. (1) The investigation memorandum must contain the following data, which are public: (i) the name of the facility investigated; (ii) a statement of the nature of the alleged maltreatment; (iii) pertinent information obtained from medical or other records reviewed; (v) a summary of the investigation's findings; (vi) statement of whether the report was found to be substantiated, inconclusive, false, or that no determination will be made; (vii) a statement of any action taken by the facility; (viii) a statement of any action taken by the lead investigative agency; and. (o) The lead investigative agency must provide to the commissioner of human services its final dispositions, including the names of all substantiated perpetrators. When the "Countries under surveillance" list was introduced in 2008, it listed 10 countries. The county social service agency may also investigate to determine whether the conditions which resulted in the reported maltreatment place other vulnerable adults in jeopardy of being maltreated and offer protective social services that are called for by its determination. (d) Notwithstanding section 138.163, data maintained under this section by the commissioners of health and human services must be maintained under the following schedule and then destroyed unless otherwise directed by federal requirements: (1) data from reports determined to be false, maintained for three years after the finding was made; (2) data from reports determined to be inconclusive, maintained for four years after the finding was made; (3) data from reports determined to be substantiated, maintained for seven years after the finding was made; and. & Status, Current Session (b) The commissioners of health and human services shall prepare an investigation memorandum for each report alleging maltreatment investigated under this section. [172] These employees explained to undercover Project Veritas operatives the difference between the news reporting of The Washington Post (which calls out the Trump administration's missteps while giving "him credit where there's credit" due) and the Post's opinion editorials; O'Keefe said that this exposed the Washington Post's "hidden agenda. Committee, Side by Side It does show a need for further job knowledge and continuous and improved staff training." China's domestic social, political, and most notably, economic systems would undergo significant changes during Deng's time. of Business, Calendar If the investigation memorandum is provided to a licensing board, the subject of the investigation memorandum shall be notified and receive a summary of the investigative findings. The group's chief stated, "We returned the money because the last thing we want to be associated with is a character like O'Keefe who has been convicted and successfully sued for his illegal tactics and fraudulent activities. Library, House (c) Nothing in this section requires a report of known or suspected maltreatment, if the reporter knows or has reason to know that a report has been made to the common entry point. (d) Nothing in this section shall preclude a reporter from also reporting to a law enforcement agency. [122] Izzy Santa, executive director of Project Veritas, warned Boudreau that O'Keefe was planning to "punk" her on the boat by trying to seduce herwhich he would film on hidden cameras. [130] NJEA spokesman Steve Wollmer said the union and its attorneys were discussing their options regarding possible legal action, although no action was ever taken. Microsofts Activision Blizzard deal is key to the companys mobile gaming efforts. OKeefe first gained national attention for his selectively edited video recordings of workers at Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) offices in 2009, his arrest and misdemeanor guilty plea in 2010 for entering the federal office of then-U.S. [50] They secretly recorded encounters in Planned Parenthood clinics in Los Angeles and Santa Monica, in which Rose posed as a 15-year-old girl impregnated by a 23-year-old male. [142] Head announced he would investigate the possibility that the filmmakers committed crimes while producing the videos. "[38] On 6 August 2018, for example, several major platforms, including YouTube and Facebook, executed a coordinated, permanent ban on all accounts and media associated with conservative talk show host Alex Jones and his media platform InfoWars, citing "hate speech" and "glorifying violence."[39]. If mailed, the request for reconsideration must be postmarked and sent to the lead investigative agency within 15 calendar days of the individual's or facility's receipt of the final disposition.
Mandated Apply & renew services at www.connect.ct.gov, plus get benefit status, notices, report changes, upload/send documents & more! Rules, Address Microsoft is quietly building a mobile Xbox store that will rely on Activision and King games.
Pennsylvania General Assembly "[178] Noah Rothman of the conservative magazine Commentary chastised O'Keefe for being exploitative of his audience: "No longer are institutions like Veritas dedicated to combating ignorance in their audience. I'm less concerned with the filmmakers and what their motivations might have been, and more concerned with making sure we're spending taxpayer money appropriately, that we're rooting out fraud, wherever it is, and that we're running a clean program. (2) Data on individuals collected and maintained in the investigation memorandum are private data, including: (ii) the identity of the individual alleged to be the perpetrator; (iii) the identity of the individual substantiated as the perpetrator; and. Deplatforming is a form of Internet censorship in which controversial speakers or speech are suspended, banned, or otherwise shut down by social media platforms and other service providers that generally provide a venue for free speech or expression. Circumvention is an inherent problem for those wishing to censor the Internet because filtering and blocking do not remove content from the Internet, but instead block access to it. Excerpts allegedly from the diary were posted two weeks before the 2020 US presidential election. Various parties are using different technical methods of preventing public access to undesirable resources, with varying levels of effectiveness, costs and side effects. Internet filtering related to threats to national security that targets the Web sites of insurgents, extremists, and terrorists often enjoys wide public support. Of the 41 separate countries classified, seven were found to show no evidence of filtering in all three areas (Egypt, France, Germany, India, Ukraine, United Kingdom, and United States), while one was found to engage in pervasive filtering in all three areas (China), 13 were found to engage in pervasive filtering in one or more areas, and 34 were found to engage in some level of filtering in one or more areas. (g) Lead investigative agencies, county agencies responsible for adult protective services, prosecuting authorities, and law enforcement agencies may exchange not public data, as defined in section 13.02, with a tribal agency, facility, service provider, vulnerable adult, primary support person for a vulnerable adult, state licensing board, federal or state agency, the ombudsman for long-term care, or the ombudsman for mental health and developmental disabilities, if the agency or authority providing the data determines that the data are pertinent and necessary to prevent further maltreatment of a vulnerable adult, to safeguard a vulnerable adult, or for an investigation under this section. [149] Patrick Moran resigned from the campaign, saying he did not want to be a distraction during the election, stating: [A]t no point have I, or will I ever endorse any sort of illegal or unethical behavior. Law professor Glenn Reynolds dubbed 2018 the "Year of Deplatforming", in an August 2018 article in The Wall Street Journal. A person or facility who intentionally makes a false report under the provisions of this section shall be liable in a civil suit for any actual damages suffered by the reported facility, person or persons and for punitive damages up to $10,000 and attorney fees. James Edward O'Keefe III was born in Bergen County, New Jersey, the elder of two children of James, a materials engineer, and Deborah O'Keefe, a physical therapist. "[171][173], O'Keefe was criticized for his failed sting, and The Washington Post was praised. Review, Minnesota Issues Council, Schedules, Calendars, Publishers, authors, and ISPs may receive formal and informal requests to remove, alter, slant, or block access to specific sites or content. "[132][135], The videos received less media attention than earlier O'Keefe efforts. Notable improvement was also recorded in Brazil, where lawmakers approved the bill Marco Civil da Internet, which contains significant provisions governing net neutrality and safeguarding privacy protection. He also stated that "we would be six months further along in fixing the problem" if he had received the video when it was filmed. Reference Library, Office of the The incident was cited by U.S. Time Capsule, Fiscal When his videos heavily edited to portray ACORN workers seemingly aiding a couple in criminal planning were publicized, the U.S. Congress voted to freeze funds for the non-profit. The lead investigative agency has the right to enter facilities and inspect and copy records as part of investigations. [134] The New York Times reported: "[As 'Sean Murphy'], dressed in the same regalia he wore on the New Jersey shoot, [O'Keefe] presented himself to a Medicaid worker in Charleston, South Carolina, as an Irish drug importer and Irish Republican Army member who wanted coverage for 25 wounded comrades who entered the U.S. illegally. [176] Byron York of The Washington Examiner said that O'Keefe's "idiocy" was "beyond boneheaded,"and that "O'Keefe really ought to hang it up.
detroitnews.com [143], Sarah Parnass of ABC News reported that the video "either exposes why voting laws are too lax or comes close to itself being voter fraud (or both)". (a) Each facility shall establish and enforce an ongoing written procedure in compliance with applicable licensing rules to ensure that all cases of suspected maltreatment are reported. Entertainment content is more resilient to online censorship than political content, and users with more education, technology access, and wider, more diverse social networks are more resilient to censorship attempts.[78]. An example is the increased censorship due to the events of the Arab Spring. [24] He graduated from Westwood High School, where he showed an early interest in the arts, theater and journalism. Fiscal Analysis, Legislative In the video, CNN anchor Van Jones said, "The Russia thing is just a big nothingburger. Outside of the Open Enrollment Period, you can only enroll if you have a Qualifying Life Event, such as losing your health insurance, adopting a baby, or getting married. The Attorney General's Office found that O'Keefe had misrepresented the actions of ACORN workers in California and that the workers had not broken any laws. Rule Status, State WebCBS News Live CBS News Boston: Local News, Weather & More CBS News Boston is your streaming home for breaking news, weather, traffic and sports for the Boston area and beyond. Sign up to receive our daily live coverage schedule and selected video clips. [64] By December 2009, an external investigation of ACORN was published which cleared the organization of any illegality, while noting that its poor management practices contributed to unprofessional actions by some low-level employees. "[90] Time magazine wrote that the video "transposed remarks from a different part of the meeting", was "manipulative" and "a partisan hit-job. Ronald Schiller, who had already submitted his resignation in January so that he could join the Aspen Institute, moved up his resignation after the video release when NPR put him on administrative leave. "He says it over and over and over again. Video, Webcast Commission on Pensions & Retirement (LCPR), Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage WebNote: The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) publishes a range of indicators that point to the extent to which labor resources are being utilized. WebDaily U.S. military news updates including military gear and equipment, breaking news, international news and more. Persons who are prohibited by federal law from reporting an incident of suspected maltreatment shall immediately seek consent to make a report. "[89] After reviewing the unedited video, Scott Baker, editor-in-chief of TheBlaze, said the NPR executives "seem to be fairly balanced people. [23] He framed the undercover recordings with a preface of him dressed in a "pimp" outfit, which he also wore in TV media interviews. For example, Google had won a case at the European Court of Justice in September 2019 that ruled that the EU's right to be forgotten only applied to services within the EU, and not globally. The kindly worker spent time photocopying applications and dealing with this improbable applicant." Note: Responses may not add up to 100% due to rounding in the original report. This subdivision does not alter disclosure responsibilities or obligations under the Rules of Criminal Procedure, except that where the identity of the reporter is relevant to a criminal prosecution, the district court shall do an in-camera review prior to determining whether to order disclosure of the identity of the reporter. (2) Relieve the mandated reporter of the duty to make a report of suspected child abuse. (b) If the lead investigative agency receiving a report believes the report was referred by the common entry point in error, the lead investigative agency shall immediately notify the common entry point of the error, including the basis for the lead investigative agency's belief that the referral was made in error. The term institutional racism was first coined in 1967 by Stokely Reports of abuse, neglect or exploitation should be made to Social Work Services utilizing the. The judge ruled that O'Keefe had "misled plaintiff to believe that the conversation would remain confidential by posing as a client seeking services from ACORN and asking whether their conversation was confidential. [148] The person he was speaking with was a conservative activist with O'Keefe's Project Veritas, and was secretly recording the conversation. She and a male companion attended events related to the Post, and their conversations with journalists were sometimes covertly recorded. The plan shall contain an individualized assessment of: (1) the person's susceptibility to abuse by other individuals, including other vulnerable adults; (2) the person's risk of abusing other vulnerable adults; and (3) statements of the specific measures to be taken to minimize the risk of abuse to that person and other vulnerable adults. [123][124][125] These data track several features of shutdowns including their location, their duration, the particular services impacted, the government's justification for the shutdown, and actual reasons for the shutdown as reported by independent media. 5. News from San Diego's North County, covering Oceanside, Escondido, Encinitas, Vista, San Marcos, Solana Beach, Del Mar and Fallbrook. Financial institutions are immune from any civil or criminal liability that might otherwise result from complying with this subdivision. (d) The lead investigative agency may decide not to conduct an interview of a vulnerable adult, reporter, or witness under paragraph (b) if: (1) the vulnerable adult, reporter, or witness declines to have an interview with the agency or is unable to be contacted despite the agency's diligent attempts; (2) an interview of the vulnerable adult or reporter was conducted by law enforcement or a professional trained in forensic interview and an additional interview will not further the investigation; (3) an interview of the witness will not further the investigation; or. This subdivision does not limit, prevent, or excuse the vulnerable adult from being called as a witness testifying at the hearing or grant the vulnerable adult, the guardian, or health care agent a right to participate in the proceedings or appeal the administrative law judge's decision in the case. [131][132][133], A similar O'Keefe video posted on the Project Veritas web site purported to show workers at the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services assisting actors posing as drug dealers in applying for benefits. Search & Status (House), Bill
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