In this study, complex questions about rethinking the human sense of place in the context of globalization are posed. Instead, most of the coverage that falls between the ancient period and modern neo-imperialism is squarely focused on the Atlantic "world," which in turn includes plenty of excellent coverage of Latin America, but which does not include much on Africa except, rightly, noting the role of the African side of the Transatlantic Slave Trade. I really enjoyed reading the text myself, and I used it in my summer class. While the first chapter does cover in a single chapter the basic concepts of geography that often take 2-3 chapters in other more comprehensive texts, the
Ch. 1 Introduction to Sociology - OpenStax At times, in chapters such as Modern Crisis, Cold War, and Neoliberal Globalization I could see areas where more contextual information is necessary. I'm not sure exactly how to make that process easy in the future, but I suppose we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Despite their commendable efforts, one-third of the book evidently grappled with geographical delineations, neat timelines, and a choice of vital topics. 1. For example, the description of the stage two of the demographic transition needs careful review. The book is thematic with the concept of "modernity" as a driving force. Modern Crisis9. Reviewed by Dayna Quick, Full Time Faculty, Department Co-Chair, College of Marin on 4/26/19, The text covers the regions and realms well and includes basic coverage for lower division courses. naming the General Sherman tree as a Redwood in Redwood National Park when it is a Giant Sequoia in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park). The interface seemed to work fine. What Is HRM? This is the regularly scheduled date for the AP World History: Modern Exam. The author also includes current trends in the discipline of geography, such as in chapter five with her discussion of income inequality in South America and the current research on urban development.
The Blackwell Companion to Globalization Paragraphs are concise and to the point. In keeping with contemporary pedagogical fashions, the author organized the text, "with the backward course design model in mind and the content of each chapter was structured around these learning objectives. That is fine, but would seem to make stand alone chapters difficult. As noted, there are connections across regions of the world throughout the book. The emergence of geography: exploration and mapping, Geography and education: the 19th-century creation of an academic discipline, Geographys early research agenda in Europe, The development of academic geography in the United Kingdom, Geography as a science: a new research agenda, Growth, depth, and fragmentation in the late 20th century, People and the environment: the physical and the human,, University of Minnesota Libraries - Open Textbooks - Geography Basics, geography - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11), geography - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). Some map legends are hard to read. That said, the major events and themes one would expect to find in a survey of world history are presented here. That being said, the book does a remarkable job of presenting accurate factual information to support its points overall. I almost feel like I'm in her classroom as she lectures. Savvas Learning Company, formerly Pearson K12 learning, creates K12 education curriculum and assessments, and online learning curriculum to improve student outcomes. Similarly, modern imperialism is not only explored in the context of European imperialism of Africa, but rather the text adopts a global approach which truly illustrates the spanning empires and impact of Western colonial empires. To give a couple of examples, I appreciate the way Columbus and Malintzin are framed as figures who continue to be controversial. On the other hand, 19th Century China is not well served in a "world history" book and Japan even more left out.
Business read more. It is more of a resource and reference for the class, and there are no supplemental materials that correspond to it. The text has the ammunition to challenge students with different aptitude levels. Rhetorical questions are also used to help students reflect on concepts and to encourage them to dig deeper and consider concepts from different perspectives. economic figures) will quickly be outdated. Second, the definitions are awfully brief and not particularly helpful on their own. This type of structure allows for the instructor to begin where they like and add material to the course as they see fit. Programming Languages and Compilers Commons, read more. This includes: the European Union, Problems in Iran, and changing North Korea-US diplomatic relations. I wish there was a way to click on them and make them full screen (particularly the maps) so it is easy to take a closer look at the trends and distributions.
What Is Human Resources read more. The text covers the regions and realms well and includes basic coverage for lower division courses. In the case of the American Civil War, the debate on the origins is explicitly discussed. Systems Architecture Commons, Home | Content is up to date and should apply well in the immediate years to come. The book appears accurate, but in some instances the descriptions are too concise and miss some information. Congratulations to Fernwood authors (and editor) on their accolades and achievements thus far this year! Occasionally, at times, there will be comments which address historical fallacies, falsehoods, or distortions. The Questions for Discussion do assist in breaking up the text within a chapter, but could pose problems when reorganizing a chapter. Overall, it does contain the necessary information and terminology utilized within a typical World Regional Geography class. It felt a bit tacked on. 1. This is true even when the author introduced the idea that one problem with geography texts is that they favor breadth over depth. COP26 REPORT: THE ROLE OF FORESTS AND SOILS. Page 99, for example, shows something about population, but? There are broad generalizations about regions without digging deep into historical explanations. However, see my comment about consistency. This also well-supports my project assignment on the Belt and Road Initiative. When have you ever heard a textbook state this, Became some U.S. publishers are interested in selling their textbooks to school boards in former Confederate states, they often soft-pedal the Civil War in a way that creates confusion.. From this reviewer's perspective, the book would be all the more "relevant" if it simply started the narrative in the eighteenth century, thereby playing to its strengths. Could there be oases in Antarctica? The structure and flow of the text along with its regional organizational schema makes it a great text to model to any world regional geography course. And the textbook itself provides a comprehensive scope that aligns with the conventional framework and topical outlines of any Modern World History or 20th Century World History course Ive come across. As an example, the textbook addresses the historiography surrounding the use of the atomic bomb in World War II, however, it merely mentions that historians debate this topic while not addressing the prevailing contours of their argument. For example, I was pleased with the industrial revolution and the needed agricultural revolution background (including the importance of About | This chapter will look at the impact that the Internet is having on the globalization of business and the issues that firms must face because of it. You can't click from the table of contents to forward to a chapter or sub-chapter. I could see areas where the text occasionally speaks over its intended audience, which is less of a problem of the text, and is more reflective of the fact that Modern World History courses are often offered through the 100-300 level and arent as reliably offered at the same entry-freshman 100 level as other history surveys. While I have not read every word, overall it looks well edited. The chapters are written in an accessible style, often addressing the student directly, and the author's voice has intentionally tried to remain present in the text. Great writing style that is easy to read and follow. There are questions throughout the chapters that provide good places for students to stop and reflect on the material or could serve as breaks for reading assignments. The authors trace back modernity to China where we see a number of advances contributing to modernity well before they were introduced to the west. This was fine (other textbooks do this as well), but themes also could have been more condensed. There is also a need for more images, in some cases - fewer maps (provide table of data instead particularly where the maps do not provide much detail), and Boxes which could highlight a case study or example for a region (for example, El Nino and Disasters in Latin America; Migration Challenges). 2.4 European Migration 39 The text is also a living text, in that it is updated. We all belong to many groups; youre a member of your sociology class, and you're a member of your family; you may belong to a political party, sports team, or the crowd watching a sporting event; youre a citizen of your country, and you're a part of a generation. The book's content is accurate, error-free and unbiased. The chapters are well organized. As a result, I could see areas where the text occasionally speaks over its intended audience, which is less of a problem of the text, and is more reflective of the fact that Modern World History courses are often offered through the 100-300 level and arent as reliably offered at the same entry-freshman 100 level as other history surveys. This text manages to accomplish the seemingly impossible by creating accessible, digestible historical chapters that still provide a comprehensive, global, and comparative view of World History. There are no biases. Release Date Title; 11/16/2022: Georgia Department of Education releases 2022 CCRPI reports: 11/14/2022: GaDOE selects school districts for GaLEADS teacher evaluation pilot Each chapter is well organized and easy to navigate because of the consist organization and structure. It appears accurate with most information. Gain access to our Dateline newsletter, magazine, media resources and top UC Davis research experts. The intention is for the instructor to supplement the text with problems, case studies, and news articles and to use the text as a springboard for discussing deeper issues.". OER History textbooks can suffer from what I would call an off-rack stigma, where its unfairly assumed that the content accuracy or historiographical insights offered in often free to use digital materials are not as competitive with that of a major publishers textbook offerings. The book provides a good overview of the physical and human settings for each region before jumping into the theme that will be discussed in the chapter. This text has a glossary that is helpful, but there is no index. We Were Not The Savages, First Nations History, 4th ed. There is a helpful glossary. The This is a recent book that takes up new scholarship and findings and demonstrates how the field is evolving. I dislike that East and Southeast Asia is lumped into a single region. Review of Modern World History, Dan Allosso and Tom Williford. The regional approach follows the typical organization and topics of a world regional text. The context part is relevant compared to established texts such as Peter N. Stearns's World History in Brief.
Business After the first few, I came to expect primary sources at the end of each main chapter, but this was not the case in the latter chapters. For some reason I had a difficult time using the search or find function in my PDF viewer and web browser for this textbook. The most impressive addition to Finlayson, one that I haven't seen elsewhere, is the section on the Arctic and The Law of the Seas included in the standard chapter on Oceania and Antarctica (section 10.2). I found the text to be clear and accessible. I recommend this material for the World History II (Since 1500) survey. The organization of the book is very clear, well thought out, and easy to follow. To meet the unique needs of online students, BYU-Idaho works with BYU-Pathway Worldwide. Early Globalization and Revolutions5. I would highly recommend this textbook to any instructor or student of geography as a foundation to their study of the worlds regions and cultures. That tendency is mitigated in the latter chapters, and there is a great deal of coverage of important topics like the interactions between Indigenous American peoples and European colonists, the nature of the Transatlantic Slave Trade, and the racist ideologies behind European imperialism. For more historically challenging topics, such as decolonization, the authors do a good job of explaining this concept and showing how different regions transitioned to nations. Here, the author goes out of her way to err on what some readers may feel is an overly "political correct" way. The green discussion question boxes and the limited number of questions (generally 1-4) in each section are helpful.
United Nations It is easy to read. Part 2: Information Systems for Strategic Advantage: Chapter 7: Does IT Matter? I noticed small errors related to my own specialties (e.g. A graduate level history course could be developed from each chapter. Courses and degrees come from BYU-Idaho while BYU-Pathway provides the resources to help you succeed. The text is organized in a clear fashion. It is easy to follow. Chapter 4: Data and Databases This chapter explores how organizations use information systems to turn data into information that can then be used for competitive advantage. Similarly, the table of contents would also benefit by listing sub-sections of the text instead of just the pagination and title of its chapters. A college (Latin: collegium) is an educational institution or a constituent part of one. The organization, structure and flow of the text and its writing is remarkably consistent. The book clearly needs a copy editor to proofread and make suggestions about consistency. There are fewer maps, tables, and pictures than you typically see since the author is reliant on open sources and Creative Commons licenses. I could name many more subjects discussed for one region, but not for any other--population density, economic development, etc. It needs to be supported with other OER resources. Every chapter starts on the physical landscape, going over physical features and climate. Indeed, assigning additional primary sources and engaging secondary sources that help flesh out existing material while enlivening classroom discussion should already be a best practice especially given the diversity of sources, approaches, and perspectives that come with such an important course as Modern World History. The material is written form a US perspective rather than form a global perspective. It is written in a clear, easy to read manner. It is consistent in much of what is reported. He is editor of The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology (11 vols., 2007; 2nd ed. There are not a lot of headings within each chapter and some headings divide major topics while others refer to different regions or more specific ideas. Historical information is presented for every realm, this allows the reader to connect how historical events were shaped by the geographic landscapes. I saw no interface issues. The language used in the book makes the text approachable by the instructor and their students. The Introduction concisely reviews key points on ancient world history around the development of civilizations, societies, religions, migration, and other themes that are necessary to understand modern history. This chapter will review the concept of programming, look at different methods of software development, review website and mobile application development, discuss end-user computing, and look at the build vs. buy decision that many companies face. in Philosophy and Religious Studies from Winthrop University in 2007. The text appears to assume that there was already a notion of indigenous identity in this early phase of encounter. And each region is divided into themes of human geography. Mexican Emperor Maximillian was not the brother of Emperor Napoleon III but Emperor Franz Josef, Tsar Alexander III was not assassinated, German unification was in 1871 not 1870, etc.). read more. The world is moving rapidly and textbooks thus have a limited life.
UN News The sub-sections are well chosen and easy to navigate between in the online version. In my experience almost every book regardless of the publisher has copyediting issues, but I saw few here. Indeed, assigning additional primary sources and engaging secondary sources that help flesh out existing material while enlivening classroom discussion should already be a best practice especially given the diversity of sources, approaches, and perspectives that come with such an important course as Modern World History. The book does not contain any grammar errors after reading it several times. The text is reasonably divisible into smaller reading sections. Therefore it is less a comprehensive chronological textbook and more a work showing what has contributed to modern world history. 297 of the text In eastern Africa, disrupted crop cultivate and led to hundreds of thousands of deaths by starvation and disease.. The legends in figures 6.7 and 6.13 from the Sub-Saharan Africa chapter are hard to see unless the maps are downloaded separately.
This textbook does a good job of covering the entirety of world history, there is not a region in the world that is not discussed in this book. Excellent. Neoliberal Globalization13. The vast landscape of the World history curriculum poses a tremendous challenge for authors and instructors in terms of thematic coverage and in-depth treatment. about NAFTA), but fails to update other sections or topics (e.g., Brexit, current immigration issues, Yemen, etc.). The book is well-written, and the prose are quite clear. It implicates the old saying that ideas flow when two or three work together. The book is highly relevant in terms of being up-to-date with the relevant historiography, and it is also written from a humanistic perspective - moral opposition to cruelty and oppression, celebration of freedom and of extraordinary human accomplishments - that most students will respond to. Although the authors spoke to Eurocentrism (p.105) and made conscious efforts to avoid the pitfalls, they could not wholly sidestep the attractions.
Fernwood Publishing Critical Books for Critical Thinkers A survey of world history from 1500 to the present is by its very nature selective. More clarity would be gained by more imagery, including maps. Finlayson covers the regions of the world covered by most standard world regional geography. A couple of important geo-political topics are missing from the book. The text generally includes a range of perspectives and draws on diverse examples and sources. As noted, "In a traditional World Regional Geography textbook, chapters are arranged around the various regions of the world with each chapter focusing on the geographic features of the particular region." ), making it more difficult to stick to a central narrative. To most people, geography means knowing where places are and what they are like. As a field, HRM has undergone many changes over the last twenty years, giving it an even more important role in todays organizations. As stated before there should be an index to aid students in looking up specific information. Therefore, Allossos and Willifords work provides a much needed addition to Modern World History courses, and the utility of the text is further enhanced by the authors situating their work as ready-made material to be adapted, reused, and built upon. This is the textbook for an undergraduate survey course taught at all the universities and most of the colleges in the Minnesota State system. Learn all about the course and exam. It also has helps like wonderful bibliographies, links to videos, maps, and engaging pictures. The authors make a clear argument for this in an introductory box below the opening image of the Terracotta Warriors, and subsequent chapters return to China and India and other parts of Asia. Since it is organized by global region, instructors do not have to utilize it as organized. Start or finish your degree entirely online and at a significantly reduced cost! Dr. Thought the chapters are shorter than a traditional regional geography textbook, they provide depth in context of the themes discussed and offer a way for instructors to utilize supplemental material to make the course more present and relatable to the students. I also like that the tables and maps are linked to websites where students can learn more. However, the majority of maps within the book are easy read and have effective color usage to show differences among various countries/regions. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). The authors did a commendable job in terms of accuracy. It was thoughtful of the authors to fall back to the Agricultural Revolution through the Isolated Americas (7-18) to provide a context for our young readers to understand the modern world. Feminist Fiction Front and Centre featuring Kimia Eslah, Canadian Distribution and Trade Sales Representation, Nova Scotia Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage, Manitoba Department of Culture, Heritage and Tourism. I found no issues with culturally insensitive content and addresses ethnic groups and diversity in each region. Ten Great Public Health Achievements --- United States, 2001--2010. A survey of world history from 1500 to the present is by its very nature selective. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. The modern academic discipline of geography is rooted in ancient practice, concerned with the characteristics of places, in particular their natural environments and It is well organized. Some regions are that are separated out in other texts are combined, such as the Caribbean, Central America, and South America into Latin America, as well as East and Southeast Asia. It does not include much technical terminology that is not clear to non-majoring students. There is no glossary, index, or The PDF version does have bookmarks by chapter, but could be improved by adding bookmarks to the sub-sections as well. It takes a lot of heart and wisdom to embark on a venture of this nature and magnitude. The author however consistently falls short when it comes to human-environment interactions, namely global environmental change, disasters and hazards geography. Graphs and charts eliminates confusion. This companion features original essays on the complexity of globalization and its diverse and sometimes conflicting effects. It is similar to a comprehensive encyclopedia like those published by Europa World. This book seems to be current/up-to-date and likely to be stay so for a reasonable time (about three years). True to its open textbook roots, many of the updates have come from the community of instructors and practitioners who are passionate about information systems. read more. Reviewed by Charles Young, Associate Professor, Umpqua Community College on 7/19/21, Generally comprehensive with good depth in some key areas but brief in some important developments as well. The are pros and cons with either approach, but the benefit of the "traditional" here may be precisely its modularity. While there are various points of self-reference throughout the narrative, they would not seriously impede an instructor from using only the relevant parts of the book for their respective courses. Modern World History Begins in Asia2. It is comprehensive in that it covers all areas of the world. The topic over Israel and Palestine focuses more on the Palestinians than the Israelis, not giving both perspectives equally. This is a matter of personal preference, but it does take more time to find a particular topic. For example, in chapter two the author provides a description of the physical geography of Europe and the development of the human setting (a focus on the Industrial revolution), before exploring the theme of migration and identity. There are also some concepts that I would expect (for example, global south, imperialism) given the author application of core and periphery concepts. Designed to prevent the student from getting lost on the major points. The writing is clear and well organized. Chapter 13: Future Trends in Information Systems This final chapter will present an overview of some of the new technologies that are on the horizon. This chapter reviews the history of networking, how the Internet works, and the use of networks in organizations today. virgin soil epidemics) are mentioned, but could be done more explicitly. Some important issues for Caitlin Finlaysons World Regional Geography provides a comprehensive introduction to help instructors and students understand the thematic approach to geography that she as provided in the text. read more. The book is outlined like a traditional world geography textbook including chapters on Europe, Russia, North America, Middle and South America, Sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa and Southwest Asia, South Asia, East and Southeast Asia, and Oceania. including the details of Italian and German unification in the chapter on neo-imperialism, the details of both Zionism and racial violence in the US in the chapter on World War I, etc. At the time it was begun (1996), it was not clear that web sites [and the documents made available there] would often turn out to be transient. Currently the text is only available in a pdf, with few imbedded functions other than the chapter bookmarks.The pdf is quite large, 81 mb, so can be difficult to download, open, or save on some hardware. That said, I do think the textbook could do more to look at indigenous practices prior to and since colonization in different regions. However, Eurocentrism remains an attractive issue in most world history texts, including most of this books contents. Decolonization11. This is personal preference, but it does make it easier to cover all content, rather than what seems like skipping whole chapters or regions to students. The text is remarkably consistent in its presentation. The textbook does not include a bibliography or glossary.
I found it relevant, up-to-date, easy to read, and helpful with wonderful bibliographies, pictures, hyperlinks, and maps. Beyond satisfying institutional mandates, this text is also broad in scope, and effectively covers key historical events (Imperialism, WWI, WWII, Cold War) and themes (decolonization, modern crises, neo-liberalism) expected from such a work. The chapters often use case studies of different places within a region, which can seem like an over generalization or a region, but it must be remembered that this text should act as a guide and more detailed examples and case studies should be brought into the classroom to interact with the students. View our featured news, research and COVID-19 resources. read more. Unlike some texts that repeat a topic in each region, the chapter subheadings are somewhat different, so it is not as easy to assign the population section or "culture sections" for each region. The latest Lifestyle | Daily Life news, tips, opinion and advice from The Sydney Morning Herald covering life and relationships, beauty, fashion, health & wellbeing As an instructor, I would feel obliged to be highly selective of which parts of the book to use and to do some reorganization of my own to ensure that students are able to follow the narrative without undue effort. To proofread and make suggestions about consistency not read every word, overall it globalization textbooks well edited its and. It implicates the old saying that ideas flow when two or three work together from! Comprehensive chronological textbook and more a work showing what has contributed to Modern history! Think the textbook for an undergraduate survey course taught at all the universities and of... Book appears accurate, but would seem to make stand alone chapters.... The American Civil War, the debate on the Palestinians than the Israelis, not giving both equally! 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