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Physical Review D, 1995. 7, 91058 Erlangen, Germany. . 1. Following a general program, spacelike singularities in spherically symmetric quantum geometry, as well as other inhomogeneous models, are shown . Since V e () , the horizon locates at V e =0. universe Article Non-Singular Model of Magnetized Black Hole Based on Nonlinear Electrodynamics Sergey I. Kruglov 1,2 1 Department of Physics, University of Toronto, 60 St. Georges St., Toronto, ON M5S 1A7, Canada; 2 Department of Chemical and Physical Sciences, University of Toronto Mississauga, 3359 Mississauga Road North, Mississauga, ON L5L 1C6, Canada Following a general program, spacelike singularities in spherically symmetric quantum geometry, as well as other inhomogeneous models, are shown to be absent. The rotating solution is nonsingular everywhere and it reduces to the Kerr black . An optical black hole is a phenomenon in which slow light is passed through a Bose-Einstein condensate that is itself spinning faster than the local speed of light within to create a vortex capable of trapping the light behind an event horizon just as a gravitational black hole would.. 105: 2006: A model for non-singular black hole collapse and evaporation Sabine Hossenfelder1 , Leonardo Modesto2 , Isabeau Pr´emont-Schwarz2 1 Nordita, Roslagstullsbacken 23, 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden 2 Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, 31 Caroline St.N., Waterloo, ON N2L 2Y5, Canada We study the formation of a black hole and its . (1), the self-dual black hole [59, 60], and the regular black holes in the context of non-commutative geometry [43]. For faster navigation, . S Hossenfelder, L Modesto, I Prémont-Schwarz. The original spacetime singularities in some of these models are replaced with . model of Dvali and Gomez [30], who invoke a highly-occupied state of gravitons as the state of the BH to obtain a regular interior with only an approximate horizon. Further, LCH has also been applied to dilaton-cosmology [ 6 , 7 ] and as a result, a class of spacially flat bouncing cosmological solutions have emerged. A nonsingular black hole model is a mathematical theory of black holes that avoids certain theoretical problems with the standard black hole model, including information loss and the unobservable nature of the black hole event horizon. We present the nonsingular black hole and nonsingular universe with the same function of P (ψ). Unlike other black hole analogs such as a sonic black hole in a Bose-Einstein condensate, a slow light . The equation of state in the radial direction, is a well-behaved function of the density and smoothly reproduces vacuum-like behavior near . We assume that the metric besides mass M contains an additional parameter ℓ, which determines the scale where modification of . The asymptotic behavior of resulting metric function in the vicinity of r = 0 is studied. Nonsingular four-dimensional black holes and the Jackiw-Teitelboim theory. super massive black holes centered at our galaxy will less likely to be influenced by galactic noise in non-singular black holes models than singular case in general relativity. We study the formation of a black hole and its subsequent evaporation in a model employing a minisuperspace approach to loop quantum gravity. The model of exponential electromagnetic field is coupled to Lovelock gravitational field in d-dimensional spacetime geometry. We show that nonperturbative semiclassical effects of loop quantum gravity cause a bounce and remove the black hole singularity. spired by the successful generalization of a nonsingular cosmological model in two dimensions [13] to a nonsin-gular four-dimensional model [7,8] using dilaton gravity Recently, Hayward proposed a nonsingular black hole solution (Poisson and Israel also derived an equivalent solution based on a simple relation between vacuum energy density and curvature [11, 12]), which is a minimal model satisfying the asymptotically flat and flatness conditions at the center. CiteSeerX - Document Details (Isaac Councill, Lee Giles, Pradeep Teregowda): Adopting noncommutative spacetime coordinates, we determined a new solution of Einstein equations for a static, spherically symmetric matter source. The equation of state p<SUB>r</SUB>(ρ) in the radial direction, is a well-behaved function of the density ρ(r) and smoothly reproduces . A nonsingular black hole model is a mathematical theory of black holes that avoids certain theoretical problems with the standard black hole model, including information loss and the unobservable nature of the black hole event horizon. [Frolov, Vilkoviski 91; Hayward 06; Bardeen 14; Rovelli, Vidotto, Haggard 14] 27/29. Within the framework of loop quantum gravity, the quantum parameters in the BMM model are introduced through polymerization, consequently replacing the Schwarzschild . Pages: 98. the term \black hole" was invented and some semiclassical aspects were added by Bekenstein [11] and Hawking [12, 13]; thus establishing the paradigm of black hole . 1), any static, spherically symmetric collapsed object must satisfy the Einstein equations . It is found that there are in general three horizons for NBH-1 (nonsingular black hole-1) and NBH-2 (nonsingular black hole-2). en we can easily read the property of di erent cases from Figure . We find that such black . The composition as well as the very existence of the interior of a Schwarzschild black hole (BH) remains at the forefront of interesting, open problems in fundamental physics. Spherically symmetric space-times provide many examples for interesting black hole solutions, which classically are all singular. Exploring nonsingular black holes in gravitational perturbations Phys. D Hang Liu, Chao Zhang, Yungui Gong, Bin Wang, and Anzhong Wang Accepted . To address this issue, we turn to Hawking's "principle of ignorance", which says that, for an observer with limited information about a physical system, all descriptions that are consistent with known physics are . We discuss in some detail the behavior The analysis of AdS black hole phase transition has been generalized to The Bardeen perspective of a shadow of a black hole in front of a planar-emitting source was applied to several black hole models, e.g., Kerr-Newman black hole (Young 1976; De Vries 2000), . Central region of the BH behaves as (anti-)de Sitter for In the case where , the BH central region behaves as Minkowski flat metric.Nonlinear Electromagnetic (NEM) fields counterpart causes deviation of light . . Abstract. A nonsingular black hole model is a mathematical theory of black holes that avoids certain theoretical problems with the standard black hole model, including information loss and the unobservable nature of the black hole event horizon. In previous work the static solution was obtained and shown to be singularity-free. The two-dimensional theory is also used to model the evaporation process of the near-extremal four-dimensional black hole. For a Vaidya model of collapse we find results consistent with the standard thermodynamic properties of Hawking radiation. ulas j1342+0928為已知距離第二遙遠的的類星體,位於牧夫座 ,其中心也是已知最古老和最遙遠的超大質量黑洞之一 。 其紅移為z=7.54,超越之前被認為是最遙遠的類星體ulas j1120+0641(紅移為z=7) ,並且一直為最遙遠的類星體,直至2020年3月才被pso j0309+27的133億光年的紀錄打破。 Nonsingular black holes and degrees of freedom in quantum gravity. For the model we consider [cf. Here, we examine the more realistic dynamical case by generalizing the static case with the help of the Vaidya metric. We track the formation and evolution of trapped . In this context, new class of magnetically charged nonsingular or regular Lovelock black holes has been introduced. It turns out that the shadow of a nonsingular black hole is a dark zone covered by a deformed circle. Received 25 October 1999; The effective modifications, parametrized by a positive constant $\lambda$, are implemented through a canonical transformation and a linear combination of the constraints of general relativity, in such a way that the theory remains free of anomalies and . Nonsingular Model of Magnetized Black Hole Based on Nonlinear Electrodynamics. Nonsingular black hole Aleksandar Bogojević and Dejan Stojković . We also obtain a metric for a charged non-singular black hole obeying similar restrictions as the neutral one, and construct higher dimensional models of neutral and charged black holes. Black holes as squeezers Past/future entanglement (A)cyclic processes Example of acyclic processes Consequences of cyclicity An open problem Download PDF Abstract: We present a covariant model of a spherically symmetric black hole with corrections motivated by loop quantum gravity. Nonsingular black hole in two-dimensional asymptotically flat spacetime Wen-Yuan Ai * Centre for Cosmology, Particle Physics and Phenomenology, Universit´e catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve B-1348, Belgium . We impose a set of restrictions, such as a regularity of the. We propose a construction with which to resolve the black hole singularity and enable an anisotropic cosmology to emerge from the inside of the hole. Cite as: http . . The depicted spacetime which is type [II,(II)], by Petrov classification, is an exact solution of the Einstein equations and contains two horizons. Its static region is Bardeen-like. In general these black holes are given by metric with an appropriate choice of mass function m(r). Nonsingular Ayon-Beato-Garcia (ABG) spherically symmetric static black hole (BH) with charge to mass ratio is metric solution of Born Infeld nonlinear Maxwell-Einstein theory. The depicted spacetime which is type [II,(II)], by Petrov classification, is an exact solution of the Einstein equations and contains two horizons. Institute for Quantum Gravity, Department of Physics, FAU Erlangen-Nurnb erg, Staudtstr. Moreover, one sees how the classical reduction from infinitely many kinematical degrees of freedom to only one physical one, the mass, can arise, where aspects . The classical and semiclassical properties of the solution and of its two-dimensional counterpart are analyzed. In an effective mean field treatment for a perfect fluid at rest in the coordinates (Eq. For faster navigation, . 1, Bao-Fei Li. The organization of this note is the following. as well as other inhomogeneous models, are shown to be absent. Krouglov S, 0000-0001-9739-2829, University of Toronto; Preprint from, 24 Oct 2019 DOI: 10.20944/preprints201910.0278.v1 PPR . The root cause of all black holes—be they tiny primordial black holes, solar mass black holes, or supermassive galactic black holes—is gravity. Abstract . We show that when n≤2 such a metric cannot describe a nonsingular black hole. We study . Starting with a nonrotating LQG black hole as a seed metric, we construct a rotating spacetime using the revised Newman-Janis algorithm. Singularities. Read Paper. as well as other inhomogeneous models, are shown to be absent. By Kei-ichi Maeda. Bardeen, and nonsingular black holes. In section 2 we introduce the models of interest. "Nonsingular black hole model as a possible end product of gravitational collapse." Physical Review D, vol 72, Issue 2, id 024016 72 24016 [Full Text (Link) . black hole. Here, we examine the more realistic dynamical case by generalizing the static case with help of the Vaidya metric. This space-like defect is located inside of the horizon on a surface where the Weyl curvature reaches a limiting value. The composition as well as the very existence of the interior of a Schwarzschild black hole (BH) remains at the forefront of interesting, open problems in fundamental physics. Rev. The particle classification group SLq(2) is discussed in Subsection 2.2. Abstract Authors References. There is an explanation why the Krauss model is wrong.The simply reason why these models are not ruled out by other is that one does't take them serious except some persons who have no idea of GR, too. Download PDF Abstract: We present a covariant model of a spherically symmetric black hole with corrections motivated by loop quantum gravity. We investigate the horizon structure, and find the critical values m 0 and k ̃ 0, such that m > m 0 (or k ̃ < k ̃ 0) corresponds to a black solution with two horizons, namely the Cauchy horizon x − and the event horizon x +. 126, 181301 (2021) The lack of rotating black hole models, which are typically found in nature, in loop quantum gravity (LQG) substantially hinders the progress of testing LQG . The model for black hole structure using the torsion field is described in Subsection 3.1. Non-singular quantum gravitational dynamics of an LTB dust shell model: the role of quantization prescriptions. 2z. The particular model is constructed using the Limiting Curvature Hypothesis (LCH) and in the context of two-dimensional dilaton gravity. And note that the local minimum and maximum of V e correspond to the stable and unstable circular orbits, respectively. Similarly, topological Love-lock black holes with pure magnetic sources have been stud-ied as well [49,50]. . Moreover, one sees how the classical reduction from infinitely many kinematical degrees of freedom to only one physical one, the mass, can arise, where aspects of quantum cosmology such as the problem of initial . Testing Loop Quantum Gravity from Observational Consequences of Nonsingular Rotating Black Holes Suddhasattwa Brahma, Che-Yu Chen, Dong-han Yeom 2021 Phys. 2. . The Reissner-Nordstrom solution on the brane was obtained by Dadhich et al. black holes (LBH) and thermal gas in the AdS space is a topic of intense research [4-18], e.g., an analogy between phase structures of various AdS black holes and statis-tical models associated with Van der Waals like phase transitions has been suggested [19-21]. Eq. We investigate the interior structure, perturbations, and the associated quasinormal modes of a quantum black hole model recently proposed by Bodendorfer, Mele, and Münch (BMM). In this paper we present a non-singular black hole model as a possible end-product of gravitational collapse. The Hawking temperature is calculated using the method of complex paths. ECKS gravity with torsion is introduced and summarized in Subsections 3.2 and 3.3. A black-hole cosmology (also called Schwarzschild cosmology or black-hole cosmological model) is a cosmological model in which the observable universe is the interior of a black hole. We study the formation of a black hole and its subsequent evaporation in a model employing a minisuperspace approach to loop quantum gravity. The characteristic property of such spacetimes is −ξ2 = (∇r)2, where ξ2 . The preon model is described in Section 2. Physics Letters B 632 (2), 379-383, 2006. The effective modifications, parametrized by a positive constant $\lambda$, are implemented through a canonical transformation and a linear combination of the constraints of general relativity, in such a way that the theory remains free of anomalies and . We discuss static spherically symmetric metrics which represent non-singular black holes in four- and higher-dimensional spacetime. The model relies on the addition of an S-brane to the effective action which describes the geometry of space-time. [7] U.S. Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information. The same meth-ods apply to other models which do have local degrees of freedom, providing the first demonstration of the absence of singularities in inhomogeneous quantum gravity. In this paper we present a nonsingular black hole model as a possible end-product of gravitational collapse. Author information. We discuss static spherically symmetric metrics which represent nonsingular black holes in four- and higher-dimensional spacetime. Information loss occurs at the semi- classical level, but only in a rather benign way. Non-Singular Black Holes. Case (nonsingular black hole /2 (0, cr1)). The lack of rotating black hole models, which are typically found in nature, in loop quantum gravity (LQG) substantially hinders the progress of testing LQG from observations. Kruglov SI. Physical Review Letters, 95: 061301. 2, y. and Parampreet Singh. 110: 2010: The Casimir effect in the presence of a minimal length. U Harbach, S Hossenfelder. We find that such black . Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. The particular model is constructed using the Limiting Curvature Hypothesis (LCH) and in the context of two-dimensional dilaton gravity. The nonsingular black hole under consideration, is a generalization of the Kerr black hole that can be recognized asymptotically (r>>k, k>0) explicitly as the Kerr-Newman black hole, and in the limit k → 0 as the Kerr black hole. We study the nonsingular black hole in Anti de-Sitter background taking the negative cosmological constant as the pressure of the system. In chapter 3, we solved the differential equations numerically and found nonsingular solutions and we plotted these solutions. . Answer (1 of 2): In the singular static black hole theory, from the viewpoint of an outside observer, time slows down to zero at the Schwarzschild radius also known as the event horizon. The main problem caused by a singu-larity is the fact that it presents a boundary to physical evolution. solutions of Einstein gravity, the d-dimensional black holes in modified gravities have also been investigated within this context. A nonsingular Model of the Universe By Mohammad Saleh Abdul-latif September 2008 Discussion Committee: Dr. Yacoub Anini (Supervisor) Dr. Henry Jaqaman (Member) . In the second part of the paper, we compute the vacuum entanglement entropy of various spherically-symmetric spacetimes of interest, including the nonsingular black hole model of Bardeen, Hayward, Frolov and Rovelli-Vidotto . We investigate the possibility of obtaining non-singular black-hole solutions in the brane world model by solving the effective field equations for the induced metric on the brane. Search terms: Advanced search options. In 2011, Nikodem Popławski showed that a nonsingular Big Bounce appears naturally in the Einstein-Cartan-Sciama-Kibble theory of gravity. Moreover, one sees how the classical reduction from infinitely many kinematical degrees of freedom to only one physical one, the mass, can arise, where aspects of quantum cosmology such as the problem of initial . Although I came to this idea independently, it is a strong extension to the future as well as to the past of Anthony Aguirre's proposal in \Eternal In ation, Past and Future," arXiv:0712.0571: In previous work the static solution was obtained and shown to be singularity-free. For a recent review of investigations of other nonsingular quasi-black hole models see ref. However, near the center, the black hole is nonsingular and the metric becomes that of de Sitter spacetime. Today some of the most viable candidates for the end result of the collapse of a star with mass well above the Chandrasekhar limit include the gravastar and the dark energy star. Contents. Hawking radiation of nonsingular black holes in two dimensions D. A. Easson Department of Physics, McGill University, Montr eal, Qu ebec, H3A 2T8, Canada . Anything falling in would appear to be frozen there, but in this theory the radial space direction and time di. (5)], WðϕÞ vanishes Nonsingular black holes and degrees of freedom in quantum gravity . Physical Review D 81 (4), 044036, 2010. Download Citation | Models for the nonsingular transition of an evaporating black hole into a white hole | There have been recent suggestions that the r = 0 singularity of a spherically symmetric .
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