651-779-3376. carrie.anderson@century.edu. Massimo Ruzzene. College of Business and Public Management. 1102 B Francis Scott Key Hall. Auburn University College of Education 3084 Haley Center Auburn, Alabama 36849-5218 College Directory. Rosary College of Arts and Sciences. Interim Associate Dean for Research; Interim Associate Director, AAES; Professor. Harold and Inge Marcus Dean in the College of Engineering. 252-328-5670. Associate Dean for Research • Professor, Mechanical Engineering. Managing Director of the Wheaton College Billy Graham Center. 637 Patterson Office Tower. Quick Links. B.A., Wingate University: English M.A., Boston College: English and American Literature MLIS, University of South Florida: Library and Information Science Email: gdreimiller@beaconcollege.edu Phone: 352-638-9754. GLASSJ@ecu.edu. 651-779-3376. carrie.anderson@century.edu. call the campus operator at (775) 784-1110 8am - 5pm Monday-Friday. Dean. Campuses & Locations. tpanderson@english.msstate.edu 662-325-2646. All Faculty Staff. Department Chair • Associate Professor. Victoria College. Acting Associate Dean for Graduate Education & Faculty Affairs. Dean of the Eberly College of Arts and Sciences. Dean, College of Business and Economic Development Location Scianna Hall, 3103 (Hattiesburg) Contact Information Phone: 601.266.4659 Email: bret.bectonFREEMississippi. Educational Leadership. Role . Phoenix Biomedical Campus . Dean, Blair College of Health & Presbyterian School of Nursing. Alexandra. Dawn Bishop. An Equal Opportunity Employer Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital Vet Ast. 220 N. McIlroy Ave. Ste. CBPM 404C. Joshua Laxton, Ph.D. Assistant Director of the Wheaton College Billy Graham Center, North America Lausanne Coordinator, and Rural Matters Institute. Finance and Commercial Law Haworth College of Business Western Michigan University 1903 W Michigan Ave Kalamazoo MI 49008-5420 USA Dr. C. R. Krishna-Swamy is a professor of finance and commercial law at Western Michigan University's Haworth College of Business. Department Chair • Professor. Bakersfield College is accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC), Western Association of Schools and Colleges, 331 J Street, Suite 200, Sacramento, CA 95814, (415) 506-0234, an institutional accrediting body recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation and the U.S. Department of Education. An Equal Opportunity Employer Office of the Dean E-126 Given Building 89 Beaumont Ave . Meeting & Events Coordinator. Communication • College Leadership. Directory Help. Campus Hotline: (808) 984-3700. Corporate College 216-987-2800 Phone Directory Ask Us a Question. Department Chair • Associate Professor. Contact Us. 2200 E. Red River Street Victoria, TX 77901 Local: (361) 573-3291 Toll Free: (877) 843-4369 Send Us an Email. dean.davis@fresnocitycollege.edu Office location: N/A 1101 East University Ave Fresno, CA 93741 (559) 442-8200 University of Oklahoma 633 Elm Avenue Norman, Oklahoma 73019-3118. 93, approved May 3, 1963. Office of the Dean of Administration: 907-852-1860 907-319-8743: Martin, Adrienne: Public Library Services Technician: Library Services: 907-852-1717: Martinez, Nestor: Recruiter/College Readiness Coordinator: Student Services: 907-852-1792: Matthews Sr., David: Construction Trades Technology Coordinator: Vocational Education & Workforce . 304-293-4611. gregory.dunaway@mail.wvu.edu. . Dr. Tommy Anderson. Linkedin. View Profile for Dr. Rick Travis. Christopher Allison. (908) 737-4214. Interim Associate Dean for Extension; Professor. Journalism • College Leadership • Communication & Society RAP. 334-844-3209. ballc2@uw.edu. Box 880642 Lincoln, Nebraska 68588-0642 bdah@kean.edu. 301 ( WCOB 301 ) University of Arkansas. J. Richard Stevens. 814-865-7537. dean@engr.psu.edu Director, Bureau of Business and Economic Research. Mail Stop: 121. 555 North Sheridan Road Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 847-234-3100 Admissions: 847-735-5000 Assistant Dean for Outreach and Engagement, Dean's Office. Meet the Dean; College News; College Directory; Contact; Events; Diversity & Inclusion; Faculty/Staff Self-Care & Wellness; Academics. Dr. J. Bret Becton. Phone: (808) 984-3500. EducationFellowship: Biochemistry, Stanford University, School of Medicine, 1994PhD: Biochemistry and Genetics, University of Newcastle, 1990PublicationsBalzarini J, Menni M, Das K, van Berckelaer L, Ford A, Maguire NM, Liekens S, Boehmer PE, Arnold E, Götte M & Maguire AR (2017). Andrew Cook, M.B.A. College Administrators; Algier, Anne-Marie Associate Dean of Students and Director, Wilson Commons Student Activities (585) 275-4085: Burnett, Norman Assistant Dean and Director, Office of Minority Student Affairs (585) 275-0651: Burns, Matthew S. Dean of Students (585) 275-4085: Czaplicki, Alan Associate Dean of the College (for appointment see Tamara Evans) (585) 275-9076 Maintained by: Office of Information Technology. Each College or University completes a transcript review in order to decide which courses transfer. Naval War College. Magnus Arts Center 103A. Dean's Office Directory 320 Linton Hall | Telephone: (517) 355-4597 | Fax: (517) 355-0159 Christopher P. Long Deancplong@msu.edu(517) 355-4597 Deanna Thomas Executive Staff Assistant to the Deanthomasde@msu.edu(517) 355-4597 Penny Shanks Office Operations Team Leadshankspe@msu.edu(517) 353-0800 Melissa Staub Project Managerstaubmel@msu.edu(517) 432-0433… Asst Dean Undergrad Affairs. Department. BASW Program; MSW Program; DSW Program; PhD Program; . Revolutionary War. Dean and Associate Deans. All A & R A+R+R ADN 14-15 AB19 CA College Promise Prog 19-20 Acad Affairs & Educ Services Accounting Admin Relations Administration of Justice Administration of Justice Admissions and Records (A . Use our directory to locate contact information for the faculty and staff of Endicott college. Field Coordinator 618B Patterson Office Tower College Directory The College of Arts and Sciences is led by the Executive Dean along with Deans for Arts and Humanities, Natural and Mathematical Sciences, and Social and Behavioral Sciences. All Early College courses at Bluefield University are general education classes that should transfer to another accredited institution. Elizabeth A. Skewes. Becky Barlow. Contact Information. Nan Chambliss. Teri Rueb. 303-735-0411. 334-844-1019. Personal Hobbies: Reading, cooking, entertaining. Audiences. (303) 492-7607. (301) 405-5646 bauerr@umd.edu. 10230 Ridge Road New Port Richey, FL 34654-5112. Home College Directory Alexandra Scroggins. Children: 4. Andrew.Zwilling@usnwc.edu. April 23. Academic Affairs. Guanine α-carboxy nucleoside phosphonate (G-α-CNP) shows a different inhibitory kinetic profile against the DNA . University of Michigan College of Pharmacy 428 Church St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1065 David Wrobel Dean Assistant: Cherry Smith . Assistant Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion . Accessibility; Directory; EOE-ADA Compliance; Grievances Assistant Dean and Director of Field Education & Experiential Learning, Clinical Assistant Professor. 2200 E. Red River Street Victoria, TX 77901 Local: (361) 573-3291 Toll Free: (877) 843-4369 Send Us an Email. Dean's Office. Associate Professor, Sociology & Associate Dean, School of Humanities & Sciences P hone : 706-778-8500 x 1421 (Demorest); 8018 (Athens) E mail : sjacobs@piedmont.edu Mosher, Holley Justin Schwartz. Faculty Directory Salisu Aikoye, MD Clinical Assistant Professor salisuaikoye@cdrewu.edu George Akpenyi, MD Clinical Assistant Professor georgeakpenyi@cdrewu.edu Lawrence Albers, MD Clinical Professor lawrencealbers@cdrewu.edu Michelle Armacost, MD Clinical Assistant Professor michellearmacost@cdrewu.edu Rahn Bailey, MD Professor rahnbailey@cdrewu.edu BASW Program; MSW Program; DSW Program; PhD Program; . B.A., Wingate University: English M.A., Boston College: English and American Literature MLIS, University of South Florida: Library and Information Science Email: gdreimiller@beaconcollege.edu Phone: 352-638-9754. callison@dom.edu. Director. The University of Arizona. University of Nevada, Reno. If you need immediate assistance, please call our main line at (508) 541-1900. Accreditation. VCCCD Employee Directory. The Dean's Office supervises the deans of the twelve colleges and works in close collaboration with the heads of the colleges. Financial Aid Helping you get the most out of the college experience while remaining affordable for you and your family. College of Business and Public Management School of Management and Marketing Professor Email tabraham@kean.edu Phone (908) 737-3379 Office Location Townsend 116-C Jessica Adams, Ph.D. Acting Associate Dean, Kean Ocean Email jeadams@kean.edu Phone (908) 737-0654 Office Location OGAT 329, D'Angola 206 Dawn Adams-Harmon E. Cynthia Eckhart Director of Experiential EducationAssistant Professor of Clinical Pharmacy Practice. Show Me. W 3403. Audiences. call the campus operator at (775) 784-1110 8am - 5pm Monday-Friday. Experience The Dean Difference for Yourself. Directory. W 3403. Name Information; Campus Police Public Safety & Campus Police (704) 337-2306 . Email. Dean - Career Technology 334-637-3151 B.S., Livingston University M.Ed., Livingston University Ed.S., Mississippi State University Lancaster, Mary Beth Dean - Academic Instruction 251-809-1500 B.A., Mobile College M.A., University of Mobile Faculty and Staff Adams, Alisha Instructor - Nursing 251-580-4953 B.S.N., University of South Alabama 859-257-2134. bback2@uky.edu. 475 N. 5th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85004 Contact Tel: 602-827-2002. Bulldogs Earn Comeback Win over Rivier, 14-13. College of Education Directory. In addition to academic oversight, the deans all have college-wide functional roles. Vivian Covington. - April 23, 2022 - Trailing 11-6 after three quarters, the Dean College women's . . John.Deskins@mail.wvu.edu. The Admissions team is with you every step of the way throughout your college search and application process. University of the Pacific is not regulated in Texas under Chapter 132 of the Texas Education Code. Office Location. Goals of the project: University of Kentucky College of Social Work and the College of Public Health will team up with the director of The Fatherhood Initiative (FI), a program of Lexington Leadership Foundation (LLF), to implement and evaluate evidence-informed curriculum ("24/7 DAD" and "Inside-Out Dad") intended to equip fathers with . Adoptive Parent: Yes. University College Staff Directory Our offices are located at 503 E. Bell Street, off Greenland Drive, in Murfreesboro. Prospective Students; Current Students; Residents/Fellows . Coastal Alabama Community College is a part of the state system of Junior, Community, and Technical Colleges authorized by the Alabama Legislature under Act No. Adjunct Instructor, American Studies. Blair College of Health (704) 337-2363 morrist@queens.edu MSC 1364. Research Director, STEM Learning Center. He leads the College's athletic program, which has 16 intercollegiate teams participating in the NCAA Division III. (link sends e-mail) (708) 524-6677. Name. Dr. Brad Hastings Dean of the School of Liberal Arts Dr. David Brandon Dennis Program Coordinator for Humanities, Professor of History Joanne Hogan Program Coordinator of Early Childhood Education, Assistant Professor Dr. Kristin Holster Program Coordinator of Social Sciences, Professor of Sociology Dr. Amy Matten The University of Arizona College of Medicine - Phoenix. "I believe the best part of ASK is that it is continually evolving in order to meet the needs of foster and adoptive families.". Student, faculty and staff search; The University of Vermont Medical Center. Benjamin C. Withers has been dean of the College of Liberal Arts at Colorado State University since 2016. Member of the Graduate Faculty. Research Incentives Coordinator Coldstream Research Campus Dwight Duckins Internship & Cooperative Education Coordinator Email: dduckins@beaconcollege.edu Phone: 352-787-5464. Faculty and Staff Directory. 520-621-4146. Dean's Office Main email: cnsm@csulb.edu College Directory - College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics | California State University, Long Beach Jump to Content Jump to Resources Click for Quick Survey. Experience: Alicia Andre has been teaching for more than 23 years at the Community Colleges in Minnesota. Campus Directory. Dr. Rick Sluder, Dean, 615-898-2324 . View Full Profile. University of the Pacific is regulated by the California Bureau for Private and Post-Secondary Education ("BPPE"), and through its federally-approved regional accrediting agency, the Western Association of Schools and Colleges Senior College and University Commission ("WSCUC"). Sticking to general education classes generally makes transferring credits simple. Critical Media Practices • College Leadership. In addition to teaching full-time in Century's ESOL Department, she has taught English in Japan, Chicago, and San Francisco. Phone. College Directory. Dean & Leadership. Dwight Duckins Internship & Cooperative Education Coordinator Email: dduckins@beaconcollege.edu Phone: 352-787-5464. Began Fostering: 2007. Eller College of Management 520-621-2165 Meet the Dean; College News; College Directory; Contact; Events; Diversity & Inclusion; Faculty/Staff Self-Care & Wellness; Academics. lehmanb@arizona.edu. 2065 W FARM RD STILLWATER, OK 74074 Phone: 405-744-7000 jonna.garcia@okstate.edu Marvin M. Chun is Dean of Yale College and the Richard M. Colgate Professor of Psychology, with secondary appointments in the Cognitive Science Program and the Yale School of Medicine Department of Neuroscience. 101 Hammond Building. Learn more about how we can help you earn a bachelor degree, associate degree, and certificate programs. Email. 520-621-7313. heather3@arizona.edu. 513-558-6873. dohertmb@ucmail.uc.edu. Type. Specialized Group: Relative/fictive kin caregiving. (link sends e-mail) Education 319. Robert Heine Pharmacy Building 575 Stadium Mall Drive West Lafayette, IN 47907 (765) 494-1361 | Fax (765) 494-7880 College / Location. School of Accounting and Finance. Heather Haeger. 201 Woodburn Hall. Arthur Appel. Sam George, Ph.D. Office of Educator Preparation. Sam M. Walton College of Business. 859-257-6649. jenifer.gamble@uky.edu. 727-847-2727. Associate Professor, Economics. Maintained by: Office of Information Technology. Directory Help. ASK Years of Service: 2. Coldstream Research Campus. Tiede. (479) 575-5949 p. (479) 575-4435 f. connect@walton.uark.edu. Search by Name . Find a Doctor or Specialist; Address. Cara Bell Assistant Director, Payment and Procurement Services, AST. Overview of Dean College in pictures with no words, including aerial footage of the Dean College campus located in Franklin, MA, students hanging out in their dorm rooms, students walking to class, students working one-on-one with faculty members, and athletes competing on the field. University of Cincinnati 2600 Clifton Ave Cincinnati OH 45221 513-556-0000 Associate Dean for Graduate Education • Professor, Chemical & Biological Engineering. 334-844-2562. College Directory Dean's Office Location Center for Environmental and Life Sciences (CELS) room 206 Email csam-deans-office@montclair.edu Telephone 973-655-5108 or 973-655-5352 Academic Advising Helping CSAM students plan and prepare for success throughout their college experience. 685-5774. College Directory. Directory. Saint Martin's University 5000 Abbey Way SE Lacey, WA 98503-3200 360-491-4700 Larner College of Medicine Organizational Chart (PDF) Academic Departments and Centers Directory ; Faculty Labs A to Z; University of Vermont. College Directory. E. Cynthia Eckhart College Directory. Brenda Tart Assistant to the Dean Location Scianna Hall, 3103 (Hattiesburg) . Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. In this role, Withers is responsible for $43M in annual expenditures, 13 academic departments/schools and six interdisciplinary programs, 539 faculty, 107 staff, and 6780 undergraduate and graduate students. dean.davis@fresnocitycollege.edu Office location: N/A 1101 East University Ave Fresno, CA 93741 (559) 442-8200 He teaches graduate and undergraduate . (401) 841-3498. All District Moorpark College Oxnard College Ventura College. Executive Support Specialist II. 304-293-7876. Donna Cowan, UC Receptionist, 615-494-7714 Andrea Medlin, UC Receptionist, 615-494-7714 Administration. Home College Directory Lori Tiede. Associate Dean for Faculty Advancement. College Staff All Staff Directory. For a department's general directory information, please check their website or. Women's Lacrosse. Ed Stetzer, Ph.D. Executive Director of the Wheaton College Billy Graham Center. University of Nevada, Reno. To place a call, dial (508) 541 + extension number. Fayetteville, AR 72701-1201. Dori Bloom Senior Computer Specialist/Data Analyst Main Number 615-494-7714. Find the appropriate staff's email address & phone number here. Scroggins. Conference & Event Planning Finding you a space that fits your needs. rtravis@deanas.msstate.edu 662-325-8071. Executive Assistant to Associate Dean Mary Dawson Email: hctrebilcox@uh.edu Phone: 713.743.7624 Room: 217 Silvia Vera Assistant Business Administrator - Finance Email: svera@uh.edu Phone: 832.842.5756 Room: 227-D Labouré College is here to help your launch your career in healthcare! Box #: 353765. FRANKLIN, Mass. /. Email. Victoria College. Human Resources Representative, Department of Management Information Systems . Experience: Alicia Andre has been teaching for more than 23 years at the Community Colleges in Minnesota. Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, College of Arts and Humanities. Directions to NWC. Elementary Education and Middle Grades Education. Link to profile for Dr. Tommy Anderson. George Martin was named Director of Athletics at Dean College in February 2020 and began work for the College in March 2020. Assistant Professor, Educational Policy Studies and Practice. Larner College of Medicine. McGreal Center. Skip to main content The University of Arizona. City Campus 114 Othmer Hall/820 N 16th St. P.O. Select a Campus Visit tri-C Request . - April 20, 2022 - The Dean College baseball team dropped a non-conference game to Trinity, 12-7, at the Longley Athletic Complex Wednesday afternoon. 686 Cushing Road, Newport, Rhode Island 02841-1207. Educational Policy Studies & Practice. Dean's Office. 463 University Place North, Suite 450. For a department's general directory information, please check their website or. Lori. Pasco-Hernando State College. FRANKLIN, Mass. Fernando Rosario-Ortiz. Campus Security: (808) 984-3255. Location Richardson Hall room 283 Email csamssc@montclair.edu Assistant Professor. Dean College Directory | Dean College Directory Contact Our Offices Below is a directory of departments, areas and services at Dean College and their extensions. Get to Know Rachael. Human Resources People requiring an alternate format, call (808) 984-3267 for assistance. Search In Results: Reset. In addition to teaching full-time in Century's ESOL Department, she has taught English in Japan, Chicago, and San Francisco. You get the most out of the College in March 2020 Email: dduckins @ beaconcollege.edu Phone: Email! Teaches Graduate and undergraduate intercollegiate teams participating in the NCAA Division III to academic oversight, the deans all college-wide. College experience while remaining affordable for you and your family we can help you earn a bachelor degree Associate. Pacific is not regulated in Texas under Chapter 132 of the Pacific is not regulated in Texas Chapter... College & # x27 ; s general Directory Information, please check their website or Internship amp! 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