A strong peer support system is a valuable resource that can provide a variety of benefits to adolescents. << /S /URI /CreationDate (D:20170107153045Z00'00') DOD amended its Financial Management Regulation (FMR) in March 2005, to include reiterating its policy that travel cards are for official travel related expenses and provided examples of potential misuse of the travel card. Start on editing, signing and sharing your Misuse Of Government Travel Card Counseling online with the help of these easy steps: click the Get Form or Get Form Now button on the current page to jump to the PDF editor. Download your modified file. requires split disbursement to the travel card vendor. APCs and CPMs alike can stay on top of the latest GTCC initiatives, training, and best practices by subscribing to the APC Toolkit RSS Feed. Upon transfer of a cardholder within DOD, the APC is to transfer the account to the gaining command within 30 days of the cardholder's departure. /Subtype /Link On a case by case basis, Commanders or Supervisors should consider whether available personnel assistance programs would be beneficial when travel card personal misuse, abuse, or fraud is identified /Rect [28.32 813.68 28.32 813.68] endobj The Secretary of the Army should establish policies and procedures governing the issuance of individual travel cards to military and civilian employees, including providing individuals with prior credit problems who are denied travel cards with alternative means of travel funding. DOD amended its Financial Management Regulation (FMR) in March 2005 to provide that APCs are to review lists of accounts that indicate individuals who have separated, retired, or are deceased and to take necessary action to ensure those accounts are closed. Provides full-value-primary loss coverage (up to $50,000) and secondary personal effects coverage for rental vehicles for up to 31 consecutive days. The Secretary of the Army should establish policies and procedures governing the issuance of individual travel cards to military and civilian employees, including developing comprehensive, consistent Army-wide initial training and periodic refresher training for travel cardholders, focused on the purpose of the program and appropriate uses of the card. /S /URI /Font 8 0 R /Rect [34.08 801.2 255.84 813.68] Under this revised guidance, the credit card contractor is to issue a restricted travel card to an applicant who has a low credit score or no score at all. GAO found substantial delinquencies and charge-offs of Army travel-card accounts during fiscal year 2001, and delinquencies continued into the first half of fiscal year 2002. Priority will be given to applicants with interest and experience and in couples therapy and child/adolescent therapy. >> /Length 6217 /ExtGState 7 0 R The procedures developed a process to monitor and track travel reimbursements by requiring Travel Chiefs to post a date for travel clerks to use in determining if interest is potentially due on a voucher. The bank may continue efforts to recover these losses after they have been written off. /Subtype /Link See also the DoD Misuse Reporting Memo [PDF, 1 page] or DoD Misuse Reporting Memo (Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense) [PDF, 1 page], Review processes & procedures for managing your GTCC program, Policies & general travel card information. /ExtGState 23 0 R The Army and the Department of Defense have taken action to address and focus command- and installation-level attention on management of delinquent travel card accounts. You are hereby reprimanded. Online training includes web-based training modules, instructional guides, and webinars, including: Register for training on these tools in Citis training environment, known as the Learning Center (login to CitiManager [citidirect.com], then select Learning System Web Tools). endobj endobj Audience: All business units. endobj Under the revised guidance, travelers are responsible for ensuring that the total outstanding charges on the travel card are designated for split disbursement on the travel claim and the approving official is responsible for ensuring that the travelers are properly designating their total outstanding charges for split disbursement. >> Travel Cards: Control Weaknesses Leave Army Vulnerable to Potential Fraud and Abuse. Finding Solutions Counseling Centers /A << For additional information, guidance, and or access to IntelliLink, contact your CPM or higher level APC. Penalties for Misuse of ID Cards. Travel Card Misuse. >> /Rect [28.32 813.68 28.32 813.68] Public service is a trust, requiring cardholders to place loyalty to the Constitution, the laws, and ethical principles above private gain. << The Secretary of the Army should establish specific policies and procedures to strengthen controls and disciplinary actions for improper use of the travel card, including referring any travel cardholders with secret or higher level security clearances for whom financial problems related to the travel card are detected to Army CAF for investigation as to whether the individuals should continue to be entrusted with secret or higher clearances. >> /Parent 2 0 R >> In December 2005, DOD amended its Financial Management Regulation (FMR) to include clarification on procedures to identify and take appropriate disciplinary action against cardholders who have written non-sufficient funds checks for payment of their travel account balances. << It is the ability to experience someone else's feelings without becoming so emotionally involved in the other's feelings that you lose your judgment. Further, APCs are to analyze standard reports available in the Electronic Account Government Ledger System (EAGLS). APCs should refer to the APC Guide [PDF, 45 pages] for a general overview and guidance on processes and procedures related to successful execution and daily operations of their Organizations travel card program. /Type /Annot What ethical standards apply to travel charge cardholders? << 5 0 obj This guidance sets out training requirements for cardholders to reinforce these policies on the purpose of the program, appropriate card uses and procedural requirements. signed. /Type /Annot In addition, a weak internal control environment compounded by instances of delays in processing travel reimbursements to Army military and civilian personnel contributed to the high delinquency rates. Failure to use the GTCC in an authorized manner may lead to suspension or revocation of the GTCC as well as disciplinary action, up to and including removal from Federal Service. Policy Owner: The CFO is responsible for travel card program policy, and related audits. The guidance provides that APCs are to have analytical skills, computer skills, and the access necessary to utilize the reports provided on the card provider's electronic system. Misuse can be defined as an unintentional transaction completed using your government travel charge card. The credit limit on a restricted card may be raised temporarily to meet the requirements of a specific mission.
Actions that satisfy the intent of the recommendation have been taken.
,While the intent of the recommendation has not been satisfied, time or circumstances have rendered the recommendation invalid.
, Executive Candidate Assessment and Development Program. How do I notify cardholders regarding past due accounts? If feelings are so painful and get in the way of having a happy and fulfillinglife then why have them at all? Card Enter case notes and disposition decisions on misuse and potential misuse transaction activity into IntelliLink that was reported from lower levels or discovered outside of IntelliLink. Our experienced and professional therapists and counselors are ready to meet you in a caring, safe and compassionate environment. DOD amended its Financial Management Regulation (FMR) in March 2005 to require periodic reviews of travel card usage to identify cards for potential closure. The Army issued corresponding guidance in March 2006. /A << Section 0411 of the GTCC Regulations [PDF, 46 pages]further describes APC duties. 15 0 obj The Secretary of the Army should establish policies and procedures governing the issuance of individual travel cards to military and civilian employees, including canceling accounts for current infrequent travelers as noted in the Charge Card Task Force report. << Government Travel Charge Card | Agency Program Coordinators Appropriate uses of the GTCC while on official travel include: Employees are expected to pay the GTCC billing statement in full on or before the due date. /A << In March 2005, DOD issued an amendment to the FMR clarifying guidance on the issuance of travel cards. /Rect [28.32 813.68 28.32 813.68] Some examples are: airline tickets, rental cars, lodging, meals, gasoline, taxis, parking, and incidental expenses. /Resources << The intent of the travel card program was to improve convenience for the traveler and to reduced the government's costs of administering travel. The guidance also provides direction on appropriate disciplinary actions in this area. /Type /Action Your agency may have developed a guidance that addresses the range of actions that may be taken in the event that the cardholder violates the agency policy. /Filter /FlateDecode Visa IntelliLink is a web-based tool that uses self-learning algorithms to provide the DoD with automated compliance analysis of all travel card spend to identify potential misuse and policy violations. 10 0 obj endobj The Secretary of the Army should establish specific policies and procedures to strengthen controls and disciplinary actions for improper use of the travel card, including establishing Army guidance on who should be given agency program coordinator (APC) responsibilities that considers (1) the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to carry out these responsibilities effectively, (2) the time required to carry out APC responsibilities on a day-to-day basis effectively, and (3) the length of time an individual should be required to stay in the APC position in light of time required to become proficient in the use of the tools relied on to monitor card usage effectively. The Secretary of the Army should establish specific policies and procedures to strengthen controls and disciplinary actions for improper use of the travel card, including reviewing, in conjunction with Bank of America, individuals with APC-level access to EAGLS to limit such access to only those with current APC duties. If payment for the undisputed principal amount has not been received 126 calendar days from the closing date on the statement of account in which the charge appeared, the card-issuing bank may cancel the account, unless otherwise directed by the program coordinator. Not only are teens at times defensive when having behaviors corrected -but many parents experience an emotional response that can make it difficult to maintain a neutral demeanor. /Type /Annot /URI (http://nn.fernandopenapr.com/Xca) Bank of America security officials reviewed employee access and deactivated access for 655 employees that they determined should not have had any level of access. For many people depression feels like theres no end in sight. WebAlthough travel charge card delinquency policies vary from agency to agency, you may be expected or required to remind cardholders of the consequences for repeated WebTherapeutic Alliance Intensive In-Home Counseling Services (IIH) targets children and adolescents throughout Virginia that are at-risk for removal from the home due to GAO's work identified numerous instances of potentially fraudulent and abusive activity related to the travel card. Government travel charge card not for holiday spending All Rights Reserved, Hope in the Dark: How to Hold On When Youre Fighting Depression, Interacting With Your Teen Constructively, 5 Ways to Help Your Teen Create a Support System. /Rect [28.32 813.68 28.32 813.68] 19 0 R 20 0 R 21 0 R] Applicants will receive either a standard card, restricted card, or may not be eligible for a card depending on their credit score. Applicants, who are denied a government travel card due to their credit score, or inability to meet self-certification requirements, will be exempt from mandatory use of the individually billed account travel card. This date will generally be the same each month for all accounts under your control. /Type /Catalog he Congressional Research Service (CRS) discovered that government employees in numerous agencies misused their travel cards to purchase items for their personal use or to travel first class. >> WebThis counseling is to inform you that you have violated the UCMJ by losing your identification card and that your performance needs to improve. The Secretary of the Army should establish specific policies and procedures to strengthen controls and disciplinary actions for improper use of the travel card, including establishing procedures to provide assurance that agency program coordinators receive training on their agency program coordinator responsibilities, including how to use Electronic Account Government Ledger System transaction reports and other available data to monitor cardholder use of the travel card--for example, reviewing account transactional histories to ascertain whether transactions are incurred during periods of authorized travel and appear to be appropriate travel expenses and from approved merchant category codes. /Type /Annot The Chief, AWSS, should work with the CFO to develop policies that clearly state when employees are authorized to make automatic teller machine withdrawals and The Secretary of the Army should establish specific policies and procedures to strengthen controls and disciplinary actions for improper use of the travel card, including establishing guidance on high agency program coordinator span of control responsibilities so that such responsibilities are properly aligned with time available to ensure effective performance. Find it in TraX, DTMO's web portal. /R25 26 0 R 20 0 obj Below is a What does an "Access Denied" message mean? The Government Travel Card is available to Department of Defense employees with the strict understanding that it will not be abused or misused in any way. This tool is the DoDs system of record for misuse activity and assists HL2 and HL3 program managers and agency program coordinators in keeping records and categorizing transactions as valid or misuse. << /URI (tg://resolve?domain=gahna) /A << /S /URI In addition, DOD amended its Financial Management Regulation to require agency program coordinators to periodically review travel card accounts and cancel unused accounts. 14 0 obj >> Decisions on whether to issue a travel card should consider prior credit problems (e.g., bankruptcy; convictions for writing bad checks; and defaulted credit cards, home mortgages, and automobile loans). WebThe Department of Defense (DoD) Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) Regulations are authorized by the DoDI 5154.31, Volume 4 . /MediaBox [0 0 595 842] The Secretary of the Army should establish specific policies and procedures to strengthen controls and disciplinary actions for improper use of the travel card, including training agency program coordinators to review Electronic Account Government Ledger System reports to identify cardholders who have written NSF checks (checks written on nonsufficient funds) for payment of their account balances, and refer the employees for disciplinary action. /Type /Annot /Type /Annot Use DA Form 4856 Counseling.. . /URI (tg://resolve?domain=atreromantic) Masks became commonplace. 107-314) authorized the Secretary of Defense to require split disbursement, under which the travel costs charged on the card are remitted directly to the card issuer by DOD and any remainder is paid to the card holder. /S /URI The FMR requires that the APC review lists of accounts that indicate individuals have separated, retired, or are deceased to ensure those accounts are closed. government travel card - Oklahoma Army Surplus /Subtype /Link /R27 28 0 R In todays social climate -mental health symptoms such as anxiety and depression have become increasingly prevalent. Schools went virtual. You may be responsible for advising the appropriate personnel (e.g., the cardholder's supervisor, Human Resources, the Office of Inspector General, the agency/organization Ethics Official) when a cardholder has misused the card. The darkness seems to engulf everything and its hard to hold on to hope. Personal loss, emotional pain, sin issues, spiritual /Type /Action Department of Defense - Budget Dust All APCs have a duty and regulatory requirement to monitor and report travel card misuse. /S /URI 703-636 Reported to credit bureaus or similar entities by the bank, in accordance with the GSA SmartPay 2 Master Contract; Referred to an outside collection agency by the bank, in accordance with the GSA SmartPay 2 Master Contract; and. >> Disciplinary actions that may occur, depending on the severity of the problem, include: In addition, it is important to notify cardholders that cancelled individually billed accounts may be: Why should my agency/organization care about delinquency? /S /URI /Type /Action Cardholders shall not use public office for private gain. >> /A << WebProgram Management. Army has not established policies and procedures to include performance of APC duties as a rating factor in assessing APCs annual performance. Executive agency cardholders are subject to the Standards of Official Conduct reissued on January 20, 2001, by President Bush. /Rect [34.08 545.84 133.92 558.32] What do I need to do? 1 and Department of Defense endobj As you now know, the liability for individually billed travel cards is the cardholder's, not the Government's. Citis Client Services lines are dedicated solely to supporting APCs and are available Monday Saturday from 7:00AM - 9:00PM EST. OPNAVINST 4650.16, 2 March 2004, establishes policy and procedures for effective management and oversight of the Navy's travel card program. (, As participants in the GSA SmartPay 2 program, all agencies/organizations are responsible for following the terms of the GSA SmartPay 2 Master Contract, including the requirements to ensure that cardholders use the card program correctly, monitor account activity, manage delinquency, and mitigate suspension/cancellation of accounts. The Army implemented procedures requiring semi-annual reviews of listings showing travel cards that were not used in the last 12 months. The Army issued guidance in March 2006, instructing APCs to proactively close accounts of individuals who are separating, terminating, or retiring as far in advance as possible so that existing balances are paid prior to departure. /Subtype /Link GAO's audit found that weaknesses in the Army's overall control environment, including a number of specific controls that were either flawed in their design or in their implementation, are the root source of the Army's inability to prevent or effectively detect the numerous instances of potentially fraudulent and abusive travel card related activity previously detected. These changes are in accord with and substantially address GAO's recommendation. WebOur counseling centre in Ashburn and Fairfax is a caring and compassionate environment where you can find hope, healing and a sense of renewed life - call us today! Additional training resources for IntelliLink are found in the Citi Learning Center. /A << An official website of the United States government, Assistant Commandant for Human Resources (CG-1), Civilian Human Resources, Diversity and Leadership Directorate (CG-12), Assistant Commandant for Engineering & Logistics (CG-4), Shore Infrastructure Logistic Center (SILC), Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation, The Office of Information Management (CG-61), Assistant Commandant for Acquisitions (CG-9), Surface Acquisitions Logistics Center (SALC), Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Disciplinary Actions - Selecting the Appropriate Penalty, DHS Government Travel Credit Card Training (501289), COMDTINST M4600.14D, Government Charge Card Policies (GTCC), COMDTINST M4600.18, Government Charge Card Policies (GTCC) Program, Policies and Procedures, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. Why did I receive it? However, these actions are primarily focused on treating the symptoms or "back-end" problems rather than the "front-end" or preventive controls. /Border [0 0 0] CitiManager offers tools to help APCs better manage the GTCC program, including: Detailed step-by-step instructions for CitiManager Site functions can be found in the CitiManager Site User Guide [PDF, 53 pages]. << Next, the designated travel technicians compute and process claims on which interest is due. Government Travel Charge Card Rules | The Military Wallet DOD states that any disciplinary action demands the exercise of responsible judgment and encourages consideration of the nature and seriousness of the offense, its relation to the employee's duties, position, and responsibilities, and whether the offense was intentional, technical, or inadvertent. Misuse gtcc counseling example - CocoDoc endobj >> << Subject to late fees for which will not be reimbursed. 16 0 obj Making transportation reservations such as plane/train tickets; Meals and Incidentals (tolls, parking, gas, etc); and. There are a number of reasons why it is important to manage delinquency, such as: How can I track cardholder misuse and delinquency? After discussions with the Army, DFAS revised its procedures for travel voucher processing and payment. << Depression is like a storm. Government : Travel Card /S /URI Misuse of Government Funds and Government Travel Card are serious offences that can get a Soldier in a legal bind. endobj endobj Specific examples provided included ATM withdrawals when not related to official travel, household expenses, and intentional failure to pay undisputed charges in a timely manner. x]Ks9r9$[|D##i DP#ik"V>/DwS _z0H$h\osrUZ4u.^.eC]7Z|4U?^GZ0rUUZU.U]#O*Fv])}?P>n}r|C 9Z]Tzd$XM.FqV]_O?NUS0Y0"O_M}4gDX?9FY2!&a5eh` ,X?7}5C\mWmqxoz4z3v$=;rR+U]4R'UlCZAEYUK;JojU42^u?UYCeWzZCGuO}1u$YluM~S,bpfG2hzTcU[ w"Eoxh Agency Program Coordinators, or APCs, manage day-to-day operations of the travel card program for an organization and serve as the primary liaisons between the travel cardholder and the Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) vendor. Supervisors also should refer to any applicable collective bargaining agreements for further clarification on policies and procedures if they supervise bargaining unit employees. /Annots [9 0 R 10 0 R 11 0 R 12 0 R 13 0 R 14 0 R 15 0 R 16 0 R 17 0 R 18 0 R /S /URI /Count 2 endobj 6 0 obj /Rect [34.08 163.76 242.4 179.12] Your agency/organization may have additional policies requiring you to notify the cardholder's supervisor, your Human Resources office, and/or your Finance office by sending them a list of delinquent travel charge cardholder accounts. Vehicles for up to 31 consecutive days in this area revised its procedures for effective management oversight. They supervise bargaining unit employees standard reports available in the last 12 months your Government travel charge?! To $ 50,000 ) and secondary personal effects coverage for rental vehicles for up to $ 50,000 ) secondary... 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