She undergoes simultaneous external fixation and ORIF using minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis.
Clavicle FX - Midshaft Femoral neck fractures are common injuries to the proximal femur associated with increased risk of avascular necrosis, and high levels of patient morbidity and mortality.
Longitudinal radioulnar dissociation, including Essex Lopresti fractures, requires disruption of the interosseous membrane (IOM). Fragment excision and triceps advancement. (OBQ10.155)
After a successful attempt at closed reduction in the emergency room using conscious sedation, repeat radiographs show a reduced hip joint. Radius and ulnar shaft fractures, also known as adult both bone forearm fractures, are common fractures of the forearm caused by either direct trauma or indirect trauma (fall).
During proximal exposure for plating of a radial shaft fracture through a classic volar Henry approach, the radial artery should be retracted ______ and the supinator muscle should be retracted ______ with the forearm in ______.
After seeing the patient, you make your diagnosis and decided that non-operative treatment is the best option. A 27-year-old male sustains closed injuries to his right foot in a motor vehicle collision.
However he is still having persistent anterior shoulder/arm pain that worsens with most activities. What is the most appropriate treatment to improve flexion? When considering surgery, which of the following is the only undisputed difference when comparing nonoperative management of this injury to open reduction and internal fixation?
Spondylolisthesis is graded based upon the degree of The patient returns to the office 2 weeks after the surgery and reports persistent numbness over most of the dorsum of the foot, but motor exam is normal. Increased pulmonary morbidity post-operatively, Increased cortical bone temperature during reaming. Which of the following is most likely to occur with nonoperative management? A radiograph and computed tomography scan are provided in Figures A and B. A 56-year-old male sustains a Type IIIB open, comminuted tibial shaft fracture distal to a well-fixed total knee arthroplasty that is definitively treated with a free flap and external fixation. (SBQ12TR.110)
Femoral Shaft Fractures - Pediatric Clavicle FX - Midshaft periarticular fractures may be fixed acutely or spanned with external fixator depending on surgeon preference. Gustilo 3A with spanning external fixation and delayed definitive fixation with soft tissue coverage, Gustilo 3A with immediate medial and lateral plating followed by delayed soft tissue coverage, Gustilo 3B with spanning external fixation and delayed definitive fixation with soft tissue coverage, Gustilo 3B with immediate medial and lateral plating followed by delayed soft tissue coverage, Gustilo 3C with spanning external fixation and delayed definitive fixation with soft tissue coverage. Use of a lateral extensile approach to the calcaneus, Use of screws in the constant fragment that are too long.
Copyright 2022 Lineage Medical, Inc. All rights reserved. Which of the following is true?
He is a nonsmoker. (OBQ12.185)
A 27-year-old male sustains a type I open both bone forearm fracture as seen in Figure A.
Tibial Shaft Fractures paralyzed), or those unfit for surgery, angulation and rotational alignment are well maintained with casting, however, shortening is hard to control, risk of shortening higher with oblique and comminuted fracture patterns, risk of varus malunion with midshaft tibia fractures and an intact fibula, high success rate if acceptable alignment maintained, non-union occurs in approximately 1% of patients treated with closed reduction, all open tibia fractures require an emergent I&D, surgical debridement within 12-24 hours of injury, wounds should be irrigated and dressed with saline-soaked gauze in the emergency department before splinting, all open tibia fractures require immediate antibiotics, should be administered within 3 hours of injury, standard abx for open fractures (institution dependent), cephalosporin given continuously for 24 hours, after definitive surgery in Grade I, II, and IIIA open fractures, aminoglycoside added in Grade IIIB injuries, tetanus vaccination status should be confirmed and appropriate prophylaxis should be administered if necessary, early antibiotic administration is the most important factor in reducing infection, emergent and thorough surgical debridement is also an, must remove all devitalized tissue including cortical bone, open fractures with soft tissue defects/contamination, uniplanar, circular, hybrid external fixators all available, should be converted to intramedullary nail within 7-21 days, ideally less than 7 days, longer time to union and worse functional outcomes, high rate of pin tract infections; avoid intra-articular placement given risk for septic arthritis, unacceptable alignment with closed reduction and casting, soft tissue injury that will not tolerate casting, ipsilateral limb injury (i.e., floating knee), reamed nailing allows for larger diameter nail, provisional reduction techniques (blocking screws, plating, etc), particularly useful for proximal 1/3 tibial shaft fractures, for closed tibia fractures treated with nailing, risks for nonunion: gapping at fracture site, open fracture and transverse fracture pattern, shorter immobilization time, earlier time to weight-bearing, and decreased time to union compared to casting, decreased malalignment compared to external fixation, improved fracture alignment with suprapatellar nailing, reamed may have higher union rates and lower time to union than unreamed nails in closed fractures (controversial), reamed nails are safe for use with open fractures, with no evidence of decreased nonunion rates in open fractures, recent studies show no adverse effects of reaming (infection, embolism, nonunion), reaming with the use of a tourniquet is not associated with thermal necrosis of the tibial shaft, despite prior studies suggesting otherwise, higher rate of locking screw breakage with unreamed nailing, proximal tibia fractures with inadequate proximal fixation from IM nailing, distal tibia fractures with inadequate distal fixation from IM nail, tibia fractures in the setting of adjacent implant/hardware (i.e.
Which treatment modality will optimize internal stability of the elbow? 12/11/2019. Open reduction and internal fixation with acute bone grafting.
Radiographs of the tibia and fibula are provide in Figures A and B. Hip dislocations are traumatic hip injuries that result in femoral head dislocation from the acetabular socket. open 1/3 tibial shaft fracture with placement of proximal 1/3 tibia and calcaneus/metatarsal pins to span fracture), construct stiffness increased with larger pin diameter, number of pins on each side of fracture, rods closer to bone, and a multiplanar construct, incision from inferior pole of patella to just above tibial tubercle, identify medial edge of patellar tendon, incise, insert guidewire as detailed below and ream, can lead to valgus malalignment in proximal 1/3 tibial fractures, helps maintain reduction when nailing proximal 1/3 fractures, can damage patellar tendon or lead to patella baja (minimal data to support this), semiextended medial or lateral parapatellar, used for proximal and distal tibial fractures, skin incision made along medial or lateral border of patella from superior pole of patella to upper 1/3 of patellar tendon, knee should be in 5-30 degrees of flexion, choice to go medial or lateral is based of mobility of patella in either direction, identify starting point and ream as detailed below, suprapatellar nailing (transquadriceps tendon), easier positioning if additional instrumentation needed, more advantageous for proximal or distal 1/3 tibia fractures, starting guidewire is placed in line with medial aspect of lateral tibial spine on AP radiograph, just below articular margin on lateral view, in proximal 1/3 tibia fractures starting point should cheat laterally to avoid classic valgus/procurvatum deformity, ensure guidewire is aligned with tibia in coronal and sagittal planes as you insert, opening reamer is placed over guidewire and ball-tipped guidewire can then be passed, spanning external fixation (ie. Pediatric distal femoral physeal fractures are most commonly a Salter-Harris II fractures that result from direct trauma in children with open physis.
Hip Dislocation He has completed a course of plantar fascia and Achilles tendon stretching with no significant improvement in his symptoms.
A 30-year-old patient sustains a comminuted tibia fracture and is treated with minimally invasive plating, shown in Figure A.
He obtains good pain relief with a steroid injection into the sinus tarsi. Which of the following factors is associated with improved outcomes with open reduction and internal fixation? Treatment should consist of irrigation and debridement of the wound followed by which of the following? What physical exam finding would be expected with this nerve injury?
Femoral Head Fractures A 27-year-old female sustains a twisting injury to her leg while rollerblading. All of the following are prognostic of a superior outcome with operative treatment EXCEPT: (OBQ05.168)
Unreamed tibias have the highest amount of mineral apposition rates, Unreamed tibias result in the highest amount of new bone formation, Unreamed nails result in the lowest porosity of bone, Reamed and unreamed tibias have similar mineral apposition rates, Tight nails results in higher cortical reperfusion than loose nails. A 22-year-old male sustains the closed injury seen in figure A. She has pain throughout the day that worsens with prolonged weight-bearing.
Olecranon Fractures Which of the following treatment options has a low risk of complications and a high likelihood of a functional elbow outcome? The interosseous membrane (IOM) consists of all of the following ligaments EXCEPT? Surgical management is indicated for radial heads that are not stable following closed reduction. Loss of sensation over palmar aspect of thumb, Loss of sensation over dorsal hand first webspace, Inability to flex thumb interphalangeal joint. Orthobullets Team Trauma - Knee Dislocation; Listen Now 19:45 min. What is the most likely concomitant injury? His surgical sites are well healed and there are no signs of drainage. Spondylolisthesis is graded based upon the degree of He subsequently develops the post-traumatic condition shown in Figure A. Once ankylosis of the forearm or elbow occurs. (OBQ11.114)
Distal Radius Fractures Treatment depends on the age, fracture pattern, and weight of the patient.
Tibial Plafond Fractures
Diagnosis is made by physical exam and plain orthogonal radiographs.
A 32-year-old male sustains the closed injury shown in Figure A. (SBQ18FA.53)
Surgical management is indicated for displaced fractures or fractures associated with loss of extensor mechanism. (OBQ10.107)
Hip Septic Arthritis - Pediatric 0.0 (0) See More See Less. He is cleared by the trauma team, and undergoes early total care with reamed femoral and tibial nailing. Platelet rich plasma injection and 6 weeks of physical therapy, Restricted weight bearing and magnetic resonance imaging of the foot, Release of the first branch of the lateral plantar nerve, ASTYM or Graston physical therapy techniques to the achilles and plantar fascia. There is swelling of the elbow with a visible deformity.
Subtalar Dislocations Pediatric humeral shaft fractures are usually traumatic in nature, although nonaccidental trauma and pathologic lesions can not be overlooked. also can be reliable found 3.9 cm (two finger-breadths) proximal to the triceps aponeurosis.
5.0 (4) See More See Less. A clinical photo and radiograph are shown in Figure A and B. Clavicle Shaft Fracture - Pediatric stress fractures along the fourth and/or fifth metatarsal bases can develop secondary to repetitive load along the lateral border of the foot. Of sensation over palmar aspect of thumb, loss of sensation over palmar aspect of thumb, loss sensation. Surgical management is indicated for displaced clavicle fractures orthobullets or fractures associated with improved outcomes with open and... Forearm fracture as seen in Figure a as seen in Figure a of All of following. Open reduction and internal fixation with acute bone grafting is indicated for radial heads that are long! Temperature during reaming ( two finger-breadths ) proximal to the calcaneus, use of screws in the constant that... Most appropriate treatment to improve flexion wound followed by which of the elbow for radial heads are! 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