my girlfriend is very religious and i'm not

MALayhee800 We assume a certain level of risk just by existing. I think that's the compromise that can make it work. Zoroastrianism? Sometimes people look at la petite morte and decide that maybe la grande morteisntthatscary. So, what do you think? DEAR HARD UP IN HANOVER: I feel the need to preface this with my standard disclaimer: Dr. NerdLove is NOT a real doctor, so I am probably the literal last person you should be going for for medical advice. You should feel good , why? But they way that you believe, or dont I guess that I should say, and what she believes are so opposite of one another that there seems to be a huge gulf that will never merge. Some Christians may date a non-believer in hopes of converting him/her, especially if they are fundamentalist or evangelical. It does not mean you have to go to church every Sunday, know what I mean? They may not have any answers or at least any good ones but they can at least offer you comfort and reminding you that youre loved and cared for. None of us are as fine as we like to say we are and frankly all of our feelings are going to be so much larger and so much louder than they would be under normal circumstances. Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to reply! Her parents are very well-off and paid for her school and living expenses, and would give her money whenever she needs. At first, I didn't take it seriously but she seems to be serious. As a result, we end up completely cut off from our own feelings or even understanding how to manage them in a healthy way. As long as the expectations you have of one another are clear and accepted by both of you, faith differences do not have to be a deal-breaker. I hate what it did to me and my precious girl. Yes - this is what I've seen work with many couples. Send John your questions. It makes for bad retention, you know. However, I dont know if I was caught off guard or maybe is this whole pandemic or I dont know, but it struck a chord and I couldnt help crying. Youve been like a pressurized canister, and the pandemic is the emotional equivalent of smacking that canister with a hammer. My Girlfriend and I Have VERY Different Religious Beliefs (She is Pregnant) Send John your questions. Unless she is questioning her own faith, you could be in for a big challenge. I'm sure the obvious answer here is "Well then move on," but matters of the heart aren't always that simple. About four months ago I met a woman who is everything I want in a partnerfunny, kind, generous, good with kids, smart, sexy, accomplished, and fun. 3. 2. Given you have not expressed any curiosity to reexamine your beliefs, this seems like a waste for her. While Id be a little concerned with is ok with LGBTQ people (depending on what, exactly, ok means in this case), it doesnt sound like shes of the stripe that wants to force others to live by her rules. That were supposed to have our s--t on lock, that having strong feelings is a weakness and were only allowed to shed a single man-tear on suitably important occasions like the death of our fathers or the end of Saving Private Ryan. If you are open to sharing her experiences, thats another story. Religion (or lack of) is in my opinion one of these areas that a couple should be on board with (maybe not 100%), but definitely you should share the same values. Started Monday at 02:48 PM, By little bit of background here. Not because theres anything wrong with your crying, but becausehe doesnt know how to respond to it or how to comfort you. She's Everything I Want in a WomanExcept She's Religious Wow, that is a very non-open-minded response of My way or the highway. A lot of people who are anti-science are helping COVID have its surge here. because these things absolutely impact our daily lives and ignoring them is a way of getting screwed over on a personal and also systemic level. She will continue to test you, the sex will become less frequent, and she will use sex as a weapon against you: frequently cutting off sex as a way to punish you or to get what she wants. It will only be more painful after. He may make more of an issue of that when it's game time than he seems to indicate right now. To be fair: most of what we discuss tends to be in the abstract; were all in agreement on things like religious belief doesnt get to dictate who gets rights and who doesnt. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page. All this has done is left generations of men deeply uncomfortable with expressions of emotion and out of touch with their own feelings. Meet in the middle. They agreed before having kids that she would raise them with religion. My husband has always been very supportive of me teaching our children my religious views as long as I don't force them into . I was raised Catholic and enjoyed the environment until I got to high school and realized how much hate and "politics" go into religion. you can drastically reduce the odds of transmission. My dad asked me about sport stuff and if I had a lot of work and I guess we pretended my overreaction never happened. I asked him if he would want me to convert to make sure he doesn't lose his good standing in his church, and he strongly insisted that I shouldn't do this, unless it was actually something I'd want to do even if we weren't dating. Like really crying. Meaning they more often then not don't work out, and for good reasons. Bill Maher's take on the current state of world religion. I asked him if he would want me to convert to make sure he doesn't lose his good standing in his church, and he strongly insisted that I shouldn't do this, unless it was actually something I'd want to do even if we weren't dating. There are many people who accompany their partners to services that may not reflect their own personal spirituality or beliefs. Girlfriend [26F] and I [26M] seem to not share same view of money and Take my advice with all applicable levels of salt and possibly a second opinion from an actual medical professional. Are their safe options to give each other orgasms? There are many families that make it work despite mixing very different religious views. Thank you so much for all the input. When we met we both knew this and she said that she liked religion because it was a nice reminder of some good things and a guiding light. I also do not want to disappoint my parents who are staunch Christians. He actually has the support of his priest to pursue a relationship with me, but I get the sense that his priest (and maybe my boyfriend too) hopes God will eventually steer me in the right direction and compel me to convert to their faith. DEAR DR. NERDLOVE: When this pandemic got bad, the company I work for allowed us to work from home; as a result, I decided to move back to my parents house. It takes a certain amount of pre-planning and making sure youre being scrupulously careful, but it would allow you to have a physical relationship that more closely resembles what you had prior to the lockdown and quarantine. You ALWAYS have to remember that about these people, as sad as it is. When I would go to church I'd always notice people there that were just h. Very fair point. I dont believe any of that obviously and it bothers me. One of the reasons is that you want the characteristics her worldview/belief system has created in her personality, but you dont want the source of that character. My husband and I have different religious beliefs and we have 3 kids. If you and your girlfriend are strictly monogamous (or will be so for the duration of the pandemic) then this is an option that you could look into pursuing. ( bad grammar is on purpose). My girlfriend is religious and I am not. : r/atheism Do I Have to Tell My Family I'm No Longer Religious? Do both of you a favor; either seriously investigate her belief system with a truly open mind with the intent of becoming a spiritual leader or walk away so that you dont violate the requirement that she not be unequally yoked (as two mixed-matched cannot plow peacefully and productively together). And when the support goes both ways - isn't that what a relationship is about? I have many questions and thoughts because I dont know Your age, relationship experiences, how you came to decide you were an atheist etc. When I started dating my girlfriend, she told me she was Christian and was very into church stuff. Hell, poly relationships are facing all kinds of challenges the relationship anarchy model starts to fall apart when the partners who dont live together are left out because the rest dont want to risk breaking quarantine. My question has to do with sex. My girlfriend is religious and I'm not. : r/relationship_advice If you do decide you can not live with someone who is religious I would break up right away and not drag it out. Is it only a spirtitual doctrine that keeps her on a good path wouldnt she do these kind acts anyway it is very confusing for the person who uses their own ordinarily judgement and conscience to make good choices when faced with a deeply religious person and questions themselves as a person. This makes a lot of sense. And while I can understand wanting to draw someone away from something you fear may be harming them, thatsliterally the same rationale for preaching the gospel. Now to be clear: thisreduces the risk and likelihood of exposure; it doesnteliminate it. I believe in God, but I don't want to have any religion. Is it - Quora If it hasn't already happened now a discord in your relationship will occur at some point. Either way, she may not have problems with your not believing now, but if you keep trying to change her faith, she may well start having some. In fact, it's probably necessary, in the long run, if your children are to maintain meaningful relationships with the rest of the family. Then it sounds like you both have a good shot then. Theyre going to worry about you; it comes with the territory. If it aint broke don't broke it. My FIL would go to church occasionally. Would they be brought up in his religion? I agree that I shouldn't become a member of his faith if it's not something I believe in. You ask what you should tell your children, which . But what is she doing with those views? What is most important is that the two of you have some open and honest conversations about your personal beliefs and the vision you each have for your future. When it is an important family event he shows his face as a "faithweather" Christian for the event. Not gonna lie, sometimes I feel really bad about this but Im pretty good to hide my emotions and keep them to myself. I want this to work. When we met we both knew this and she said that she liked religion because it was a nice reminder of some good things and a guiding light. These platforms contain content, including information provided by guests, that is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. "God is real. I need to talk to her about it of course. After all, theyre getting older, whether they like to admit it or not. These pods have been lifesavers for people whove been feeling cut off or isolated, especially when Zoom calls and social media arent enough to help them get their social needs met. The very people who should have been covering and regulating and reining in FTX and its 30-year-old founder, Sam Bankman-Fried were instead profiting from this scam, not just a few of them, nearly . And while obviously I dont think anyone you included, AS is helpless or doomed to being Forever Alone, those fears and anxieties arereal. Taking the time to work on yourself, learn how to embrace your emotions and manage your anxieties is going to put you in a good place when the pandemic ends and we can all go out again. How would you feel if your children believed something you did not? Your religious girlfriend will hold you to something else in the future if you agree to this. I personally see Sundays as lessons in moral tact and yes, as someone else mentioned, I also fell in love with the character that such a true and good path leads one, however I do not believe that a higher power, if it exists, needs to take on the exact form as dictated by random books. We were brought up with moral values and to judge our actions. It was a silly question without malice or trying to hurt me or something like that, it was just a comment. I love her and I do not want to lose her, but I also don't want to change my religion. The mistake youre making is assuming that you have to be made of stone or pretending that you dont have feelings or arent having concerns. This is what we call a "fairweather christian". My girlfriend [26f] and I [26m] have been together almost 3 years now but we seem to always struggle with our views on money. Please send your questions to Dr. NerdLove at his website (; or to his email, Start your free trial of Ramsey+: how to change your thoughts, change your behaviors, and change your life. It wouldn't really be fair for him to insist that you convert, go to church every sunday, attend conferences and adhere to his beliefs. This relationship is so much different than any of my other ones, it just feels a lot healthier. Be found at the exact moment they are searching. I am an atheist but my girlfriend is highly religious. We - Quora She has had little occasion to question those views, and I want to bring it up, but her words are a bit ambiguous as to whether shed be receptive to much discussion of that at all. There are actually a lot of things I've found myself agreeing with- I'm completely on board with him in that we should strive to embody love, compassion, and forgiveness as human beings- and these things are the cornerstone of what his religion teaches. The Coolest Part About Jealousy That You NEVER Realized, TikTok mom Jac Woodwell (@jacquelinewoodwell) shared the moving story of meeting her now-fianc on Tinder after the father of her child dumped her while she was pregnant. This is when you could "accidentally" bump into her somewhere, or send her a text message or even a handwritten letter. He's told me that he doesn't want me to do anything that my heart isn't fully in, including converting just for the sake of letting him keep his good standing, and I've attended some church services with him. (@johndelony)Instagram (@johndelony) Facebook ( I guess you could say I'm "spiritual but not religious." Youve been bottling these anxieties up, trying to pretend you dont have them or push them down so that you dont have to think about them. Because of his commitment to his faith, he has to defer to the church for things like views on homosexuality (his religion teaches that gay people should remain celibate for life to avoid sin and treat their orientation as a "handicap"- I absolutely cannot agree with this), as well as staying abstinent until marriage (including oral sex- this has been hard for me but we've managed to make it work so far without too much frustration). However, while even the threat of death and disease isnt enough to make people choose abstinence (well for very long, anyway), thereare ways of getting your thrills without bringing the pandemic to the party. Along with it being insincere, the conversion process is a huge time commitment because you have to go to their church for something like a year and study all their texts, attend classes, etc. Basically got to the point where they told her to choose me or them, and she chose them. They also recommend having sex in larger, well-ventilated spaces, washing your hands thoroughly before and after sex and to make doubly sure NOT to touch your face with unwashed hands. She has asked me to go to church with her, just to experience it with her, and I've made up an excuse not to go each time. Of course I have. but when I realized that she really might be the one and also that she . Honestly, that right there would be pushing it BIG TIME for me. It isnt always easy; it requires that everyone follow the rules EXACTLY to minimize (not eliminate) risk, and God knows therere been folks who cant or wont do that. We are dealing with a global crisis of the likes we havent seen in literally more than a century and it is decimating the world, the economy and pretty much everything about our normal ways of life. Or maybe it wont. He will feel he is selling his soul. Are you sure he'd be willing to lose his standing? That being said, she still holds a lot to anti-science views, and that is something I feel uncomfortable with as well. She thinks this could not be done safely. Some backstory: Im a 25 guy who never had a girlfriend or even kissed a girl, and I believe Im way to hideous for dating. An Atheist, or Humanist, or Buddhist, can just as easily be a loving caring devoted partner as a truly religious person can be. The others have given very good advice. Not because theres anything wrong with you but because hey, s--t is goddamn hard right now and you have a lot of very loud feelings that are clearly causing you pain. I'm not anti-religion at all, I've just never been exposed to it. My Girlfriend is Religious. I'm Not. How Do We Make Our Relationship Where is the middle? DEAR AWKWARD SON: You didnt do anything wrong AS, and no, you didnt ruin anything. How would you raise them? What if you have kids? As long as the expectations you have of one another are clear and accepted by both of you, faith differences do not have to be a deal-breaker. The gay issue shouldn't really be an issue - simply agree to disagree. Leave a voicemail at 844-693-3291 or email Im an only child and I usually visit them on weekends or when I have free time (we live 200 miles apart), and I moved back to be with them and help them too. Don't actually go to church (maybe on the big two - easter and christmas?) Another issue generally involved is pre-marital sex. This could be a point in your life where you have started to question your own position on things and what better way to get a different perspective than to let someone with completely opposing views in to show you a different way. A therapist can also help you learn to communicate more effectively, and you can start by having a conversation with your girlfriend that goes something like this: "I know you want to have a . Heres the thing you need to keep in mind: the world is ongoddamn fire. You said you do, but then you went ahead and listed a whole bunch of things that YOU believe in, that are incompatible with his beliefs - gay issues, your belief in astrology/paranormal, etc. At first, whenever she'd have some church event I'd just let her do her thing. If you don't feel comfortable saying in the forum please PM me. It means a lot to me! I imagine she might want her children to share in her faith and her experiences. They seem to have worked it out. I really care about her. Suddenly my mom asked Hey, when are you getting married?. I'm not exaggerating when I say he's the most kind, loving, mature, and considerate person I've ever met we never fight (disagreements are always respectful) he gives me total freedom to be myself and has never asked me to change anything about myself my parents are smitten with him he bends over backwards with generosity and he just makes me incredibly happy. I feel that changing to a religion that I don't know takes away so many things from me. So youboth have to assess just what level of risk youre willing to tolerate. Seconodly, there is no way in hell you should become a member of his faith, as it will NEVER be real to either you or him, and will cause much more problems later down the road. Did I ruin everything and things are going to be weird and awkward like forever? My girlfriend is very religious but I'm not, and I'm afraid it is going Will he tell you that you cannot associate yourself with them? and let him go if he wants to. So too would be masking up and masturbating each other, erotic massage or using sex toys on one another. Alternately he could hope you might convert secretly and get angry if that doesn't happen), or you decide not to convert and he loses his standing in the church which may cause him to resent you later on down the line. You accept her faith as part of who she is and what made her into the person you fell for, I might add and agree to live and let live. Youd be doing not just the sensible thing but thekind thing, for youand for them. Personally, religion has caused nothing but chaos in my life. Part of the problem is, well, frankly, you bought into this bulls--t idea that men arent supposed to be emotional. I think we could safely use our hands to manually give each other orgasms. My mother-in-law is religious and my father-in-law is not. He's already told me he wants to get married (and would gladly risk losing his good standing in the church by doing so). You would not be doing a Christian lady any favors by emotionally entangling her to you because your worldviews are on an inevitable collision course. Can you life with that? But it's all too much for me. There have been people who come here with a similar concern, but feel they have to convert to their partner's religion just to keep things going (or their partner forces them into conversion). How about of of your friends who might be? You will see over time if this is enough of a big thing to you to drive the two of you apart. And this is my way of doing the same thing. The key is to recognize justwhat the risks are and how you can mitigate them. Does she protest against teaching geology or evolution at school? I can feel it. His family will pressure him. Can such a thing be reconciled. Started Friday at 03:22 AM, Mel Robbins posted a blog entry in Youtube, September 23, Psych2Go posted a blog entry in Youtube, September 23, Tony Gaskins posted a blog entry in Youtube, September 23, Yahoo posted a blog entry in News, September 11, Newsweek posted a blog entry in News, September 11. Everyone agrees to certain rules testing, not seeing anyone outside the pod, two weeks of self-isolation if they DO spent time with friends or family members outside the pod, staying home as much as possible and taking all sensible precautions when they leave the house and then theyre able to visit and socialize in person, without the hurdles of masks or maintaining a six-foot distance at all times. I fear if I only try to talk about the anti-science stuff, then that will create the impression that that was the only problem, and leave the root somewhat unaddressed, only to cause more problems later. It's up to you but my prediction is that if your bf is as religious as he says he is (with the abstinence and conferences and fasting) - then he thinks he'll give up his standing for you but when it comes time to do it, he won't. I would stick to the same plan for as long as you can. We want to talk to YOU! The key is to find the level of risk you are both comfortable with, and work from there. If you plan to have them, will he insist they are raised in this religion? If he is willing to give up something as might as his soul, you could be willing to bend some of your principles too. Thatsalso why the disease can be spread during sex: vanilla sex tends to involve a lot of face-to-face contact with kissing, consistent heavy breathing, gasping and talking and various other exhalation and inhalation. Boyfriend is very religious; I'm very not - Relationship Advice Thus far, it seems that shes fairly open-minded and non-dogmatic. If so, and if you are certain that this path is not for you, that is a conversation better to be had sooner rather than later. As I was reading your post, two things caught my eye. All rights reserved. I know I reacted like a baby, but Im not. Are Online Dating Apps a Detriment to Meeting People in Real Life? I'm very familiar with the religious community, as all of my "family" (relatives) are ardently religious and tried to force it down my throat all my youth. This is the one area of my life I don't feel like I can talk openly about with my boyfriend, even though our communication is amazing otherwise. I think if people can look to see that there is good in all beliefs (other than cultism or those that wish for power over others) then differing backgrounds and spiritual beliefs can be compatible within the soul. You are in incredibly good company there; I cant count the number of letters I get from people who feel like you do men and women. I wish you luck, with people that a hard to the rules of their religion its a no win situation. Since she's finished school she's been on and off employed, with little to no savings. (as someone else said) or a close family member or friend? About four months ago I met a woman who is everything I want in a partnerfunny, kind, generous, good with kids, smart, sexy, accomplished, and fun. As strange or insensitive as this might sound, I don't want to come second to Jesus (or any other invisible man) in my partner's life. You would either have to convert to a religion you don't believe in and pretend to in order to appease those he socializes with (which could be stressful for you and him as well, not to mention cause him to feel like you are paying lip service to something he believes in very deeply. She does not bother him about his lack of religion and he does not bother her about having some. Started Wednesday at 04:13 PM, By I'm atheist. And a ll this leaves my Dad out quite a bit. These are important conversations to have now and not months or years down the line. He has never, ever asked me to consider converting to his religion, and respects my beliefs wholly. Before, you didnt give yourself an outlet for your emotions. Here are some more examples that I've noticed in myself: All-or-nothing thinking. Started Wednesday at 08:45 AM, By I generally view it as a social ill, and yet, I ended up in a relationship with a religious woman. My only thing to add is have you talked about children? That is what my in-laws did. Religulous: Directed by Larry Charles. I am sure that if you look hard enough, you can find a fellow atheist with similar desirable qualities. Jun 23, 2019. With Bill Maher, Tal Bachman, Jonathan Boulden, Steven Burg. But his faith is really the biggest part of his life. However, life is inherently a full-contact sport. Obviously you do not have an open mind as to the ability of two people intertwining their lives even though they may be spiritually different. It has been four months of abstinence and thinking of possibly a year or longer seems too long. I've been dating an incredible man for almost a year and we're deeply in love. And it's quite common to see that in churches too - a family where the wife and kids go but not the father or the father and kids go but not the mother. Do these match Christian beliefs I think so and also believe so. This is why the New York City Department of Health and the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control suggest, amongst other things, using barriers that allow for sexual contact but dont allow for face-to-face contact (i.e. My MIL went with her kids and he stayed home and got the lunch ready etc. Erika your advise was right on! Noam Chomsky, Naomi Oreskes, Tommy Curry, Raymond Geuss, Lori Gruen, Hilary Lawson, Julian Savulescu, John Tasioulas, Raymond Tallis, Carissa Vliz, Bernardo Kastrup, Sophie Grace Chappell, and Joanna Kavena give answers that touch on the urgent . This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies. It's really, really helped me a lot. But it creates a space for that social contact amongst a close-knit group. It is also possible to share experiences without necessarily sharing the same beliefs. We are human beings born with our own conscience and hopefully our good conscience will help us lead good lifes and if there is a judgement day then we will be ok. Make sure you are upfront with her about the seriousness of your differences. Myself: All-or-nothing thinking Online dating Apps a Detriment to Meeting people in Real life too would be up! Compromise that can make it work over time if this is what we a! Personal spirituality or beliefs ( she is questioning her own faith, you could be in for a challenge. And the pandemic is the emotional equivalent of smacking that canister with a hammer to drive the of. He stayed home and got the lunch ready etc a close family member or friend I know reacted. And living expenses, and would give her money whenever she needs relationship. 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