advantages of viral vectors for gene therapy

Etienne-Julan M, Roux P, Carillo S, Jeanteur P, Piechaczyk M. The efficiency of cell targeting by recombinant retroviruses depends on the nature of the receptor and the composition of the artificial cell-virus linker. [, Transgenic delivery into sperm cells by direct or indirect injection to testis or other parts of the genital system. A retroviral (lentiviral) vector is pseudotyped with an envelope protein (Env) from a different virus9. and transmitted securely. In addition, difficulties can arise in terms of scaling up adaptor protein production, and the coupling efficiency might vary between different batches. Liposome-mediated CFTR gene transfer to the nasal epithelium of patients with cystic fibrosis. Morral N, ONeal W, Rice K, Leland M, Kaplan J, Piedra PA, et al. Gene Therapy Non-Viral Vectors Explained Birchall JC, Kellawy IW, Mills SN. Accessibility In this way, the unmodified antibody can work like an adaptor, bridging the Ig-binding domain that is incorporated in the vector to the target receptor through its antibody specificity (Fig. Subsequently, integrins interact with the RGD peptide motif in the penton base (the capsid protein at the base of the fibre) and facilitate cell entry by endocytosis138. Non-viral vectors, which are essentially DNA-containing nanoparticles, can be retargeted by incorporating ligands into their lipid or protein shells, but to date there are no convincing studies to demonstrate the in vivo utility of retargeted non-viral vectors. Unexpected gene activation following CRISPR-Cas9-mediated genome editing. Coating Ad vectors with polyethylene glycol (PEG) can help to escape both the antibody-mediated and innate immune responses, but should be combined with targeting as this modification can otherwise reduce the efficiency of gene transfer29,103. Purow B, Staveley-O'Carroll K. Targeting of vaccinia virus using biotinavidin viral coating and biotinylated antibodies. Cockrell AS, Kafri T. Gene delivery by lentivirus vectors. The vector would need to cross the stroma and the basal-membrane-like structure to reach the tumour. Multiple applications for replication-defective Herpes simplex virus vectors. Mercier GT, et al. Despite the great potential of this approach in terms of specificity, one limitation to applying it more generally is that the introduction of large proteins can be deleterious to the structure of the viral protein into which they are inserted, or can impede the correct folding of the incorporated polypeptide. The system has been utilized in the delivery of CFTR gene by lipid and adenoviral vectors to a specific site in the respiratory tract and is also used in the treatment of different cancers. Amphiphilic Copolymer-Lipid Chimeric Nanosystems as DNA Vectors Nature Public Health Emergency Collection, 4.9 (10 after heterodimerization of two AAV virions), Receptor (CAR)-mediated endocytosis, endosomal escape and microtubule transport to the nucleus, Receptor-mediated endocytosis, endosomal escape and transport to the nucleus, Receptor binding, conformational change of Env, membrane fusion, internalization, uncoating, nuclear entry of reverse-transcribed DNA, Transgene expression and practical application, Weeks to months; highly efficient short-term expression (e.g. The first potential hurdles for a vector are found in the form of the immune system and other factors in the blood circulatory system. Electroporation for gene transfer to skeletal muscles: Current status. * Adeno-associated viruses are able to integrate with low frequency into chromosome 19. Viral Vectors in Gene Therapy and Clinical Applications Diagn . Oncolytic viral therapies the clinical experience. As for many retroviral targeting approaches, however, accuracy often comes at the price of low gene-transfer efficiency via the targeted receptors, and optimizing the efficiency of targeted gene transfer will be needed to justify clinical testing. Engineering targeted viral vectors for gene therapy - PMC An efficient deletion mutant packaging system for defective herpes Efficacy of severe acute respiratory syndrome vaccine based on a nonhuman primate adenovirus in the presence of immunity against human adenovirus. Gordon EM, et al. However, targeting of the tumour environment might be sufficient for a therapeutic effect, at least in some cases114. Gene Therapy: A Possible Alternative to CFTR Modulators?. A chimeric adenovirus vector encoding reovirus attachment protein 1 targets cells expressing junctional adhesion molecule 1. High doses of a helper-dependent adenoviral vector yield supraphysiological levels of alpha1-antitrypsin with negligible toxicity. Describes a pathogen such as a virus or a bacteria that has a wide host range and can infect more than one species or cell-culture line. Eto Y, et al. Dr. Parhiz stated that the adaptability of mRNA, which allows for the rapid creation of either secreted, intracellular, or membrane-bound proteins, is a significant advantage of this therapeutic . 2Cd). Efficiency of this system is less than viral systems in gene transduction, but their cost-effectiveness, availability, and more importantly less induction of immune system and no limitation in size of transgenic DNA compared with viral system have made them more effective for gene delivery than nonviral delivery systems to date.[84,85]. DiPaolo N, et al. Although the risk of serious disease following natural adenovirus infection is rare and the viral genome would not integrate into the host genome, gene therapy by adenoviral vectors has caused serious bad side effects and even death of some patients. The new PMC design is here! Transferrin-liposome-mediated systemic p53 gene therapy in combination with radiation results in regression of human head and neck cancer xenografts. Stoff-Khalili MA, et al. [149,150] These new generation of liposomes overcome most of the challenges encountered by conventional liposomes, such as the inability to escape from immune system, toxicity due to charged liposomes, and low half-life stability.[151153]. Sustained correction of X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency by. It seems more of the lipid particles in early endosomes become trapped in lysosomes and degenerate by nucleases so the interaction of endosome with lysosome is a consensus and lipoplex or polyplex particles should be released before contraction of lysosome to endosome, so fugenic peptides can help it, these peptides originating from viruses can cut off the endosomal membrane to release the genomic DNA leading to increase of genetic translocation efficiency of the liposome.[125]. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Low-dose adenoviral immunotherapy of rat hepatocellular carcinoma using single-chain interleukin-12. Another drawback of two-dimensional culture systems for assessing anti-cancer gene therapy mediated by viral vectors is that possible toxic effects on stromal cells cannot be evaluated. Mastrobattista E, Koning GA, van Bloois L, Filipe AC, Jiskoot W, Storm G. Functional characterization of an endosome-disruptive peptide and its application in cytosolic delivery of immunoliposome-entrapped proteins. Snitkovsky S, Young JA. This study shows how combining several targeting techniques (pseudotyping, ablation of native tropism and adaptor coupling) can lead to truly targeted gene transfer after systemic application, and how imaging is essential for the analysis. Wu H, et al. Moroziewicz D, Kaufman HL. Marie JC, et al. Strategies to enable transcytosis have recently moved to the forefront of vector targeting research. In vivo promoter activity and transgene expression in mammalian somatic tissues evaluated by using particle bombardment. PMC Robertson ES, Ooka T, Kieff ED. The magnetofection method: Using magnetic force to enhance gene delivery. Systems involving polypeptide ligands. The high-affinity binding of avidin to biotin (1015) qualifies this system for in vivo applications, including therapeutic ones. McKenzie DL, Collard WT, Rice KG. Because these vector systems have unique advantages and limitations, each has applications for which it is best suited. 5). For Ad vectors, it has recently become possible to incorporate imaging ligands into the capsid. There have been cases of insertional mutagenesis that led some patients to suffer from leukemia following a treatment based on a retroviral vector, therefore the attention paid to RVVs has decreased. Received 2011 Dec 13; Accepted 2012 Mar 10. A recombinant vaccinia virus encoding human papillomavirus types 16 and 18, E6 and E7 proteins as immunotherapy for cervical cancer. Despite the high transduction efficiency of viral vectors, their tropism frequently does not match the therapeutic need. Library-selection approaches. However, the main limitations of retroviral vectors are their low efficiency in vivo, immunogenic problems, the inability to transduce the nondividing cells and the risk of insertion, which could possibly cause oncogene activation or tumor-suppressor gene inactivation.[2734]. Bupp K, Roth MJ. Frequently, tumour-cell islets can be surrounded by a basal-membrane-like structure within stromal cells. PEI is one of the most positively charged dense polymers, synthesized in linear (LPEI) or branched (BPEI) form, which have high transfection activity in vitro and moderate activity in vivo but the linear forms have low toxicity and high efficiency than branched forms. Another type of viral vector that has not been mentioned so far is anellovirus-based vectors. Types of Gene Therapy 3. Herrero MJ, Sabater L, Guenechea G, Sendra L, Montilla AI, Abargues R, et al. Wolfert MA, Saymour LW. [58] Herpes vectors can deliver up to 150 kb transgenic DNA and because of its neuronotropic features, it has the greatest potential for gene delivery to nervous system,[59] tumors, and cancer cells. The recombinant oncolytic VACVs with. An important challenge here is that the viral attachment protein must be incorporated into a protein capsid instead of a lipid bilayer. Targeting adenoviral vectors using heterofunctional polyethylene glycol FGF2 conjugates. There are no immunologic problems in this way but only the technique is used in cases where the target cells act as protein secretion resources (like the treatment of ADA or hemophilia) or as a vaccine for cancer treatment, so there are major limitations on the use of ex vivo delivery. Compared with other viral vectors such as adenovirus . 5,6 moreover, unlike other viral vectors Infection control for gene therapy: a busy physician's primer. All liposomes have 1 or 2 fatty acids and alkyl moieties that are 1218 carbons in length, in addition to a positively charged polar head group hydrophobic groups, this hydrophobic structure causes the cationic lipids. Wurdinger T, et al. Such a system was recently developed and used for the evaluation of targeted adenoviral vectors121,122,123. The challenge that has been most widely studied, and on which we focus here, is the final step of infecting the target cell. There are different viral and nonviral vectors for gene delivery, but all gene therapy applications depend on the fact that the genetic material needs to be delivered across the cell membrane and ultimately to the cell nucleus. 8600 Rockville Pike Viral vectors for gene therapy in a nutshell: AAVs, lentivirus [2934] Retroviral vectors also have been applied for familial hyperlipidemia gene therapy and tumor vaccination. of Microbiol., Kyoto Prefectural Univ. The choice of virus for routine clinical use will depend on the efficiency of transgene expression, ease of production, safety, toxicity, and stability. For instance, this makes them suitable for the transduction of neurons. One of the family of Retroviridae are called spuma retroviruses or foamy viruses (FVs). Maruyama H, Higuchi N, Kameda S, Miyazaki J, Gejyo F. Rat liver targeted naked plasmid DNA transfer by tail vein injection. Wadhwa MS, Collard WT, Adami RC, McKenzie DL, Rice KG. Makower D, et al. Smith R, Wafa EI, Geary SM, Ebeid K, Alhaj-Suliman SO, Salem AK. Tumor structure and extracellular matrix as a possible barrier for therapeutic approaches using immune cells or adenoviruses in colorectal cancer. Adenovirus type 5 interactions with human blood cells may compromise systemic delivery. Gene transfer into human hepatoma cells by receptor-associated protein/polylysine conjugates. A random peptide library was introduced between the Ad knob sheets and selected against the target cells. Viral vectors have high rates of infectivity, can bypass the endosomal architecture more effectively, and can produce high levels of expression in dividing and in non-dividing cells. In part Ca, a single-chain antibody (single-chain variable fragment (scFv) against human carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)) and a matrix metalloprotease (MMP) cleavage site are coupled to the viral envelope protein (Env). AAV also infects many nondividing and dividing cell types, but has a limited DNA capacity. A promising extension of the chemical conjugation approach was recently introduced in a study that combined the flexibility of adaptor systems with the advantage of the stable covalent bonds that are provided by genetic targeting (see below)31. A similar strategy could be used for other vectors with double-stranded genomes, such as adenoviruses. El-Aneed A. Targeting of HIV- and SIV-infected cells by CD4-chemokine receptor pseudotypes. Another approach exploits magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which has been used in a gene therapy context136 but only recently became applicable for direct vector imaging. While the molecular weight of the polymer increases, the net positive charge of it also increases and are therefore able to bind DNA tighter and form more stable complexes, totally. For example, they do not express human receptors and, in the case of xenotransplantation models in cancer research, they lack a complete immune system. Nowadays, gutless adenovirus is administered in different organs, such as muscle, liver, and central nervous system. Fischer D, Bieber T, Li Y, Elasser HP, Kissel T. A novel non-viral vector for DNA delivery based on low molecular weight, branched polyethylenamine: Effect of molecular weight on transfection efficiency and cytotoxicity. If lentiviral gene transfer gains broader acceptance as a clinically viable vector system, these vectors could be used to explore gene therapies for Parkinson disease and cystic fibrosis, respectively. Reinhard Waehler earned a M.S. Rosenberg SA, Aebersold P, Cornetta K, Kasid A, Morgan RA, Moen R, et al. The .gov means its official. When using a prokaryotic vector that normally does not infect eukaryotic cells, but can be modified with an RGD motif, systemic application becomes feasible and can lead to tumour-specific transduction, as shown for an AAVphage hybrid20. VIRAL VECTORS FOR GENE THERAPY: METHODS AND PROTOCOLS By Otto-wilhelm In addition to the above-mentioned, advantages, disadvantages, and practical use of each system are discussed. Exploiting this targeting mechanism allows preferential vector delivery to the tumour site where angiogenesis and collagen matrix exposure occur (tumour neovessels)67. [137140] However, multivalent lipids with long and unsaturated hydrocarbon chains are more efficient than monovalent cationic lipids with the same hydrophobic chains. eCollection 2022. The potential benefits of the viral vector is amazingly life saving and while they have not been fully realized they are bright on the horizon. Development and assessment of human adenovirus type 11 as a gene transfer vector. Lee RJ, Huang L. Folate-targeted, anionic liposome-entrapped polylysine-condensed DNA for tumor cell-specific gene transfer. What are Antibody-Drug Conjugates (ADCs)? Altering retroviral tropism using a random-display envelope library. McDonough PG. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) and PEG-derived polymers have been used to couple Ad vectors to ligands such as fibroblast growth factor 2, which was used to target ovarian cancer cells26. All of these products are complemented by the ultra-cold storage freezer RoSS.FRDG and the shipping container RoSS.SHIP, which form a dedicated transport solution. Fjeldstad K, Kolset SO. Li Q, Kay MA, Finegold M, Stratford-Perricaudet LD, Woo SL. Transport across a polarized monolayer of Caco-2 cells by transferrin receptor-mediated adenovirus transcytosis. To address this question, lets first take a look at what we know so far about viral vectors, so that we can get an idea of what we might expect from them in the future. Another useful small-peptide targeting moiety is the poly-lysine (pK7) peptide that targets vectors to heparan sulphates, which are overexpressed in a number of malignancies74 and other pathologies. Viral and Non-viral Vectors | Lentiviral, Adenoviral & AAV There are various types of vectors used in biological therapeutics. Initial binding of murine leukemia virus particles to cells does not require specific Env-receptor interaction. Maggioni C, Braakman I. Synthesis and quality control of viral membrane proteins. One of the first studies to demonstrate the feasibility of this approach for an enveloped virus was reported as long ago as 1989 (Ref. Accessibility [8082] Because of the natural B-cell tropism of the virus, EBV-derived vectors, such as B-cell lymphoma, have been tested for immune therapy of cancer.[83]. 2022 Jul 22;8(29):eabk3150. Localized viral vector delivery to enhance in situ regenerative gene therapy. Viral Vectors for Gene Therapy | Science-Based Medicine the major advantages of retroviral vectors are (1) ease of manipulation for insertion of the therapeutic gene; (2) ability to stably integrate into the target cell genome; (3) relatively high titer of the recombinant retroviruses; (4) a wide range of target species and cells that can be infected without any apparent adverse pathology; and (5) Felgner JH, Kumar R, Sridhar CN, Wheeler CJ, Tsai YJ, Border R, et al. Alton EW, Middleton PG, Caplen NJ, Smith SN, Steel DM, Munkonge FM, et al. Although small-peptide motifs are versatile and can be used to target viral vectors to several cell types, other cell types cannot be targeted in this way and require different targeting approaches. Kircheis R, Kichler A, Wallner G, Kursa M, Ogris M, Felzmann T, et al. Latest development in viral vectors for gene therapy. Generally cationic lipids are included in 6 subcategories: The mechanism of gene delivery by cationic systems includes 4 steps: For targeting of cationic particles various cell-targeting legends are covalently attached to a lipid anchor (in lipoplexes) or a DNA-binding cationic polymer (in polyplexes),[115] including proteins,[116118] antibodies,[119,120] small chemical compounds,[121] carbohydrates,[122] peptide ligands,[123] and vitamins,[124] some of these ligands have enhanced the vector efficiency from 10- to 1000-folds. Frederic D. Bushman.Retroviral integration and human gene therapy. Luker GD, et al. These innovative approaches fall under the class of medicines called Advanced Therapy . Xu L, Pirollo KF, Tang WH, Rait A, Chang EH. government site. Folate-targeted gene transfer. Challenges facing adaptor systems. Schnyder A, Huwyler J. Yang NS, Burkhorder J, Roberts B, Martinell B, McCabe D. In vivo and. In 1998, he took the position of Director of the Molecular Medicine Program at the Mayo Clinic. In one example, this approach was used to analyse targeted Ad vector transduction of breast tumour and liver cells71. ANKUR SHARMA Follow Research Associate at SRS of ICAR-NATIONAL DAIRY RESEARCH INSTITUTE, BENGALURU Advertisement Viral vectors for gene therapy, like the viruses they are derived from, consists of genetic material (double stranded DNA, single stranded DNA, or RNA) encased in a protective protein shell or capsid. Enhanced gene transfer efficiency in the murine striatum and an orthotopic glioblastoma tumor model, using AAV-7- and AAV-8-pseudotyped vectors. Viral vector design for gene therapies | BioPharma Dive [, Chemical delivery, gene therapy, non viral delivery systems, physical delivery, viral delivery systems. Hedley SJ, et al. The influence of polymer structure on the interactions of cationic polymers with DNA and morphology of the resulting complexes. Cationic polymers at first were introduced by Wu et al. Figure 1. An ecotropic retrovirus was crosslinked to human major histocompatibility complex class I (MHCI) in an adaptor strategy in which the virus was coated with a biotinylated anti-envelope antibody, then with streptavidin, and finally with a biotinylated anti-MHC antibody to redirect its attachment. [159162] The optimal peptide sequence contains 18 lysines followed by a tryptophan and alkylated cysteine (AlkCWK18). The development of technologies that allow targeting of specific cells has progressed substantially in recent years for several types of vectors, particularly viral vectors, which have been used in 70% of gene therapy clinical trials as of January 2007 (Ref. Transport across a polarized monolayer of Caco-2 cells by receptor-associated protein/polylysine conjugates efficiency might vary different... Systemic delivery possible to incorporate imaging ligands into the capsid 2011 Dec 13 ; Accepted 2012 Mar 10 parts the. Head and neck cancer xenografts other vectors with double-stranded genomes, such adenoviruses... Which form a dedicated transport solution K. targeting of the Molecular Medicine at. Ei, Geary SM, Ebeid K, Leland M, Kaplan J, Piedra PA, et al Ad... That the viral attachment protein 1 targets cells expressing junctional adhesion molecule.. Far is anellovirus-based vectors, using AAV-7- and AAV-8-pseudotyped vectors interactions of cationic polymers DNA! 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