anatomy and physiology lecture exam 1 quizlet

The kidneys instead make more urine by removing needed water from your body, causing you to dehydrate. Ph is acidic and base is a proton acceptor. 7 pages. Match. A&P I Exam 1: Ch.1: The Human Body, Ch.2: Chemistry, Ch. There are four main tissues in the body. BIOL 2122K . A stove can tip over while you clean it. The normal blood pH is 7.4. organismal. Chapter 1-4 Study Guide exam study guide chapter introduction to the human body anatomy: the study of the structures of the body. The different body planes describing cuts including a diagonal cut. BANA 2082 - Quiz 7.3 WebAssign. Some images used in this set are licensed under the Creative Commons through to see the original works with their full license. Circulatory system- distribution of nutrients, wastes and hormones. the brain decides 120/80 is the set point. BIO 2220. What is the cell structure? transverse and parasagittal. Also, many people have been burned by boiling water or by steam. The right hypochondriac region is superior to the right lumbar and the right iliac region. Chapter 7 Practice. Each phospholipid is made up of two fatty acids, a phosphate group, and a glycerol molecule. Composed of 2 or more tissues. Micrometers. Octet Rule- Atoms interact to have eight electrons in their valence shell. Membrane that surrounds the nucleus; it protects the nucleus. ____ are metabolic machinery structures of the cell, non-membranous organelles are ___, __, and ___, ___ allow for compartmentalization, which is crucial to cell functioning, the ___ produces most of the cell's energy molecules (ATP) via aerobic cellular respiration, mitochondria contain their own __, __, and ___, ___ are the only organelle that makes proteins, ___ ribosomes make proteins that function in cytosine or other organelles, ____-____ ribosomes make proteins to be incorporated into the membranes or lysosomes or exported from the cell, the ER is continuous with the outer ___ membrane, rough ER is studded with ___ and modifies proteins before sending them to the ___ apparatus, smooth ER has to do with ___ metabolism, ___ transportation, and storage/release of ___, the ___ ___ modifies, concentrates, and packages proteins and lipids received from the rough ER, three pathways from the golgi apparatus: vesicle for ____ (ex: releasing hormones into bloodstream); sending digestive enzymes to ___, and ___ with the plasma membrane, ___ are important for breaking down and releasing calcium from bones if the blood calcium levels are low or if the bones need to be remodeled, ___ deal with biohazardous waste such as free radicals, ___ converts toxins to H2O2 and ___ converts H2O2 to water, peroxisomes are numerous in the __ and __, the ___ provides structure for the cell; is an elaborate network of rods that runs throughout the CYTOSOL, ___ aid in movement of materials across surface of the cell (ex: epithelial moving mucus along respiratory tract), ___ are fingerlike projections that increase surface area (ex: in the intestines they increase absorption), most cells are ___ but some skeletal muscle, certain bone cells, and some liver cells are ____. What is the cellular function of cytoskeleton? Isotopes-2 or more structural variations of the same element. The information that a chemical formula provides, The symbolic representation of a double bond, The type and name of the bond formed in protein synthesis, The building blocks of the major macromolecules. The branch of Biology that attempts to understand how things work. C16 - ch 16 test bank; Chapter 8 Lecture Notes; COMM 2081 - Chapter 7; Give Me Liberty Chapter 15 Notes; Skeletal Lab; Aplia Assignment; Sophia - Unit 3 - Challenge 2 Project Mgmt QSO . Anatomy and physiology are intimately related. Cells with specialized characteristics; nerve cells, fat cells, osteoclasts, osteoblast, lymphocytes, leukocytes. molecular/cellular level. It also contains glycoprotein that provides highly specific biological markers. Overview Anatomy - the study of structure and the relationship among structures Gross anatomy = seen with naked eye, macroscopic Regional anatomy = specific region of the body Systemic anatomy = organ systems Surface anatomy = study of form and markings on the surface of the body Microscopic anatomy = cytology, histology Developmental anatomy . Subunits of skeletal muscle cells that are composed of sarcomeres are called 2. Terms in this set (181) anatomy. Skeletal system- support and movement. Gross/ Macroscopic. exam study guide subject of anatomy and physiology: anatomy: the study of structure or form of human body physiology: the study of function 11 organ systems: . The axial skeleton is the axis of the body, holding the main trunk bones. Integumentary system- Protection,water synthesis and thermoregulation. View Anatomy and Physiology Exam #1 .pdf from BIO MICROBIOLO at Stony Brook University. Contain 3-7 carbons. What are the factors that speed up and alter the rate of a reaction? ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY TEST 1 REVIEW QUESTIONS $8.95 Add to Cart . Learn. 3) arteries retain cross-sectional shape; vein may be oval and tend to flatten/collapse if no blood is in it. back; The heart is dorsal to the breastbone. - ANS Physiology Which term defines a group of cells that work together to perform a particular function? Let's go! Cilia propel other substances across the cell's surface, whereas the flagella propel the cell itself. What is the difference between auscultation, Palpation and Percussion? Ipsilateral is closer to the point of attachment or origin and contralateral is farther from the point of attachment or organ. Fructose (fruit sugar) and galactose are isomers of glucose. system. Examples of positive feedback mechanisms in the body, Common names given to some of the cellular organelles in relation to their functions. Hence the normal "sweeping out" of the respiratory tract provided by the cilia lining the lumen of this system would be lost, leading to increased respiratory problems. Electron Shells- Energy levels that surround the nucleus of an atom. Question 12. What is the control center? Quiz. Back. Human Anatomy & Physiology: A&P Lecture Exam 2 - Part II Flashcards. Cristae is the site of chem rxns (increased surface area), Cells with specialized characteristics; nerve cells, fat cells, osteoclasts, osteoblast, lymphocytes, leukocytes, covered with ribosomes; proteins that are synthesized in the ER move to the golgi for further modifications, site of lipid synthesis, fat absorption, and break down drugs; lipids synthesized in the smooth ER are added to proteins that have been synthesized in the rough, membranous sacs that store/transport substances within a cell; typically made of the cell membrane (pinch off) or bud off from the Golgi apparatus; major component of endocytosis and exocytosis, Found in all human cells (most abundant in liver and kidney cells); contain approximately 40 different enzymes (Breakdown OH-, synthesize bile acids used for fat digestion, Breakdown long fatty acids, Detoxify alcohol, Motile extensions of cells (not all have them); Formed with microtubules; Cilia beat together in a pattern (sweeping motion); Only flagellum known in humans is on sperm, Threadlike; Connection between mf and mt forms the cytoskeleton of cells, Made from the protein actin; Form bundles (muscle cells), Long slender tubes with a diameter that is 2-3x that of acting; made from protein tubules; Found in flagella and cilia, A selective barrier that controls what enters and leaves a cell; Passive (diffusion, osmosis, facilitated diffusion, and filtration); Active (active transport, endocytosis, exocytosis), same osmotic pressure as body fluid (same solute concentration inside and out), solutions have a higher osmotic pressure than body fluids (solute concentration is higher on the outside of the cell, cell pushes water out and shrivels), Solutions have a lower osmotic pressure than body fluids (solute concentration is higher on the inside of the cell, cell takes water in and expands), Dependent on membrane proteins; Important for solutes that are not lipid soluble (sugars and amino acids); Specific to each solute and only moves down a concentration gradient, Force molecules through membranes (seperate solids from water), takes in fluid from the extracellular environment, allows the ingestion of specific molecules, Endocytosis and exocytosis; selective and rapid transport from one end of the cell to another, Body Covering, Support and movement, integration and coordination, Transport, Absorption and excretion, Reproduction, Respond to our surroundings, Growth, Reproduce, Harvest Energy (metabolism), Excrete Waste, Water (transportation, chem rxns, temp), Food (supply energy), Oxygen (chem rxns to harvest energy), Heat (Regulate metabolic rxns), Pressure (breathing and circulation), Maintaining an internal environment despite a changing external environment, Requires a set point (Equilibrium), Negative Feedback (deviation to a set point is corrected, while the effector that caused the deviation, anything that has weight and takes up space, neutron #, same number of protons, but different atomic weight, combination of two or more different atoms, attracted to each other in all directions (Results in the formation of 3D structures (Crystals) don't share electrons), Require the presence of polar molecules (electrons are shared within the molecule, but not equally distributed "+" H is attracted to a "-" N or O), weak electrical attraction between a partially positive hydrogen atom and a partially negative atom (electronegative), Substances that release ions into water (electrolytes that dissociate to release hydrogen ions (H+) are acids) (Substances that combine with hydrogen ions are called bases), Agitated and dizzy; Causes: high altitudes, overuse of antacids, high fevers, constant vomiting, and loss of stomach acid, disoriented, fatigued, and difficulty breathing; Causes: severe vomiting that empties the small intestines (alkaline), diabetes, brain damage, lung and kidney disease, Prevent shifts in pH (Can combine with excess hydrogen ions or can donate hydrogen ions when H+ is depleted), contain carbon and hydrogen; can dissolve in water but most dissolve in organic liquids, such as alcohol, don't contain carbon except CO2; Dissolve in water and typically dissociate into ions, water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, electrolytes, Major component of bodily fluids, Chem transport (oxygen, sugars, salts, vitamins, waste), Absorption and transportation of heat, suspension of microscopically insoluble particles (proteins), composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen; provide energy that is essential for cell function; Classified by size, cannot be broken any further down as a sugar; "simple sugar"; Main source of fuel for cellular work; Pentoses (5 carbon sugar: deoxyribose and ribose), formed by linking monosaccharides (consists of two 6 carbon units); common forms of this are sucrose and lactose, Built from "simple sugars"; provide structural support for plants; short term energy source, composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen (insoluble in water); Include: fats, steroids, oil, and waxes (vital components of cell membranes); Fats used primarily to supply energy to cells (more energy per gram when compared to carbohydrates, insulation, protection), composed of fatty acids and glycerol; glycerol portion of fat molecules is always the same; many types of fatty acids (One fat molecule is a triglyceride)), phosphate group is hydrophilic and fatty acids are hydrophobic (cell membranes), derived from cholesterol; 4 connected carbon rings; includes the hormones: estrogen progesterone, and testosterone; important to cell membrane structure, Many functions including: structural, energy, cell receptors, and hormones (200,000 types in human body); Composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and some sulfur; Building blocks are amino acids (20 amino acids across the board, Organic catalysts; regulate all cell activities; highly selective; rapid acting, the amount of energy reactants must absorb before a chem rxn will take place. The Endocrine System: Production and Stimulation of Hormones: 1.TRH: hypothalamus releases thyrotropin-releasing hormone 2.TSH: anterior pituitary releases and produces thyroid-stimulating hormone - Stimulates the thyroid to produce Thyroxine 3.Thyroxine: controls metabolic rate (measures Oxygen uptake which gets converted to mL of O2 per Kg per Hour Thyroid hormone levels are low, so they . ___ is a gel-like solution made up of water and soluble molecules such as proteins, salts, sugars, etc. Proximal is closer to the point of attachment or organ and distal is farther from the point or attachment or organ. ___ ___ epithelium is made up of flattened cells and sparse cytoplasm; ___ ____ epithelium is involved in absorption and secretion of mucus, enzymes, and other substances (CILIATED cells move mucus), simple columnar cells are found in the ____ tract, and ____ (____ tract), ____ on simple columnar cells in the digestive tract increase absorption by increasing surface area. What is the structural connection between these two symptoms? Protons- Located in the nucleus. Any disagreement or struggle is a _negotiation_. The right iliac region is inferior to the right lumbar and hypochondriac region. Test. structures examined without a microscope. function is dependent on structure, and that the form of a structure relates to . skin. Both cilia and flagella are involved in movement. Module 1 - Lecture notes chapter 1. Atoms with the same number of protons but different number of neutrons. - ANS-Tissue Which term refers to the sum of all chemical proce Percussion is tapping on a body part. _____ is the study of the STRUCTURE of body parts and their relationship to one another, ___ is the study of FUNCTION of body parts; how they work to carry out life-sustaining activities, the organizational level of the human body: ____ -> _____ -> _____ -> _____ -> ____ ____ -> _____, chemical; cellular; tissue; organ; organ system; organismal, the ___ level contains two or more types of tissues, the ___ level contains organelles and single cell, the ___ level contains groups of similar cells, the ___ ___ level contains organs that work closely together, the ___ level contains all organ systems combined to make the whole organism, the ___ is important for maintaining boundaries between internal and external environments, in the cell, the ___ ____ is important for maintaining boundaries, the muscular system allows for external movement of body parts via ___ muscles and internal movement of substances via ____ muscle (blood) and ___ muscle (digestion and urination), ____ refers to movement at the cellular level, the __ and __ systems are necessary for responsiveness, responsiveness is the ability to ___ and ___ to stimuli, controlling breathing rate and withdrawal reflex are examples of ___, digestion is the ___ of ingested foodstuffs, followed by ___ of simple molecules into blood, ___ systems use energy or give energy; so they are involved in ____, ____ refers to all chemical reactions that occur in body cells; the sum of catabolism and anabolism, every chemical reaction occurs in a ___ environment, the ___, ____ and ___ systems are involved in excretion, ____ is the removal of wastes from metabolism and digestion, ____ is excreted through urine from the breakdown of proteins, at the cellular level, ____ involves cell division for growth and repair, at the ___ level, reproduction is the production of offspring, growth is an increase in size of a body part or ____; or an increase in size and number of ____, survival needs include ___, ___, ____, and appropriate ___ ___, nutrients; oxygen; water; atmospheric pressure, nutrients are chemicals for ___ and ___ building, ___ are needed for cell building and cell chemistry, ___ are needed for long-term energy storage, ___ and ___ are involved in chemical reactions as well as structural purposes, ___ is essential for the release of energy from foods (ATP production), ___ is the most abundant chemical in the body, ___ is the fluid base for secretions and excretions, specific pressure of air is needed for adequate _____ and ___ exchange in the lungs, the ___ system protects deeper tissues from injury, the integumentary system synthesizes vitamin _, houses ____ receptors and sweat/oil glands, the ___ system is fast-acting control system of the body, the nervous system responds to internal and external changes by activating appropriate ___ and ___, the ___ system allows for manipulation of the environment, locomotion, and facial expression, the muscular system maintains __ and produces __, ___ system: bones, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, the ___ system protects and supports body organs, the ___ system provides a framework the muscles use to cause movement, blood cells are formed within ____ (___ system). Anions- particle that grains electrons and requires a negative charge. Anatomy and Physiology Exam 3 MULTIPLE CHOICE: 1) Which of the following is a function of the skeletal system? Teacher'S Guide and Answer KEY for Wheelock'S Latin. BIO 322- Anatomy & Physiology Lab. One moment of inattention can cause a serious burn. sperm and egg = fertilization- variety, nutrients, oxygen, water, normal body temperature, atmospheric pressure, fuel energy needs for functions/cell building; acquired from diet, required for cellular respiration (energy release from foods), 60-80% of the body, provides an environment for chemical reactions; a medium for secretions and excretions, 37 C; required for the chemical reactions to occur at a proper rate, appropriate range for proper gas exchange to occur, the ability to maintain internal conditions when external conditions change, levels constantly change, but remain in a consistent range or return to a normal range, homeostatic control mechanisms (example blood pressure), variable/stimulus, receptor, control center, effector, response, unit that monitors stimuli and communicates to effector (notices change), flow of information TO the control center, unit that determines range of acceptability (set point), analyzes input, coordinates response by effector, turns on/off homeostatic mechanisms, flow of information FROM the control center, unit that carries out mechanism dictated by control center to return body to homeostasis. A&P 1 Lecture Final Exam Flashcards | Quizlet. Function: absorption of extracellular materials. Physiology. What is the organelle that deals with translation? ANSC 422 Lecture 2 - Dr. Kleinman; ANSC 422 Lecture 1 - Dr. Kleinman; SEC-502-RS-Dispositions Self-Assessment Survey T3 (1) Techniques DE Separation ET Analyse EN Biochimi 1; C799 Task 2 - Task 2 paper; C799 Task 1 - Task 1 paper; Midterm Exam-2 Guide; ISO 9001 2015 Checklist; STI Chart SP2019 The proteins in the energy bar must undergo catabolic decomposition reactions in which they are enzymatically broken down to individual amino acids. Cilia Long extensions used for movement of material over cell surface. Cephalic means towards head or superior end? 1) The study of the structure of body parts and their relationships to one another is known as a) Structurology c) Anatomy What directional terms is proximal and distal? Internal structures of a cell that carry out specialized metabolic task. The study of body structure. Unlock Progress Terms in this set (288) Microvilli Membrane extensions containing microfilaments. 1. Differentiated. Desalinizing ( removing salt from) ocean water has been recommended as a solution to the problem. -passes vertical through the body or an organ, divides it into right and left portions. Below, you will find links to practice exams for Anatomy and Physiology I. Have a positive charge and a mass of 1 amu. 75 million cells. Bingo. what is the point at which we say something is alive? UPDATED. functions of specific organ systems and cellular/molecular events; how all elements carry out processes necessary for life. the ability to maintain internal stability. the membranes in the ventral body caivity are serous membranes are separated by a thin layer of stimulus to receptor to control center to effector to response to stimulus, the amount of matter in the object and remains constant regardless of gravity, moving ions; current, nerve, impulse, Na/K gradient, directly involved in moving matter; force produced by muscles, fundamental unit of matter; can't be broken down by ordinary chemical means, smallest particles of an element that retain the characteristics of that element, same everything but different number of neutrons; variable properties, negatively charged and in the electron cloud, combination of two or more atoms; same or different elements, two or more atoms of different elements combine and are held together by chemical bonds, heterogeneous; appears milky; scatters light; cytosol, heterogeneous; large, often visible solids that tend to settle out to produce precipitate; blood, substance in largest amount; universal solvent is water, homogeneous; total concentration of all solutes in a solution. Epithelial, connective, muscular, and nervous tis. A group of organs that work together to perform a major function. Express the difference in pH of 2 different solutions in terms of pH units and hydrogen ions concentration. a. Exocrine glands produce nonhormonal substances, such as sweat and saliva, and have ducts that carry these substances to a membrane area b. . Most abundant chemical substance in the body. Auscultation is listening to the natural sounds of the body, Palpation feeling the structure with your hands example feeling a swollen lymph node. Study of structures that can be seen with the naked eye, The function of the respiratory system during over-exercise and increased rate of breathing, Removes metabolic waste through breathing, The different names describing the serous membrane lining different body cavities, The parietal and visceral pericardium, pleura, and peritoneum, 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit or 37 degrees Celcius, The different body planes describing cuts including a diagonal cut, Sagittal- divides the body into left and right parts, Types of metabolic waste and the organ system(s) helping the body to get rid of it, Types: Carbon dioxide, Water, Salts, Nitrogenous Wastes. Flashcards. Muscular system- stability, communication and controls body openings. Digestive system- nutrient breakdown and absorption. The article "The Subcategories of the Major Tissue Types in Anatomy and Physiology" by Robert Mullis talks about the different kind of major tissues in the . They change the three-dimensional shape of the enzyme. Myosin contains binding sites for and . Chapters 5-8. Cations- loses an electron and requires a positive charge due to the amount of protons. If you stay alcohol-free, which is a likely benefit? Two Membranes; Inner membrane folds in forming cristae (Shelf Like Structures). Increase in height during childhood and adolescence b. Locomotion by contraction of the skeleton c. Storage of minerals and fat and excess blood d. Recycling of blood produced in the spleen Chapter 1 Part 1 Lecture Notes. A. anatomy B. cytology C. teleology D. physiology 3. 1 Introduction - Anatomy And Physiology | OpenStax. Contains oxidases and Catalyses. Practice Quizzes Introduction Practice Quiz Basic Biochemistry Practice Quiz Cells Practice Quiz Tissues Practice Quiz The Integumentary System Practice Quiz Print Print. Posterior means towards the dorsal side. . Small, grainlike bodies in both animal and plant cells; they function to produce proteins. Determine the chemical reactivity of an atom (element) based on the distribution of its electrons on the various energy/electron shells. extends vertically but divides the body into anterior (front) and posterior (back) portions. Normal body temperature. In image 1, . Cristae is the site of chem rxns (increased surface area) Major components of cell. ___ pumps blood, blood ___ transport blood, which carries oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, wastes, etc. Effector- cell or organ that carries out the final corrective action. proteins that function as biological catalysts which allows biochemical reaction to occur rapidly at normal body temperature. . Receptor- structure that senses a change in the body, such as the stretch receptors that monitor blood pressure. orans. Apart from that, you will have a better insight into concepts and fundamentals and the idea of the pattern of exams. What directional term is Anterior and posterior? Rileywilliams0213. 2 subclasses of connective tissue proper: 3 types of loose connective tissue proper: 3 types of dense connective tissues: ___ ___, ___ ___, and ___, __ fat stores nutrients; scanty matrix; richly vascularized; fxns in shock absorption, insulation, and energy storage, ___ fat contains many mitochondria and uses lipid to heat bloodstream rather than to product ATP, in adipose tissue, the matrix is very sparse; closely packed ___ (fat cells) have nucleus pushed to the side by large fat droplet, in dense regular connective tissue proper, collagen fibers run ___, ___ are main type of cell present in dense regular connective tissue proper, tendons and ligaments are examples of ___ ____ connective tissue proper, tendons adapt with training but not as quickly as muscles because they're not as ___. College of Southern Maryland. The branch of biology that attempts to understand how things are structured internally and externally. Plan meals that will increase, decrease, or keep your BMI the same. Questions and Answers. The valence shell is the outermost shell.
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